I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

I almost screamed and shut the door again! Standing back out of the way, waiting for me to vacate the restroom, is one of the two teenage boys who are sitting together halfway down the aisle.

The kid’s eyes are huge. I froze in place when I saw him. I have one leg halfway out of the room and he’s staring at my pussy. I felt a wave of excitement wash over me as I imagined what he must be thinking. I think my entire body was blushing as I finally stepped out of there.

I smiled at him nervously and said, “Excuse me. I didn’t know anyone was waiting.”

He never once looked up at my face. I hurried back to my seat. I tried to squeeze back in but Cory wouldn’t let me past until I handed him my skirt. The boy is still watching as I handed my skirt to Cory. He took his sweet time tucking it down between his hip and the armrest. Then he finally let me squeeze back into my seat.

As soon as I sat down he turned and pulled me close. He leaned over and kissed me. I eagerly returned his kiss. It quickly became very passionate.

I felt his hand sliding up my thigh and one of his fingers began to explore my pussy. In only the brief moment I stood exposed to that boy I had become extremely wet.

I still don’t know why. But since I met Cory, being embarrassed turns me on so very much. Being told what to do by a teenager, being forced to expose myself to strangers, even being forced to have sex with them, being constantly touched and fondled, I’m living in a kinky fantasy world I never imagined, and god help me I love it! What puzzles me is that this has never been my fantasy. None of the things I’m doing with Cory are things I ever fantasized about! I don’t know what has come over me. But it certainly is exciting.

I was panting when Cory pulled his head back, stared into my eyes with that smug look on his face that turned me on so much and started slowly unbuttoning my blouse.

I looked into his eyes and I saw the certainty there. He knows I’m going to let him finish baring my body right here in the back of a public bus again. He knows I’ll do whatever he demands of me.

He took his time and as his fingers worked their way down the front of my blouse he said, “We didn’t have enough time this morning. I’m really in the mood for a morning blowjob. But you know how much I like to be able to play with my cocksucker’s tits when she’s sucking my cock.”

Every nasty word out of his mouth is turning me on even more!

Once he had my blouse hanging open he spread the sides apart as if we were all alone in a private room. He played with my exposed nipples for a few minutes as if he owns them. And at that moment he does.

My hand returned to his lap. His wonderful cock is quickly growing hard. He didn’t wear those tight jeans again this morning. Instead, he’s wearing a pair of khaki shorts which are much easier for me to get into.

I started edging his zipper down but I couldn’t do it with one hand. I turned in my seat and leaned forward. That was when I realized the teenage boy who was waiting for me to come out of the restroom is still watching us over the back of our seat!

I froze for a second and whispered, “Cory! That boy is watching!”

Cory grinned and replied, “Of course he is! Wouldn’t you be watching if you were him?”

I’m not really happy about doing these things in front of a larger audience, especially a boy that young. But it isn’t up to me. The astounding thing is that Cory never forces me to do any of the humiliating things I do for him. He has never threatened me. Yet I feel compelled to do everything this seventeen-year-old boy demands of me.

With both hands now, I worked his zipper down. I realized once I had it all the way down that I won’t be able to pull his large cock out through the opening. It has grown too long and too hard so I unbuttoned the button holding his shorts closed and his cock popped free.

Cory had elected to forgo underwear this morning to make things easier. His cock is now standing straight up from his lap. He smiled at me and said, “Morning wood! Would you mind taking care of that for me, cunt?”

The strange thing is, no! I don’t mind at all! Far from it! I’m pretty damned excited about it. I’m entirely convinced I enjoy sucking his cock almost as much as he enjoys having me do it.

I returned to the position which worked out so well for us yesterday. I turned and placed my right knee on my seat and my left foot on the floor and bent down to take Cory’s cock into my mouth.

We both moaned in pleasure as I tasted his cock again. My excitement began to build rapidly. I’m aware of being watched. I’m once more all but naked in the back of the bus where at any time someone could come back to use the restroom and see me. And just like yesterday I’m a total sex slave to a seventeen-year-old boy. Every time that phrase runs through my brain it sends a thrilling, almost electric burst of energy directly to my clit! But I’m completely focused on pleasing the cock in my mouth. Nothing else matters.

I sucked Cory’s cock eagerly. I’m not sure if I’m so excited because of the circumstances or despite them. But when Cory reached over and began teasing my pussy I didn’t care anymore.

I have to be a little careful. These buses are pretty noisy. But if I get too carried away the sounds of my energetic blowjob might be a problem. I don’t want to get thrown off the bus ... or arrested. But I wasn’t so careful that I didn’t give Cory a very good blowjob.

I wasn’t so careful that Cory didn’t cum, filling my mouth with another delicious load of hot cum. I moaned as my mouth filled and I swallowed his cum gratefully. When he finally finished and I felt him relax under me I stopped sucking and held his cock in my mouth, enjoying the faint taste of the last few drops of cum draining onto my tongue.

His fingers clamped down tightly on my thigh when he started to cum. But now they returned once more to teasing my dripping wet pussy.

I heard the boy behind us move away. He finally went into the restroom. His companion must be getting curious about his long absence. He has been back here for at least fifteen or twenty minutes. He has been watching me from the time he saw me come out of the restroom in only a blouse.

The boy came back out of the restroom a few minutes later. I shivered with ... with fear I think, when I heard him come back out and close the door. He walked slowly back down the aisle but stopped when Cory smiled and said, “Hey man! Did you enjoy the show?”

I looked up to see the kid staring at me. I still have Cory’s cock in my mouth. I can’t be certain how exposed I am. All I’m wearing now is my blouse but it’s hanging open. I know it isn’t covering my naked ass.

The boy stopped and smiled back nervously. He nodded his head and said, “Yeah. That was hot.”

Cory asked, “How old are you?”

The kid answered, “Sixteen.”

I’m not certain I believe him. He looks younger.

Cory asked him, “Have you ever had a blowjob?”

I moaned around his cock. It’s bad enough that I’m doing this for him. Sixteen, if he’s really sixteen, is too young! But then it occurred to me that Cory is only a year older. That’s when I was certain the kid was lying about his age.

The kid shyly admitted, “No. I had sex once. But she wouldn’t suck my cock.”

Cory chuckled and said, “This is Denise. I met her on the bus yesterday. She likes to suck cocks. Would you like to have her suck your cock?”

I saw the look of disbelief on the kid’s face. He glanced around and then he asked, “She’d really do that?!”

Cory chuckled and said, “She’ll do anything I tell her. Watch this.”

A shiver of anticipation ran through me. Because I know he’s right. I’ll do whatever he tells me to do. And it will excite me, no matter how much I hate it. Or because of how much I hate it.

He said, “Cunt, sit up.”

I felt that rush again. The excitement of being forced to obey this boy and permit him to humiliate me for his amusement coursed through my body. The skin all over my body is tingling and my heart is beating a mile a minute.

I regretfully let his soft cock slide from between my lips and sat up. I put both feet on the floor and turned to sit back in my seat. My blouse fell back into place over my breasts and even partially obscured my pussy from everyone’s view. But not for long.

Cory reached over and casually opened my blouse, resting the sides of it against the sides of my breasts and baring my entire body to the view of the boy.

He turned back to the kid and asked, “She’s pretty damned hot, ain’t she?”

The kid nodded slowly. He seems to be in shock.

Cory said, “Come in here a little closer. Go ahead. Reach over and feel her up a little. Then tell her to suck your cock. She’ll do it. You can stand right there. That guy behind you did it yesterday. She’ll suck any guy’s cock. She’d suck off that decrepit old black guy if I told her to.”

No one moved or spoke for a long moment. The kid finally got up the nerve to step into the opening between the seats. He stood there for a moment, staring down at my tits. He glanced nervously at Cory. But it’s finally dawning on him that this is going to happen. He can really touch me! He’s going to get his cock sucked by a woman twice his age!

I held my breath as the kid reached out and rested his hand on my right breast. His hand is hot and sweaty and he doesn’t really know what to do. Like most boys his age I suppose, he just wants to touch a tit.

Cory asked, “What’s your name?”

The kid whispered, “Keith.”

Cory said, “Go ahead, Keith. Feel her up. She’ll let you. She likes it. It makes her hot. Look at her pussy. See how wet it is. She loves this shit!”

Keith began to move his hand clumsily around my breast. He squeezed it gently and worked his fingers towards the sensitive peak to my rock-hard little nipple.

I heard him exhale loudly and in a gasping breath exclaim, “Fuck me! She’s beautiful!”

Cory laughed and said, “Go ahead and pull your cock out. She’ll suck it for you. You’re gonna love this. She’s a great cocksucker.”

Keith pulled his hand back and struggled to pull his hard cock out of his pants. Once more I had reason to question his age. His cock looks decidedly younger than sixteen. Not that I’ve had that much experience with maturing cocks. It just seems so slender and, I don’t know, young looking.

I got back up on one knee, careful to keep my activities hidden from the other passengers and the driver should he be looking in the rearview mirror.

I kissed the head of Keith’s cock and his entire body shook violently. I licked the head several times and then took it into my mouth. The kid groaned loudly as I took his cock completely into my mouth. It isn’t even long enough to gag me. I worried for a moment that he was going to collapse to the floor in a spineless heap. His entire body is quivering uncontrollably.

Cory asked him, “How far are you going, Keith?”

I think he may have been trying to distract the kid so that he didn’t cum immediately.

Keith answered in a stuttering voice, “Just to Shreveport. Me and my friend are going to stay with my grandparents for a week.”

Cory asked, “Do you think your friend would like a blowjob after you’re done?”

The kid answered in a panting gasp, “I expect!”

Even with the distractions Cory was trying to provide I knew it was all over. I could feel him tensing up and then he began to spurt his cum into my sucking mouth. I was surprised at how mild his cum tastes. It’s almost without any taste at all. I’ve never experienced cum tasting like that before. It’s actually kind of pleasant!

I swallowed his load easily and held his cock in my mouth. I was waiting for some indication I can sit back up. But Keith’s cock remained rock hard so after a moment I started sucking it again.

He gasped and placed his hand on the back of my head. He exhaled loudly and whispered, “Oh yeah! Jesus that feels good! I love that!”

Cory was quiet this time. He interrupted once to suggest that the kid play with my tit while I suck him off. Then he sat back and watched me debase myself for his amusement.

The boy’s hand returned to my exposed breast and he gripped it far too eagerly. But without the distraction Cory provided the first time, Keith came nearly as quickly the second time.

After I swallowed his second load, Cory pulled me off of the kid and said, “Why don’t you put that away and go ask your friend if he’d like to get his cock sucked?”

I heard him sigh loudly and watched him struggle to put his still hard cock away while staring at my exposed breasts. The view he’s enjoying of my naked body couldn’t have helped him calm down.

When he had his pants back in order he said, “Thanks! That was ... well damn! I ain’t ever going to forget this!”

As Keith made his way back to his seat, Cory laughed quietly and said, “Me either.” He grinned at me and said, “You’re the hottest bitch I’ve ever met.”

What a horrible thing to say! I wouldn’t have wanted him to say it any other way.

I leaned back down and started sucking on his still exposed cock again. It grew quickly and it was long and hard long before Keith finished explaining to his friend and traveling companion, no doubt in glorious detail, everything he had just seen and done.

I was halfway through sucking Cory off for the second time when Keith’s friend appeared in the aisle. My eyes were closed while I sucked lovingly on Cory’s cock. I sensed more than heard someone standing by my head and I opened my eyes to see him standing there watching me.

Cory stopped playing with my pussy and pulled my blouse out of the way so the kid could see my ass sticking up and my breasts hanging down. Then he went back to teasing my pussy.

Cory is getting close to cumming again. He ignored the kid until he filled my mouth with another sweet load of hot cum. I swallowed his man cream and then I moved up, nuzzled his cheek and whispered in his ear, “I’m so fucking turned on I could scream!”

He just smiled and said, “Good. I like you that way.”

I sat back up in my seat while Cory turned his attention to Keith’s friend, Daniel.

After a brief introduction, Cory asked Daniel how old he was. The answer was sixteen again. But Daniel actually looks sixteen. Daniel also insisted he’s not a virgin, but that he never had the opportunity to enjoy a good blowjob from a really hot woman. It was cute the way he tried to sound so worldly. I doubt if he could even spell cosmopolitan but he’s trying to play the part.

When given the opportunity he quickly moved into the gap between the seats and reached down to explore my breasts with his small, soft hands. His hands felt remarkably feminine for some reason. Not that I’ve ever experienced feminine hands on my breasts, other than my own.

Unlike his friend, Daniel leaned down and played with my sopping wet pussy for a moment before Cory invited him to pull his cock out and enjoy my services. I’m still sitting up straight, waiting for the order to get up on my knee and suck this kid off.

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