I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

After Jeff went to work the next morning I almost called Cory to try and get out of going to the RV. It seems like such a stupid and dangerous thing to do. But I knew he wouldn’t let me out of it and the truth is I’m excited about going. I want to go. I want to be used by all those men. And I REALLY want to put on another show with Kyra.

So, I puttered around the house for a while, doing a little more housework and a little more laundry. I put the sheets and the blanket I brought home from the RV to wash by the door so we remember to take them with us.

I took a shower at ten o’clock and got ready to go. I went back and forth on deciding what to wear. I finally gave in and selected one of the new outfits Ellen picked out for me at Unique Boutique.

I went back downstairs and tried watching a little television. I didn’t watch anything. I couldn’t concentrate on all that inanity.

I turned it off after less than a minute and put some music on instead. I was tempted to have a drink before they arrived but I never quite got around to it.

Time seemed to be moving in slow motion. But the doorbell finally rang and I went to answer it. The gang was all there. Cory entered, followed by Daryl, Ellen and Kyra. We had a few minutes to kill. I ushered everyone into the family room.

As we walked down the hallway I winked at Kyra and then asked Ellen how things are between her and Tony after yesterday.

She grinned and said, “Never better! We fucked from the time he got home until early this morning. I told him everything that happened. He wants to see me with Daryl. I think he has the hots for Daryl. Every time his cock got soft last night I just had to whisper ‘Daryl’ and he got a hard on again.”

Everyone but Daryl laughed at that. Daryl looked like he might actually be blushing! He exclaimed, “That isn’t funny!”

But it was, kind of.

I sat beside Kyra on the couch. I tried to act like nothing was different between us when they first arrived. But I kept looking at her and that strange attraction I feel for her was mirrored in her eyes. We both feel it.

I finally said fuck it. I leaned closer to her and took her in my arms. I kissed her cheek and then whispered in her ear, “Are you looking forward to putting on another show?”

She blushed and nodded. I kissed her and said, “Me, too. You give me a hard on.”

She laughed quietly and replied, “You give me a hard on, too.”

Kyra and I kissed and I let her go. Then I got serious and said, “Cory, I can’t help wondering if my husband doesn’t suspect something. He ... I don’t know how to describe it. It’s just that he has said and done things that ... well, they make me wonder. He’s just been ... different.”

Cory didn’t really seem to care and that didn’t surprise me. But he asked for examples of things Jeff said or did that concerned me.

I know I can’t tell him. I’d just sound silly. I can’t tell him I’m nervous because we went skinny dipping or because Jeff made love to me in the back yard or because he performed analingus on me for the first time ever. I could never explain that I’m worried because he used a couple of double entendres on Sunday evening and that was totally out of character for Jeff. I know how silly it would sound.

It’s obvious, however, that even if I had a concrete reason I could give him, Cory wouldn’t really care. I shrugged and said, “Never mind.”

He was all too happy to forget about it.

Kyra and I held hands like schoolgirls. But we didn’t talk about our feelings or the show we’re looking forward to putting on in the RV. Instead, we watched as Daryl pulled Ellen into his lap and asked, “You said Tony wants to see us doing it. Are we going to do this today or are you afraid your husband’s pals will want some of the action?”

It was obvious from the look on Ellen’s face that she never even considered that. The other managers are friends of hers and Tony’s just as they’re friends with Jeff and I. Tony might get a kick out of watching her with Daryl. But how would he feel about her putting on a show in front of his friends or better yet, joining in the action? How would he feel if his co-workers started lining up to fuck Ellen?

I know Tony pretty well. Granted this is a very unusual situation. But I have a feeling Tony crossed a threshold yesterday and has a lot fewer reservations than he did when he was younger. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t find the idea of Ellen joining me when I entertained “the troops” in the RV pretty exciting. Ellen may be nervous about it. But I think Tony probably doesn’t share her concerns.

But that’s her problem. That’s one of the few things I don’t have to worry about. I like Tony and Ellen. But I’m more concerned about Jeff at the moment. I hate cheating on him but I think I know him well enough to know he wouldn’t handle the things I’ve done, and will no doubt be forced to continue to do, very well.

Ellen thought about Daryl’s question for a long time before saying, “I just don’t know, Daryl. This is all pretty new to us. We were just a normal couple until Cory came home from New Mexico and changed everyone’s life. I never cheated on Tony and I’m positive he never cheated on me.

“I’ve seen him fucking one of my best friends now. If someone had asked me how I would react to that a month ago I would have told them I’d want a divorce. Now I discover that it turns me on. When you see Tony today you ask him. I’ll go along with whatever he wants.”

We all thought about that for a moment before Daryl asked, “That’s fine. But what if it was up to you? What would you want to do?”

She sighed and admitted reluctantly, “Much to my surprise, thanks mainly to the recent efforts of my evil nephew, I believe I’d like to be right there beside Denise, taking on all comers.”

No one spoke for a moment. But I have to admit that hearing that from Ellen made me feel better about myself for no reason I can really explain. Maybe I’m just glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. But no in-depth psychoanalysis followed. A moment of silence followed. Then Cory stood up and said, “It’s time. Let’s get going.”

It was a little tight but we all managed to squeeze into Ellen’s Cadillac. She drove us to the plant. I feel a little safer traveling in her car. I’m always nervous when I take my car. I worry that Jeff might see it in the parking lot and ask about it.

Tony was waiting for us when we arrived. He greeted us warmly and then Kyra and I listened while he talked with Ellen, Cory and Daryl about his limits when it came to sharing Ellen.

He thinks it was hot that she has done the things she has done with all of us. He can’t wait to see the movie. I think we were all surprised when he said he’s uncomfortable about sharing her with the men he works with. There may come a time when he’s alright with that. But for now, he would prefer that she keep her clothes on when the other department heads are present. Instead, he wants to arrange for Cory and Daryl to come to his house this Saturday.

With that business out of the way they turned to Kyra. She has thought about it. But she isn’t yet ready to go beyond putting on a sex show with me for the men and being with Cory and Daryl in private later at my house.

That leaves me. I have no choices to make. The things I do are not up to me. I do what Cory tells me to do. In this case that means I put on a show with Kyra and then satisfy six horny men plus satisfying Mr. Turner in exchange for a little security.

But I’m a cunt now and I don’t mind at all. I like these little gangbangs. I wish they weren’t taking place here. I wish these six men weren’t my friends, the men who work directly under my husband. But six is a good number and so far I’ve had a lot of fun when we come here.

Kyra and I went back and put fresh sheets on the little bed in the back. We spread the blanket out on the floor in the front room. Then we waited as one by one the men arrived for the show and the orgy to follow.

They’re happy to see Kyra again but they’re disappointed to learn she’s still just here for the show. They didn’t push it, though. They still enjoy the pleasures my body can provide. They’re too smart to complain and take a chance on killing the goose.

The men all enjoy our twice weekly little orgies and while they’d all love to get their hands on little Kyra someday, they’re quite happy fucking and receiving excellent blowjobs from their boss’s wife while he toils away, hopefully unaware on the other side of the chain link fence separating the parking lot from the building in which they all work.

Cory gave the movie camera to Ellen and he and Daryl sat in the front seats to watch while I took Kyra into my arms. We kissed and touched for a long moment. We aren’t unaware of the lustful gazes of the men surrounding us. Quite the opposite, we’re both even more turned on knowing how much they’re being aroused by what we’re doing.

They probably think we’re doing this to amuse them. They’re wrong. We’re using them to make a very exciting experience even more erotic. Knowing they’re surrounding us less than an arm’s length away turns us both on.

I felt Kyra’s fingers begin to fumble with the buttons on the sheer blouse I’m wearing. I moved my body away from hers slightly so she has room to work.

As soon as she had my blouse off I reached behind her back and untied the strings on her halter top. I tossed it aside and we moved back into an embrace, pressing our naked breasts tightly together.

I would have loved to draw this out for a long time. But I know the men only have about an hour. I reached for the button in front of her tight little shorts and she unfastened my skirt.

My skirt fell around my ankles and I kicked it away. There were a few crude but very complimentary comments about the thong I’m wearing and how good it looks on me. I enjoyed the comments while bending down and slowly sliding Kyra’s shorts down her long, sexy legs.

She’s wearing a small bikini style panty that looks like it was painted on. I can see a small dark spot where her juices are beginning to soak through. I love that this turns her on so much.

I pulled her panties down and she removed my thong. Naked now, we both dropped to our knees on the blanket and then stretched out on our sides facing each other. We kissed and touched for a few minutes before she turned around. We moved into a sixty-nine and started to eat each other out.

I don’t usually care much for sex in the sixty-nine position. I can’t really concentrate on either what I’m doing or what is being done to me. But for some reason it seems different under these strange circumstances and it didn’t seem like very long at all before we were both climaxing loudly.

As soon as I could move I turned around. Kyra and I kissed and caressed each other and licked each other’s face clean until we could put it off no longer. It was time to separate. There’s a circle of hard cocks surrounding us, all of them waiting for a crack at one or more of my orifices. I started to pull away when she whispered, “I want more.”

I smiled and kissed her again. I nodded and whispered, “Me, too. But I have work to do. Come home with me. We’ll play more later.”

She smiled and nodded eagerly. Then she got up and sat on Daryl’s lap. His hands began to explore her perfect body as the men gathered around and began to put my body to good use.

The next hour was the usual blur of sexual activity. They all fucked me several times or enjoyed one of my expert blowjobs. Two of the men fucked my ass today. They used a lot of lube and stretched me out with their fingers first and I enjoyed it. I even had several orgasms while they fucked my ass.

The men dressed and went back to work when they finally couldn’t put it off any longer. They would have liked to stay and play a little longer but they actually do have jobs.

Mr. Turner came in as soon as they left. I sucked his cock for a few minutes to get him in the mood and then he fucked me. I have already enjoyed a lot of orgasms today. But getting fucked my Mr. Turner is a lot of fun. If I had to give up getting fucked by Cory, Daryl and Mr. Turner now I’m not sure I’d be able to go on! They all have long, thick cocks and are very, very good at using them to please me.

I would still have orgasms if I had to give up fucking those three. I would still enjoy sex. But every once in a while a girl really needs a big, thick cock invading her body and driving her crazy.

It wasn’t until I was in the shower cleaning the cum from my well used body that I realized that Cory and Daryl still haven’t had sex with any of us. I smiled because I realized the fun and games aren’t over. There’s no way they’re going to go home without doing something to someone.

When I went back out to the front of the RV I saw Ellen on her knees in front of Daryl. The top of her dress was down around her waist. Cory is kneeling at her side playing with her tits while she sucks on Daryl’s cock.

I rejoined them just in time to see Daryl fill Ellen’s mouth with a large load of cum. She gulped it down eagerly and then held his cock in her mouth while it receded.

I folded up the blanket to take home and wash again. We all got dressed and hurried back to my house where we spent a pleasant afternoon doing just about everything to just about everyone.

We wore out Cory and Daryl. Kyra, Ellen and I had a threesome that was very pleasurable. Cory recorded it. I can’t wait to see that movie.

Speaking of movies, he gave us each a copy of all the movies he has made since he started recording. I hid mine in my underwear drawer. But while I was covering them up I felt another attack of conscience. The things I’m doing with these people are so exciting. I’d give anything if I could share them with Jeff. Unfortunately, Jeff is not the kind of man who knowingly shares his wife with others.

Everyone left at a little before three o’clock. I was a little upset I didn’t get to spend some time alone with Kyra. She felt the same way. I hugged her and whispered, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She smiled and nodded. Cory and Daryl have a lot of things to do tomorrow to get ready for fall classes. Time is getting short and they still have some paperwork to complete and turn in.

After everyone left I took a shower and got dressed. I went downstairs to get supper started. But before I could decide what to make for dinner the phone rang. It was Jeff. I was happy to hear from him but he seldom calls me during the day. It made me nervous.

He sounded perfectly normal. But he said that he needed me to drive out to the plant right away. He wouldn’t say why but I’m not worried. I would have detected something in his voice if he was upset about something, like finding out I took part in an orgy in his parking lot. I drove right out there and parked as close as I could to the front gate.

It’s the first time I’ve ever been to his office. I went to the gate and a security guard gave me directions to Jeff’s office.

I went into the main building and took the elevator to the top floor of the three story building. I went down the hall to an office with Jeff’s name on it. His secretary introduced herself. She called him on the intercom to tell him I was here and told me to go right in.

Jeff came around his desk and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. He acted like nothing was out of the ordinary but I can’t help being nervous. Once more Jeff is stepping out of character.

He held me in his arms and told me he loves me. Then he picked up something from his desk and guided me to the windows on the other side of the room. He held out the strange looking binoculars he’s holding and asked, “Have you ever seen anything like these?”

“Binoculars? Jeff, I’ve seen binoculars.”

I tried to sound casual. But inside I’m freaking out. I had glanced outside after we kissed and I can plainly see the RV where I now spend two afternoons a week entertaining my husband’s department heads.

Jeff smiled and said, “These are different. See this? They’re also a camera. They work great! I got them last week. Go ahead. Give them a try.”

I don’t want to. God I don’t want to! But I held them up to my eyes and looked down at the RV. I didn’t even need to adjust the focus. It was like I’m sitting in the front room of that RV!

I dropped the binoculars and started bawling like a baby. I couldn’t even make it to a chair. I collapsed to the floor in front of him and struggled to tell him how sorry I am through my hysterical sobs.

I felt his strong hands pulling me to my feet and guiding me to a couch in the corner. He eased me down and much to my surprise he sat down beside me and held me in his arms. He let me cry until I started to calm down. It took a while.

When at last I thought I might be able to talk I whispered, “I guess you want a divorce. I’m sorry, Jeff. I love you with all of my heart. I swear I do. But I’ll go. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

The words were tumbling out so fast he had a hard time interrupting to say, “I don’t want a divorce.”

I tried to look him in the eyes. I don’t understand. But I can’t see very well through the tears. He handed me a few tissues. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose and tried again. I looked into his eyes and saw that he’s serious. I can still see the love in his eyes!

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