Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

The buzzer sounded signaling that the day shift was over at Consolidated Metal Works. Lanny looked at his watch as he loaded the last few barrels of trash into the dumpster on the loading dock. It had been another back breaking day at this dead end job that wasn't going anywhere for him.

Even though he had finished two years of community college, thanks to the slumping economy there weren't any other jobs he could find in this small Midwest community. He was just glad it was finally Friday and he could pick up his paycheck at the accounting office.

Maybe he could talk his young wife Susan into going out for a few drinks at Rusty's Western Club later that evening. It was about the only place in the little blue collar town to find good music and relaxation.

Lanny knew that Susan didn't like the rowdy crowd at Rusty's. But what the hell else was there to do to have a little fun? He sure wished she would join in the fun, drinking with his friends and listening to the western music.

Twenty-three year old Susan had led quite a sheltered life as a child. Since they had married five months ago and moved away from her family in Salt Lake City, things hadn't been as bright for them as they had hoped. Back home she was accustomed to attending a large church and socializing with family friends at church events.

Since they had moved here she had not met any other young women that she had anything in common with. Most of Lanny's friends just wanted to drink beer and party. His men friends always seemed to be leering at her. They were constantly undressing her with their eyes. It really gave her the creeps. And the women... , well, let's just be generous and say that she had nothing in common with the wives of Lanny's friends.

She had taught part time at a grade school in Utah. But she had not been able to find a good job since they had moved here and she was now working as a fulltime housewife. Very few of the wives in the community shared her interests and she could tell they were somewhat reluctant to have their husbands get to know her, even at the church they attended.

Lanny had promised that they would move back closer to Susan's family as soon as they showed her father they could make it on their own without his help. Her father disliked Lanny and had tried to convince Susan not to marry him. He hadn't been all that subtle about it either. That was the real reason he moved and took Susan far away from her friends and her extended family.

Lanny spotted Susan as he pulled his pickup truck into the dusty driveway beside their small house. She had just gone out to get the mail from the mailbox. She looked up when he pulled into the driveway and waved and smiled. As usual she had been alone all day. She was lonely and she was glad that he was home.

She really was the sexiest girl he had ever met. He still didn't understand why Susan married him. She could have chosen between most of the guys who were students at the University where her father was a professor.

He sat in the truck and watched Susan walk back to the house. He couldn't believe she was really all his. Her soft auburn hair cascaded around her shoulders as her ample breasts swayed under her loose t-shirt. She was sensitive about the size of her breasts which seemed inordinately large on her very petite frame. She had a hard time finding a bathing suit that could cover her breasts adequately and keep them from spilling over the sides. Her small, petite, one hundred and five pound body was only five foot, three inches tall. But she had a figure and a sultry look about her that could have graced the centerfold of any men's magazine.

He loved Susan's breasts, topped with thick, sensitive ruby nipples. In fact, Lanny would spend so much time caressing and squeezing her magnificent breasts while they made love that she frequently had to beg him to stop because she was getting sore from his often over enthusiastic attentions.

They did have problems. She still wouldn't consent to having oral sex, though he had pleaded with her since they married. But she wouldn't even consider such a perverted act. He couldn't even discuss it with her. She frequently lost her temper and told him to leave her alone if he was going to act like an animal.

Lanny guessed that Susan's religious background made her feel that anything except sex in the missionary position was disgusting and made her feel dirty. She had explained to him before they married that she was very modest and shy and was saving her virginity for her husband.

The thing that pissed Lanny off the most was that she wouldn't try anything new, even after they were married. He found himself resenting her for her refusal to experiment more. As time passed he began to daydream about all the nasty things he would like to do to her. As his resentment grew the things he daydreamed about began to get nastier.

Last month he and Susan had attended his company picnic at the lake. Several guys brought their boats out to give their friends rides and take people water skiing. All day long he noticed how most of the guys watched Susan, especially when she took off her wholesome cover-up and wore just her swim suit for a boat ride. He overheard one of the older supervisors tell the boat driver to hit some more waves so he could watch her tits bounce up and down.

He was amazed at how much pride he felt because of the attention she got from these men. Lanny wasn't all that popular and the guys at work didn't pay much attention to him when he was alone.

But when he was with his beautiful wife they seemed to fall all over themselves to be nice to him. The problem was that Susan was such a prude and she would blush if she thought for a moment she was attracting admiring glances from his friends. She was just too conservative and far too modest. For some perverse reason, that made Lanny more determined than ever to use her to gain the acceptance and power he craved.

They returned to shore after the boat ride and dropped Lanny off. But three of the guys talked Susan into trying to water ski. For almost an hour, they took turns helping her to balance and get started. All the while they were getting a close up eyeful of his wife's charms. The boat driver always seemed to start out too fast and make her fall, while grinning at the other guys as she struggled to keep her wet swimming suit top in place.

Her nipples were rock hard from the cold water. They poked out noticeably under her nearly opaque, white, one piece suit. Susan was unaware that they could see the dark outline of her nipples through the white fabric as it turned somewhat transparent from the water. She would have been very embarrassed if she had known that they were making her fall on purpose so that they could enjoy the view.

As Lanny watched from the beach, he couldn't take his eyes off of the scene and had to hide the growing bulge in the front of his shorts. He found himself almost wishing Susan would lose her top and give the guys a peek at her beautiful tits. She was the center of attention and she was receiving a lot "help" from her admirers.

His naïve, innocent little wife had no idea that she was being tricked into putting on a show for his co-workers. They laughed each time she fell in the water. Then they took turns holding her steady for the next try. For some strange reason, his heart was pounding with excitement as he watched them. He didn't know why. But it made him feel more important as he watched all the attention his wife Susan was getting from the guys he worked with at the plant.

The next day at work, Monday, Lanny was sitting in a stall in the men's room when he heard two of the guys that had been helping Susan water ski at the picnic enter the restroom. They didn't know he was listening as they bragged to each other about the quick feels they had gotten the day before as they were helping Susan learn to ski. They both laughed as the older guy said he got a handful of titty as she came out of the water gasping for air.

They both kidded that they would give a years salary to get into that sweet little bitch's pants.

After they left, instead of being upset, Lanny couldn't help but feel excitement as he realized that he was envied, even by his supervisors at work. They all wanted what he had. But he alone owned his beautiful wife Susan, body and soul.

It was at that moment that he decided that it was high time that she stopped acting like a prude. She was going to have to lighten up and start giving him what he wanted, one way or the other.

Lanny had made a fool of himself trying to convince Susan to loosen up and dress sexy for him when they went out for the evening. She would never agree to go out in public without a bra, even when he insisted that his friend's wives do it for their husbands. She told him his oversexed friends already stared at her enough without her doing anything more to encourage them.

He had to plead with her to wear the Victoria's Secret teddies he gave her for presents on special occasions. She seemed to be a bit more receptive to his requests after they had been out to dinner and she had enjoyed several glasses of wine.

But once they were home, she always changed in the bathroom and she always insisted that the lights be turned out when they made love. He could only imagine how exciting it would be to show her off to the guys at work wearing a sheer teddy. But of course, Susan would never agree to anything so disgusting.

He kept several nudie magazines hidden in his locker at work. He had even gone into adult video stores on a couple of occasions. Lanny liked the films where young amateur girls would take on several guys at once in a gangbang. The few bondage films he had seen had left him nearly breathless as a young lady was tied naked and helpless in humiliating positions while men abused her.

In the films, the girls would squirm and beg for mercy as the men used them. But then they would finally lose control and they always had an orgasm. He wasn't sure why he enjoyed that particular fantasy, except perhaps that it would pay his wife back for all of the sexual rejection and the frustration that he had suffered at her hands since their wedding. Lanny sure would like to see his proper little wife Susan squirm and beg for mercy.

Among the many wedding gifts they had received was a new digital camera. Lanny had hounded her to let him take a few cheesecake shots of her for his private viewing. She only agreed to a few of her in a bikini he had purchased just for the occasion. The bikini that she wouldn't even wear out in the backyard when no one else was around. But she would permit nothing more risqué than that.

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