Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

Joe and his friends escorted the helpless young couple back to their room, walking at a leisurely pace across the parking lot to the accompaniment of blasting horns from passing cars, a comment on the beautiful, naked young woman in their midst.

They split up at the door to the room. Joe went inside with Susan and gathered up their belongings. Then they left in Joe's car. Susan slumped down in her seat, still naked. She only spoke once. She asked where Lanny was.

Joe responded with an evil little grin, "Don't worry, sweetheart. I wouldn't want him to miss any of the fun. He's right behind us. He's riding with Chet."

All four men, each in their own vehicle, and Lanny and Susan pulled up outside of a small, rundown trailer in a disreputable looking trailer park on the edge of town.

They all went inside and while Henry and Chet struggled to undress Lanny, Susan was pushed onto a dirty couch and ordered not to move.

Joe and Willy went into a room in the back and came back out after a few minutes with a twin bed that they had disassembled. The quickly put it back together in the middle of the messy living room.

The two men working with Lanny, half dragged, half carried him to the bathroom and then brought him back and put him in a straight chair and sat him down. He still seemed oblivious. Judging by how long it had taken Susan to start coming around, he would probably be that way for several more hours.

But no one really cared about Lanny. Still, to avoid any future ugliness, they used the rope that Joe provided to secure him to the chair, with a good view of the bed where his wife would be entertaining them.

While Willy finished putting up the twin bed in the middle of the floor, Joe gathered up his dirty clothes from around the room and took them to the back bedroom. He picked up some of the empty bottles and cans and the empty plates and glasses and carried them out to the kitchen.

By the time he was finished straightening up, it was as close to cleaning house as Joe ever got, the bed was assembled. The small, nasty, smelly trailer was an old single-wide, almost an antique. There was only just enough room to get around the bed on either side.

Susan was staring down at it, only inches from her knees, with a vacant look in her eyes. She was aware of what was going on. She knew that the rapes were about to start again. And she knew that there was nothing that she could do to stop them.

Joe didn't bother with sheets. He spread an old towel out on the already nasty, stained mattress and handed the camera he had brought with him from the adult book store to Chet. He had put a new memory card in it and it should be good for as long as these horny old men could last.

He stood near Susan as he slowly undressed and talked to her quietly. "You beautiful bitch," he said. "I have been waiting all night to fuck you. I hated to let those other men fuck you first. But in the end it will work out for the best. I think you still have a few good fucks left in that sweet pussy of yours, though."

"And if you don't," he continued, "Lanny mentioned that your mouth and your ass are still virgin territory. But don't worry. They won't be when you leave here. I am going to fuck every hole in your gorgeous body by the time we let you leave here Sunday night. My friends and I are going to enjoy you all night and all day. And it is going to be a real learning experience for you, sweetheart.

Susan heard the horrible words. But she had her head averted. She didn't want to see this ugly old man naked. She didn't want to be here at all. And now that the pills were starting to wear off, she was starting to realize that she didn't even know where she was.

Joe leaned over and helped her up. He took her into his arms and hugged her small, beautiful body to his big, fat, hairy one. His cock was already hard. She felt it rubbing against her stomach, almost up to her breasts. He wrapped one hand in her hair and tilted her head back. He kissed her roughly, a disgusting, wet noisy kiss that turned her stomach. But she didn't fight him. She didn't return his kiss, but there was no fight left in her. He really didn't care though. The feel of her naked body against his was so fucking hot. He couldn't wait any longer.

He picked her up and dropped her onto the bed on her back. The word foreplay was not really in his vocabulary. And this was a rape, after all. He got on his knees between her legs and stared down at her for just a moment before falling on her with no preliminaries. He struggled for a moment to find the entrance to her beautiful, tight, freshly shaved pussy. He felt the head of his cock slip in. He felt the heat of her body on his cock and in one violent thrust he buried his cock in her.

His cock was not especially long, maybe seven inches. But it was very fat and his sudden, brutal entry into her body nearly knocked the wind out of her as drove his cock into her.

Susan opened her eyes when she heard a noise beside her and saw the camera recording her degradation again. She closed her eyes and turned her head in the other direction. She just lay there and let Joe use her body to satisfy his lust.

It had been a long evening of Joe's favorite sport, teasing and terrorizing a beautiful, helpless young woman. He was very excited. He didn't last long. But it was probably the best fuck he had ever experienced. And he knew that there would be many more chances before she was released. And he had no intention of letting these two go free when they were done with them. Joe was hoping there would be many more opportunities long after this weekend was over. That was one of the reasons for all the pictures. Not the main reason, but a reason.

Joe waited until his cock was soft and then he pulled out of Susan and stood up. He watched as, one by one, his three friends each took a turn in her pussy. She suffered through the violent rapes, exhibiting almost no reaction to their brutal fucking. But they didn't care. She was without question the most beautiful woman that any of them had ever fucked in their entire lives, and the youngest in decades. They loved every minute of it.

While Joe's friends were fucking Lanny's wife, Joe was talking quietly to him, trying to get through to him what was happening to his wife because of him. He was sorry now that he had decided to drug Lanny. He would have much preferred to get his reactions to his wife's gang rape. But he didn't want to be seen by anyone in the parking lot when they left the motel, or by anyone in his trailer park, with a struggling young couple. This way there would be no one to testify that they had not gone willingly to his place to fuck.

Lanny may not have known what was going on, but Susan was totally aware now. Each of the three fat, old, smelly men used her roughly, mauling her young, sensitive body as they pumped up and down on top of her and added their sperm to the three loads that had been deposited by the three black men earlier at the bookstore.

When the last of the men had raped Susan, she was sent into the back to clean her red, raw pussy. She stopped at the bathroom door and looked in. It was the nastiest bathroom that she had ever seen in her life. But then, did it really matter now?

She went in and sat on the filthy toilet and let the seven loads of cum drain out of her. She moved to the sink and used the cleanest of several nasty wash cloths to clean her crotch and her thighs. Then she used the cleanest of the nasty towels to dry herself with. She tried not to look at herself in the mirror, or to think too much about what had happened to her tonight, what little she could remember of it.

She didn't remember how she and Lanny had come to be with these men, or what had happened to her pubic hair, or why they had gone to a country music club. She wasn't even sure what town she was in.

She remembered going with him to Newton to go shopping. But everything that had happened from the time she had eaten dinner until she had finally started to become aware of her surroundings in the bookstore was gone from her memory. She had a few vague memories of sitting between two mean, ugly, old men in the smoke filled club and being tickled, and then groped by both men. She had partial memories of being undressed in a dingy motel room and being held down on a table by Joe and his three friends. She assumed that was when she had lost her pubic hair.

And then, as she was standing there staring off into space in the bathroom, she remembered being spanked and whipped with a belt. Bits of memory were coming back to her now, slowly. And she shivered in horror at the memories that were seeping slowly back into her mind.

She was brought back to the present by a course voice from the living room calling her.

"Hey, bitch!" Joe called out. "Did you fall in? Get your pretty little ass back out here."

Susan stepped back out into the narrow hallway and looked around. She saw that there was nowhere else to go but back into the living room. There was no other exit door. She walked slowly down the short hallway back to the living room and stood staring down at the small bed which was taking up nearly the entire room. It was now an entire room that was dedicated to raping her. And everywhere she looked was a naked man.

Joe looked at her as she stopped in the doorway and said, "It took you long enough, bitch. Get over here. It's time for your next lesson."

Susan sighed deeply. She knew that this brutal man would be happy to have her refuse so that he could take his belt to her ass again. She was much too afraid of him to disobey him. She moved over and stood in front of Joe and waited to find out what the next degrading act to be required of her would be.

She didn't have long to wait. Joe grabbed her arm and pulled her to her knees in front of him. He looked down at her beautiful young face and said, "Your stupid husband tells me that you absolutely refuse to suck his cock. I have a very low opinion of your husband, of course. But I am going to do him a favor. Every woman should be a good cocksucker. So you are going to get your first lessons in sucking cock tonight. I am a decent guy, so I don't expect you to be a perfect cocksucker right away. But we have all day Sunday to practice."

"Now I want you to examine my cock for a while, touch it, look at it, really get to know it."

Susan shuddered in revulsion. She finally stopped averting her eyes and looked at his slimy, cum encrusted cock, hanging limply between his wide spread thighs. She groaned and looked at his face, intending to plead with him. She didn't think that she could actually touch him. Not there.

What Lanny had told him had been the truth. She had never sucked his cock. She had, in fact, never touched one with her hands until tonight at the bookstore when one of the black men had grabbed her hand and forced it around his for a picture. Oh god, that picture! She had forgotten!

Joe saw her struggling mentally with the task he had given her. He enjoyed her suffering though, and he didn't hurry her. His three friends were sitting nearby, watching closely as the beautiful, naked young housewife looked down at the limp dick in front of her, still covered in dried remnants from their first fuck, nearly an hour ago.

She looked back up at Joe and asked, "Couldn't you please wash it first?"

"Sweetheart," Joe said, as if explaining something to a young child, "that is what you are going to do with your pretty little mouth."

Joe watched as the tears started again and he fought to keep his cock from getting hard again at the sight. He wanted her to get him hard with her mouth.

He watched as she reached one hand out and grasped his soft cock gingerly between her fingertips and lifted it slightly. He chuckled as he watched. She looked like she might look if she were being forced to pick up a dog turd in her hands!

She looked at his soft, wrinkled penis and moved it around. The fluids left over from when he had fucked her earlier had dried on his cock and balls and his thighs. The smell was horrible, though she suspected that the smell would have been terrible even if he had not just had sex with her. He did not seem to be a person with a high regard for personal hygiene.

She examined his cock as he had ordered. She lifted it and moved it around. It was every bit as ugly as she knew that it would be. She had never gotten more than a quick glance at her husband's. But it was obvious that this one was much fatter. She looked it over as Joe had ordered, and then she moved her fingertips over it. She was afraid of it and didn't really know how to touch it. She didn't know what Joe expected from her.

He got tired of waiting for her to get better acquainted on her own and he showed her how to hold it in her hand and how to use her hand to please him. When she had that right he pulled her head close and ordered her to lick him, starting with his balls. With her face just inches from his messy crotch she learned that it was his testicles that were the source of the powerful stench that was filling her nostrils and making her feel like she was going to be sick.

She started to gag uncontrollably, much to the amusement of the four men who were enjoying her suffering. Joe suddenly drew his hand back and slapped her so hard that she was knocked back against the bed behind her.

Then he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back into place and waited for her to obey him. With tears streaming down her cheeks she took a deep breath and leaned forward. She ran her tongue over his sweaty balls and then drew back quickly, gasping for air. The taste was just as sour as the smell!

She heard the laughter of the dirty old men that surrounded her. She could not understand how people could be so cruel. She had never in her life treated anyone the way that they were taking such pleasure in treating her.

Susan took another deep breath and this time she managed several strokes across his nasty balls with her tongue. She drew back and gagged several times as her lungs struggled for more breathable air.

She went on like that for a very long time, until she had finally cleaned him with her tongue, at least enough that the odor was no longer overpowering. She was now able to breathe with her face in his crotch and she continued to bath his balls with her tongue, all the while his fat cock was dangling down and resting against her cheek or her forehead as she worked.

"Okay," Joe said, finally. "That's enough, now start licking my cock. Get it nice and clean and it won't taste so bad when you finally start sucking on it."

Susan lifted the man's growing cock in her fingers again and started licking. As she worked she became aware of the camera coming in for more close-ups of her tongue moving over the horrible man's smelly cock. She tried not to think about where these pictures would end up and who would see them.

Susan licked wherever she was directed to by Joe and finally she was ordered to take his still only half hard cock into her mouth and work her lips down as far as she possibly could.

This was something that she had always refused to do for Lanny. But in the last few hours she had been forced to do a lot of things she would never have done of her own free will. Even a half an hour ago she would have gagged at the very idea of taking a cock into her mouth. She was still sickened at the prospect. But she had no choice.

She opened her mouth and as she guided her lips down over the tip of Joe's cock he warned her to watch her teeth. If she hurt him she would get the belt again.

She moved her lips slowly down over his shaft as he watched with something between awe that such a beautiful young woman would take his cock into her mouth, and amusement at how horrible the experience was for her. That, as much as the stimulation from her mouth was starting to have the desired affect on him.

He was older now. He was not nearly as virile as he had been twenty years ago. He had been drinking a lot tonight. He was tired and he had had an orgasm only an hour ago. He didn't really expect to recuperate this quickly. But watching his cock disappear into Susan's mouth was really starting to do it for him.

Susan felt his cock twitching and beginning to grow in her mouth and it terrified her. It was already much more than a mouthful and she couldn't imagine how she was going to accommodate him when it was erect.

But she need not have worried. He was right there to tell her what to do. Soon she was moving her mouth up and down on his fully hardened shaft and moving her hands up and down that portion that would not fit into her mouth.

Joe watched her work for a long time before announcing that he would be cumming soon, and that he wanted her to hold his cum in her mouth until he was finished. He wanted to see it before she swallowed it.

At this point, Susan was beyond shock and desperate to get this ordeal over with. She continued to work on Joe's cock as he instructed her until he grabbed her head and held it tight to his big beer belly and she felt her mouth fill up with his hot, bitter cum.

She would have moved her head away if he had not been holding her. The bitter fluid made her gag again. She was certain that she was about to throw up all over him.

But as soon as his cock came free he reached down and grabbed both of her nipples and squeezed so hard that she forgot all about the mouthful of cum and how she had gotten it. Her back straightened out and she grabbed his wrists and held him, unable to pull his hands away.

She looked up at him and he was smiling down at her cruelly. After a moment he said, "See, it was all in your mind. Now that you have something else to think about you aren't gagging at all, are you?"

She couldn't respond of course, her mouth was still full of cum. She groaned and nodded.

He lightened his grip on her nipples and said, "Okay, open your mouth, I want to see it."

She opened her mouth and showed him the small puddle of cum on her tongue. He smiled and ordered her to spread it around her mouth with her tongue.

She obeyed reluctantly. After watching her for a moment he graciously allowed her to swallow.

He finally released her nipples and she sat back on her heels, thankful that the ordeal was over. But she was reminded that her suffering was not over. It was just beginning.

Willy, who was sitting beside them and had been watching the entire show avidly, reached over and grabbed Susan's nipple and, using it to control her, he pulled her over between his legs and it started all over again.

Willy had a cock of more normal dimensions. She was thankful for that. But he had spent the day at work and his sweaty crotch was just as bad as Joe's had been if not worse. And he wanted exactly the same services she had just been forced to provide for Joe, the ball washing and the cock licking and finally the blowjob.

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