My Brother's New Slut - Cover

My Brother's New Slut

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2008 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: It wasn't supposed to happen that way.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Cheating   Gang Bang   .

The nice thing about coming from a family where both parents have good paying jobs is that you don't have to live in the dorm unless you want to. I spent my first two years in college living in a dorm, but in my junior year I wanted to be able to party and I talked mom and dad into spring for an apartment. They were leery until I used the argument that I needed to start learning how to live on my own against the day I graduated.

It wasn't party, party, party - I did work hard at keeping my grades up - but I wanted to be able to "get down" on Friday and Saturday nights, bring ladies into my bed and not have to worry about being caught. I wanted to be able to drink and not have to sweat getting a DUI while driving home from a party or have the asshole campus cops stop me for staggering across the quad. I wanted unsupervised freedom.

The worst thing about my apartment was that it was too damned close to my big brother. Far enough away from mom and dad that I only saw them once every three weeks or so, but Barry was only two blocks away. When he had graduated he had taken a job locally and set up housekeeping. As a result I saw Barry two or three times a week. But Barry wasn't the problem. The problem was Barry's wife Mindy and the problem had nothing to do with what Mindy said or did. The problem was what she was. What she was was everything that a guy wanted in a woman. She was beautiful. She was sexy as hell and built like the proverbial brick shithouse. She was smart, she was funny and it killed me to be around her and know that she could never be mine.

Every time Barry came over he had Mindy with him and every time Mindy walked through my door I got a raging hard on. It didn't matter what she wore - dress with heels, shorts with tee shirt and tennies, or baggy sweats - Mindy made me stiff. The worst of it for me was that Mindy knew it. Not that she ever teased me or led me on or anything like that, but she would give me a look that said, "I know what you want and thanks for the appreciation." I hated it when she came by and I couldn't wait to see her again and how fucked up is that?

Friday night is usually "party hardy" time at my apartment and I usually have anywhere from eight to eighteen people stuffed into my two-bedroom place. Lots of nights the place turns into make out city and sometimes, what with all the booze and grass that floats around, things can get pretty way out. I've actually had couples fucking on the couch, the living room floor and on the kitchen table when both bedrooms were full. It isn't something that happens all the time, but it has happened a time or two which is why I was a little on the nervous side when Mindy called me one Friday night and said she was going to stop by if I didn't mind. Barry had gone out of town and she was alone and wanted company. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place - I wanted to see her, but I didn't want to expose her to the antics of my friends. I told her there would be a party going on and she said, "Great, I could use a little fun." How could I say no?

The party was already cranking when the doorbell rang and I answered it to find Mindy standing there. She gave me a big smile and I stepped aside and let her in. She couldn't have dressed any worst if she had tried. She had on "Daisy Dukes" with a halter-top (no bra) and a pair of flip-flops. She might as well have come naked. By the time the door had closed behind her there wasn't a soft cock in the apartment. I looked at Mindy and wondered what she was thinking. She had to notice that every pair of male eyes in the place were on her. There were three other girls at the party, but suddenly Mindy was the center of attention. I also wondered what she thought about being the oldest person at the party. At twenty-four she had three years on almost everyone there and four or five years on one or two. I asked her what she was drinking and she said a beer would do and so I went to the kitchen and got her one. When I came back she was talking to a girl and two of my buddies so I handed her the beer and left her to mingle.

Within an hour Mindy had been hit on by every guy in there (except me) and she seemed to be loving the attention. I had my head in the fridge getting another beer when Sal came up to me. "Your sister in law is one hot babe. Have you fucked her yet?"

"Fuck no Sal, she's my brothers wife."

"Don't mean shit man, she's pussy. Besides, I've seen the way you look at her. You want a taste of that so bad it's killing you."

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that she's family."

"Would you fuck her if you could and get away with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean slip her a little something and then do her while she's out."

"Oh man, I couldn't do something like that to Mindy."

"Your choice, but if you change your mind I've got a little something that will do the trick."

"What's that?"

"Its called Special K. It puts them out in fifteen or twenty minutes and depending on the dosage it will keep them down for anywhere from one to five hours. The beauty of it is that have no control over their bodies and if they are being fucked when the stuff wears off they will keep on going until you stop and let them go to sleep."

"No man, I couldn't do something like that."

"Think about it, the night is still young."

I spent the next hour watching Mindy and the more I watched her the more I thought about what Sal had told me. I don't suppose that I would ever have done it if Mindy herself hadn't pushed me over the edge. She was standing and talking to five guys and one of them reached out and touched one of her boobs. She just kept talking as she pushed his hand away and treated the matter as if it was just another everyday occurrence. Then another guy did the same thing and again all she did was push the hand away. She didn't get pissed, she didn't haul off and slap anybody, just pushed the hand away and kept on talking. I don't know why it made my cock throb like it did or why it all of a sudden made me think of Sal's idea, but it did and I went looking for him.

"Ready for another beer?" Mindy upended the bottle she had and drained it and said yes. When I came back with it she was pushing another hand away from her tits. I handed her the beer and she asked, "Are all your friend as horny as these guys?"

I laughed, "Don't let them fool you. Yes, all my friends are horny and it's mostly because most of them are still virgins."

She looked around at her little group, "Is that it? Are you all looking at me and seeing the experienced older married lady who might help you get rid of that terrible burden?"

Most of them blushed and then Mindy laughed, "Sorry guys, I'm just too newly married to do something like that."

I separated her from the group and made small talk with her as I watched for the signs of dizziness that Sal told me to expect. It took about twelve minutes to hit. She shook her head a couple of times as if to try and clear it and I asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, just a little dizzy spell. I guess I should have eaten something before coming over here and drinking beer."

"Come on. Well get you into my bedroom and you can lie down until it clears up."

I got her on the bed and then I went out of the room and left her alone to give the stuff I'd put into her beer a chance to put her under. I gave her fifteen minutes and then I went back. I walked over to her, "Are you okay?" Her eyes were open and she was looking at me, but they seemed dull. I shook her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Still nothing. I'd been having second thoughts about doing it, but then I thought, "You've gone this far, no sense backing out now."

I ignored Mindy's eyes as I pulled off her halter-top and slid her shorts off. I took the flip-flops off her feet and then stepped back to look down at her. God, she was beautiful. I had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring, but I was pretty sure I would never see her this way again so I got my camera and took several shots of her before putting the camera away and undressing. It was creepy seeing Mindy's eyes following every move I made even though she couldn't move or talk, but I had gone too far to back out now. Besides, Sal had only given me enough stuff to put Mindy under for about an hour or so and I didn't want to waste any of it.

I bent over and began licking her left nipple and then I took it in my mouth and began working on it. I put my hand on her right breast and started playing with the nipple and then I went back and forth between the two tits until the heat built up in me and then I started moving down her body. I pushed her legs apart and I buried my nose in her pussy and took a deep breath and then I started to eat her. At first she just laid there, but after a minute or so I thought I felt her respond to my probing tongue. Sal had told me I could expect some response, but he also said that it wouldn't be for at least a half-hour. I latched onto her clit and began working on it as I pushed a finger in her and began working it around. Her body gave a jerk and I could feel her trying to push her pussy up at me as I finger fucked her.

I couldn't wait any longer and I moved between her legs and pushed my cock into her. She was tight and I had to go slow to work myself in. I lifted her legs, bent them at the knees and tucked them under my armpits and slowly worked my cock in her. Her eyes were looking up at me and while no longer dull I couldn't tell what was in them as I began to fuck her. I was working away when I heard the door open behind me. That was not supposed to happen. Neither of the bedrooms in my apartment has a lock on the door and the rule at my parties was that a closed bedroom door means stay the fuck out. I turned and saw Mike standing there and watching. He gave a little half wave and said, "Sorry man, I didn't know anyone was in here" and then he backed out and closed the door. I felt myself getting ready to come and I debated slowing down to make it last or to get it done, get hard again and go for seconds. Greed won out, I blew my nuts and then I waited until my cock got soft and then I pulled out of her.

Kneeling on the bed and looking down at her I had no remorse at all for what I had just done. She was just too beautiful and too sexy looking for me not to want the memory of her nakedness or the tightness of her pussy. I was just sorry that it could not have been with her being a willing participant, but what the hell, some memory is better than none. I wondered if putting my cock in her mouth would help speed up my getting another erection so I got up and moved to where my cock was hanging just over her face. Her eyes followed me and watched as I laid my cock on her soft lips. I drug it back and forth a couple of times and then I pushed my finger against her chin and her mouth opened and my cock fell in. I eased it in and out a couple of times and then suddenly I had to take a piss. I pulled out, bent over and kissed her. Her eyes were looking into mine when I said, "Sorry for this, but I had to have you and this was the only way." I put my pants on and headed for the john.

I took my whiz and went to the fridge to get another beer and Sal came up to me, "How's it going?"

"So far so good, but I just wished she was a more active and willing partner."

"Just make sure that you are still fucking her when she starts to come out of it and she will be more active than you can handle."


"Because even though she's out of it, she's still aware of what's happening - she just can't fight it. All of the nerve endings that have to do with sexual response and enjoyment are still being worked, but she can't feel them yet. As the stuff wears off and she regains feeling the first thing that hits her is all of the sexual stimulation that the body has been feeling all along. What you have is instant sex maniac which is why I like Special K so much."

"Explain please."

"Rohypnol and GHB cause short term memory loss and amnesia and the girl knows that something happened, but not necessarily what or who. But with Special K she always knows what and who, but when she comes out of it she is a fuck machine and she knows what she is doing and she is doing it to get herself off. When it's over she can't very well call the law on you because she was the most active partner for the last half. She might be really pissed at you and never speak to you again, but she can't complain and that's the beauty of Special K."

A cold fear clutched my heart. I had thought all date rape drugs clouded the mind and produced memory loss. "You mean she knows it was me? She's going to come out of it and know it was me? Oh God, my brother is going to kill me if she doesn't."

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