Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

After putting Susan's dress back together and leaving the arcade, Lanny thought back and remembered the sight of his pure little wife standing there helplessly, letting Randy maul her gorgeous tits with his greasy hands. He especially liked the way she started to squirm when he pinched her nipples between his fingers.

He was as excited as he could ever remember being and he wasn't ready for the games to end yet. It was still early and the drugs were still affecting Susan. He decided to find a bar with some good country music.

As they drove to the country western club near his motel room, Susan kept asking if they were home yet. She didn't seem to have any memory of the arcade. Her lack of memory spurred Lanny to further acts aimed at humiliating his young wife and adding to his own excitement. He was gaining confidence and he figured he could push her a little further. They had already gone beyond even his wildest dreams. So he was determined to make the most of it while he could. Since they were in a strange town, nobody would recognize them and ruin his fun.

He had reserved a room at the sleazy Starlite Motel which was right next door to the western club. An adult book and video store was located on the other side of the parking lot. The Starlite was a long way from being the nicest place in town. That was why he could afford it.

It was a rough neighborhood. But the motel was cheap and he wouldn't have to drive to the room after drinking at the club. If Susan had been given a say in the matter she never would have been caught dead in a place like this. But shit, it was her own fault for not going with him to Rusty's back home when he all but begged her.

He left Susan sitting in the pickup and went to the office and registered.

After registering and paying for the night, Lanny went to the room and opened the door to air out the small, musty room. Then he went to the truck and helped Susan walk slowly into the small, dingy room and placed her on the bed nearest the window.

He returned to the truck and got out the small suitcase he had prepared the night before. As he returned to the room he noticed how slutty his wife looked sprawled on the bed showing her panties with the door open, not caring who might happen to see her.

It was ten o'clock and he could hear the live music from the club as he opened the suitcase and removed the skimpy little dress he had bought for Susan. She had gotten angry when Lanny wanted her to wear it to a party back home and refused to even try it on. She had said that she would never wear it, not even in the privacy of their own home. She certainly wouldn't allow herself to be seen in public looking like a slut!

Well tonight, he thought to himself, she won't have anything to say about it now, will she?

As Lanny helped her into the bathroom to freshen up, she kept asking him where they were and if they were going home now.

He lied easily. He assured her they would be leaving soon, after just one more stop. Every time she started to question him, he would use a stern tone of voice and tell her that she couldn't go home until she did whatever he told her to do. That seemed to convince her to not object to his instructions.

He led her out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her tucked in under her arm. She looked so innocent and clean as she sat on the bed looking off into space. The towel slipped off of her, unnoticed as she sat on the bed facing the window. He had left the torn curtains on the window open. The overhead fixture flooded the room with light. Anyone lucky enough to be walking by the room's window would get quite a view of his little wife.

He grinned as he told her she was going to get to wear the brand new dress she liked so much. Lanny helped his drugged wife slip her new black dress. He fastened the row of buttons half way up the back.

It was a stunning little dress. One thin strap held the insufficient triangles of the bodice in place. It tied at the back of her neck. The sides of her braless breasts spilled out of their totally inadequate covering on each side. The short, flared skirt barely covered half of her tanned thighs and the black fabric was so thin that the outline of Susan's dark areolae could be seen if the light was just right. Her beautiful, hard nipples stuck out through the fabric as they rubbed against the dress top.

Without the support of her binding bra, her breasts bounced around freely as she walked.

As Susan stood, holding onto a chair back for support, Lanny whispered to her, telling her that she looked hot as hell in her new dress. He laughed and told her she had forgotten to put on her panties. "Oh well," he told her, "you better be careful not to get caught in an updraft."

She really didn't understand what he had said. But it didn't matter. She was incapable of objecting to anything he did. He should have felt sympathy and compassion for his brand new bride. But in his mind he was just paying her back for all of the times that she had acted like a prude and wouldn't even let him put his cock in her mouth. Oh yeah! Tonight was payback time, sweetheart!

The dress was a little bit shorter than he thought it would be when he bought it. He laughed to himself when he wondered if she would be able to keep from flashing her ass or even her cute little pussy. Susan's pubic hair was a soft auburn color with a tinge of red that formed a small triangle between her narrow hips.

She was careful to remove any stray wisps that might show when she was wearing her swimsuit.

Now that Susan was dressed just the way he wanted her, Lanny guided her from the room and across the parking lot to the redneck club across the way. The two guys standing at the front door of the club just about dropped their beers as Lanny guided his pretty wife, dressed in her show off little dress, to the entrance. He told them she was a little drunk but she still wanted to listen to some music and party down at the club.

Susan looked up at Lanny and mumbled something about going home as they walked in to try and find a seat. He just told her they would go home in a few minutes after this final stop.

She looked confused as she tried to understand where they were and why all these people were in the room. She said something that didn't make sense about church and the choir. Lanny just grinned and lied to her and said they must be in church.

That seemed to satisfy her confused mind as she stepped out of her shoes so it would be easier for her to walk. The band was playing a slow song so he walked her over to the dance floor barefooted to finish out the song.

The place was packed and there wasn't an empty table in the room. As Lanny looked over her shoulder into the crowd, he could see the looks she was getting from the guys as she moved her legs slowly and held onto him. With her arms raised and wrapped around his neck, it pulled the back of her dress even higher, so that it only just covered Susan's bare ass.

Lanny smiled as he noticed that her long, smooth, bare legs were attracting stares from several guys in the crowd and his little wife didn't even know her bare ass was just a fraction of an inch from being on display.

As the song ended, Lanny noticed a guy waving to him. He motioned for them to join him and his two friends at their booth. Since there were no empty tables, and since he was far from through showing off his sexy, if nearly unconscious wife, he gladly accepted the man's offer.

The guys hurriedly found two more chairs as he and Susan walked to the booth. Lanny thanked the guys for sharing their booth as he helped Susan slide in behind the table. He slid in beside her as he introduced his wife to the three guys. He explained she had a bit too much to drink but he couldn't convince her to go back to the room. He told them that Susan had her heart set on listening to the music and it was hard for him to keep up with her when she wanted to party.

The guys laughed crudely and said that they bet she was a real handful when she started partying. All three were paying close attention, staring lustfully at Susan's tits as they told Lanny a little about themselves. They all were mechanics and worked at a large auto dismantling site just outside of town. They were all in their forties and you could tell they worked hard and lived an even harder life. Their hands showed the scars and cuts from working with metal and none of them had cleaned the caked grease from under their fingernails.

Joe sat to the right of Susan. He seemed to be the oldest of the three and he noticed that the other two men seemed to defer to him. He was also the one that seemed to spend the most time looking at Susan. Chet and Henry sat across the table in the chairs that they had pulled over.

Lanny noticed that some of their teeth were missing and they looked even rougher close up than they had appeared from across the room. As the guys talked, Susan leaned against Lanny in the booth and looked around the room, trying to focus, trying to make sense of the whole scene.

Lanny had his arm around Susan's shoulder as he bragged that his new wife got a little wild when she had too much to drink and it was a full time job seeing that she keeps her dress on at the parties she goes to. He continued to lie and tell them how she always wants to go to nude beaches so she can show off for the guys. It was really turning Lanny on to talk trashy this way about his modest little wife and watch the lust grow in the eyes of these three horny strangers.

They listened to his lies, not really believing him, and they all offered to keep an eye on her if he ever needed any help.

With a slurred voice, Susan asked Lanny where they were.

He told her that they were with some new friends he wanted her to meet. "Shake hands with Joe, Chet and Henry," he said. He watched her extend her hand across the table.

The guys watched her closely as they each shook her small hand in turn, and then they watched as Susan sat back and closed her eyes.

"You will have to forgive my wife," he said. "She normally has better manners than this. But after she drinks a lot she mellows out and really doesn't talk much. Sometimes the only way to keep her awake is to tickle her until she starts laughing. She is really ticklish you know," Lanny said as he raised her left arm.

Lanny quickly jabbed his finger into her armpit and wiggled it around as Susan jumped with surprise. She reacted immediately, squirming and laughing as he continued to tickle her in front of the three strangers.

She was making quite a scene before he stopped the attack and let her regain her composure. While she had been twisting about violently to avoid Lanny's finger, her dress had twisted around and a lot of her right tit was hanging out of the side of her top on Joe's side.

All the guys saw it and grinned as Lanny scolded his wife for nodding off to sleep when their friends had invited them to share the table and visit. He said that if she didn't wake up and join in the conversation, he would find a more ticklish spot. Lanny winked at the guys as he told them Susan that had lots of places to tickle. They all had a good laugh. But they were staring holes in the large amount of breast flesh that was exposed.

Chet managed to catch the eye of a waitress and they ordered a round of drinks. The waitress couldn't help noticing how much of Susan was exposed. But she just grinned and shook her head.

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