I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

I backed out of the garage, shut the garage door and waited for Cory to tell me where I’m going. He directed me out to the main road. I’m not too concerned about the possibility of any of my neighbors seeing my breasts. They’re below the window level. I’m more worried about stopping at red lights on the main road where pedestrians or people in taller vehicles might be able to see into the car.

I was quickly distracted when Cory reached over, pulled my slip up just a bit more than it already was, exposing my pussy. He played with my pussy until we got to the end of the street. He directed me to turn left. I probably shouldn’t have, but I took comfort from the fact that at least we aren’t heading downtown.

I drove down the street, still with no idea where we’re going. Several times I’m almost certain people were able to see me. Once we stopped near a crosswalk where a small group of people were standing, waiting for the light to change so they could cross the street. I stared straight ahead. I was too nervous to look and see if anyone was able to see me.

A shiver ran through me when I heard Cory chuckle and say, “You made their day!”

A little later he made me drive alongside a delivery truck for a couple of blocks. I didn’t turn to look at the driver. I knew he was looking, though. Cory reached over and squeezed my tit, obviously doing it to entertain the truck driver.

Even when I couldn’t see the driver’s face I could see myself through his eyes and the humiliation I felt was like a tingling electric field that surrounded me and led right to my clit. It’s turning into a very exciting car ride!

Cory made me ride that way, with my tit in his hand, for most of a block. When we came to a red light he reached down and stuck two fingers right up inside of my traitorous, sopping wet pussy.

After reaming me out he offered me his wet fingers and ordered me to clean them. When I turned my head to suck his fingers clean I looked right into the leering face of the truck driver.

I sucked Cory’s fingers clean until the light changed. Then Cory gave me directions to the next turn. I quickly accelerated away from the truck. But to be honest I had mixed feelings about losing my small audience. Cory may have been doing these things because they’re fun for him. But it’s turning me on as much as it is him.

I followed his directions until I pulled into the driveway in front of a house in a rural area on the outskirts of town. We got out of the car and he graciously waited while I straightened my slip out and I followed him to the door.

Cory’s knock was answered by a teenage boy. He looks like he’s about the same age as Cory.

The boy looked me over and his eyes lit up. His grin widened into a leer. He greeted Cory warmly. They’re obviously friends. He didn’t speak to me. But his eyes never left my body as I stood there in my thin, lacy slip.

Cory said, “Hey, Toby. This is the slut I was telling you about.”

Toby nodded absently. He wasn’t really listening to Cory. He’s too busy trying to see through my slip. It isn’t hard. Most of the material over my breasts and my pubic area is a see-through lace material. It’s there more to tease than cover anything.

He finally woke up and stepped back. He turned without a word and led us into the house. I followed them into the living room where I discovered that there are seven more boys waiting for us.

Seven! There are seven boys staring at me, eight counting the kid who let us in. The first thought that crossed my mind was, “That’s a lot of cock!”

They all look about the same age. They look like they’re all in very good shape, like they’re members of a ball team or something. Most of them are white but two are black and one looks like he might be from south of the border, Mexico or South American.

There were several whistles and quite a few crude comments when the boys saw me. It’s immediately obvious these boys know why Cory brought me here, and it ain’t to teach them how to cook.

I’m nervous, especially because there are so many of them and they’re of an age that comes with a ton of resilience. It’s going to be a long, painful afternoon. But I’m humiliated, and so as always seems to happen now when I feel humiliated I feel myself heating up, becoming even more turned on than Cory managed to do in the car on the way over here and I was pretty damn horny by the time I parked in front of this house.

Cory greeted everyone. Then he turned to me and said, “Lose the slip, cunt.”

What a sweet talker!

There were more whistles and lewd comments and some of the boys began to chant, “Take ‘em off!”

It didn’t take long. I lifted the slip up and pulled it over my head. I draped it over the back of a nearby chair and stood there with my hands at my sides while the boys looked me over.

This is getting intense. Nine boys! Nine healthy, horny, oversexed teenage boys if you include Cory. And they’re all here to have sex with me! It’s going to be my very first real gangbang! That’s scary, but it’s also very damn exciting!

Cory made me have sex with a lot of men on that three-day bus trip. But the sex was mostly blowjobs while they stood in the aisle as the bus rolled down the Interstate. The only men I had intercourse with were Cory, Gary, and one of the bus drivers. And I certainly didn’t take them on all at once. Not all together like this. This is more than a little overwhelming. But I’m so turned on that I’m certain I’ll cum the first time one of these boys touches me. I can almost taste the testosterone in the room. All these very fit, very horny boys want me. And they’re all going to have me, no doubt repeatedly. Cory may have to carry me to the car when it’s over but this is fucking exciting!

Cory pushed me toward the boys and said, “The bitch is all yours, guys. Just tell her what to do. She’ll do it. Won’t you, cunt?”

“Yes, Cory. I’ll do whatever they tell me.”

The boys jumped up and swarmed around me. I was groped very roughly by eight overeager young men. It often seemed like they were all groping me at once! I don’t think they noticed, but I quickly had my first orgasm with those hands all exploring my body at the same time.

The group groping didn’t last very long. I soon found myself on my hands and knees with a cock in my mouth and another in my pussy. A boy knelt on either side of me and eagerly groped my tits while I concentrated most of my attention on the large cock attempting to enter my throat.

I couldn’t see who was first to fuck me. But I saw the long, thick black cock that was the first to enter my mouth. My first black cock! It’s beautiful! Unfortunately, the boy was so excited that he didn’t give me a chance to get to know his cock better, to make love to it. He drove it between my lips violently. I was disappointed. But the way he did it was exciting, too.

His cock isn’t as large as Cory’s. But it’s long enough and he seems to be trying his damnedest to drive it down my throat. I was shocked when after a few of those violent strokes he succeeded! It hurt. But I was more shocked than hurt. I think I was too surprised to struggle.

He seems to assume I do this all the time, or more likely he doesn’t care. He drove his cock down my throat on every stroke after he finally gained entrance. When he reached orgasm he buried his cock in my throat and stayed there until he finished cumming.

I nearly panicked at first. But after struggling to breathe for so long I nearly passed out I finally discovered that even though my airway is constricted by that large cock in my throat I’m able to suck in enough air through my nose to keep me alive and after that it wasn’t so bad.

It might have been nice if I could have faked being upset and hidden the orgasms I started having almost immediately from these boys. But I couldn’t and I didn’t even try. It might have been more fun for all of us if I could have acted a little less like a cock craving slut. I’m just not that good an actress. I started going crazy as soon as they pushed me to my hands and knees and started filling my body with hard, virile cocks.

It took me a couple of minutes to adjust to the first cock the black boy was attempting to force into my throat. It was my first time taking a cock into my throat but it helped that I quickly returned to being the bitch in heat I had been on the bus.

Once that barrier was destroyed, once that first hard cock slammed into my throat and then ejaculated, from then on I was a deepthroat cock whore. After that the first boy showed them I could do it I took them all down my throat.

Like most boys, or young men, they didn’t last very long, not at first. But not much time passed before each recently satisfied and deflating cock was replaced by the next hard cock in line so there wasn’t a lot of rest.

For me it was just one long fuck, one long rape. When I use the word rape I don’t mean to say that they were taking me against my will. I’m just trying to describe an experience that was so overwhelming and so ... well, maybe not violent. But it was intensely physical. It was incredibly exciting. As I said, I started cumming almost immediately and it was long time before I stopped.

The boys went around and around, fucking my pussy and my mouth constantly. As soon as one boy reached orgasm another took his place. The frequency of my orgasms began to decrease. But even when I couldn’t cum one more time it still felt wonderful to be under assault by all of this young male flesh.

I was so wrapped up in the excitement of my first gangbang that I didn’t even worry about the time or the camera in Cory’s hands until the boys finally couldn’t take anymore and collapsed around me in a mass of exhausted male flesh.

Cory waved me over when the boys conceded defeat. It wasn’t until that moment that I noticed he was still fully dressed. He hadn’t taken part in my first gangbang.

I crawled slowly across the room, aware for the first time of how tired and sore I am now.

As I crossed the room he fished his semi-hard cock out of his pants. I didn’t need to be told what to do. I crawled up between his legs and reached for his cock. It was only at that moment, just as I was about to suck his cock, that I noticed a mantle clock and saw how late it is.

Cory saw the sudden expression of worry on my face. He calmly said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be home before your husband if you quit fucking around and suck my cock.”

My jaw muscles were tightening up after a few minutes of disuse. The pain when I opened my mouth surprised me. But I ignored it and sucked Cory off as quickly as possible. I have to get home and shower. I can’t let my husband see me like this!

It didn’t take long. Cory likes watching guys fuck me. It turns him on. I was able to suck him off in about ten minutes. He didn’t seem to notice I was taking his large cock down my throat. I was a bit miffed about that.

After I swallowed his cum he pushed me away and stood up. He ordered me to put my slip back on while he put his cock back in his pants.

He said goodbye to his friends and promised them that we would do this again soon. I pleaded for a few minutes to clean up. I can’t get in my car like this. There’s cum draining out of my pussy all the way down to my knees!

Cory borrowed a large bath towel from Toby that I can sit on for the drive home.

We went out to my car and I drove him home with my slip around my waist again. This time the trip was made through rush hour traffic. It was stop and go and a lot of people had an opportunity to at least see my tits. We crawled down the street beside one pickup truck or SUV after another. Many of the drivers weren’t shy and made it known that they appreciated the show.

The entire trip back to my house was made to the accompaniment of blaring horns and obscene comments yelled from slow moving vehicles.

I drove straight into the garage when I got home. I hoped that Cory would leave so I can clean up and calm down before Jeff gets home. But Cory wasn’t done with me yet.

We went inside and he sent me up to take a quick shower. When I returned he was sitting on one end of the sofa with his pants and shorts down. He ordered me to stretch out and place my head in his lap.

Of course I obeyed. I took his soft cock into my mouth and held it while he started the DVD player. The disk he recorded earlier when Sean and Jonesy were here was already in the machine. The show was just starting when I took my mouth off of his cock and asked, “Are you going to record everything I do from now on?”

His lopsided grin was all the answer I needed.

I muttered, “I’m so fucked!” under my breath and returned my mouth to his cock. His hand came to rest on my tit and we watched as I serviced those two young boys earlier today.

I hate that this disk exists. And I hate that the boys are so young. But I can’t help getting excited as I watch the first pornographic movie I’ve ever seen. The embarrassing truth is that it was a very exciting show.

I enjoyed watching the boys’ faces. Their excitement, their eagerness, their strange mix of innocent lust, it just turned me the fuck on! I responded by sucking so hard on Cory’s cock he had to twist my tit to get my attention and caution me to take it a little easier.

Cory stopped me before he could cum in my mouth. He paused the DVD, pushed my head away and stood up. He ordered me onto the floor on my hands and knees facing the television.

I was happy to oblige. Watching the DVD and sucking his sweet cock really turned me on. Even after all the cock that has invaded my body today I want to get fucked!

It turned out, however, that I was in for another new experience. Cory took his shirt off and dropped to his knees behind me. His smooth hands caressed the cheeks of my ass for a moment. Then he took his hands away and ordered me reach back and hold the cheeks of my ass apart.

I obeyed and a tremor of excitement ran through me as I imagined the view he had of me from that angle. I was totally exposed, bending down and showing him the most intimate parts of my body.

My first clue that something different was happening was when I felt something cold on my asshole and the tip of his finger pressing against my opening. I gasped, realizing immediately what he has in mind. I’m tempted to plead with him not to do what he’s planning.

I once let a boyfriend back in college talk me into trying anal sex. We didn’t get very far. It was extremely painful. Neither of us knew what we were doing. The results of our efforts made that clear. He never even got his cock halfway in before I couldn’t take it anymore and made him stop. That boy’s cock was much smaller than Cory’s.

But in this relationship I’m not an equal partner. I’m just Cory’s slut, his sex toy. I don’t get to say no. And he actually seems to know what he’s doing back there. His soothing voice calmed me as he told me to relax and assured me that it wouldn’t hurt. Once more I wondered who taught this teenager so much about sex.

He slowly began to slide one greasy finger in and out of me. Once I relaxed I discovered it was actually kind of pleasant. I tensed up again for a moment when he repeated the process with two fingers. But again his soothing voice calmed me and once I relaxed the slow, gentle strokes of his fingers sliding in and out of me felt pleasurable. I found myself getting turned on despite my misgivings.

When he pushed more grease into me and repeated the process with three fingers I hardly tensed up at all. And the realization that when he had those three fingers buried in me as far as they would go it was still pleasant left me looking forward to the next step. I can’t wait to feel Cory’s cock enter my ass!

There was a short pause while he put some of the lubricant on his cock. Then he moved closer and I felt the head of his cock come to rest against my anal opening. Even though I’m actually looking forward to what he’s about to do, when I felt the head of his cock there I started to tense up again.

I guess he sensed my fear. He slapped the cheek of my ass with the palm of his hand and snarled, “Stop that! You stupid cunt! You just enjoyed what I was doing with my fingers didn’t you?”

I didn’t say anything. Instead, I took a couple of deep breaths and forced myself to relax again.

He chuckled and said, “That’s better. Now, use your muscles. Push out like you’re trying to go to the bathroom.”

I followed his directions and his cock slipped inside of me effortlessly, and more important, painlessly.

He stopped with about two inches of cock inside of me and gave me a chance to adjust. Then he slowly started sliding it in a little deeper. Before very long he had the entire shaft inside of me. There was never the slightest bit of pain. I felt stuffed. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. But I’m making Cory happy and I’m doing something else new and kinky. I found myself enjoying it from the very start.

He started fucking my ass slowly and gently and the pleasure continued to grow. As soon as he had a rhythm going he leaned down and reached under me. He grabbed one of my tits in each hand. His strong fingers squeezed them and pinched my nipples, sending shockwaves directly to my clit. I started enjoying myself even more.

He fucked my ass like that for several minutes before he said, “I don’t normally care much for fucking a bitch in the ass. I have to admit this feels pretty good. But the only reason I’m doing this is so that you can get used to it. I expect you’ll be doing this a lot tomorrow.”

I know that should have terrified me. Instead, I had a huge orgasm! He’s fucking my ass and squeezing my tits hard. No one was even touching my pussy. But I cried out and came hard, mostly from the hint of all the nasty sex to come tomorrow.

What a nasty slut I’ve become! Or I suppose it’s more correct to say, what a nasty slut this boy has turned me into. And in such a short amount of time! Almost from the moment I awoke in the back of that cross-country bus to find his hand resting on my tit I have belonged to him and I’ve obeyed every outrageous order he has given me since that time and enjoyed more orgasms than I’ve had in any previous three-year period in my life. There’s no logical way to explain my transformation. There was never any indication that this nasty submissive slut was lurking inside of me.

I’ve always enjoyed sex. But I’ve always considered my sexual tastes as being pretty conventional, even conservative. I never exposed myself in public before Cory exposed me to the other passengers on the bus. I never had sex with strangers until Cory made me suck off some of the other men and boys on the bus. I certainly never had sex in public before! And I never had sex with more than one man at a time until Cory let Gary come to the motel with us the two nights we spent together.

Before I met Cory I only had sex with men I cared about while involved in a relationship with them. Now I’m a cunt. Now I’m Cory’s cunt. Something about this boy is so compelling that I’m totally incapable of exerting my free will when I’m in his presence. But I don’t spend too much time worrying about it because I enjoy the things we do as much as he does. He knows it, too. I can’t say I don’t fear for my marriage. But even so, I have no regrets. How can I regret experiencing so much pleasure in such a short time?!

I may act like a reluctant participant. But it’s just an act and Cory knows it. I’m playing the victim because it’s what we both want. But I’m no victim. Each time he starts to degrade and humiliate me this way I get so excited I don’t care what he makes me do. Whatever he demands of me I will do.

Later, when I’m alone and thinking about how much power he has over me and how helpless and out of control I am it will scare me. I’ll worry about how all of this will affect my marriage. I know because I went through that when Cory and I went our separate ways in New Mexico and the memories of three days of nasty sex overwhelmed me.

But as perverse as it sounds, even the fear of what will become of me is a part of the excitement.

Cory continued fucking my ass. When my orgasm began to fade and my mind was working again my thoughts wandered back to what Cory said just a moment ago. I considered asking him what he has planned for me tomorrow. I know it wouldn’t do any good. Knowing Cory, if he thought I was concerned, or if he thought my curiosity was driving me crazy, he’d be even more inclined to keep it a secret. And anyway, I’m losing my train of thought as I feel another orgasm building quickly.

Cory slid one hand down my belly and began to tease my clit with his fingertips as he plundered my ass delightfully with his fat cock. In seconds I was having another fantastic orgasm. While I was in the throes of another orgasm my ass muscles clamped down on his cock like a fist without any direction from me.

I heard him groan and felt his body quivering. I knew he was cumming in my ass and the realization brought me to orgasm for the third time!

I was shocked. I just enjoyed three orgasms as a result of being fucked in the ass by this boy!

He didn’t pull his cock out of me. We stayed like that, like two dogs tied together in sex. His cock slowly softened until one of the involuntary muscle spasms my ass muscles kept performing all on their own expelled it.

He sat back on his heels and I slowly got to my feet. I was still short of breath and a little lightheaded when I first stood up. I looked down nervously. I was relieved when I saw nothing but clear liquids and oils on his soft cock. I had been afraid that there might have been something there to embarrass me.

He smiled knowingly when he saw where I was looking. He knew what I was thinking as usual. He said, “You should clean yourself out in the morning, just in case.”

Once again I want to ask what he has planned for me in the morning. But I saw the look in his eyes. He’s almost daring me to ask. Instead, I held my ass muscles clamped together and said, “I need to go clean up.”

He nodded and got to his feet. He said, “I’m going home now. I’ll be back after your husband leaves for work in the morning. What time is that?”

I told him and waited while he dressed. I let him out, locked the door and rushed upstairs. I rushed to the toilet and sat down, expecting all sorts of things to come pouring out of me. I still feel like I have to go to the bathroom. But only a couple of small dollops of cum seeped out and dripped quietly into the water in the toilet bowl.

I took another shower. I’ve lost track of how many showers I’ve taken today. I put on a pair of shorts and a top, put fresh sheets on the bed, and went downstairs. I lit a couple of candles. I don’t smell anything. But there have been a lot of orgasms in this house today. I don’t want to take any chances.

My husband called at a few minutes after eight o’clock to say that he’s on his way home. I insisted I want to make him something to eat but he had ordered in earlier and isn’t hungry. It wasn’t until that moment I realized that I didn’t eat anything today! I also remembered that there’s hardly any food in the house. I never did make it to the grocery store.

After we hung up I made a tuna salad sandwich. I sat at the table, staring into the family room and thinking about everything that happened in there today. I was just putting my plate in the dishwasher when I heard the garage door opening. I suddenly realized I couldn’t remember if Cory took the disk out of the DVD player!

I ran into the family room and opened the DVD player. The disk was gone. I sighed in relief. But to be honest, I would have been happier to find it in there. I hate it that Cory is recording the things I’m doing. If those movies get out they’ll destroy me.

I had a drink with Jeff. He needed a few minutes to relax before going to bed. He’s exhausted, but very excited about being in charge and finally being able to put some of his ideas in place. He’s working his butt off. But it’s an exciting time for him and he’s having a ball.

We went straight to bed after a drink and a little conversation. He’s too tired to make love and probably will be for at least the next week. Surprisingly, I’m not sore after all the sex I experienced today. But I’m glad he’s too tired. I’m afraid he might notice something different about me. I want some time for my body to recover from all the abuse.

I got up with Jeff in the morning. I made his breakfast while he got ready for work. He’s still tired from yesterday. But he knows he has at least a week of these late days ahead of him. He doesn’t seem to mind, though. He’s thrilled about the way things are going. It’s a very exciting time in his life.

He expected to someday take over this branch of the company. It was more or less understood that he’d eventually take over when they transferred us here from the home office. But he thought it would be at least another ten years before that happened. This early promotion is a dream come true for him.

I feel very guilty about the things I’m doing behind his back. I have every right to feel that way. The things I’m doing are terrible. In an attempt to diminish my guilt, I’m being especially nice to him.

It won’t make any difference if he ever finds out what I’m doing. No matter how nice I treat him while I cheat on him he’d still throw me out on my ass if he found out. Being especially nice to him doesn’t really ease my conscience. But I have to do something. If nothing else I want it to be clear to him that I love him. If he ever finds out about Cory and the things that boy makes me do he’ll still throw me out and he’ll be justified. And I’ll go without even trying to explain the inexcusable things I’ve done. But to the extent possible I want there to be no doubt in his mind I love him, because I do. I love him very, very much.

As soon as Jeff left for the office I went up and started getting ready. I made the bed. But as I did I thought back to what I did in that bed with Cory yesterday. Now that Jeff is on his way to work my mind is on what Cory has planned for me. My conscience is getting quieter and I feel the nervousness and the excitement beginning to grow.

After looking all over the house I found and dug out our old enema bag. I bought it before having surgery eight years ago. I was forced to undergo a hysterectomy for health reasons. Fortunately, they were able to do it laparoscopically and there’s almost no scar at all. There are just two small white lines less than an inch long right at the bikini line where they’re almost invisible.

After my surgery I put the enema bag away. It hasn’t been used since. I rinsed it out and cleaned myself out with warm water. I did it three times just to make sure.

It’s a messy procedure but for some reason it didn’t seem as unpleasant as I remembered it. Maybe that’s because the last time I used it I was nervous about having surgery. This time I’m excited about whatever it is Cory has planned for me.

I put the bag away and took another shower. I started to look for something to wear but then decided I might as well wait for Cory. What I wear will be up to him. I don’t even know if we’re staying in or going out. I might not be wearing anything at all today.

Cory arrived a little after eight. We went to my bedroom and he demanded a blowjob before I got dressed. When that pleasant task was completed he sent me in to brush my teeth and then ordered me to get dressed as if I were going to a party.

That took me by surprise. I got one of my nicer dresses out of the closet and the shoes I wore yesterday. I held the dress up for his approval. He nodded. I hung it on my closet door and selected a matching bra and panty set to wear under it. He approved of them as well.

I started to get out a pair of pantyhose but he shook his head. I have a sexy pair of thigh highs I haven’t had a chance to wear yet. They are sparkly and shimmery with a French lace top which I bought because I thought Jeff would get a kick out of them. They’re new, still sealed in the package. I showed them to Cory. He approved.

He sat on my bed and watched me dress. I put everything on, brushed my hair and put on some lipstick. I finished with a touch of my most expensive perfume. I modeled for him when I was finished. He smiled and nodded again.

Cory has never been very chatty. But he has hardly spoken at all since he arrived this morning and his silence is adding to the air of mystery surrounding whatever he has planned for me today.

We went downstairs and out to the garage. This time he put me in the passenger seat of my car. He pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and placed it over my eyes. He warned me that I’m not to touch it. I heard him go back inside the house for a minute. Then he came back and got behind the wheel of my car.

Today I remained fully dressed as we drove through town. He didn’t even grope my pussy. For some reason, though, the secrecy, the blindfold, his silence, it all combined to turn me on without a word, without even a touch.

I’m not sure how long we drove or where we went. The growing excitement and the expectation I feel knowing how Cory’s mind works distorted my perspective. It may have been ten minutes or half an hour before he parked the car and got out.

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