I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

While the man was in the restroom Cory gave me my panties and said, “Button your blouse halfway up and put these on.”

I exclaimed, “Cory! We’ll be stopping in Birmingham soon! I can’t sit here like this!”

He smiled and replied, “Sure you can. We aren’t done yet.”

I want to cry in helpless frustration. But I can’t deny that I’m still incredibly excited. I don’t understand what’s happening to me or my reaction to it. I’m thirty years old. I’m a mature, conservative, moral, married woman. I’ve never done anything like this before. Not even with my husband! I am not this type of person! Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. After what just happened I have to wonder.

And yet here I sit, with my breasts nearly exposed and easily accessible whenever he’s ready to explore them again. And I’m wearing only a pair of light blue, nylon bikini panties from the waist down. To make my situation even more embarrassing I glanced down and noticed a very prominent wet spot over my slit. I must be leaking like a sieve!

Cory watched me button my blouse and pull my underwear up. As soon as I was as dressed as he would permit he rested his hand on my upper thigh again. Just the tip of his little finger was resting against my slit and moving ever so slightly as the bus rumbled into Birmingham.

I sat wondering how many people will be getting on here and how many people will come back and use the restroom. How many strangers will see me sitting here half naked on a bus?

The man who watched me suck Cory’s cock came back out of the restroom. Once more he stopped at our seat. He looked me over and asked Cory, “Are you two going far?”

Cory looked up and replied, “We’re going to New Mexico. How about you?”

He smiled and said, “Phoenix. Do you mind very much if I move closer? It sure makes the trip a lot less boring!”

I groaned and whispered, “Cory! No!”

Cory laughed quietly and said, “Christ, Denise! I’m not in charge of this bus! I can’t tell the guy where to sit.”

Then he turned to the man and said, “I don’t mind. She acts like she hates it. But her cunt is running like a faucet. I think she just can’t admit to herself how much fun she’s having.”

I punched Cory and said, “Don’t say that! And don’t use that horrible word!”

He turned to face me in the seat, grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me, hard. I immediately returned his kiss and while we were kissing his free hand began to rub up and down over my slit through my underwear. He rubbed very hard and the pressure on my clit quickly began to cause me to lose control again. I knew it. I felt it happening. I hated it. But I can’t control it.

He suddenly stopped rubbing and cupped my mound with his hot hand. I groaned in dismay at the sudden cessation of the friction that felt so good down there. I’m so close to cumming again. I want it. And I don’t want it. All these mixed emotions and the roller coaster feelings of erotic pleasure are driving me right out of my mind!

He pulled his lips away from mine. He grinned at me, squeezed my pubic mound and said, “Baby, that’s a cunt. It may have been a vagina when you got on the bus this morning. But it’s a cunt now. Isn’t it Denise?”

I moaned again and he said, “Say it, Denise. Tell me what that is.”

I shook my head and whispered, “Please, Cory!”

He just smiled and demanded, “Say it!”

He knew I was going to. I could see it in his eyes. And that turned me on even more!

I was almost panting. I have no idea what has come over me since this teenager sat down beside me. But as much as I hate that word, I looked at him and said, “That’s my cunt.”

His smile grew and he corrected me. “No, baby. That’s my cunt.”

I stared him right in the eyes and whispered, “That’s your cunt, Cory.”

He smiled and said, “That’s a good girl.”

Then he leaned forward and kissed me again. His lips touched mine and our tongues began to duel eagerly. I stopped trying to figure out what’s coming over me and just enjoyed being high on lust. I’ve never felt like this before. I can’t help it. I absolutely love the feeling! It feels like my entire body is vibrating!

We kissed for quite a while longer before Cory sat back and turned to the man who is still standing over us and staring down at my body.

Cory held out his hand to the man watching us and said, “Hi, I’m Cory. This is Denise.”

The man smiled and said, “My name’s Gary.” He paused, his eyes swept my body again and he said, “You have a beautiful girlfriend.”

Cory grinned and replied, “She is beautiful. But she isn’t my girlfriend. We just met a few hours ago. I saw her sitting back here and came back to talk to her.”

A look of astonishment, tinged with more than a little lust, came over Gary’s face and he exclaimed, “No shit?!”

Cory responded proudly, “No shit!”

Gary looked around and then sat down across the aisle from us. He sat sideways, leaning back against the side of the bus with his feet sticking out into the aisle. We have plenty of privacy. There are only about a dozen people on the bus. Gary is sitting facing us, watching everything we’re doing, or more accurately, everything Cory is doing to me.

I guess Cory decided to give him something to watch. He probably wants to demonstrate how much power he has over me. He told me to sit back, put one leg across his lap and play with myself.

I looked at Cory and then I glanced at Gary for a fraction of a second. I felt a chill run down my spine. I’ve never even let my husband watch me masturbate! I’m not really certain how I feel about it. It’s a humiliating demand and yet the image which flashed through my mind is nearly erotic enough to make me cum again without even touching myself! I don’t know where this is coming from. I’ve never been one of those women who get off on being treated like this! So why do I feel this terrible compulsion to obey him?!

I knew before I asked what the answer was going to be. But I had to ask. “Cory, please. We’re coming into Birmingham. We’ll pull into the station soon. Let me have my shorts back!”

I think I needed to hear him say no. I think that’s part of the excitement for me, for both of us. I can’t deny I’m just as excited about his control over me as he is. But I can’t show it. That would ruin it for both of us.

Cory just grinned and said, “When you need them I’ll give them to you. Now do what you were told. And I’m getting tired of having to argue with you every time I give you an order! You’d better stop giving me a hard time. It’s getting old!”

Once more I can’t believe I’m letting this boy tell me what to do. No, that isn’t true. I’m beginning to understand what’s going on here now. But I’m smart enough to realize that I have a part to play here. And I’m having far too much fun to spoil it now.

So, with traffic picking up out on the highway and two strangers watching me, although I’ve just about everything with Cory he’s still a stranger, I turned in my seat and rested my right leg in Cory’s lap. I sat there with my legs splayed like the total slut he’s rapidly turning me into and began to rub my pussy through my panties.

My eyes are tightly closed. I’m too humiliated to look at them. I feel Cory unbuttoning my blouse again. I’m too embarrassed to open my eyes but I’m much too excited to even consider stopping him.

What I’m doing between my legs is quickly beginning to feel very good. I’m not slamming my fingers into my pussy or anything really gross. I’m just lightly rubbing my fingertips over the damp crease in my crotch.

I felt my blouse fall open once more, exposing my breasts to Cory and Gary. Cory began teasing my right breast. It feels very good. At the moment everything feels wonderful. And I feel like such a slut!

It’s a delicious feeling. I can’t remember another time in my entire life when I have felt so free to enjoy myself, to explore my sexuality!

I was shocked when I realized it won’t be long before I have another orgasm! I’m going to orgasm from playing with my pussy for the enjoyment of a man and a teenager I have just met! How fucking kinky is that?!! I began to speed up, applying a little more pressure with my fingers and teasing my clit through my underwear. I still have my eyes closed but if providing me with some privacy was my goal it isn’t working. I feel their eyes on me. I feel their lust. And I love it!!

Normally when I masturbate I fantasize about something sexy, perhaps some fantasy I enjoy. I’m not fantasizing this time. I’m in the here and now and nothing could have been more erotic than the reality I’m enjoying thanks to Cory, my warped teenage seatmate. In my mind I’m picturing the grown man and the seventeen-year-old boy who are watching me masturbate for their amusement.

Just before I started to cum, Cory placed his hand over mine and stopped me. I opened my eyes in shock and sudden frustration. Cory is grinning at me. He said, “Someone is coming. You better button your blouse and sit up.”

I groaned in frustration. But I don’t need a bigger audience. I’m humiliated enough. I quickly sat up in my seat and pulled my blouse together. I buttoned the bottom four buttons and held the tails down over my panties. If anyone were to get a good look it will be obvious I’m not dressed. But there’s nothing I can do about it now.

In a teasing voice, Cory asked, “You were close, weren’t you?”

I felt the flush still suffusing my face. I had been right on the fucking edge!

I nodded, embarrassed once more that I’m submitting so completely to this boy. And so frustrated by the sudden interruption that I want to scream!

Just then a large, older woman waddled by on her way to the restroom. I’m too embarrassed to look up. But I heard her gasp in shock as she squeezed by.

Cory laughed after she squeezed into the restroom. I heard Gary snickering, too. I’m not sure what to feel. Instead of being grateful to the woman for being saved from further humiliation I found myself resenting her for interrupting what was about to be a very satisfying orgasm!

I know, of course, that the things I’m doing to amuse Corey are all totally out of character for me. And I still feel humiliated. But at the same time, I’m fully aware that I have never experienced such a prolonged and exhilarating period of sexual arousal and so much nearly constant sexual satisfaction in my thirty years of life. I may suffer from horrible guilt when this bus ride is over. But fuck me!! This is exciting!!

I still expect Cory to return my shorts before we arrive at the bus terminal. We have no idea what will happen there. The bus might fill up or people might take seats near us and put an end to the fun and games.

Cory, however, seems unconcerned. And why not? He isn’t the one sitting around half naked and performing sex acts on demand. For the next few minutes there was a flurry of activity. Three people came back and used the restroom before we reached the station. In between, Cory ordered me to give him back my panties!

I stared at him in disbelief for a moment. Then I exclaimed, “Cory! What if the bus fills up?! What if people sit near us?! Please, give me back my shorts.”

He just smiled and held out his hand.

There’s an old man in the restroom while we’re having this exchange. I paused only because I heard him coming back out. As soon as he passed by us and returned to his seat I slid my panties back off and handed them to Cory. He stuffed them down between him and the armrest with my shorts.

Gary is closely watching every move I make. I glanced over and saw him smiling. He’s certainly enjoying the show. Gary is an average looking guy in his mid to late thirties. There’s really nothing remarkable about him. He’s average height, average weight, average looks. He’s dressed casually and comfortably. Under other circumstances I wouldn’t have looked at him twice or given him a second thought. I would certainly never have permitted him to see my breasts, watch me remove my underwear, suck a cock or masturbate on command!

I realize, though, that now he’s there, now that he’s watching me submit to Cory, he has become an integral part of the thrill of this dangerous game we’re playing.

Cory let his hand come to rest on my thigh again. He quickly slid it up until his little finger was pressed against my moist opening, but without the nylon barrier between us now. We sat like that as the bus pulled into the station. The driver announced we have arrived in Birmingham and we’ll be at the station for thirty minutes before departing for Tuscaloosa.

There was a flurry of motion as several people picked up their belongings and got off the bus. A few remained in their seats. Over the next half hour Cory gently massaged my slit with his hand, bringing me right to the brink of an orgasm several times and then stopping.

I’m so frustrated I want to scream! I found myself wondering once again how a seventeen-year-old boy could have become so adept at driving a woman crazy. I felt a momentary flood of guilt when I thought how nice it would be if my husband could make me feel this much excitement.

Three people boarded the bus in Birmingham so the number of passengers remained roughly constant. While we were in the station a couple of them came back and used the restroom but they didn’t pay us much attention.

I noticed that there seems to be a natural instinct for people to spread out and avoid sitting any nearer to others than they have to so Cory and I, and now Gary, remained relatively undisturbed in the back of the bus.

By the time we left the station it was getting along towards dusk. I had been too excited to eat any of my snacks on the ride from Savannah. I had a few sips of water but I think I’ve swallowed more cum than water since we left Atlanta.

I’m not hungry, though. I don’t need food. What I really want, what I desperately need, is a good hard fuck! But I won’t see my husband again for a week!

Cory started playing again as soon as the bus pulled out of the terminal for the one-hour trip to Tuscaloosa. He casually reached over and unbuttoned my blouse. He smiled at me, a smug, somewhat arrogant smile that made me want to scream at him ... or cum. He stared me right in the eyes as he slowly uncovered my breasts.

He teased my nipples for a minute. Then he told me to turn in my seat, place my right leg in his lap and masturbate again.

I glanced over the seat in front of me nervously. I can’t see any of the other passengers. I’m more nervous this time because Cory has my panties now. But to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about what I already know I’m about to do.

I would have been far too embarrassed to masturbate in front of my husband. And he has asked me to when we were playing around not long after we were married. I was much too embarrassed and refused. Yet I have already done it in front of these two men whom I just met. And it had been very exciting.

I am, I think, only just beginning to realize how exciting it can be to be embarrassed, to be exposed and to be told what to do.

I felt a huge rush as I turned in my seat and lifted my leg, baring my red, swollen, lust inflamed pussy to two men who remain all but complete strangers.

No. That isn’t entirely correct. Despite what has transpired from the time Cory sat down next to me, both of these men are, indeed, complete and total strangers.

The only things I know about them are their first names and Cory’s age. Well, that and the fact that Cory is charming, has a dirty mind, his semen has a mild, almost pleasant taste and he’s very good with his hands.

I began to slide my middle finger into my pussy a few times to get it wet. Then I worked it up and down through my dripping wet opening and gently moved it around my swollen and enlarged clit. I quickly returned to a high state of arousal. I didn’t have far to go. That damned kid has kept me very near to the edge for hours. And he’s very, very good at it.

Cory added to the pleasure I’m experiencing by moving his fingertips lightly around my upper thighs, just barely touching my sensitive skin.

I began to use my free hand on my breasts, squeezing and pulling and pinching my nipples. I felt another wonderful orgasm approaching rapidly.

Cory ordered me to open my eyes. I don’t want to. I don’t want to see those two strangers staring at me. Well, actually, I don’t mind Cory staring at me. I don’t know why. I’m more uncomfortable about seeing Gary staring at my naked body and watching me masturbate. I can’t explain it. I know it doesn’t make sense. But that’s how I feel.

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