I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

I was right about one thing. As expected, my conscience kicked into high gear when my husband showed up at the family get together five days after I arrived. Until I saw his face I was doing fine. I thought of Cory and our exciting bus ride almost constantly. But I didn’t feel guilty until I saw my husband’s face after his long trip and it finally began to sink in. I cheated on my husband. Boy! Did I ever!

I didn’t say anything to him. I’m not that stupid. I didn’t bare my soul and beg for forgiveness. I went out of my way to act like the things I did with Cory never happened. Jeff never suspected a thing. He was just as certain I wouldn’t cheat on him as I was that he would never cheat on me.

But even after my husband showed up I couldn’t stop thinking about Cory. When the guilt set in I tried very hard not to think about him and that erotic magic bus trip. I failed miserably.

Worst of all, when my husband made love to me I couldn’t stop thinking about that seventeen-year-old boy and all the exciting things he did to me. I became the perfect slut for that young man. The three days I spent on a bus with Cory had been the most exciting, most intense, most sexually stimulating time of my life.

I think I felt guiltier about that, about thinking about Cory when my husband made love to me, than I did about all the terrible and exciting things I did on the cross-country bus trip.

Talk about a betrayal of trust! To think of another man, a boy, when your husband makes love to you. That’s sick! My wonderful husband doesn’t deserve that.

I tried hard over the two weeks spent visiting with my sisters and my parents in my hometown to forget Cory. I resolved that if, as he threatened, or should I say promised, he came to my door after we returned to Savannah I’m going to have to tell him I’m ashamed of myself. I’ll have to be strong and tell him the fun and games are over. We can’t do those terrible, exciting things again.

But god! It will be so hard!!

I probably don’t have to worry about it. It’s unlikely I’ll see him again. It isn’t as if we fell in love. Ours was entirely a sexual relationship. A handsome, personable, strong willed young man like Cory must have a girlfriend back in Savannah, probably a whole herd of them. He’ll quickly forget all about a married woman nearly twice his age. He’s seventeen. I just turned thirty. The only thing we have in common is sex. But oh, what glorious sex it was!

Despite my resolve to never see him again I can’t get the things we did on that bus ride out of my mind. Day and night that adventure keeps my heart beating faster and the lining in the crotch of my panties soaking wet. If this keeps up I’m going to have to start using panty liners every day.

Day and night I find myself reliving the excitement of that trip. I think of all the time I spent nearly naked on that bus. I picture the faces of all the men and boys who saw every part of me and who stood in the aisle of that bus while I sucked their cocks to amuse and arouse Cory.

I remember vividly those passionate nights in cheap motels. I spent blissful hour after blissful hour performing any and every sex act Cory demanded of me with both him and Gary.

But most of all I picture the look on Cory’s face when he turned in his seat as he did so many times and casually unbuttoned my blouse, baring my body to anyone with whom he chose to share it.

Our ten day vacation with family and friends was even more fun that we hoped. We had a wonderful party for my parents’ fortieth anniversary. Best of all, my four sisters and I were able to spend most of those ten days together catching up, gossiping, teasing each other mercilessly and making up for lost time. It makes me so sad that we can get together like this so rarely. My sisters and I have always been so close, so good together.

When the ten days finally came to an end we had to hurry back to Savannah. My husband’s new position carries with it a lot of new responsibilities. He really shouldn’t have taken this much time off when he did. I was very grateful that he did, though.

He offered to let me stay longer and take public transportation home. A shiver ran through me and my heart sped up when he said that. But even if I could somehow arrange to make that return trip on the bus with Cory, I have already resolved that it’s over. I’m not sure how much of that strong resolve was a result of the fact that I have no way of getting in touch with him.

We packed up the car and headed home. We don’t often make cross country trips without planning at least one or two stops at some tourist attraction or in some historic city.

But this time we had to hurry home. Jeff has already taken more time off than he could afford after just being promoted to the position of branch manager at his office so our trip home was made as quickly as possible. We stopped for gas and meals and we stopped for the night when it got dark. Other than that, we drove straight through.

We got home late Sunday night. We unloaded everything into the garage and left it piled there. We only took our toiletry bag into the house. Although Jeff did most of the driving, both of us were totally exhausted from our long trip and we went straight to bed. I plan to spend tomorrow unpacking, washing all our clothes and putting everything away.

Jeff went in early on Monday. As soon as he got to the office he called. He informed me that after looking over the mess awaiting his return he’s of the opinion that it isn’t as bad as he feared. But in order to get caught up he’ll be working late into the evening for most of the week.

I understood perfectly. I told him to call me before he leaves the office and I’ll have supper waiting for him when he gets home. He tried to tell me he’ll stop for a burger on the way home so I won’t be put out.

I wouldn’t hear of it. My conscience is bothering me enough as it is.

I brought our luggage in from the garage. Thank god for wheels on suitcases. I separated everything and started a load of wash. I showered and dressed and did an inventory to see what I need to pick up at the market.

I was just getting ready to go shopping when the doorbell rang. From the time I got up this morning I’ve been so busy I hardly thought of Cory at all. But when the doorbell rang a shiver went down my spine. Could it be?

I went to the door and looked out through the peephole. Cory! Standing there smiling back at me. He can’t see me but he knows I’m here.

My first thought was, “Don’t open the door. Let him think you aren’t home.”

But that won’t resolve anything. I have to talk to him. I have to tell him we can’t do those things again. I have to tell him not to come to my house again.

I opened the door. Before I could say a word he reached up and began to unbutton my blouse with that same smug look he always wore on his face when he undressed me when we were playing games in the back of the bus.

He had my blouse half unbuttoned before I exclaimed, “Cory! Stop it!”

He ignored my protest and continued to slowly unbutton my blouse ... right there in my front door!

I glanced around outside but thankfully I can’t see any of my neighbors. That doesn’t mean no one is watching. But if they’re watching I can’t see them. I live on a very quiet street in an upscale neighborhood. There is almost no traffic on our street. But still, I can’t allow myself to be undressed in front of my wide open front door!

In a frantic whisper I exclaimed, “Cory!”

I stepped back and he followed me into my home. We’re inside now, standing in the foyer just inside the door. But the door is still wide open. I tried to remember what it is I have to say to him. Something about how we can’t do this and he has to leave and never return.

Instead, before I can form a sentence he said, “I’ve missed you, cunt. I’ve missed your lips on my hard cock. I’ve missed your tight pussy. I’ve missed those nice tits hanging out and keeping me entertained.”

He finished unbuttoning my blouse and looked up into my face at last. As if chiding a small child he said, “I’m very disappointed in you. Don’t wear a bra again. I don’t like you in a bra.”

I almost couldn’t believe it when I heard myself respond. “Alright, Cory. I’m sorry.”

He grinned and asked, “Did you miss me, Denise? Did you miss sucking my cock? Have you been thinking about me all the time the way I’ve been thinking about you?”

FUCK YES! You’re all I’ve thought about!

But I can’t tell him that. Instead, I struggled to say, “Cory, we can’t do this.”

I was about to tell him to leave and never come back when I realized that he had my blouse off and is unfastening the catch on my bra. I’m wearing a bra with a front closure. His fingers struggled with it briefly. It quickly released and he let it fall open, baring my breasts to him and to anyone driving by on the street.

I gasped and exclaimed, “Cory! The door!”

He smiled and covered my breasts with his hands. He looked me in the eyes and said, “Don’t worry, Denise. I have you covered.”

That’s what he said to me on our cross-country trip before he started showing my naked body to almost everyone on the bus!

The bastard really knows what he’s doing. If he had shut the door before he started undressing me I don’t think what he’s doing would have had nearly the same effect. Undressing me in front of my open door where anyone going by could see me is having nearly the same effect on me undressing me on the bus did. It isn’t as exciting as it was when he did it for the first time on the bus but I can certainly feel my temperature rising and my resolve to send him away weakening rapidly.

I could have told him to leave. I could have told him never to return. But he’d have known I was just saying the words. He knows I’m already back under his spell, totally in his power. He knows I’ll do any humiliating, obscene thing he tells me to do. And the truth is I’m just as excited as he is. I’m glad he came and I’m glad he’s ignoring my attempts to send him away, to stop all this.

His fingers are pulling and squeezing my nipples now. I’m quickly losing all control. It won’t be very long at all before I enjoy my first orgasm of the day. Knowing Cory as I do I know it will be the first of many.

My heart is beating a mile a minute. I can hear the blood streaming through my veins. The roar of it almost drowned out Cory’s order to unfasten my skirt and drop it. Almost, but not quite.

I heard those horrible, exciting words and as if in a trance my hands went to the button at my waist and unfastened it. The sound of my zipper sliding down was deafening. A moment later my skirt was lying at my feet as if by magic.

I’m staring into Cory’s smiling eyes. I saw him glance down at my white, lacy panties. He looked back into my eyes and said, “I guess you’re glad to see me after all.”

There must already be a damp spot in the front of my panties. That’s what he’s grinning about. I’m not surprised. I can feel the way my pussy is tingling and getting ready for the poor little thing knows is to come. Because the embarrassing truth is my pussy has missed Cory as much as my brain has. I still don’t love him. But there’s no denying being used and abused by him is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life.

As if to confirm how moist my pussy is he said, “I’ve missed that juicy pussy. Those are very nice panties. I love to see a woman in her sexy underwear. I love the way they hug her ass and her cunt. They look so sexy. Take them off.”

A car went slowly down the street out front just as I was reaching for my waistband. The driver didn’t see me. At least I don’t think he did. He didn’t stop. But he could have.

A wave of lust coursed through my body as I flashed back to the excitement I experienced when Cory humiliated me on the bus, showing my tits and my pussy to the other passengers as they came to the back of the bus to use the small toilet just behind us. And the excitement only increased when he allowed a growing number of them to explore my naked body and then offered to let me suck the cocks of a growing number of them as the days progressed. I almost cried because I’m feeling it again. I’m feeling it at this very moment as I stand in front of my open door and strip naked for the amusement of a seventeen-year-old boy.

I knew in that instant that I’m lost ... again. There’s no way I can refuse him. If he wants to walk me out to the sidewalk, bend me over and fuck me right there after calling all my neighbors and inviting them to watch, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Imagining just that sent a violent tremor through my body.

Despite my resolve to send him away I have already become the reluctant, embarrassed but helpless slut from the bus again. This handsome boy can have anything he wants from me. And it’s even more exciting because I realize he was well aware of that before he rang my bell this morning.

I moaned in surrender as I slowly slid my panties down past my hips and let them fall to the floor.

I started to straighten up but Cory said, “Hand me your underwear, bitch.”

I bent back down and picked that small bit of moist nylon up off the floor. The crotch is sopping wet. I’m not kidding. There’s no doubt in my mind I could have wrung moisture from it.

I handed them to him and we looked into each other’s eyes as he slowly brought my underwear to his face. He inhaled deeply and sighed loudly as if it was the most enchanting aroma he ever encountered. Then he extended his tongue and lapped obscenely at the wet lining.

He smacked his lips and sighed deeply. Then he said, “I’ve missed that delicious flavor, Denise. You have the tastiest cunt I’ve ever eaten.”

He looked me over for a moment. Then he asked, “Were you expecting me? I see you aren’t wearing pantyhose.”

“I ... I didn’t ... I wasn’t...”

I didn’t finish. I don’t have an answer for him. I’m not sure why I’m not wearing them. I normally do when I go out in a skirt. I do know that the reason I didn’t put them on isn’t that I was expecting Cory. I’ve been planning to tell him no and goodbye if he showed up. That obviously didn’t work out too well. But I’m reasonably certain thoughts of him are not the reason I’m not wearing that particular garment today.

He smiled as if he has the answer to his question from the look on my face. I don’t know. Maybe he does.

Cory reached out and placed his hand behind my head. He pulled me close and began kissing me. His kiss is rough, passionate, forceful. That caveman kiss was almost a rape, but a rape in a good way.

In response my arms went around his neck and I returned his kiss with every fiber of my being, with every bit of passion in my body.

His hands went down to my naked ass. He lifted me right up off of the floor and began to slowly turn in a circle. He stopped when my back was to my open front door.

I’m fully aware of how exposed I am. But chills of excitement ran up and down my spine and I continued to kiss him passionately.

We kissed like that for a long time, until finally he let me back down. When my feet were back on the floor he gently took my arms from around his neck. He reached down and pulled his beautiful cock out of his shorts. He grinned at me. Then he grabbed a handful of my hair and slowly bent me down, guiding me until the head of his cock was touching my lips.

I didn’t struggle. I never said a word. Right there in front of the open door I eagerly wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and began to suck it like the nasty slut I am now.

My naked ass is pointing right at my wide-open door. I’m so turned on that I’m going to cum any second now without any stimulation beyond the mental stimulation of surrendering to and being humiliated by this teenage boy!

I went crazy on his cock for several minutes before he stepped back and said, “Let’s go get comfortable, cunt. I’ve got a big load for you. I want to enjoy this.”

I stood up and turned to shut the door. When I did I saw two young boys out front. They must have been riding their bikes down the sidewalk and apparently spotted me in the door sucking Cory’s cock. They’re now stopped right in front of my house, staring, with their mouths wide open. I doubt if they’re fifteen yet. The youngest one probably isn’t fourteen.

I’m mortified. And I’m so turned on I want to scream. I recognize the two boys. I don’t know them but I see them around the neighborhood all the time. They live down the street somewhere. I’ve met most of the adults on the street. I probably know their parents. If they were to tell their parents what they just saw me doing in my open door my life would be ruined.

I looked at Cory and whispered, “You’re going to destroy me.”

He chuckled and said, “Don’t worry about it. I told you, I got you covered.”

He tucked his cock back into his pants and went out to talk to the two boys. I can’t hear their quiet conversation. But as they talked the boy’s eyes left my naked body only once. He held up my underwear and showed them how wet my panties are and encouraged them both to feel the evidence for themselves.

I can’t explain why I continued to stand there totally exposed in the doorway. I guess because Cory didn’t tell me I could move.

When Cory came back inside five minutes later he said, “It’s all taken care of. Don’t worry about a thing. I told you I had you covered.”

“What did you say to them?”

He ignored me.

He shut the front door, tossed my panties down with the rest of my clothes and began to guide me into the house. He stopped at the stairs and said, “We’ll take a tour later. I’ve never been in a mansion before. But right now, I need to fuck your sweet cunt. Where’s your bedroom?”

“It isn’t a mansion! It’s just a house.”

He snickered as I led him upstairs. He said, “No, cunt. I live in a house. This isn’t a house. This is a mansion. What did you pay for this place? A million? More?”

I didn’t like the question. But I’m even more uncomfortable because I don’t have any idea what we paid for our home. Jeff never talks about money. He bought the house. He buys our cars. I don’t even know how much money he makes. I only know that we always have more than enough and that now, with his big promotion, he makes even more.

I get a generous allowance. But if I want anything, if I run out of money for some reason, I only have to mention it to Jeff and he transfers as much as I want into my account. No questions asked.

I’m uncomfortable discussing any of that with Cory and anyway, it’s none of his damned business. My body belongs to him. I know that now. But my life with Jeff isn’t any of his concern. That’s especially true of my financial affairs.

I led the way to my bedroom. Thankfully Cory didn’t press the question about the cost of my home.

As soon as we stepped into my bedroom I felt uncomfortable all over again. I stopped inside the door and said, “Not here, Cory. Let’s go to the guestroom.”

He pulled me into his arms and shook his head. He leered at me and said, “No, bitch. I want to fuck you in your bed ... in your husband’s bed. I want you to think about me fucking you every time your husband sticks his dick in you.”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him I already do.

I didn’t plead with him. I knew it wouldn’t do any good. The more something he wants me to do disturbs me the more he enjoys making me do it.

I pulled the spread down and then turned and watched him undress. I realized that I’m impatient to see him naked again. His sexy body turns me on. Everything about him turns me on.

He smiled and said, “The only thing I’ve been thinking about since we separated in Albuquerque is fucking you again. That has to be the most exciting bus trip anyone has ever taken. I’ve been coming by here every day for the last week, waiting for you to come home. I’ve been horny as hell thinking about your hot cunt. I was hoping you’d come home early.”

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