A Slut Set Free - Cover

A Slut Set Free

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: He wouldn't take care of her so she got herself taken care of.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slow   .

I watched the muscles ripple on his back as he bent to pick his trousers up from the floor. He looked over at me, still on the bed, leaning on an elbow and watching him dress and he smiled at me. I watched him tuck his shrunken cock into his jockey shorts and wished that I had been able to get it up one more time. Call me Little Miss Greedy Guts since I had already managed to get four times out of him. No, make that Mrs. Greedy Guts. He finished dressing, came over, bent down and kissed me and asked:


"Wouldn't miss it for the World" I said and as soon as the motel door closed behind him I sat up and got off the bed. I went to my travel case and got out the Massengill Vinegar and Water douche and my douche bag and headed for the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, showered, douched and dressed in jeans, sweatshirt and tennis shoes I left the motel room, got in my car and drove to the gym.

My gym membership included a locker and I put my travel case and the shoulder bag holding the garter belt, nylons and high heels in the locker, locked it and headed for home. As I drove I ran through my mental check list. Nothing in the car he could find if he went looking. The fresh smell of soap and shampoo explained away by my showering after my gym work out. The phone calls arranging the time and place (never the same place twice in a row) made from the pay phone at the 7-11. Satisfied that there wasn't anything to trip me up I turned on the radio and listened to what Ed Schultz had to say on Air America radio.

I was in the kitchen stirring the sauce for the linguini when he got home. He walked into the kitchen, walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and asked me what was for dinner.

"Linguini with Alfredo sauce, garlic bread and I've opened a bottle of Chianti to give it some time to breathe."

"How long until dinner?"

"About fifteen minutes."

"I'll be in the den going over some papers."

Of course you will, I thought, where else would you be. It's where you spend every waking hour when you aren't at work.

Breakfast and dinner were the two times during the day when he made an attempt to pretend he cared about me and what I did. "How was your day?" he asked as he topped off his glass with Chianti.

"It was okay. There really isn't a whole lot to keep me busy with the kids gone. Not that I'm complaining of course. I think that it is great that your mom and dad wanted to take them to Yellowstone and to see Mount Rushmore and truth be told I do need a break from time to time. But with them gone it leaves me with a lot of empty time on my hands to try and fill. I had a very good work out today. The rest of the time I spent cleaning house."

"I sometimes think that you spend too much time at that gym. You can overdo things you know."

"I don't know if you have ever noticed it or not, but the next time you go to the doctor's office and they weight you on the scale read the message in the frame on the wall just above the scale."

"Why? What does it say?"

"It says, "Those who can not find time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm as healthy as a horse and I owe it all to my exercising."

She smiled to herself as she thought, "Both at the gym and at other places" as the memories of that afternoon's activities came back to her.

"I still think you spend too much time there."

I wanted to say that it wouldn't hurt him any to spend a little time there - get rid of that pot belly - but I knew if I said anything I'd be beating a dead horse. I knew all the excuses by heart. "I don't have the time to waste on things like that." "I don't need it; I'm in better shape than half of the men my age." "I have more important things to do with my time."

Yeah, I thought, like sitting in your den pretending to do work you brought home while what you are really doing is visiting porn sites on your computer.

After dinner he disappeared into his den again leaving me to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. When that was done I dropped in front of the TV set and watched NCIS. I liked that show because I can identify with the characters. I've known obnoxious assholes like Tony and I went to school with guys just like McGee. I even have a girlfriend who is just as Goth as Abby. And I think that Tom Harmon is a hunk! When the program was over I grabbed the Randy Wayne White novel I was reading ("Dark Light") and headed for bed.

I put on a sexy black peignoir just in case he wanted to play when he came to bed. I never refused and I always made it available, but I had long given up going after it. He had more excuses as to why he wasn't up to it than the most frigid woman on her worst day. I've never understood it. Not to bang my own drum, but I know I'm a great looking, desirable woman and I can't understand why he would rather be in his den, sitting in front of his computer, looking at porn and fisting himself than being in bed with me and enjoying the real thing. No matter. If he didn't want it I knew plenty who did.

I managed to get sixty pages or so done before I got drowsy. I put the book down, turned out the light and I was asleep before he came to bed.

The next morning the alarm went off at six and he lumbered out of bed and into the shower. I stretched and debated on just laying there, but of course I didn't. I did what I had done every day of our ten year marriage and I got out of bed and went down to the kitchen and put the coffee on and fixed his breakfast. I used to pack him a lunch, but now days, being that he was a big time divisional manager, he didn't take a lunch.

As he sipped his coffee he asked, "What do you have planned for today?"

"I've got laundry to do and since the kids should be home the day after tomorrow I'll need to get some grocery shopping done. I'll probably hit the gym for a work out and then spend my afternoon watching the 'soaps' or Jerry Springer."

"I don't see how anyone as intelligent as you are can watch that drivel."

"It is all I have to do to fill my time since you won't let me go back to work."

"Don't start on that again. I make more than enough to take care of this family and it is important that the kids have a stay at home mom."

"The kids are in school all day. I don't need to be here for that."

"We have already had this discussion. In fact, we have had it too many times. Let it be."

I really didn't want to go back to work, but once in a while it does me good to pull his chain. A year ago I wanted desperately to go back to work -- anything to get me out of the house -- but that was then. I had too much going on during the day now to want to ruin it by going back to work.

As soon as he left for work I pulled on a tank top, a pair of shorts and slipped into a pair of flip flops. I drove the eight miles to the 7-11 and used the pay phone. He sounded asleep when he answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Good morning sunshine. Are we still on for today?"

"You have to ask?"

"A girl likes to be sure. Where and when?"

"The Super 8 on Wilcox?"

"No, we used that one last Friday. We need something new. How about the Best Western on Madison? We haven't been there in a while. What time?"

"How about we make it at eleven?"

"That will work sweetie. See you there."

Back to the house where I made sure that my cell phone was charged and then I grabbed a short skirt and a low-cut blouse and stuffed them into a Wal-Mart bag and headed for the gym. Once at the gym I ran my regular routine; twenty minutes on the treadmill to get my heart rate up, one circuit on the machines, twenty-five minutes on the Stairmaster and then a long, hot shower. Nylons, garter belt and heels were already in my locker so I put them on, slipped into the skirt and blouse and headed for the Best Western.

As I drove I paid close attention to the cars behind me and several times I made sudden turns and quick stops to see if anyone was following me. Satisfied that no one was I continued on to the Best Western.

I was sitting there when he pulled in and I saw him glance my way. He went in, got a room and then came out, got in his car and drove to the north end of the building where he parked, got out of the car and went inside. I waited a couple of minutes and then I got out of my car and entered the south end of the building and walked down the hall until I came to an open door. I looked inside and saw him smiling as he waited for me. I entered the room, pushed the door closed behind me and he stepped forward, took me in his arms and kissed me. He stepped back and said:

"I swear, you look sexier and more fuckable every time I see you."

"You keep talking like that and I may just have to rip your clothes off of you and punish you."

"Oh no, not that, anything but that."

I stepped forward and kissed him and reached for his belt. I unbuckled it, unbuttoned the top button of his trousers and then pulled down the zipper. His boxer's were already tented as I reached inside and wrapped my hand around his hardness. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Can I have it?"

"I don't know. Are you going to hurt it?"

"I might heat it up a bit, but I don't think that will cause you any great discomfort."

"Please be gentle."

I giggled as I said, "I will" and then I took him in my mouth.

It was a very active three hours and I was thoroughly satisfied when I had to call it quits.

"When can we do this again?" he asked as he dressed.

"I have something going on Thursday, but I could make it Friday."

"I don't know if I have anything going on Friday or not, but if I do I'll change it. Any preference for time and place?"

"Same time would be good and for place how about the Holiday Express at Butler and Mason?"

He bent down and kissed me, told me he would see me there and then he left. I douched, showered and then drove back to the gym and put my things in my locker. I hit the Wal-Mart Super Center on Billings to do my grocery shopping and then I went home.

I got two loads of washing done before it was time to start dinner and I had them folded and on the stairs where he could see them when he got home. I needed for him to have visual proof that his little wifey was busy being domestic. As I cut the vegetables for the tossed salad I thought back over the week so far. John on Monday, Barry on Tuesday and Brandon again that afternoon. I had Thursday and Friday covered, but there wasn't any damned way that I could make something happen on the weekends. He would be around all weekend and even if he wasn't normally the kids would be.

"Honey, I'm home" he called out as he came in the front door. "I'm in the kitchen sweetie" I called back and then he came in the kitchen and began the ritual. He walked over, kissed me on the cheek and asked me what was for dinner. I told him and he asked how long until it would be ready and I told him and then he told me he would be in the den going over some papers he'd brought home from work and to call him when dinner was ready. It was the same every night. I don't know why he even bothered. He could just come in the front door, holler out he was home and go straight to the den and wait for me to come get him when the food was on the table.

I finished dinner, put it on the table and went to get him. Dinner conversation was the usual. "How was your day" stuff. I told him that I'd had a good workout; got a really good deal on some steaks and suggested that we invite his sister Millie and her husband Tom over for a barbecue on either Saturday or Sunday.

"I mentioned it to Millie and she thought it was a nice idea."

"When did you talk to Millie?"

"This afternoon. She called and wanted to know if I felt up to going out with her, Marge Holbrook and Nancy Neubert for a few drinks."

"You going?"

"Of course not. You know how I feel about those girls night out things."

"You should go. You need to get out of the house for more than going to the gym and grocery shopping."

"I'm just not comfortable with all the guys hitting on me, buying me drinks and trying to get me on the dance floor where they can cop cheap feels and try to talk me into leaving with them."

"Can't blame them. You are a very good looking woman."

"I'm also a married woman and my rings are right there on display. What kind of creep tries to pick up a married woman and how could I enjoy dancing with a guy I think is a creep?"

"Suit yourself, but it would give you something to do. I'm going to be in the den working on the Patterson proposal. I have to be ready to submit it by the middle of the week. No sense in you sitting on the couch in front of the TV when you could be out talking with your friends."

"I'll pass sweetie. I'll wait until you can take me out."

Which was just so much bullshit! I would have loved to go out on a girl's night out with Millie and the others. I would almost certainly end up on some guy's back seat and I get a tremendous charge out of doing some guy in a parking lot. Just the thought of it was deliciously wicked, but girl's nights out were to be avoided as sooner or later they almost always caused the husband to be come suspicious. Millie had warned me on that. Millie is as big a slut as I am. I learned all about slutting around as a married woman from Millie. Never use your own house. Never use the same motel or hotel twice in a row. Never go to your hubby with any trace of the other guys stuff still in you. Don't change your sexual habits at home; do not increase OR decrease the level of sex. No phone calls to the house or from the house and don't use your cell phone because the numbers called will always be on the monthly statement. Don't fuck friends or men that your husband knows. Never, never, ever let any of your lovers know where you live. Avoid girl's nights out. An occasional one is okay, but hold it to a couple a year with several months between them and always --ALWAYS -- with women your husband knows, likes and wouldn't suspect -- like his sister Millie.

And there were a bunch more, like even though hubby doesn't look suspicious it doesn't mean that he isn't. So always watch your six (Millie got that from her husband who had been a fighter pilot) and make sure that you aren't being followed. All words to live by.

Dinner over he disappeared into his cave and I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. As I worked I thought back to the night that I discovered that Millie and I were sisters under the skin. Hubby was out of town on business and I had gone to a party with a guy that I had met at the gym. I went to the party knowing full well that I was going to be fucked. Things had not been going well in my marriage, at least not from a sexual standpoint, and I was ready for a hard cock. It would be my first time being unfaithful, but I was climbing walls and I intended that my itch was going to be scratched.

An hour into the party the guy, I couldn't even remember his name, led me into a bedroom that had a king-sized bed and we had gotten it on. After he came the first time I sucked him hard again and had climbed on top of him. I was fucking him reverse cowgirl when the door opened up and Millie came into the room with a man who was not her husband. There was no mistake as to what Millie intended to do as she had her hand around the man's cock and was using it as a leash to pull him along behind her. We had stared at each other for several very long seconds and then Millie had said:

"That's a king-sized bed; can we share it?"

Without waiting for an answer she and her stud had gotten on the bed with me and my guy and without once ever acknowledging that we knew each other we spent the next hour fucking our guys next to each other and then without a word being spoken between us we had swapped partners.

I couldn't believe it! On the other side of town where I rarely ever went and in a house that I had never been in before my sister in law walks in on me cheating on her brother. What are the odds on that?

Millie had finished off her guy and had swung off the bed saying, "Got to go kiddies; have to beat hubby home" and then she was gone leaving me with two guys who were not ready to quit and who didn't bother to ask me if I was. It was the first time in over ten years that I had been with two guys. The last time was the day before I met my husband. Alice Gaynor and I had been out on a double date with a couple of guys from our Managerial Economics class.

We had been to a frat party and had been drinking before the guy driving took us out to Stevens Point and parked. Alice was on the front seat on her knees and elbows and was groaning as her date plunged into her from behind. I was on the back seat with my legs in the air as my guy banged me. Then Alice passed out and her date decided to join me and mine. I didn't care. I was a round-heeled slut and fucked anybody who could show me a stiff cock. Two guys weren't nothing to a girl who had done frat house gangbangs. If you got me to say yes to a date you were going to get laid and I never said no when asked.

That all stopped the day after I met my husband to be. As soon as I saw him I knew that he was the one. He was the one I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. It was like a switch had been thrown. One second I was fucking anyone with a hard cock and the next I was celibate. Hubby was a shy guy and didn't believe in pre-marital sex so I went nine months with nothing but hugs and kisses. Thank God hubby really got into sex after we were married. Unfortunately, after about seven years and three promotions his career started taking up most of his time and by the time I went with the guy from the gym to the house where I found out that Millie was as big a slut as I was our sex life had dropped off to about once every three months or so.

I tried. I really really tried to make things happen, but he just didn't have time for me. A couple of hundred dollars worth of sexy lingerie didn't help, but I kept trying right up till the night when I reached for his cock and he pushed my hand away and said:

"Not tonight dear; I just don't feel like it."

Three days later he went on a business trip, I went to a party and now I'm a slut again. I never really realized how much I missed it until that night when Millie left me with two hard cocks to play with.

The next morning she called me and when I answered she said, "Good morning slut sister" and since then we have spent many a time sharing a bed and swapping partners. I'm looking forward to next week. Hubby will be gone on a business trip and Millie's hubby will be off doing his two weeks of summer reserve training. Millie asked me if I was up for a gangbang and I'm considering it -- seriously considering it.

Wednesday night was a dead night on TV as far as I was concerned so I got my book and settled down on the couch to read. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew he was shaking me to wake me up. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost ten-thirty. I went upstairs, took off all my clothes and decided that I would sleep naked that night. I was standing there nude when he came into the bedroom and he didn't even look at me. He just climbed into bed and turned off the light on the bedside stand. I sometimes think that if it weren't for the kids I'd walk away. I love him; God knows that I love him as much or more now than I did the day I met him, but it all seems like such a waste.

The taste of Barry's juices mixed with mine was in my mouth as I sucked his cock to get him ready for another round. He was just starting to expand when my cell phone rang. I stood up and got it out of my purse and saw that it was my husband calling. I let the call go to voicemail and got back on the bed on my knees and elbows and Barry slid his cock into me as I listened to the voicemail. Hubby wanted me to call him as soon as possible. I rarely got a call like that from him so I hit his speed dial number. Barry was fucking me hard when my husband answered.

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