I Should Have Taken the Train! - Cover

I Should Have Taken the Train!

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A woman plans a trip to visit her family out west. At the last minute her husband is delayed for several days. So she takes the bus. The bus no sooner leaves the station than she falls under the spell of a seventeen year old boy. They won't soon forget this trip! She is reluctant at first. But soon she goes a little wild and enjoys the fun and games as much as the boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

By the time I pulled the car into the garage I was fighting to keep from crying. This seemed like such a harmless fling when I submitted to Cory on the bus. No one there knew me. My husband would never find out. The things we did awakened in me a spirit, a set of fantasies I never even knew existed.

Now it looks like my once happy marriage is dangling by a thread. There’s no way all those men can fuck me, not once but on a continuing basis, and it won’t get back to my husband. I’m fucked alright!

I struggled to get my emotions under control. I know it won’t do any good to complain to Cory. He’s a teenage boy. He isn’t much concerned with the results of his actions. He doesn’t think of repercussions.

He doesn’t think beyond his own satisfaction. He enjoys the things he makes me do and I understand that. A large part of the pleasure he takes from tormenting me is seeing my reaction. And the sick truth is that I enjoyed the hell of what he made me do today.

The things I did yesterday, today, and for those three days when I submitted to him on the bus are the most exciting things I’ve ever done. The unbelievable thing is that from the time I awoke on the bus with his hand on my tit I have never convincingly told him no. I have refused him nothing.

Cory has no reason to be concerned about the future. It won’t ruin his life if my husband finds out. Word of the nasty things I’m doing for him would only enhance his reputation if it were to get out. His friends, or at least his male friends, would all envy him and respect him for the power he has over an attractive older woman.

He doesn’t have to worry about the things that can go wrong. I do. And I continue to go along eagerly with every perverted demand he makes of me anyway so who’s to say which of us is more responsible for what happened today?

Cory ordered me to strip as soon as we were in the house. We went into the family room. While he undressed I put the disk from his camera in the DVD player. Then I stretched out beside him on the couch with his cock in my mouth and we watched all those men fuck me today.

He fast forwarded past a lot of the repetitive parts so that it didn’t last for hours. But when it came to the part where I sucked Mr. Turner’s huge cock we watched it all. By the time we reached the end of the disk, Cory came in my mouth twice.

However, I’m still horny as hell! I was afraid he was going to leave me like that. But after I took the disk out of the player and handed it to him he sent me up to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I immediately began to worry about what he has planned for my next humiliation. To be honest, though, I’m more turned on than worried. I really want someone to make me cum.

By the time I got back downstairs it was late enough that I would normally have been worried about my husband coming home and catching us. But Jeff hasn’t called yet and I’m not expecting him home for hours.

I’m still naked. Cory didn’t order me to dress. I went into the family room to find out what Cory has planned. It wasn’t anything like I expected. I almost screamed when I saw who was with him. It’s a friend of mine! It’s Tony’s wife! It’s Cory’s aunt, Ellen.

Ellen smiled when I entered the room naked and exclaimed under her breath, “I’ll be damned!”

Then to me she said, “Denise! I’m shocked. When Tony called me and told me what you did this afternoon I refused to believe it. Not shy, sweet young Denise! And when he told me what you let my charming young nephew do to you on that three-day bus ride I knew he was pulling my leg. I had to find out if it was true.”

I stood there, blushing bright red, unable to speak.

Ellen smiled and said, “I’m so glad that it is.”

She turned to Cory and said, “Thank you, Cory. Sorry about the pictures. I’m just not as slutty as it turns out Denise is.”

Cory smiled and shrugged. He said, “That’s okay. I know a girl who’ll do it.”

Ellen exclaimed, “Really?! Do you suppose...?”

“I’ll ask her.”

Cory got to his feet and said, “Denise, my aunt came over to find out if you are as good as Uncle Tony told her you are. Sadly, Aunt Ellen isn’t as big a slut as you are. She won’t let me watch or take pictures so I’m going to leave you two alone. But you’re going to do everything she tells you to do after I leave, aren’t you?”

I stared at him in shock. This can’t be happening! I’ve never done anything with another woman! I’ve never wanted to. I’m not sure that I can. And with Ellen!! We see each other all the time at parties. We sometimes go out together to shop for clothing or whatever. We get together for backyard barbeques and we get together once or twice a month to play cards in the evening.

I already knew it was going to be hard to face Tony after what happened today. Now it’s going to be twice as hard!

Cory crossed to where I’m standing and caught one of my nipples between his thumb and finger and clamped down hard. I gasped in pain and reached for his hand in self-defense.

He snarled, “Put your hands down!”

I moaned and dropped my hands to my side, allowing him to pinch and twist my nipple painfully.

He eased up after a few seconds and said, “I asked you a question. I’m waiting for an answer.”

I looked at him blankly. I forgot the question!

He saw the look in my eyes and chuckled. He said, “You are going to do everything Aunt Ellen tells you to do. Aren’t you, Denise?”

I looked over at Ellen. She’s sitting on my couch, watching, smiling. She’s my friend! But she enjoys watching her nephew degrade me this way!

The things Cory made me do on the bus had been humiliating. But they had been exciting. This is humiliating, too. But somehow it’s different with a woman who I thought of as my friend. This is humiliating, but not exciting.

It doesn’t matter if I’m excited or not. I’m pretty sure all three of us know that I’m going to obey. If this is what Cory wants me to do, I’ll do it. He knows it, too. I can see it in his eyes.

I nodded my head but he was still waiting for an answer. I quietly responded, “Yes, Cory. I’ll do whatever she tells me to do.”

He slowly eased his painful grip on my nipple and said, “That’s a good girl. Don’t embarrass me. She’s going to tell me all about it later. I don’t want to hear that you disappointed her.”

He held my head in place with his free hand and gave me a violent, passionate kiss. Then he finally released my nipple and said goodbye. I stood where I was, staring at the floor. I’m too embarrassed to meet the gaze of my friend.

We listened in silence until we heard the door close behind Cory. As soon as the door closed, Ellen got up and approached me slowly. She walked all the way around me before she said, “I never would have believed it, Denise. When Tony told me the things you did with Cory my panties got so wet! I can’t get those images out of my mind.

“Sweet, innocent, conservative Denise, letting a seventeen-year-old boy undress her on a bus and doing every nasty thing he tells her to do! And not just once, day and night for three long days! To be honest, I wish I had the nerve. It sounds so exciting. I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. But it makes me wet to imagine it.”

She finally reached out and touched me. I shivered when her fingers came to rest on my cheek and traced a slow, gentle, meandering path down to my breast. As her fingertips began to outline my breast she asked in a quiet, sexy voice, “I’ll bet you’ve never been with another woman, have you?”

I shook my head.

“I have, in college. It was nice. I liked it. It’s been years and I’ve missed it. But since then, I haven’t had anyone with whom I felt I could share this. I haven’t a clue about how to seduce another woman. When it happened to me in college I was pretty drunk the first time. My roommate seduced me.

“We got together again from time to time after that first time. Both of us were more interested in men but it was a pleasant diversion and we kept it up all the way through college. It was nice, very nice. It’s going to be nice to have someone I can do those things with again. Only this will be better. This time I can do anything I want. This time I’m in charge.”

Her hand trailed down over my belly to my moist pussy and teased my sensitive slit for a moment before she added, “And I’m going to get to watch Cory fuck you. I’m tingling all over just thinking about it. I’ve never seen a live sex show. He has a nice cock, doesn’t he? I used to babysit for him when he was little. He had a big cock even back then. Is he good, Denise? Is Cory a good fuck?”

I moaned and nodded.

She chuckled and asked, “What was it like, Denise? What was it like on that bus, letting him undress you and sucking his cock with people watching? What was it like when he told you to suck off strange men in the aisles?”

How could I answer that?! How do I explain something I don’t understand?!

I finally answered, “I can’t explain it, Ellen. I would have sworn I’d never do any of those things I did with Cory on that trip. But Christ! I can’t deny that those were the most exciting three days of my life! I don’t know what came over me. But even now I can’t say no to him. I don’t know why.

“I was going to. I was going to tell him it’s over and I can never see him again. I even said the words when he appeared in my front door yesterday morning. But I didn’t mean it and he knew it. And the most horrible, the most obscene thing about all of this is that I can’t make love to Jeff without thinking about Cory and the things he makes me do. I feel awful! But I can’t control myself!”

She grinned and said, “I think that’s so fucking hot! And now I control you! Let’s go upstairs.”

We went upstairs but I was able to guide her to a guest bedroom. At least this I won’t do in my marriage bed. I’m nervous. But I’m grateful we aren’t going to be doing this in the bed I share with my husband.

I stood to the side while she undressed slowly. She’s only three years older than me and in perfect shape. The more naked she got the more nervous I got. It isn’t that I don’t find women attractive and sexy. But I’ve never had any desire to make love to a woman. I feel especially uncomfortable about doing something like this with a close friend, a woman with whom I play cards and spend pleasant afternoons shopping for new clothes.

She obviously doesn’t share my reservations. As soon as she was naked she took me into her arms like a man would. Our unfettered breasts pressed together and it felt so strange. She looked into my eyes and slowly leaned forward until our lips met. It was a gentle, sensuous kiss unlike any kiss I’ve experienced before. And much to my surprise, I enjoyed it! Not at first. It took a moment for my mind to adjust to the shock. But soon I was returning her kiss and the pleasant feelings started to tamp down the fear.

Her soft hands began to explore my body. Again, her touch is soft and sensuous, lacking the urgency a man’s hands always seem to have. It was very pleasant ... very erotic.

You might think that after all the sex I’ve taken part in today my body would be sated. It doesn’t seem to work that way. It’s like I’ve been sensitized. My entire body is tingling in anticipation of her touch.

We remained like that for several minutes. I found myself gently sliding my hands up and down the smooth skin of her back without realizing how it started.

I was actually disappointed when Ellen stepped back and guided me to the bed. I expected her to lie down and start ordering me to do things to pleasure her. It didn’t go that way.

Instead, she lowered me onto the bed on my back and moved into position over me. She began slowly kissing her way down my body. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. Her soft, warm lips plying my body with tender, sensuous kisses, it was unlike any experience I’ve ever had with a man.

She spent a long time teasing and pleasing my breasts. She really knew what she was doing. Long before her lips moved on I knew I was going to want to do this again.

I experienced my first orgasm long before she ever touched my pussy for the first time. That orgasm wasn’t lonely. It was followed almost immediately by a string of them, each more earth shattering than the last.

If I had any idea it was going to be like this I would have found a woman to make love with a long time ago!

It was so exciting that when I finally pushed her head away from my pussy because I knew that one more orgasm would be fatal I was actually looking forward to returning the favor! I want to make her feel what I’m feeling!

I took a moment to catch my breath before pulling Ellen up beside me and kissing her passionately. I can taste my juices on her lips. That isn’t a problem. I’ve tasted my juices on enough cocks lately that I’m used to the flavor. She relaxed and I began kissing my way down her body the way she just did it for me.

I was fascinated when I began to make love to her breasts for the first time. You might not think that making love to a woman’s breasts would be so exciting for me. After all, I have breasts. I can touch a breast anytime I wish.

This was so much different. Her sexy aroma, her obvious pleasure at my touch, the way her nipples hardened in response to the loving attention I paid them, all those things a man experiences during sex which I’m now experiencing for the first time. It’s incredibly exciting!

I spent a long, pleasant time exploring her breasts before I began to work my way down to her bald pussy. Long before I reached it she started to moan and writhe around sensuously, losing control because of what I’m doing with my fingers and my lips and tongue. Her reaction excited me nearly as much as what I’m doing excites her. It seemed like every sound of passion coming from her caused my steaming hot pussy to throb.

I worked my way down to her sweet pussy and for the first time in my life I saw that particular part of a woman’s anatomy up close and personal. I’ve always been self-conscious about the appearance of my pussy. I’ve never fully understood why men are so anxious to see a woman’s pussy. I thought that it must just be that they like them so much because of the pleasure they get from using them or just because they’re something different. I’ve always considered mine to be the most unattractive part of my body.

Seeing Ellen’s like this I suddenly realize how wrong I have been. It’s beautiful! It’s sexy! And a moment later I discovered that the mild flavor of another woman’s pussy is very stimulating.

Ellen was surprising vocal. She quickly began to experience a string of orgasms just like I did a short time ago. She cried out and urged me on. Very few of the sounds coming from her were intelligible. I couldn’t distinguish many words. But the passionate sounds made it clear what she wants, what she needs.

As I ate her pussy and listened to her erotic cries of passion I flashed back to those times Cory ate my pussy on the bus and stuffed my damp panties in my mouth to keep me from crying out. My next thought was that it’s too bad Cory couldn’t have been here to see this. He would have loved all this raw passion on display. And I would have loved pulling him into bed and taking care of the erection that would have resulted.

Ellen finally begged me to stop. I crawled up beside her and we kissed passionately for several exciting minutes before I exclaimed breathlessly, “That was ... that was amazing! Can we do this again?”

She almost purred, “I’m going to insist on it.”

Another question occurred to me. “Does Tony know about this?”

She grinned and nodded. Then she said, “And he’ll be joining us the next time. I told him about my college roommate. It really turned him on. He has always wanted to watch me make love to another woman.”

“Are you ... what do they call them now, wife swappers, swingers?”

“No. I’m afraid you’re going to have to take credit for this aberrant behavior, Denise. I haven’t been with anyone but my husband since college. He tells me he hasn’t either, until today. I believe him. It was the things you did on the bus with Cory that led to all this.”

We got up and took a quick shower together. She dressed and went home, after a long, passionate kiss at the door. I went back up and changed the sheets in the spare bedroom. Then I put on my robe and waited for Jeff to come home from work.

He worked even later tonight. He called as he was leaving the office to tell me he was on the way home. He told me he isn’t hungry but I promised to have a drink ready for him as soon as he came through the door. He does want that.

I handed him a drink as soon as he came into the kitchen from the garage. We went up to our bedroom and he undressed. He’s exhausted. He tried to go right to sleep after he finished his drink but I didn’t let him.

He tried to stop me. He insisted he needs a shower but he’s too tired. I ignored his attempts to put me off. I moved down and began kissing and licking his cock despite his protests. It was soon apparent his cock has a mind of its own.

I gave him a quick blow job and then crawled up beside him and rested my head on his shoulder until he went to sleep. I think he was grateful. He seemed a lot more relaxed.

I woke him up the same way. I guess I have a lot of guilt built up. There are a lot of terrible things for which I’m trying to atone. I have a lot to feel guilty about. We very seldom have sex in the morning. We almost never have. But poor Jeff was halfway to an orgasm by the time he woke up.

He felt guilty because he didn’t have time to return the favor. I assured him I can wait until he has more time. Naturally I can’t tell him I don’t doubt Cory will see to it I have more than my share of orgasms today.

I made breakfast for Jeff and had coffee with him while he ate. After he was gone I took a shower and put on a little sundress, sans underwear of course.

Cory arrived a few minutes before nine o’clock. I stood by the front door when I heard him drive up and opened it when I heard him on the steps. I was a little surprised he wasn’t alone. But not really put out. Having sex with strangers for Cory’s amusement was an important part of our relationship from the very beginning.

Cory introduced me to his companion, Daryl. Daryl is a good-looking kid about Cory’s age. He’s strikingly tall, at least six foot six. It seemed like I had to look up a long way to look him in the eye. He looks very fit. Not muscle bound like a football player, but strong and athletic. I learned that they grew up together and are best friends. They’ll be sharing a three-room suite in the dorm when college starts in the fall.

Introductions were made in the foyer. Cory is standing in such a way as to prevent me from closing the front door. After he introduced his friend he said, “Take off your dress, Denise. We’re going out in a little while. But before we leave my friend wants to get to know you a lot better.”

A shiver went through me as I was forced to undress in front of my open door again. There’s no one out there. Only Cory and Daryl can see me. It’s just such a humiliating thing to have to do.

And of course, there’s the added humiliation of undressing in order to allow another teenage boy to have sex with me. By now I know well what’s going to happen when I start experiencing humiliation. Today is no different. I quickly started to become aroused.

I reached behind my back and tugged the zipper of my dress down. I let it fall free in front, pushed it down and stepped out of it. Daryl smiled eagerly as he took a moment to enjoy the sight of my naked body.

I’m growing increasingly nervous about my open front door but Cory continued to hold it open while Daryl reached up and cupped my breast in his hand. This isn’t the first time Cory made me have sex with an African American. We broke the color barrier yesterday with Mr. Turner and with two of the boys at Toby’s house on Monday. I already know how much our contrasting skin colors affects me.

I looked down and watched his dark, black hand gently caress my milk white skin. Even though I have total privacy in my backyard, I never swim or sunbathe topless. My breasts have never been exposed to the direct light of the sun and are snow white. The striking contrast in our skin colors is a huge turn on for both of us. Or I guess I should say all three of us.

I tried not to let Cory see how relieved I was when he finally closed my front door. But he knew. He always seems to know what’s happening in my head. He swatted me on the ass and said, “Lead the way to the family room, cunt.”

Daryl released his grip on my tit and I moved past him to lead the way. As I did I noticed for the first time the large bulge in his pants. It looks like there’s a snake running down his pant leg!

I led the way down the hallway to the family room. Daryl and I moved to the center of the room. Cory stepped back from us and pulled out his movie camera. He stood so that both my face and Daryl’s body are in the frame as Daryl began to slowly undress.

I’m embarrassed. But as Daryl removed his clothes I had to watch. I have to see what that cock looks like when he frees it from his tight pants. He undressed very slowly. He watched my face as he unveiled his muscular chest and then began to unfasten his pants.

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