Nan And Big Dicks - Cover

Nan And Big Dicks

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: He foundout something about his wife that he had nevber known.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slow   .

You ever do something and then later find yourself wondering just what the fuck ever possessed you to make you do something so stupid? I have and what I did has pretty much fucked up my life. It started out as a kinky way to have some sexual fun with my wife and blew up in my face big time.

I'm a Site Coordinator for a large advertising agency and my job is to go wherever the agency is planning a shoot and coordinate things. Coordinator is just a fancy title for a 'gofer.' Doing an ad for an automobile and the ground is bare and dry? I go for a pump sprayer and some water with green dye and then spray the ground to make it look like the car is parked on green grass. Need hair spray to dull down a reflector and there isn't any in the location box? I go for some. Basically, what I do is fetch and carry and go for things. Not a glamorous job, but one that pays fairly well.

The down side is that a lot of the location work takes me out of town anywhere from two days to a month. This is not a great hardship for my wife and me, at least not during most of the year, because she is a schoolteacher. Even when I'm home her evenings are filled with grading papers, making out lesson plans and the like and so the weekends are when we spend quality time together. If I'm on a location on the weekend I will usually fly her to wherever I am and during the summer she travels with me as my 'unofficial assistant.'

The only fly in the ointment is that when I'm gone and she is home alone and something breaks or goes wrong I'm not there to take care of the problem. And something always goes wrong when I'm gone. I will call home at the end of the days shoot to find out that the washing machine is broken, the sink is leaking or the circuit that the TV is on keeps popping the breaker and then I have to try and take care of the problem over the phone. I have to do it because when it comes things like that Nan is helpless. She is one of those people who have a genius IQ, is academically brilliant, but who have trouble with the simple every day facts of life.

The current problem is her car. I would call home and be told that her car wouldn't start. I would tell her to check some things and call me back. She would call back and tell me that she couldn't find what I was talking about and I would try to explain it to her in even simpler terms and she still couldn't handle it. After an hour of that I would finally call my brother, my dad, or a neighbor and see if they could go over and help her out. For two months it seemed like every time I went out of town she had a car problem and I finally got tired of it and decided to eliminate the problem.

It was one of my rare weeks when I didn't have an out of town location and I went shopping. Saturday morning after breakfast and seeing the three kids off to their various activities I told Nan to hop into the car.

"Where are we going?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

I just looked at her until she finally got the message and blushed, "Oh, yeah, right, if you told me it wouldn't be a surprise."

When we drove onto the dealer's lot she looked around with a confused look on her face when I pulled up next to a new station wagon and parked. We got out of the car and Nan stood there looking around and then she looked at me with a question on her face. I had taken care of all the paperwork the previous day so all I had to do was take the keys out of my pocket and hand them to her.

"What's this?"

"Your surprise. I'll see you at home" and I got into our old car and started it up.

"You can't just leave me here."

"I gave you keys Nan; find something they fit" and I drove off leaving her standing there looking after me.

It was almost an hour before she pulled the new station wagon into the driveway. She came in the house and looked at me, "Why did you buy a station wagon?"

"Because it seats ten and you are always running the kids and their friends somewhere. Also, the seats fold down and we can throw a mattress in the back and go out to the lake and make out like we are teenagers again."

"Yeah, right."

I was kidding, but as soon as I said it I got to thinking what a kick it would be to do something like that and I began making plans.

It was a summer night about three months after buying the station wagon. The kids were spending the weekend with Nan's folks and I felt that the time was right. That evening after dark I went out and folded down the rear seats, inflated an air mattress and tossed it in back and then I went into the house, got Nan and told her that I was taking her to Dairy Queen. I pulled out of the drive and headed down the street.

"This isn't the way to Dairy Queen."

"We will get there eventually."

"Jim, the Dairy Queen is in town and town is the other way."

"We have a steering wheel sweetie, we can turn around when we get ready."

"Where are we going Jim?"

"We are going to recapture our youth my love. Be patient with me, we are almost there."

"Almost where?"

"You'll see honey. It won't be long now."

A minute later I turned off onto a gravel road that led back to an old abandoned gravel pit. It was the local 'lover's lane" and in our youth Nan and I had spent many an evening there steaming up the car windows. Nan recognized it right away.

"Don't be silly Jim, we aren't kids any more."

"I know, mores the pity. Those were the times."

"We're too old for stuff like this Jim."

"You are never too old to want to feel young again."

I pulled up and parked and then I pushed the seat as far back as it would go. "Come on baby, let's neck."

It took Nan a couple of minutes to get into it, but then it was just like it had been when we were teenagers. Busy tongues, groping hands, fumbling with buttons and bra hooks. Nan broke away and slid down on the seat, "God Jim, do you know how long it has been since I got fucked on a car seat?"

"Of course I do. Unless of course you have done it with someone else since our last time."

I was joking when I said that so I was a little shocked when my wife said, "I did baby, I did, but it was before we were married. Come on lover, you got me hot and now you have to do something about it."

"What do you mean you did it with someone else?"

"It doesn't matter baby, it was before we got married."

"It matters to me. Who, when, where and why?"

"No honey, come on and fuck me."

"Not until you answer my questions."

"At least put your cock in me while I tell you."

I sank my dick into her hot pussy and then just held still. Nan tried to push herself up at me, but I pulled back and said, "No talkee, no fuckee."

"The who was Doug Webb, the when was when we had our big fight and broke up for three months. The where was right here and the why is because I was horny as hell after going without your cock for three months. Now fuck me damn it, fuck me."

The knowledge that my wife had been fucked by some one other than me, and a black man at that, affected me in a way that I would never have expected — it turned me into a raging bull! I fucked my wife harder than I could ever remember while she clutched at me and screamed through two orgasms and when I blew I kept my softening cock in her and tried to will it hard again. I looked down at her and asked, "You fucked a black man?"


"How long did you fuck him?"

"A couple of weeks."

"Did you like it?"

"Yes. Yes I did."

"He was a good fuck? Was it true what they say about blacks?"

"It was in his case. He was a great fuck. He had a huge cock and it drove me crazy."

"Why did you stop seeing him?"

"I wanted you back."

"Bullshit! He had a huge cock and it drove you crazy and you gave it up for me and my little dick?"

"It's true. You might be only half his size, but you are a full person. All Doug was was a big cock and when it came to girls he thought that it was enough."

"He fucked you right here?"

Nan giggled, "Several times. Once when you were three cars over to the left with Bev Holbrook."

"Have you fucked him since we got married?"

"No silly, I take my marriage vows seriously" and then she giggled again, "But he stills tries every time he sees me which is damned near every day since he is the gym teacher at school."

"When was the last time you fucked him?"

"No Jim, let's get off the subject. I never should have let you know."

"But you did let me know and now I'm curious. I'm even more curious now that you have told me most of it, but don't want to tell me about the last time."

"Please Jim, let it alone."

"Don't please Jim me. You know how I am. You waved the red flag in front of me and now I won't leave it alone until I get an answer."

"You won't like it and this isn't the time or place. We've just had fantastic sex and are in a good mood and I don't want to make the drive home with you scowling at me."

"You said it was before we were married and that you haven't fucked him since saying "I do" so it isn't going to matter."

"You still aren't going to like it."

"Come on Nan, give."

"It was the day before the wedding."

"The day before our wedding?"

"I told you that you wouldn't like it."

"That's not it. It was fourteen years ago and before we were married so like it or not it doesn't matter now. But why? I could understand your doing it when we were split up, but the day before what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of our lives? Why?"

"I don't really know, I just did it. We ran into each other at the mall and he invited me for a drink to celebrate the coming nuptials. One drink led to another and we got to talking and he told me that I was making a big mistake in getting married. He said that I was too much woman to give myself to just one man and then he told me how much his cock missed me and that I was the best pussy that he'd ever had. He told me that there wouldn't be any more huge cocks in my life if I got married and I think that is what did it. I remembered how his huge cock used to drive me out of my mind and that after the ceremony the next day it would never happen again. We ended up in a motel room and fucked for the rest of the afternoon."

"Do you miss his huge cock?"

"I do think about it from time to time, but like I told you, I take my vows seriously. I think about it, but I'd never do any thing about it."

Listening to her tell me what she had done just before our wedding had my cock swelling. "You fucking slut you. You fucked him the day before you married me. I fucked you the night before the wedding. You gave me sloppy seconds — you gave me your pussy with Doug's seed still in you."

Nan's face got pale and she waited for the explosion, but it never came.

"Get your clothes off and climb into the back."


"There's a mattress back there you big cock loving whore. Get back there because I'm going to fuck you silly."

I never would have known if my five-year-old hadn't come home crying.

"What's the matter sweetheart?"

"Jeffie called me a dumb old girl. Why are boys so mean daddy? I don't like boys, they are icky."

"Not all boys are icky sweetheart. I'm a boy and you don't think I'm icky, do you?"

"You're not a boy, you're a daddy."

"Well you don't worry your pretty little head about it sweetie. When you grow up you will stop thinking bad thoughts about boys and you will start to like having them around."

"Will I be like mommy?"

"What do you mean sweetie?"

"Mommy is a grownup and she likes having boys around."

"When does mommy have boys around sweetheart?"

"At night, after she puts us to bed."

My first thought was that following our night at the gravel pit Nan got to remembering how great Doug's cock had been and that she gave in the next time he took a shot at her. I was just working myself up for a major confrontation when I came to my senses. All I had to go on was what a five-year-old had told me and it hadn't been a week since Mary told me about the monster under her bed. No, I needed more to work with than what Mary had told me. It was obvious that if something was in fact happening, it was happening while I was away on location.

That night at dinner I told Nan that I was going to be gone on location for the next three days, but that I would be home Friday night. The next morning I tossed my travel bag in my pick up and headed out. The kid's bedtime was eight o'clock so when I got off work I caught a meal at Denny's and then wandered around the mall for a while. At seven forty-five I pulled up to the curb a half a block from the house, cut the lights and waited to see what, if anything, was going to happen.

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