Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

It was another Saturday night. After the usual argument about whether or not she would go down to Rusty's with Lanny for a few drinks, Susan was home reading and he was sitting alone at the bar drinking beer. She had forgiven him for the backyard incident several weeks ago as long as he promised to not let it happen again.

He looked up to see Frank, his truck driver friend from the plant, slide onto the stool next to him.

"Where the hell is that cute little wife of yours?" asked Frank. "Has she been showing her tits off any more?"

The comment took Lanny off guard but as he drank the next two beers he complained to Frank about how he couldn't get Susan to go out with him and have any fun.

Frank told him about his last wife Nora and how you need to lay down the law and don't take any shit from your old lady. One might wonder why Lanny thought it appropriate to seek marital advice from a man that lived alone and was divorced for the third time. But Lanny didn't seem to question it.

Lanny's only solution was to get Susan real drunk and see if she would join in the fun at Rusty's club.

Frank's face brightened as he told Lanny that he had just what he needed to help her get in the swing of things. He went out to his car and returned a few minutes later and placed a brown envelope in front of Lanny.

Frank told him he had bought these little white capsules on his last trip to Mexico. They were a strong sedative developed by a European pharmaceutical company to treat patients that suffer from phobias. He said they were perfectly safe, acted fast, wouldn't put her completely out but would make her very willing to follow orders. They were formulated to create confusion, remove fear and almost always blurred the memory of the user. He had brought them back for a friend who sold them as "date rape" pills.

Lanny asked if he was sure they were safe and how many would it take to get her in the mood.

"One will work wonders on Susan and two will let you invite the whole neighborhood," laughed Frank.

Even though he knew he shouldn't let this go any further, Lanny couldn't help smiling as he pictured Susan, unable to object and going along with his fantasies like a mindless zombie.

Lanny asked how much they cost. Frank put his arm around his shoulder and offered him a small supply for free since he had let him see Susan's bare tits.

"Just take a few pictures and let me see her in action," suggested Frank.

What a great idea! What a turn on! Why hadn't he ever thought of that before? Lanny told Frank he had a deal. Then they talked and laughed about all the things you could do to a "willing" girl.

It was hard for Lanny to concentrate on his work for the next few days. His mind raced from one perverted idea to another. He didn't intend do anything to hurt Susan. But he couldn't help getting excited every time he realized that it was within his power now to turn many of his fantasies into reality. Maybe the capsules, along with a little wine, would help her learn to relax and enjoy some new sexual adventures. At any rate, if she didn't remember the details, he could do anything he wanted to his frigid wife and she couldn't get mad at him later.

Lanny had promised to take Susan shopping this Saturday in Newton, a larger town thirty miles down the freeway from their home. This would be the perfect chance to see what would happen. He decided it would be safer to try a pill on her where no one knew her and couldn't ask her later about and unusual changes in her behavior.

Susan expected to drive home that evening after an afternoon of shopping. But Lanny called a cheap motel in Newton and reserved a room without telling her.

He spent three hours in the late afternoon at the shopping center, watching Susan in her light summer dress and letting his imagination run wild. He couldn't help but notice how many guys openly stared at her as she went in and out of the stores. They watched her breasts sway slightly as she walked and it wasn't unusual to see them turn around after Susan passed them to watch her cute little ass jiggle. What a show she would give if she would agree not to wear a bra! But of course she would never think of doing such a thing.

As she sat in the shoe store letting a young, pimple faced clerk slip a new pair of shoes on her small feet, Lanny tried to imagine his shy little wife letting him catch a brief glimpse her white panties. It was obvious that the young man was more interested in looking up her dress than selling any shoes.

Even though Lanny wished she would accidentally open her creamy thighs and give the kid a quick peek, Susan was very careful the keep her knees together. Lanny could hardly wait to see his modest little wife spread her legs after she was told to, with the help of the little capsules he had out in the pickup truck.

His chance to drug her came while they were eating dinner at a steak house after they finished shopping. Susan excused herself to go to the ladies room and while she was gone, Lanny opened one of the capsules and added the white powder to her red wine. He swirled the glass a few times and checked to see that it dissolved. His heart was pounding so loudly when Susan returned to finish her meal that he was afraid she would hear it.

He watched her closely. After a few minutes she seemed to relax and look off calmly into space. He asked Susan how she was feeling and she replied that she was quite tired after all the shopping they had done. Her speech wasn't exactly slurred, but she was speaking very slowly, as if she was having trouble finding the words she needed. He realized that the drug was actually working and his dick got hard instantly. He knew now that his fantasies were about to come true.

He agreed with her that it had been a long day and maybe they should stay the night if they could find a motel.

Susan seemed to be trying to concentrate on his words. But she only mumbled that she was tired and didn't want to move.

Lanny smiled to himself as he watched his wife lean back in the booth with a blank look on her sweet face. He could see that the drug was working as he let his eyes roam over her short sleeveless print dress that buttoned up the front. Her tanned legs were slightly parted and he thought about how much better she would look without the modest white bra and white cotton panties she was wearing under her dress.

Lanny quickly paid the check. Then he helped Susan to her feet. With his arm around his groggy wife to steady her he helped her walk as they left the restaurant. Standing at the door of their pickup truck in the parking lot, he pulled her close and kissed her on the mouth while he ran his hands over her butt.

For the very first time in their short marriage, she didn't make an attempt to stop him, even though several other people were close by. Susan never would have allowed such a public display of affection if the drug were not working.

With new confidence he reached up and gently squeezed her breast and that was when he knew for certain that he was in command. She didn't even seem to be aware that he was doing it. Nor was she aware that strangers were walking by them and some if not all were certainly aware of what he was doing to her.

Susan seemed to hear what he was saying when he spoke to her. But she had trouble getting her mind to focus on what was happening around her. Even though they were standing there in a public parking lot, she made only a feeble attempt to resist when he told her to get more comfortable and open the top three buttons of her dress. She actually did most of the work as long as he kept talking about how pretty she was and how good she was going to feel.

Lanny opened the door for her and helped her into her seat. He went around and got in but he didn't start the truck. He moved closer and put his arm around his drugged wife. He continued to tell her how pretty and how sexy she was as he moved his free hand over her unresisting body.

After a few minutes in which she allowed him to do pretty much anything he desired, he told her they were going to "get that tight old bra off so she could relax and be comfortable."

Even though he had become convinced of the efficacy of the drug he had given her, he could hardly contain his excitement when she allowed him to slip her dress down off of her shoulders and remove her bra.

He stashed her bra in the glove compartment and pulled her dress back up over her arms and her shoulders. He buttoned several buttons, but left the top few buttons open. For the first time since he had met her she was exposing her cleavage. Well, she wasn't exposing her cleavage. He was. And it gave him a hard on to think of other men seeing her like this.

She tried to speak. But the words just wouldn't come out of her mouth. Susan just sat there not quite able to understand what was happening. She obviously knew that something was different and for the first time she couldn't control her actions.

"There, doesn't it feel nice to get that old thing off?" he asked as he left those three buttons open. He glanced down at her cleavage again and grinned as he reached up and spread the top of her dress a little further apart. His modest wife wouldn't even expose this much cleavage when they were alone in their living room!

Lanny just had to see if she would follow instructions. He noticed an arcade building covered with neon lights located next to the restaurant. He helped Susan back out of the truck and guided her across the parking lot.

She obviously had no idea where she was or where they were going. He led her through the door and they stopped just inside and looked around. This was not the kind of arcade anyone would let their kids visit. The adults only sign was there to keep the teens out so beer could be served to a rough bunch of guys with nothing better to do than hang out.

They walked arm in arm into the large, smoky game room filled with pinball machines and a host of other electronic flashing machines. He didn't see another woman in the place. But the twenty odd guys playing the machines turned and took a long look at Susan as Lanny guided her through the noisy room.

For being as large as they were, Susan's breasts hardly sagged at all and looked mouth watering as they swayed enticingly under the light dress material. Without the bra, the soft flesh of her cleavage jiggled noticeably with every movement she made. That had the effect of drawing the eyes of every man close enough to see the large expanse of exposed female flesh.

Lanny realized that he was finally getting to experience the fantasy he had been dreaming about almost from the time he had married Susan. It was finally happening. He had never felt so incredibly empowered, or so very excited. He was going to let other guys see her in a way that showed him as the lucky husband with a beautiful wife everybody wanted.

His intentions hadn't changed. He still had no desire to harm or endanger her in any way. He was just helping his shy little wife show off her hot body to a few guys she would never see again. It wouldn't hurt her a bit to let him get his kicks for the first time in their marriage. He had given her many chances to do what he wanted. But she had always rejected him and made him feel foolish. Now it was his turn to have his way. And best of all, she didn't even understand what was happening as she stumbled along beside him.

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