The Adventures of Harry Makepeace - Cover

The Adventures of Harry Makepeace

Copyright© 2007 by OVERLAND

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Harry is doing one of the things he likes best when he finds one of his other favourites. He is at the football match when he meets a girl. What a girl! A drink followed by lunch the next day followed by.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Squirting   Water Sports   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

"Here I am boss, as ordered," Harry said as he stood in front of Samara's desk. Then he lowered his voice. "I'm so happy to see you looking so good. How's things at home?"

"That's what I want to see you about Harry. Sit down and I'll tell you. So much has been happening. Before I start, are you free for lunch?"

Harry looked at Samara then made a point of looking at his diary.

"I can fit you in Miss," he grinned. "Where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere private and nearby," said Samara almost in a whisper. "I can't be away too long, as I will tell you".

Harry thought quickly. "How about picking up a couple of sandwiches each and going round to my place? Only five minutes walk each way!"

"Wonderful," said Samara, "I forgot you lived so close. Twelve thirty?"

It was agreed. Samara started to fill him in with recent events.

"Everything is going so well Harry," Samara began. "First of all I went to my parents on Saturday and told them of my problems and about my unhappiness. When I told them about being abused they immediately said I must end my marriage. My father wanted to get me a solicitor but was very pleased when I told them that I had already consulted one. We then discussed Sachin and my father said that the best solution would be to get him to return voluntarily to India, which he might do if he was given a substantial sum of money. My father said he would lend me money but when I said I might be promoted and have to move house he said I would probably have enough out of the sale to enable me to buy Sachin out."

"I went home and found Sachin there. With my parents blessing behind me I tackled him straight away. He sat there and listened to me and, wonder of wonders, he agreed with everything I said and agreed to my suggestions. He will finally agree when I offer him a sum that he thinks is reasonable. I shall not try to cheat him. As I have said, he is not a bad man. He says that he is keen to return to India."

"So, I come into work this morning and immediately I go to Mr. Bates to tell him of my changed circumstances and what I am proposing to do. He says that I'm doing the right thing and also that he may have some positive news about my next career step very soon. He said that Head Office Human Resources have been talking to him about me very recently."

During this explanation Samara had not been looking directly at Harry but rather somewhere else, especially down on to the desk between them.

"Harry?" Samara questioned, "please don't answer if you feel unable to do so but what does 'titty fkg', 'public fkg' coupled with the names Kate, Jan, Josie, Nadine, Sue and Cindy and Sam mean?"

Harry grabbed his pad and turned it over. "Just doodling Sammy", he stammered."

She looked straight at him. Harry blushed. "I'll explain at lunch time, OK?" he said. "At the same time," he smiled, "you can explain to me why dear old man Bates was holding your hand so sweetly this morning." Harry picked up his papers and left the interview room, saying "until twelve thirty" as he unlocked the door and returned to his desk.

It was just about break time so, after a detour for a piss, Harry went to the canteen in time to see Martin and Josie break apart as they heard the door. Josie grinned and said she would fetch their coffees. Harry and Martin sat down.

"So," said Harry, "no need to ask if you got your end away on Saturday night, is there? We all saw Josie's titties as you drove out the car park."

"Oh my God Harry," whispered Martin. "She's insatiable, she's only happy when my cock's inside her and even happier when I'm pumping spunk. She takes it in any hole and always swallows. She's fucking great, she really is. Anyway, how was your fucking weekend? As good as you hoped?"

"Better, I think," mused Harry. "Very similar to yours by the sound of your action. Kate really likes it up her arsehole now she's got used to it. Does Josie like it up there?"

"I don't know but we have discussed it and she's going to think about it and let me know. Shhh, here she comes."

Josie arrived with the coffees. "Hi Harry, has my lover been tellin' you about his fuckin' stamina. He was never out of me. He pumped enough protein giving spunk into my mouth and cunt to last me... until next time!" she laughed happily. Harry could see that Martin would be welcome any time.

"If I hadn't had a good time myself I would be jealous," he smiled.

"Plenty of time for other fuckers," Josie chortled. "Me and Martin ain't ready to settle down yet. If he gets another girl that's OK as long as I still gets my share. Have a quick look at these"

Josie was naked under her smock again. Martin and Harry both had a good feel of her big round tits and sucked on a big hard nipple each. She ran out quickly as she heard someone approaching down the staff room corridor.

Harry and Martin grinned at one another and talked some more about future fucking plans. Harry mentioned that he really wanted to titty fuck Josie and Martin laughed, saying he would fix it for him. They discussed a possible foursome, with some fucking thrown in, of course.

In due time Harry returned to his desk and managed to get through a fair amount of work until just before twelve thirty he signalled to Samara and they left their desks. They met across the square and turned towards Bishops Close. After a couple of hundred yards Sammy linked her hand through Harry's arm.

"Oh Harry, I feel so free," she said happily. "I have to see my solicitor again this afternoon to tell her to go ahead and prepare my divorce papers and then I will feel that my life is really starting again. Oh, here we are, Bishops Close, it's very close to the office, isn't it?"

As soon as they entered Harry's house Sammy explored the downstairs, having a pee as soon as she found the loo. Harry went into the kitchen and soon returned with coffee and a Breezer for Sammy. He stopped in the middle of the room as soon as her saw her sitting on the sofa. She was topless again, her beautiful breasts pointing straight at him, her hard nipples standing out proudly.

"I thought you would like to see them again Harry," she smiled. "No, that's not true, I wanted to show them to you again. I want you to stroke them again with your hands and with your cock. If you do it now perhaps you will be able to do it again before we have to leave. Do you think so Harry?"

Harry said nothing as he put the coffee on the table and the Breezer into Sammy's hand. He produced his long hard cock from his trousers and put Sammy's other hand around his shaft. He looked down at the erotic sight of her small brown hand with her long slim fingers beginning to wank him slowly. He moaned quietly.

"Sammy, oh Sammy, that's lovely. Keep on doing that. I want to come all over your breasts soon."

Harry knelt down in front of her. As soon as he did that Sammy sat forward and enveloped his cock between her breasts. Harry pumped his cock in her titty channel, gripping her long hard nipples to give him purchase. Sammy clasped her hands over the top, gazing at the scene.

"Oh yes Harry, I want to see your spunk again. Do it to me hard and fast and make me feel so good. Your cock is so big and hard. I do love it so. I want it all the time. Just watching it is making me so wet, you know, between my legs."

Sammy's words had the desired effect on Harry. He pumped harder and faster, his pre cum lubricating Sammy's tit channel until he reached his peak of feelings. He shot his first jet of spunk into her face as she looked down, then pulled away and spurted all over her hands and breasts. Even after the weekend exertions his sperm producing kit was still working fine, making his spunk in great quantities.

Sammy spread his spunk all over her breasts and chest, licking off the excess and tasting him. Harry leaned forward and kissed her for the first time, tasting himself in her mouth as he gently parted her lips with his tongue. Sammy seemed to be unused to open mouth kissing so they had a long exploratory mouthing together. Finally she sucked the end of his drooping tool before taking a big drink of her Breezer and then picking up her coffee.

"Harry, that was wonderful. I've never had such a good time. Now, you promised me an explanation of the notes on your pad although I think I've worked out a lot of it and it doesn't seem to have much to do with work at the bank. 'fkg' I presume is an abbreviation of fucking and I think I've just had the titty one. You must tell me about 'public' and the girls I don't know, Josie, Nadine, Sue and Cindy. Have you got enough, er, spunk for all these girls Harry?"

Harry smiled and kissed Sammy again. She liked it so much that they did it some more and his prick began to recover. Harry gently rested his hand on Sammy's thighs and she opened her legs a little wider, She felt hot to his touch.

"You have got it almost one hundred percent correct," he replied. "I hope to have a chance to supply all those ladies, including yourself Sam, with as much of my cum as they want. Josie works in the staff room at the bank, Nadine is my best mate's girlfriend, Cindy is Kate's twenty two year old stepmother but Sue must remain anonymous. Public means that Kate wants us to start fucking in public places where we might be observed by others. We are going to prepare a list of places."

Sammy was fascinated and started to help Harry with some places. In no time at all they had the bus and railway stations, the town hall steps, the fountain in the square and outside the main police station.

Harry thought the last one was a bit risky but kissed Sammy as she suggested it just the same. This kiss turned into a much heavier one, with Sammy putting one hand behind Harry's head to pull him to her and the other went back on to his prick which swelled appreciably. Harry deliberately pressed one hand down on to Sammy's groin and rubbed gently. To his great surprise she opened her legs wide to give him access. He wasted no time, moving his hand under her skirt and quickly finding her wet panties. He dived underneath to find her hairy pubic patch with it's wet cunny dissecting it from top to bottom. Sammy squirmed and stopped the kiss.

"Ohhh, Harry, ohhh that's wonderful. Wait a moment!"

Sammy lifted her skirt, wriggled her bottom and whipped her panties down her legs. She opened her legs wide, showing her juicy hairy cunt in all its glory. Harry pressed his hand to her charms, parting her hairs and sliding two fingers into her juicy passage. His thumb rubbed over her little proud clit. Sammy screamed.

"Yes Harry yes, do it some more. Don't stop please, don't stop! Make me come, oh please make come. I want it, I want it."

Sammy had already grabbed Harry's big hard cock and was stroking him furiously. She was naturally pulling him so he moved his knob end to her mouth. Sammy didn't hesitate, as soon as his prick touched her lips she opened her mouth and fed his knob end in. Harry pushed into her molten hole, fucking it gently but firmly in and out.

Sammy was all fired up and ready to shoot. She could only moan with her mouth so full but she lifted her bottom off the seat, driving Harry's fingers deeper into her cunt. His thumb pressed down harder on to her nub and she exploded into her orgasm, almost dislodging his fingers as she did so.

Harry gasped out, "I'm gonna cum, Sammy, it's coming. I can't hold it." Sammy opened her eyes and kept on pumping Harry. He shot a huge stream of hot sticky spunk into her mouth. She pulled his cock out and pumped him all over her tits again, her open mouth showing a full measure inside. They kissed again, sharing his taste.

They lay together on his sofa, an arm around each other with her other little hand holding his sticky cock and his resting on her cunt with his thumb still teasing her clit. Eventually they kissed and stirred.

"Darling Harry, that was so wonderful. Now I've got to get off to my solicitors appointment and you've got to get back to the bank. I don't think anybody knows that we went out together today. Can we do this again? I'm sorry, I don't mean just this, I want you to,... er... , fuck me soon. Will you please Harry? Soon?"

Harry hugged her to him, his cock still dangling between her legs. Sammy pushed at him.

"Of course, you know I'd love to Sammy my darling. One condition though, you still haven't told me why old Bates was hanging on to your hand so tenderly this morning. So give, tell all."

Sammy's eyes were sparkling as she laughed. "I must admit that I'd given him a little kiss when he told me my good news. I think he's missing his wife still; it's only nine months since she died. I bet he's not had sex for at least two years what with her illness and all. Poor old boy! He had an erection this morning"

"Are you going to help him out then?" enquired Harry with a laugh.

Sammy didn't laugh. "It's not impossible Harry. I do think he's very nice but it couldn't happen until I'm at another branch and my divorce has come through. It would be quite nice to have two lovers for a while, one older and one younger. We'll have to see what happens. Will you tell me when I can see you again?"

"How about Thursday lunchtime here, same time?"

"Yes please," said Sammy, kissing him again and fondling his growing cock. She giggled. "He's getting ready for the next one."

Sammy left for her appointment and eventually Harry returned to work.

Harry had no intentions of seeing another girl today; he needed a rest especially after his unplanned lunchtime. However, when his doorbell rang at about seven thirty that evening and he opened the door to see John and Nadine standing there he welcomed them in. Nadine's tits were almost bursting out of her thin white woolly top with her nipples clearly visible. How she managed to seem to never wear a bra Harry intended to find out,

Nadine asked to use the bathroom and Harry guided her upstairs to his en suite. She turned and smiled her thanks to him and he took her big right tit into his hands, thumbing her nipple erect. She smiled even more.

"That feels lovely Harry. We must do it some more soon, eh?"

"Yes please Nadine," sighed Harry. "I would love to pump my cock between your gorgeous titties until I come all over them."

Nadine laughed. "Just like fucking John," she spluttered. "He's always doing that. Tell you what Harry; I'll let you do it to me as long as you fuck me as well. OK?"

Harry took some deep breaths as he returned to John downstairs. He still had a fair tent in his slacks as he re-entered the lounge.

"Beer John?" asked Harry, heading straight for the kitchen without stopping. John accepted and laughed.

"You don't have to hide your stiffy, you know," he said as he followed Harry to the kitchen. "Nadine always makes guys hot for her. You can touch her if you like, I don't mind. It sort of warms her up for me later!"

Harry admitted to having had a touch upstairs already. He didn't mention Nadine's offer just in case John's generosity suddenly changed.

Just then Nadine returned. Something had excited her as her nipples were now really sticking out through the material of her woolly top.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" asked Harry. "I was just going to go out for a Chinese when you called."

"That's a great idea," said John. "It'll be quicker if I fetch it. You like the one just up the road, don't you? No Nady, you stay here darling and help Harry get everything out and ready."

Fortunately John went straight out of the door as if he were in a hurry because Harry and Nadine could hardly contain themselves as they convulsed with laughter as the door shut behind John.

"Get everything out and ready?" she screamed. "Surely he must have known what he was saying? Fucking hell Harry, come here and get everything out and ready!"

Trying to hold back his laughter Harry crossed the lounge to Nadine and in one swift smooth movement pulled her woolly over her head. He dropped it to the floor as he gazed upon her giant mammary glands, barely contained in a thin gauzy almost transparent soft bra. He had seen a lot of them on Friday of course but now they were much closer and he knew that they were all for him for the next few minutes. Her nipples were big and hard, protruding at least an inch from her aureoles. He put out his hands but she stopped him.

"No Harry, not yet! It's cock out time now. John says you've got a big one and this is my chance to see it. Let me see it now Harry"

Quick as a flash Harry dropped his slacks and pants and displayed his rock hard tool. Nadine gasped as she unclipped her bra and let it fall and then quickly grasped Harry's penis.

"Oh my God, this is fantastic," she gasped. "We see no end of cocks at the hospital but I can honestly say that I've never seen one as big as this. Let me see it real close."

Nadine dropped to her knees in front of Harry's cock. She started to pump it and he groaned. She spat on his knob end and mixed her spit with the juice seeping from his pee slit. She pumped him some more.

"I'm gonna enjoy this!" she said as she opened her mouth wide and swallowed him whole, taking his entire length inside her all the way to her throat. After a few more pumps and sucks Harry could feel his spunk gathering and moaned in total pleasure. Nadine ejected his cock from her mouth.

"More of that later, Harry darling," she smiled. "Let's make your dream come true, shall we?"

She leaned back against the sofa. Harry dropped to his knees and she pulled his cock into her cavernous titty channel. He groaned and started to thrust up and down the soft hot passage. Nadine made saliva and dripped it from her mouth into the point of enjoyment. Harry knew he wouldn't last long and warned her.

"It doesn't matter Harry," she whispered. "If you come soon you'll have time to fuck me before John gets back with the food, won't you?"

Harry grinned his agreement to this. He felt his cock begin to grow a little as a beginning to his ejaculations.

"My God," gasped Nadine, "I swear you're growing bigger."

It was time. Then the phone rang. Harry froze mid thrust. Nadine said "carry on" then reached behind her, picked up the phone and handed it to Harry.

"Hello," he croaked.

"Harry, it's me, Kate! Sorry to call you unexpectedly but I just had an idea about the titty fucking. I could invite Nadine, Josie and Sammy round here for a girls party thing then you could turn up as if by chance. I would let you titty fuck me and maybe the others would like to join in. What do you think about that? Harry? Are you all right? You sounded a bit strange."

Harry looked at Nadine and she nodded, smiling and pointing at the phone. She had, of course, heard every word that Kate had said.

"It's a good idea Kate and, yes, I'm all right. Never felt better actually! Nadine's here at the moment and she wants to tell you something."

"Hello Kate," said Nadine. "I'd love to come to a titty fucking party at your house. Harry is practicing on me at the moment. He was just about to shoot his load all over my tits as the phone rang. Hang on and listen and I'll describe it to you."

Nadine squeezed Harry's cock hard between her tits and he pumped up and down furiously. Nadine's breasts made a sort of smacking sound. His cock squelched in her channel and then erupted with his first spurt. Nadine had been looking down as this happened, her mouth open with concentration. Harry scored a bull's eye into her mouth before he quickly pulled back and spurted all over her magnificent breasts. Nadine swallowed his first shot and then began to spread the rest all over her globes. She spoke to Kate again.

"Did you hear that Kate? Harry has just pumped gallons of spunk all over my tits with the first one in my mouth. He does do a lot, doesn't he? Here have a quick word with him. John will be back from the Chinese soon with our supper. 'Bye!"

"Hello Kate darling," said Harry tentatively.

"Harry, that was fantastic," squealed Kate enthusiastically. "It was almost like having a threesome. I've gone all wet. I shall have to frig myself off now. That's one off the list then, isn't it?"

"Er, two actually," said Harry quietly. "I had lunch with Sammy round here today and we did it again."

"Fuckin' Hell Harry!" exploded Kate. "Don't you ever stop? Make sure you've got enough spunk for me on Wednesday. There's your 'Aunty Sue' tomorrow as well, isn't there? I think I'll be measuring how much sperm you've got left." She said more softly, "I'm not jealous Harry, just excited. What's Nadine doing now?"

"Er, she's just finished rubbing my cum into her tits and now she's sucking on my cock."

"You lucky bastard," laughed Kate. "See you Wednesday, pick me up straight after work, OK?"

"OK," replied Harry and hung up.

His cock was nearly up, thanks to Nadine's expert ministrations. She stroked him and sucked him and he was almost ready. Harry unfastened her skirt waistband and pulled it, together with her panties, down below her knees. Nadine helped him and kicked them off her feet. She was now naked and what a fine sight she was.

Below her beautiful great tits she sported a bejewelled navel with a nice rounded belly, below which she sprouted a veritable forest of black pubic hair. She spread her rounded thighs and her vagina lips were pulled open.

Nadine took Harry's tool from her mouth and moved it down to her pussy lips. His knob end was immediately soaked with her hot pussy juices and she pulled him nearer.

"Now Harry, now," she commanded. "Quick before John comes back. Stick your cock in me and give me a good fucking!"

Harry always did as a gorgeous woman told him, especially when the subject was fucking. He rammed his tool home, pulled it all the way out and then rammed home again. He began to do this faster and faster, working himself up to a big climax. He wasn't really thinking of Nadine's need but there was no problem, she was there before him."

"Ooooo! Ooooo!" she screamed. "Yes Harry yes. I'm fuckin' coming, all over your big cock. Give it to me! Shoot your fuckin' load. I want it!"

Harry came with a great pumping action, shooting load after load of his hot spunk deep into Nadine's belly. She screamed again.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhh, arghhhhhhh!! That's it, all the way up my pussy. That's fantastic. God that's hot! I love it, I fuckin' love it!"

Finally they stopped thrusting at one another, totally spent. Harry pulled his sticky tool out of Nadine and stood up.

"I would like to suck our juices off you Harry but there's not time. John's bound to back in a minute. I hope so 'cos I'm really hungry now."

Harry laughed, albeit weakly. "I would lick you out too Nadine but you're right, we've got to get cleaned up a little. You're right, I could eat a horse now."

"I really enjoyed that though Harry. Call me when you want a repeat. I love your long thick cock."

Less than five minutes later John returned with the grub and they ate hungrily. They soon were ready to leave and as they prepared to go John turned to Nadine and said, "by the way darling, did I give you enough time?"

"Just enough for one tit fuck and one cunt cream. Thanks darling. Wait 'til I get you back to my place."

They both fell about laughing at Harry's astounded expression. Nadine kissed him warmly and squeezed his crotch and John shook his hand. They were still laughing, clinging to one another, as they walked off up the street.

Harry tidied up and was beginning to think of an early night when the phone rang again.

"Hello Harry darling," came Jan's tinkling little girl voice. How's it hanging or is it all stiff and ready for some lucky girl? Shall I come over?

"Hi Jan sweetheart," replied Harry, his heart lifting at the sound of her voice. "I'm going to have an early night tonight so don't come over now. Why don't we meet up on Thursday in the Black Bull? Are you free then? Your brother and Nadine have only just left. John went out and got a Chinese for us all."

"Thursday's great Harry, I'll meet you at about eight o'clock, OK? Wait a minute, you said John and Nadine came around and then John went out for a Chinese, leaving you alone with Nadine. Right?"


There was a pause. "You didn't, did you Harry? You didn't titty fuck Nadine while John fetched the food?"

"I found out afterwards that they had arranged it all between them. Yes, I shot a load all over those lovely tits and then another one right up the pleasure passage. She says I can do her again any time I like but she might not tell John that."

"No wonder you're going to bed early," laughed Jan. "Harry darling, when you are in bed with your lovely big prick in your hand will you please call me back and talk dirty to me. My mobile number is 779 555 111. I'll play with myself until I come then."

Harry agreed and in due course called her back from his bed, holding his hard tool in his hand. He told her what he was going to do to her on Thursday and she quickly stroked herself into a series of juicy wet climaxes.

Harry had to concentrate all morning at the bank to stop himself from getting hard thinking about the afternoon to come. Fortunately he was very busy and also Samara wanted a word with him in the interview room.

"Harry darling," she said, "I wanted to tell you yesterday afternoon about my solicitors appointment but I was so busy catching up that I never found the time. Now that Sachin has agreed to the break up she only needs the settlement figure to be able to complete the documentation. I'm going to see an estate agent at lunchtime to arrange for a valuation of our house then I can offer him a share in the proceeds. I don't know what percentage to offer. He has made no contribution to our marriage so the offer has to be enough but I don't know where to start. What do you think?"

"I think you should start very low," advised Harry. "You can always increase until he agrees. Try not to give him the impression that you will keep on increasing your offer otherwise he will hold you to ransom. Also I suggest that you be patient. For example, if he turns down your first offer out of hand then say you'll get back to him. Then make him a small increase the next day and watch his reaction. Try and see if he's tempted to accept or not and then you may be able to judge when he's close to accepting."

Samara came close to Harry and grasped his penis through his slacks.

"You are so good for me Harry. I think that is very sensible advice, especially about not starting too high. Gosh, your penis is growing; I must let go of it! I'm going to get you to fuck me on Thursday Harry. I won't tell a soul."

Samara gave a Harry a soft loving kiss and they separated. Harry then repaired to the staff room for his coffee. There was no sign of Martin so he gave Josie a friendly squeeze as she came to take his order.

"Where's Martin?" he asked. "He shouldn't leave you all alone with me. I might forget myself and help myself to your charms."

Josie gave one of her characteristic giggles. "He's had to go out to meet a customer. I'm going to see him for lunch. Anyway, which of my charms would you like to help yourself to, might I ask?"

Harry dropped his voice to a whisper. "You know I want to titty fuck you Josie. My cock goes hard just thinking about it and I think about it about ten times a day. I think Martin should be there too though, don't you? How do you feel about it?"

"There's a rumour goin' round that you have a gigantic cock, Harry Makepeace. I think that I should check that out, don't you?"

"I would be grateful for your opinion about the size of my er,... equipment," laughed Harry. "I'm thinking about next Sunday, round at my place. How does that grab you?"

"That sounds fine to me," grinned Josie. "I'll talk to Martin and he'll let you know. He will agree, I'm sure, after I tell him he can fuck me all night again on Saturday."

"Are you going to let him have your arse, Josie?" asked Harry. "Kate really likes it now."

"Ah knows he wants it, Mistah Harry," growled Josie, breaking into a West Indian accent. "Ah just ain't decided if ah'll do it that way with him yet."

"Maybe I'll get Kate to have a word with you about it," said Harry. "I'm seeing her tomorrow night. I'll mention it to her."

Harry left the staff room after having his coffee and eating his lunchtime sandwich early. He now felt confident about his meeting with Sue this afternoon. Talking about arseholes with Josie somehow made him feel positive about the whole thing.

Twenty five past two found Harry driving through the gates of the Graham's imposing country house, about five miles from town. Sue opened the door to his ring, smiling a welcome and inviting him in.

Sue was casually but very smartly and sexily dressed. She had on a cream silk blouse with a dark brown flared skirt. The skirt was short without being tarty and the blouse was all but transparent. She wasn't wearing a bra as evidenced by the sight of her hard nipples showing through the silk as the blouse moved as she walked and turned. Harry speculated on the presence of panties under the skirt. He would bet not.

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