Jennifer's Toes - Cover

Jennifer's Toes

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Her sexy toes took me on a dark journey and changed my life and not for the better.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Foot Fetish   Slow  

As I watched a hard black cock sink into my wife for the seventh or eighth time during the last hour I wondered just how in the hell my life could have changed so quickly. I glanced over at Jennifer and saw her smiling at me. She beckoned me with her finger said:

"Suck my toes baby; take care of my feet like only you can."

I looked over at Darnell and two of his buddies who were fucking the mindless piece of meat that they had turned my wife Martha into and then I crawled over to Jennifer and stared licking her feet.

It was the toes that started it all. Ten little digits painted blood red and with a design on the big toe of each foot and a toe ring on one toe of the left foot. Jennifer had come to work at our office after transferring in from the home office. I naturally noticed her (as had every other man in the building) because she had a cute face and a nice, trim figure, but I never 'really' noticed her until the office was rearranged and she ended up sitting right across from me. She was there for me to see every time I looked up from what I was doing and it wasn't long before I was looking up just to be looking at her.

I've always considered myself a well-rounded kind of guy. You hear this guy say he's an ass man, or that guy say he's a leg man or a tit man, but I'm into all of it. Tits, ass, legs, face; I'm not particular at all. If a woman has a good looking face I can admire her all day long even if her body is as thin as a rake handle. I can admire big tits all day even if they come with a face that is as ugly as a mud fence. I just plain love the ladies — period!

Then Jennifer came along and I found out something about myself that I hadn't known. I was a foot lover, or more specifically, I was in love with Jennifer's toes. What I didn't know at the time was that Jennifer knew it. The only time Jennifer's toes were covered was when she wore high heels. Most of the time she wore open toed strappy sandals with a two or three inch heel. Her desk had an open front so her feet were almost always on display and I would be sitting opposite her and admiring the view.

I didn't understand it. I'd seen women's feet in sandals before, and I'd seen them barefoot and with painted toenails, but none of them had ever affected me like Jennifer's. Occasionally I would look up after staring at her feet and catch her looking at me with a bemused smile. A month went by and nothing was said by either of us other than the usual "Good morning" and other pleasantries.

The company picnic is when Jen gave me my first raging hard on. Jen showed up with her husband and I, along with everybody else, was surprised to see that he was black. About halfway through the afternoon I came across Jennifer sitting on a bench and massaging her left foot. She said that she had stepped on something, but couldn't see the sole of her foot:

"Could you please look and see if there is something there?"

I was holding her foot in my hand and was looking at the sole in the area of the instep and I had a sudden desire to kiss it. I was able to fight off the urge and it was probably a good thing because her husband came up just then. Jen explained why I had my foot in my hand and he gave me an appraising look, almost as if he knew what was going on in my mind. As the two of them walked off I wondered if my hard on would be noticeable when I stood up.

One day my wife asked me if she could take my Chevy pickup to work so she could move some things. I gave her my keys and took hers and I drove her car to work. Martha's car is a Mustang convertible with the 5.0 liter engine in it and that sucker can fly. I both love and hate to drive it because it gets me in a lot of trouble. I put the top down and get out on the road and the next thing you know I have flashing red and blue lights behind me.

It was a nice day and I drove to work with the top down and as I pulled into the parking lot at work Jennifer was just getting out of her Accord. I pulled into a space three down from her and as she came walking my way she said:

"Very nice. When do I get a ride in her?"

"How about lunch time today?"

"You have a date," she said as we walked into the building. Now why did I do that I thought as I made my way to my desk? As I sat down I wondered if she really meant that she wanted a ride or had she just been making small talk.

Lunchtime came and I was in the middle of something when she walked up to my desk. I looked up at her and she pointed at the clock:

"You do remember offering me a ride, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, of course. I guess that I let the time get away from me."

She was a picture sitting there in the bucket seat with her hair flying in the breeze as I roared down the highway and I thought, "Oh to be young again." In the restaurant, about halfway through lunch she said:

"Why have you never asked me to lunch before?"

"I don't know."

"It is plain to me that something about me interests you because I catch you looking at me all the time. So, if I interest you why haven't you asked me to lunch, or for a drink after work or maybe even to stop for coffee before work?"

"Well, you and I are both married for one thing and then there is the difference in our ages; I am almost twice your age."

"Horse feathers! I didn't ask why you haven't tried to take me to bed, just why we never have had lunch or coffee together." Then she smiled and said, "You're afraid of me, aren't you? That's it, the big man is afraid of the little girl."

"No, no, of course not. It just never occurred to me is all. Like I said, we are both married and I was sure that it would have been taken the wrong way. Then of course there is office gossip. I've never taken any of the other women to lunch so you can imagine what my all of a sudden taking you would look like."

"Are you afraid of a bunch of gossipy women?"

"No, I don't guess so."

"Good! I like stirring the pot a little. We will do lunch twice a week from now on. Tuesdays and Fridays will work. Good. That's settled. We really need to make them long lunches to give them something to think about."

It gave me an awful lot to think about too. Why was this beautiful young woman so intent on teasing the girls in the office by making them think that there was something going on between her and a fifty year old man. For the next three weeks Jennifer and I took long lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays and went back to the office and smiled at each other as we watched the other people in the office cluster around the water cooler or coffee pot, look at us and whisper. It didn't hurt my ego any to have all the younger guys in the office thinking that I was some kind of stud or to receive the occasional interest glance from some of the other women, but in the back of my mind there was always a little voice asking what Jennifer was up to.

It was a Tuesday and the Chevy truck was halfway to the restaurant when Jennifer told me to pull over to the side of the road. I did and Jennifer swung her legs up and put her feet on my leg and leaned back against the passenger door:

"I know your secret baby. I've known it since day one and I've waited for you to make a move, but you haven't so I decided to make it for you. Look at my feet baby. Look at my pretty toes; don't they look sexy? See the nail polish baby? It's fresh. I put it on last night just for you. You love my feet baby and I know it. I watch you watch them every day and I know what you want."

By then I was staring at her feet and I could feel the sweat running down the back of my neck. The sight of her feet and her soothing voice as she crooned, "I know your secret, I know what you want" gave me a hard on.

"I know what you want and I won't let you hide it from me anymore. Suck my toes baby. They are yours right now. Lean over and kiss my feet baby, suck my toes."

I had never in my life done anything like that — I'd never even thought about it — so I surprised myself when I did what she told me to. I leaned down and kissed her feet and she suddenly pulled them away from me and sat up.

"Okay baby, now we know. Find us a motel baby, find us a motel quick."

As I pulled away from the side of the road she slid over next to me and reached down and squeezed my cock with her hand:

"Don't lose this baby, don't lose this."

It was some heady shit. A beautiful twenty-six year old woman telling a fifty year old man to hurry up and get her to a motel. I unzipped myself and let my cock out of confinement and Jennifer giggled, "Oh you randy old man you" as she took hold of it and stroked it. It was a five-minute ride to the Best Western and it was with great reluctance that I took my cock away from Jennifer's hands to go inside and get a room. Once in the room Jennifer hurried straight to the bed and sat down on it. No kissing or anything like that, just "Hurry baby, we don't have much time."

I started to loosen my tie and she said, "No baby, just trousers and briefs. Hurry baby, hurry."

When my pants were off I walked to the bed and she stood up and pushed me down on my back and then she lay down next to me, but with her feet toward my head. I thought she was getting ready for a sixty-nine and I reached for her hips.

"No, not that baby, my feet. Do my feet baby, lick my feet, suck my toes."

She had latched onto my cock and she was stroking it as she crooned:

"Kiss them baby, lick them, suck my toes baby, make love to my feet baby and I'll get you off. I'll make you cum baby, I'll get you off."

I was looking at her feet as she was stroking my cock and for some reason, even though I'd never done it before, loving Jennifer's feet seemed to be the most natural thing in the world for me to do. I kissed and licked and sucked on her toes and I quickly discovered that one of Jennifer's erogenous zones was the instep of her foot. When I would lick the arch of her foot her body would shudder and I began to wonder if Jennifer could orgasm from nothing more than attention to her feet. I was working hard to find out and at the same time her hand job had me close to coming. I kept waiting for her to take me into her mouth or turn and tell me to fuck her, but she kept working my dick with her hands and then I found out that hands is all it was going to be:

"Cum for me baby, I want your cum on my fingers. Come on baby, shoot for me, let me see it shoot out," and then she shoved a finger in my ass and I blew like Old Faithful.

"Oh wow baby, I'm glad you weren't in my mouth. That one would have blown a hole in the back of my throat."

Saying, "Don't move" she got off the bed and came back moments later with a wash cloth and cleaned up my cock and stomach and then it was, "Come on baby, we need to get back to work" and she tossed me my pants.

The first half of the ride back to work was quiet as I sat behind the wheel wondering just what the hell had happened. Checking into a motel with a beautiful girl led me to expect a little more than what I got. Jennifer interrupted my thoughts:


"I'd have to say a big yes to that."

"It is simple baby, my feet are very sensitive and I love to have them kissed and licked. They're aren't many men around who are into feet and who will do for me what you did. I've watched you watch my feet for a couple of months now and I thought that you might just be my kind of man so today I decided to find out one way or the other. Happily, you are, but all I could do for you today was a hand job. The reason for that is that I have to have my husbands permission before I can let you make love to me."

"Your husband gives you permission to go to bed with other men?"

She shrugged, "What can I say? We are both a little on the kinky side. Anyway, I wasn't sure about you so I haven't asked him yet if I could make love with you or at least suck your cock. If he lets me are you willing to be my foot slave?"

How do you answer something like that? I couldn't deny that I was attracted to her and her sexy feet and what fifty year old man wouldn't give his left nut to fuck a sexy twenty-six year old young woman? But I was over my head there. A husband who gives his wife permission to fuck other men? A wife who asks for it? And just what in the hell was a foot slave? Once again Jennifer interrupted my thoughts:

"While you are thinking about it baby, think ahead to this Friday. Have you ever had a foot job? I can't fuck you without Darrell's okay and I won't ask for his okay until you agree to be my foot slave, but I can still make you feel good. Think of it baby, think of my ten pretty toes rubbing your cock and making you shoot your juice all over the place."

We pulled into the parking lot at work and she slid over next to me, put her hand on my cock and squeezed it gently as she kissed me. Her tongue darted into my mouth and then she pulled away:

"You have the name baby, wouldn't you like to play the game?"


She nodded toward the window and I saw that several co-workers returning from lunch had seen the kiss.

That Tuesday changed me more than I cared to admit. Until then Jennifer and I had been playing a harmless game. Suddenly it wasn't a game any more and I was presented with two very conflicting emotions. The first was obvious — I wanted Jennifer! I wanted her so bad I was seriously considering saying yes to being her foot slave without knowing what that really meant. The other was just as obvious, at least to me. I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. For the very first time I had been unfaithful to my wife of twenty-seven years and I was already thinking of doing it again. Hell, I wasn't just thinking of doing it again, I was already looking forward to it.

I loved Martha and we had a good marriage, but what man my age in his right mind would take a pass on Jennifer? Martha was in great shape for a women of forty-eight and she still turned heads whenever she went somewhere. She was fun loving and our sex life was still three and sometimes four times a week. I had no complaints and no real reason to stray, but she was still a grandmother and she looked it and acted it. Jennifer was young, vibrant, and sexy as hell. Looking back on it I guess it was a case of me looking back and seeing that my youth had disappeared and then looking forward and seeing nothing but old age waiting for me. Jennifer could make me young again.

The time between Tuesday and Friday dragged. Every day I would sit and look over at Jennifer and when she saw me looking she would wiggle her toes and smile at me. Luckily, Martha and I had made love Thursday night or Friday morning I would have had to go to the men's room and masturbate to keep from coming too quick when Jennifer and I got to the motel. On the ride to the motel Jennifer turned to me:

"How good are you at taking tests baby?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Darnell for permission and he said that he didn't think an older man like you would be kinky enough so he gave me a little test for you. If you pass it you get to fuck my brains out. If not, well, we've had some fun, right?"

"What's the test?"

"Wait until we get to the room baby, I don't want to scare you off too early."

Once in the room Jennifer quickly stripped and stood before me smiling as I undressed. She was absolute perfection and again I asked my self, "Why me?" She could have had her pick of any of the good looking younger men in the office, so why me? When I was naked Jennifer got on the bed and said, "You know what I want lover." I lowered my head to her feet and she said, "Turn lover, turn so I can get my hands on your cock. I repositioned myself and her warm hands went to work on my cock as I began making love to her feet.

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