I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

I was so mad I couldn’t even speak when Jeff first told me the news. I spent more than a month coordinating our trip back to my hometown in northern New Mexico with my four sisters. We are spread out all over the country now. We keep in touch. But we never seem to be able to all get together in one place anymore.

Jeff and I live in Savannah, Georgia now. His company transferred us there almost five years ago. We love the area. But it’s a damn long way back to New Mexico. Only one of my sisters has remained in our hometown. One now lives in northern California, another is in Michigan, and the other is living in St. Louis.

We were always very close when we were growing up and I miss them very much. Investing a lot of time and effort we coordinated everyone’s schedules, did some rearranging and finally were able to put a plan in place to get everyone together in one place for two weeks. The occasion was our parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary. We were all pretty excited about that. But to be honest we were all probably more anxious to see each other, to be together again, the gang of five.

Having just turned thirty I’m the baby of the family. I readily admit to being spoiled rotten while growing up. I suppose I still am. Jeff is a wonderful husband and he sees to it that I want for nothing. He has had great success in his chosen field and I’m very proud of him.

We planned on leaving tomorrow for my parent’s home in New Mexico. It takes us four days to get to my parents’ house from Savannah. People do it in less. But we always take it easy. We drive the speed limit and we stop when we get tired.

Jeff has to do most of the driving. I drive, but I’m a nervous driver. If we are in or near a large city, especially a city with which I’m not familiar, or if the truck traffic is heavy, then he has to drive. When we are away from any large cities I’ll spell him for a couple of hours every now and then. But he always does most of the driving and we both prefer it that way. He says that my driving makes him as nervous as it makes me.

We were already packed when Jeff came home and told me that he couldn’t leave until next week. There has been a crisis where he works. The company fired the manager and the assistant manager at the branch where he works and he was put in charge. He has to stay and straighten out the mess.

I understood. Of course, he has to stay in town another week. He’s getting his dream shot and the pay raise he’s going to get is fabulous. But the timing couldn’t have been worse.

We talked about what we should do. We both felt I should go on ahead and he would drive out at the end of next week. Too much planning has gone into our vacation and I’m dying to be together with all four of my sisters again. It has been so long.

I can’t drive by myself of course. And I’m embarrassed to admit it but I have a phobia about flying. I would need to be drugged into a zombie state before I could get on an airplane. That left me with only two possible choices. I could travel by bus or by train.

We checked the schedules for both and unfortunately the bus would get me there quicker. I would have preferred the train. But due to the fact that I would have to go way out of my way to get there on the train, and still end up taking a bus for the last couple hundred miles, I was forced to be practical and settle for the bus.

The thought of spending all that time cooped up on a bus is daunting. But I made too many plans with my sisters and struggled too hard to get everyone’s schedule to come together. The way things are going it could be years before all five of us will be able to get together in one place again. I’m damn well going.

The change in our plans required that I repack my suitcases so I can travel with just one suitcase. I’ll take everything I need to get by for a week when Jeff will be able to make it out there with the rest of my things. I don’t like the idea of him driving all that way alone. But he’s a good driver and I know he’ll be careful.

I called the bus station and checked the schedules. There’s a bus leaving early enough in the morning that Jeff can drop me off at the station on the way to work. I got everything ready to go in the morning and picked out something comfortable to wear. We ate a light supper and talked quietly for a while. Then we went to bed early.

Jeff drove me to the station in the morning. He went in with me and bought my ticket. It made him a little late for work but he stayed with me until my bus boarded. We kissed goodbye and I threatened to kill him if he didn’t take care of himself and drive safely. I got on the nearly empty bus and moved to the rear. I sat in the next to the last seat on the driver’s side. There wasn’t anyone sitting anywhere near me.

I settled in my seat, took my book out of my purse and waited for the bus to leave. Jeff waited and we waved as the bus pulled out. It wasn’t quite light yet so I turned my overhead light on and read for an hour.

The bus I’m on isn’t an express. But it only stops at the major cities along the route. Our first stop is Atlanta. By the time we got to the station there I was already tired of reading. I put my book down on the empty seat beside me and I stared out the window at the frightful traffic. I was thankful I didn’t have to drive through that mess. The traffic in Atlanta is always unbelievable. You couldn’t make me live here at gunpoint!

We stopped for half an hour in Atlanta but I stayed on the bus. I have snacks and a couple bottles of water in my bag. The bathroom, or I suppose it’s a toilet not a bathroom, is nearby. I don’t plan to get off the bus until we get to Mississippi. I’ll spend the night there and continue on the next day.

A couple people got on the bus in Atlanta and I think one got off. Shortly after we departed the bus station in Atlanta, a young man came back and used the restroom. He nodded at me as he went past. I turned away. I don’t want to be rude but I don’t want to encourage him.

He was not so easily deterred. When he came back out of the restroom he stopped at my seat. He smiled down at me and said, “Hi. My name is Cory. It looks like you got tired of reading and I didn’t think to bring a book. Mind if I sit down and talk for a little while?”

He’s a cute young guy. But I doubt if he’s any older than eighteen if he’s that old. I really don’t want any company. Before I could think of an excuse, before I could say that I’d rather he didn’t, he picked up my book from the empty seat and sat down beside me.

He looked at my book. I’m a little embarrassed. I’m reading a romance novel. They aren’t my usual choice of reading material. But I enjoy reading them now and then. They’re the perfect thing for a long trip on a bus. I don’t have to concentrate all that hard. They’re pure escapism.

Cory isn’t just cute. He’s very personable, especially for such a young man. He’s funny, too. Before I realized it we were having a great time. I had to admit, his pleasant company really made the time fly by. We told each other our life stories, abridged versions of course.

Corey is only seventeen. I wasn’t surprised to learn he was so young. He just graduated from high school and he’s on his way to visit relatives in New Mexico before settling down and starting college back in Savannah.

Despite his youth he has an amazing presence. There’s just something about this young man that draws people in. Or at least it did me.

I was extremely flattered when he refused to believe I just turned thirty. I’ll admit I’m in very good shape and I look a few years younger than my age. But still, it gave me a warm feeling to think that this boy thought I was hot enough to flirt with. And I’m embarrassed to admit we did flirt. I couldn’t help myself. He had such a charming way about him. He made me feel like a teenage girl again!

As time passed and we grew more comfortable with each other the conversation would occasionally get pretty risqué. For instance, when we were discussing reading material we had to discuss romance novels and the subject matter. I tried to play down the sexual content of the stories.

But he took my book back from me and paged through it, finding and reading aloud several very erotic passages. For some reason they seemed even more erotic when he read them aloud in his very sexy voice.

The conversation wound down after a while. I felt so comfortable with Cory that I even felt safe taking a nap beside him. That was when the sudden and most surprising change in our relationship took place.

I woke up from my short nap slowly. I’m not sure how much time had passed. At first I was a little out of it I guess. But as I started to become more aware of my surroundings I noted several changes, all of them shocking.

The arm rest between our seats has been raised out of the way and our hips are now touching. I’m leaning against him, my head resting comfortably on his shoulder. But the big shocker was that his arm is around me and his hand is resting lightly on my left breast!

I slowly became aware of his fingers teasing my breast through my blouse, moving lightly over the breast and then circling my tingling nipple. I cannot for the life of me explain why I did not sit up, yell, slap him, something, anything!

Instead, I sat, nestled quietly against his shoulder, and enjoyed the luxurious sensation of his fingers on a part of my body they had no business touching.

I don’t know how long we sat like that before he realized I’m awake. But after several minutes he reached across with his other hand, lifted my chin, and kissed me right on the lips!

I was so shocked that I think my mind must have totally stopped functioning. I didn’t struggle. I didn’t pull away. In fact, as he continued to kiss me and his hand on my breast began to explore more urgently, I opened my lips to admit his exploring tongue and I met it with my own.

We kissed with increasing passion for several minutes before I felt his free hand begin to unbutton my blouse.

I moaned and tried to tell him to stop. But I didn’t try very hard. The sensations I was experiencing right at that moment were irresistible. I love my husband and I enjoy sex with him. But I haven’t been this excited, this turned on in years. This forbidden tryst with a seventeen-year-old boy in the back of a bus is so exhilarating I’m having trouble breathing! My head is spinning with a sexual excitement I don’t think I’ve experienced since I was Cory’s age!

I put my hand on his wrist. I’m almost positive I was going to stop him. But by the time my hand came to rest on his wrist he had unbuttoned three or four buttons and opened my blouse far enough that he could insert his hand.

I’m not wearing a bra. I normally wear one. I’m not a slut. But in anticipation of a long, unpleasant bus trip, with comfort in mind, I had left it off.

When Cory’s warm hand reached in, cupped my breast, and began to squeeze and gently massage me with an erotic touch far more accomplished than his youth would suggest I forgot all about stopping him.

I sighed loudly as his hand took possession of my breast. One of the few lucid thoughts of which I was capable at that moment was that this young man really seems to know what he’s doing! It was hard to believe he’s only seventeen!

He took his lips from mine and I moaned in disappointment. But when he began to kiss my ears and my neck and then work his soft, warm lips down my chest I stopped complaining.

I leaned back and eagerly enjoyed his progress as he made me feel like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with his educated lips. I thought to myself, ‘Someone has taught this young man well!’

That was my last lucid though for a while.

He spread my blouse open and gazed at my breasts for a long, delicious moment before his lips began to explore first one and then the other. When his lips finally closed down on one of my nipples I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

He continued to suck, and then nibble at my rock-hard little nipple while I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled his face tight against my chest. I felt one of his hands come to rest on my thigh and I gasped in delight.

For just a second I was furious with myself for wearing these comfortable, loose fitting and not at all sexy shorts instead of a skirt. But his fingers weren’t deterred. My body trembled with passion as I felt his fingertips slide up inside of the loose leg opening of my shorts and glide lightly over the smooth nylon of my underwear. I hated it that there are people around and I’m forced to remain silent while he made my body sing.

I felt his hand slide back out of my shorts and I heard myself whimper, “No!”

But he isn’t finished. He has only just begun to torment me. His hand closed around my wrist and he drew my hand onto the large bulge in the front of his jeans. I had enough presence of mind to be impressed by the size of it as my fingers closed around it.

But by the time his hand released mine, moved up to begin unbuttoning my shorts and pulling the zipper down, my mind had closed down again. I know for a fact I’m not the kind of woman who would permit this slutty behavior. Not in private and certainly not in a public place! Never! And most certainly not with a man who is not my husband! And he’s a teenager! A boy for Christ’s sake!!

So I cannot explain how I came to allow this young man, this boy, to open my shorts, lift my ass off of the seat and slide them down my legs in the back of a public bus driving down the highway in broad daylight!

I think I was only partially aware that I’m now sitting in the back of that bus with my blouse wide open, my breasts exposed, and my shorts down around my ankles. Sure, I’m aware of it on some level. But I’m far more focused on his lips and his fingers, the pleasure they’re causing me and where they’re going next.

When I felt his hand return to my thigh and then reach up and cup my vulva through my thin panties it suddenly didn’t matter that I’m nearly naked in a public place. I squeezed that throbbing bulge in his pants and gasped loudly as I experienced an incredible orgasm!

I felt him shudder with pleasure as I squeezed his cock through his pants. His obvious lust, his need for me, only served to increase the lust I’m experiencing. And when his finger pressed against my crease and slid up to press down on my clit I almost screamed out loud as waves of unimaginable pleasure washed over me.

Do you remember when someone of the opposite sex touched you like that for the very first time, the indescribable feelings you experienced when a hand other than your own first touched your genitals? I still remember the night a boys hand moved slowly up my thigh until it cupped my sex for the very first time. It was earth shaking! And as impossible as it might seem, this was every bit as exciting.

I climaxed again, violently. I threw my head back and lifted my ass up off of the seat as if my pussy were attacking his hand. He took advantage of that moment to reach for the waistband of my underwear. He pulled them down and off before I could even react.

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