Hallowe'en Trilogy - Cover

Hallowe'en Trilogy

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A mother takes her daughter and a friend on a 'Trick or Treat' outing on Halloween night, but then who's getting the Tricks and Who's getting the treats?

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Halloween  

All Souls Lessons

Charly opened her eyes, it was dark and she couldn't see much, there was someone in the room, Charly tried to get up but she was still tied to the bed, a soreness in her bottom told her that she hadn't had a nightmare, she had been taken as a slave by the strange man Frank.

"Get up Slave Charlene" Brigit said to her daughter.

"Mom? What time is it?" Charly asked.

"It's late, almost half-past five, all good slaves should be up and helping to clean the living room!" Brigit said and started to untie the ropes holding Charly to the bed.

Charly went to complain but the look in her mother's eyes told her not to make a fuss, she went to get up, but found she couldn't move her arms or legs as they had been so used to being tied in position. Brigit realised this and began to roughly massage her daughter's limbs.

"You were lucky that Master Frank was so easy on you, he could have allowed Mistress Dominique to have you instead, and she'll harder with her slaves, I can't even enter her room to get Slave Wendy up, Mistress Dominique is lying on her!"

After a few minutes Charly was able to stand up she reached out to her mother, "I want to go home, please mom let's go home!" She begged.

But Brigit shook her head, "Slave Charlene we are home, this is where we live now, under the control of Master Frank!"

"Bu... but he's a bad man... Ooow!" Charly said as her mother smacked her face.

"Master Frank is not a bad man; he is going to take good care of you!" Brigit hissed at her, she was annoyed now.

"But he did that to me... he pushed his, his... thing up my bottom while I was tied down!" Charly complained.

"You were lucky! When Master Frank used his cock on me I wasn't prepared for it and he gave me 20 lashes for making a face. Now when he has you today you will thank him for taking care of you!" Brigit said and stared dragging Charly to a shower.

When Charly was standing under the water she noticed that it wasn't hot, but warm. She went to turn up the heat but her mother slapped her hand away. "Slaves don't deserve hot water, and if you displease your master you will have cold showers!" She said briskly, rubbing soap into Charly's body, allowing the water to wash the lather off.

Brigit finished washing her daughter and then dried her off, she handed her a pair of 'flip-flops' (simple shoes with no backs), "These are your shoes, you have no other clothing unless Master Frank decides otherwise. Now come downstairs!"

Brigit walked out of the bathroom Charly, not wanting to be left behind, followed her.

They entered the living room, Charly couldn't help but look at the half-bed where she had been tied down as he... Master Frank... had pushed his, his, cock into her bum. Then she looked at the Iron Maiden in the corner of the room and shivered.

Brigit noticed her daughter's look and nodded, "That's what you have to clean. The dildo needs sterilising and the feathers need replacing, you also have to oil the shackles, and clean the floor." She said.

Shaking Charly opened the Iron Maiden; there was the smell of stale urine, which she knew was from her.

The first thing she did was to unscrew the dildo, after Brigit had told her how, it smelt bad and had brown marks on it, Charly didn't have to imagine what they were as she knew.

Brigit watched and gave her instructions, as Charly cleaned it she wondered how something so large had managed to fit inside her bottom. Brigit could see what was happening to her daughter and smiled, she had the same thoughts when she was taken like that.

"Slave Charlene, is it clean?" She asked Charly who nodded. "Very well, suck it!" She ordered, at Charly's face she picked up a flogger, "You've just said it was clean, now you're going to prove it." She said.

Charly looked at her and then at the flogger, she closed her eyes and moved the dildo to her mouth, opening it to allow the large phallus to enter it. "Lick it Slave Charlene, get to know it as it knows you, it's been inside your ass and now your mouth, just like Master Frank is going to know your mouth and pussy! Now suck on it! Is it clean?"

Charly looked up at her mother with her eyes, she pulled the dildo out of her mouth and then said "Yes mommy, it's clean."

Brigit nodded her approval, "Good, but next time you speak to me call me Housekeeper Brigit, that is my name." She handed Charly a bucket of warm water with disinfectant in it. "Now start cleaning the sides of the Maiden and also the floor, you've got to get rid of that smell in there." She instructed and watched as Charly screwed the dildo back onto its stand before she started washing the inside of the Iron Maiden.

When Brigit was satisfied that the inside was clean and no longer smelly she handed Charly some feathers and showed her how to open the hidden compartment, by pushing a button inside the unit which extended the arms, Charly heard the squeaking noise they made and now understood the 'rats' that she felt.

She replaced the worn feathers, seeing how those that attacked her pussy were still damp, and then pressed the button again which made the arms retract.

"From now on Slave Charlene, when the Iron Maiden is used you will be the one to clean it up and replace the feathers" Brigit told her.

When Frank awoke at Seven O'clock it was to the smell of breakfast, cooked by Brigit and held on a tray by Charly. He got out of bed watching the naked girl's reaction to his nudity — he didn't sleep with nightclothes — as he walked to a small table.

"Thank you Slave Charlene, I take it Brigit has been showing you your duties?" he said in a friendly tone.

"Yes... Master Frank." Charly said remembering how she should talk to him.

"Good, now stand here while I eat, I like a nice view... how's your bottom now?" He asked her.

Charly bit her lip, and then she saw the slight frown on Frank's face, "It did hurt Master Frank, but it feels better now." She quickly said.

He nodded, "Yes, it's surprising how much the body can take, your senses tell you that something is painful, but they lie to you, they are trying to make you stop from being hurt anymore, those who know these things can judge how much pain you can actually take, that's if you trust them... do you trust me Slave Charlene?" He said to her watching her eyes as he did so.

Charly didn't know how to answer him, "I... I don't know Master Frank, pleasedon'thitme." She quickly said.

Frank laughed, "It's alright Slave Charlene, I don't punish slaves who tell me the truth, and it's those who refuse to obey an order or tries to resist my instructions that will be punished. You only met me last night and during that time I've used your body as I wanted, you had no choice in what I did and so you don't know what I'm like. So that is why you're not sure about me." Frank patiently explained.

Charlene wasn't sure how to react to his words, "Thank you Master Frank... Can I ask... ?" She began and stopped as Frank looked up a smile on his face.

"You want to ask a question? A slave should always listen to her master but as you are new I will allow you to speak, but when I tell you to stop... you will stop speaking. Do you understand?" He said, an unvoiced threat was present.

Charly blushed, "Thank you Master Frank." She said and then was quiet.

Frank waited for a moment and then spoke again, "Well Slave Charlene? What did you want to ask?" He said.

"Master Frank, my mother... er Housekeeper Brigit, said that we were staying here from now on, that this would be my home? Why?" She asked.

Frank thought for a moment, what would be the best way to reply. "You see Slave Charlene; I used to own your mother. I provided for her and gave her somewhere to live, she became a slave to my wife and me, allowing us to guide her and train her. Now she's back with me and I have undertaken to pay for your house and everything in it, this included you and Housekeeper Brigit, her friend Sally was also in financial problems and so I paid for her daughter as well. Mistress Dominique needed a slave to practise on."

A cry of pain sounded on cue, Frank sighed. "To tell you the truth I think Dommy needs more training herself!" He said, half to himself, and then he looked up again, "Do you have any more questions?" He said.

Charlene nodded, "Just one, mumm... Housekeeper Brigit said you would be taking my pussy... will it hurt?" She said and blushed.

Frank pondered for a moment, "Slave Charlene, I will not lie to you, the taking of a virgin can be painful... for both of us! You understand that there is a piece of skin inside your body that blocks your vagina cavity and the route to your cervix, I don't think I'll be penetrating your Uterus, although that is what Mistress Dominique is trying with Wendy, which is why she's screaming. Anyway when the hymen is penetrated it can be painful for the girl, unless she's been stretched out, but that can be painful as well." Frank told her.

Charly was worried about this but realised that he'd told her everything she had asked him, "Was there anything else Slave Charlene?" He said enquiringly.

"Well..." she said and realised that she was pushing her luck and decided not to ask further, "No, thank you Master Frank." She said.

Frank nodded, "Good, if you had I might have decided that you were asking to be punished! Now I want to instruct you further." He had finished his breakfast and was looking up at Charly.

Charly was worried now, what was he going to do. "Follow me Slave Charlene... you know that's a bit of a mouthful, I have to call you Slave so that you know your place, but Charlene?... No... Do you have a preference?" He said walking from the table to the bathroom.

Charly was trying to keep up with him, remembering that her mother had said she should always be just behind him. "Well, master... my friends at school always call me Charly..." She said her voice faltering slightly.

Frank nodded, "Charly?... Humm, why not? Very well then your name is Slave Charly; I'll inform Housekeeper Brigit and Dominique of your name. Now Slave Charly attend! This is a normal function of the human body." Frank was standing by the toilet and had raised the lid to the bowl.

Charly watched as he pushed his cock to the bowl and a stream of urine was directed into the toilet. "At some stage you may find that I will instruct you to swallow my urine, dip your finger into the flow." He told her, Charly looked at him in shock but found her hand moving towards the amber flow, she passed her finger into the warm liquid and looked at it.

"Good Slave Charly, now lick your finger... don't just look at it, lick it!" He said, his flow starting to diminish, Charly brought her coated fingers to her mouth; she closed her eyes and put her hands in her mouth.

There was an acrid taste but nothing worse and Charly made a face before she could stop herself she glanced at Frank in fear. "Doesn't taste very nice does it, but that will not stop you from swallowing when you're told to, will it?" He asked her

Charly nodded her head, tears in her eyes as she realised that she had no other choice in this. Frank patted her head, "Good girl." He said as if talking to a dog. He then started up the shower. "Slave Charly you will wash my body, in this way you will learn about what a man looks like!" He said and walked into the shower.

Charly stood by the doorway, Frank turned around and looked at her sternly, "You will enter or I will punish you, now move!" he said making Charly jump, and she quickly joined him, her head level with his chest.

"Pick up the soap and lather up your hands." Frank instructed and Charly did as he asked, she then proceeded to wash his body, he made her take care when washing his cock and balls, then he turned around and she washed his bottom.

Frank then squatted down to allow Charly to wash his hair and upper body, and then he asked the question she was dreading. "Slave Charly is my cock clean enough?" she remembered what her mother had said earlier 'check if the dildo is clean!' and how she checked it.

Taking a deep breath, Charly opened her mouth and sucked Master Frank's cock into her mouth. It was a different taste to the dildo, but it was just as if she sucked on her finger. She felt Frank put his hands on her head and gently rocked it. She kept up the motion feeling his cock rubbing in her mouth, she used her tongue on the underside and then Frank held her head close to her and he was squirting liquid into her mouth. "Swallow it Slave Charly, don't let any of it spill out!" He said. With her head where it was Charly had no choice but to swallow the stuff.

Finally, when Charly was almost out of air, Frank released her head; he looked at her face and smiled at her. "That was very good Slave Charly, do you want to ask me anything?" He said.

Charly nodded and then asked, "Master did you pee in my mouth? Or was it something else?" She asked.

Frank blinked. "What did they teach you in school about sex? That was my seed, in a woman it would create a new little slave for me to train. It is spunk or semen and is what a man creates, it goes out of my cock like my piss does, but it comes from a different area of my body." He said patiently.

Charly nodded, she'd heard stories from other girls at school, but didn't know if they had been lying to her, but with Master Franks explanation she knew they were telling the truth. Frank watched her and was satisfied that she understood. He had to take this to the next level

He got out of the shower and allowed Charly to dry him off before he dried her off then, both naked, they walked to Frank's bedroom where Brigit had made his bed and taken his tray downstairs.

"Slave Charly get onto the bed and lie face up on it!" he said.

Shaking Charly did as he asked, 'was he going to put his cock into her now?' She wondered.

Frank looked at her face with its worried expression and smiled, "Slave Charly you gave me a very nice blow job and now I'm going to repay you, you are not a pain slave and so I'm going to give you pleasure as a virgin, in the only hole I haven't yet used." He said not unkindly.

Charly didn't know what to expect, she'd heard the words 'blow-job' from girls at school and hadn't associated it with sucking Frank's cock, and she thought the other girls didn't know either! Then she felt Frank's mouth on her pussy.

'Oh wow! That was... sooooo goooood' Charly thought to herself as Frank began licking the slit that defined her pussy, he seemed to concentrate on a spot at the top of her pussy, Charly couldn't help it she had to move her hips up to the golden tongue working on her.

Frank pulled back watching as Charly tried to reach for his mouth with her body, he put a finger into her pussy hole, seeing no adverse reaction he carried on licking Charly's pussy, he knew girls this young could have orgasms but wasn't sure if Charly could under these conditions.

Charly felt Frank's finger in her pussy, but wanted to feel his tongue again on that 'special place' as well, she started to pant away as Frank introduced yet another finger into her pussy and then dug his tongue into the hole created by him.

Frank opened his fingers causing a cavity in Charly's pussy into which he pushed his tongue, he quickly added a third finger and started moving all three of them into her pussy, while concentrating on her clitoris hearing her moan as her climax approached.

"Oh! Oh! Please... please... something his happing to me, please... please... I... I... Iiiiiiiaaaaaaeeeeee!" Charly screamed out as her orgasm hit her and then she fainted away.

Brigit heard her daughter's scream downstairs and quickly rushed up to the master bedroom, Charlene was lying back with her legs apart and her eyes closed. Master Frank was now wearing trousers and sitting at the foot of the bed watching Charly closely.

"M... Master Frank is Charlene alright?" Brigit asked gently, not showing her anxiety at her daughter's state.

"Slave Charly is fine Housekeeper Brigit, and that is her name here, she is Charly or Slave Charly and seems to be settling in nicely.

A moan from Charly made Frank look at her, the girl was stirring and looking around, "What happened?" She asked and then got a fearful look on her face, "I'm sorry Master Frank!" She said but Frank had a serious look on his face.

"Slave Charly, you spoke before I gave you permission, although I realise that the situation was unusual I cannot allow this to go unpunished. You will go downstairs and wait by the couch." He said and sent Brigit with the girl.

Frank shook his head, it was a pity but he had to maintain discipline. He went to Dominique's door and looked in.

On the bed, curled up in a ball was Wendy, she was sobbing away, sitting on the bed looking annoyed was Dominique. "What's wrong?" Frank said

Dominique waved to Wendy. "That dumb bitch, she won't even suck me, even though I kept beating her. I already stuffed her ass and cunt and she just screams when I touch her." She said dismissively.

"What about the other stuff I taught you, haven't you tried them?" Frank asked his daughter,

"What? I was doing what Mistress Wilma taught me. I didn't want to try the wimpish stuff just yet." Dominique said without regard for what she was saying.

Frank held himself up and looked stern, "Slave Dominique! You will stand up and not move!" He ordered.

As if shot Dominique obeyed the years of conditioning and immediately stood up straight. Frank walked around his daughter shaking his head. "There are times when pain is always used for slaves, but this is not how I work. I prefer slaves who will serve me because they like it and are depending on me, not ones who remain out of fear of me. This is what you mother didn't realise and like a fool I allowed her to infect you with her thoughts." He turned to Wendy who was now looking at the pair of them, he held out his hand to the young girl.

"Slave Wendy, get off that bed and stand beside Senior Slave Dominique." Frank instructed. There was something in his tone that made Wendy obey him without question. But as she stood beside Dominique her body swayed as if blown in a wind.

Frank looked at his daughter, "Senior Slave Dominique, how much sleep did you allow Slave Wendy to have last night?" He asked.

Dominique shook her head, "None Master, she had a shock dildo in her cunt and one in her ass, if she didn't move then they would give her a shock until she did!" Dominique said proudly.

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