Mark and Debbie, Naked In School - Cover

Mark and Debbie, Naked In School

Copyright© 2007 by Arty

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - What happens when 'The Program' comes to the UK? My usual romantic stuff, of course.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Tear Jerker  


I hadn't arranged a time to meet Debbie last night and, for the first time in almost five years, I walked to school alone. Shit I missed her. I missed the banter; I missed the closeness; I'd give anything for last night not to have happened, but it did and, somehow, we'd have to get past it. Only right now, this instant, I couldn't see how. I arrived at the undressing area and all I could see was the spectacle of Steve and Debbie in deep conversation. Even from here I could see that she was crying and the pain that I felt was a physical thing, tying my chest in knots. She smiled and suddenly her tears didn't matter and if anything I felt worse. Then they hugged and kissed, I couldn't stop watching, and the stuff that I'd scoffed at, the stories that I'd read where someone dies of a broken heart; I knew then that they were all true.

I watched Steve approach and there was nowhere for me to hide. He held out his hand to me and smiled engagingly. Automatically I took it and he shook it, all the while looking at me in a concerned fashion. It was all too strange and for the second time in my life I learnt another literary truth. The truth about the phrase 'struck dumb'. It became obvious that I wasn't going to say anything and Steve continued to hold my hand and led me over to a convenient wall slightly away from the crowds.

"Hey, Mark. It's a tough break, I know and I'm sorry." I shrugged unable to force the words past the enormous tennis ball sized lump in my throat.

"There's nothing I can say at this point to make you feel better, but just so you know, Debbie told me about last night. I understand, I can't say I'm thrilled, but these things happen and I'm not about to screw up the best thing that has ever happened to me with stupid jealousy. So I'll say this, she misses you, you're her best friend and I don't want her to lose you over a stupid mistake. Okay? I love her and I want the best for her and if that means having you as a friend I'm going to do my damndest to see that she gets you."

He stared at me for a long time and then nodded as I acknowledged what he'd said. Further conversation was precluded when the school bell rang and it was time to get undressed. Somehow I ended up with no clothes on, but I couldn't say afterwards if I'd undressed myself or if someone else had done it for me. I do know that I was fondled quite a lot, but for the first time that I could remember I didn't get hard. Perhaps it's true that sex is all in the mind, because the last thing on my mind was being sexy.

Afterwards though was much different, somehow, I don't know how, the whole school seemed to be aware that I had a problem, because I received less attention than I had on the first day and those girls that did, were soon the subject of whispered instructions to leave me alone. Perhaps it was just as well. I doubted that I would have been able to fulfil all but the most basic of requests. Lunchtime arrived unexpectedly and I couldn't remember a single thing that I had done that morning.

I sat at my table, my grief plain to see and stirred the food on my plate. I'd never felt less like eating. All at once I felt my face crack into the rictus that precedes the most helpless sobbing and I was unable to stop the pent up emotion. Not here! I couldn't breakdown here!

"Hey you! No blubbering. There is nothing that puts a body off their meal more, than watching a boy sob into his food."

I looked up through teary eyes and saw Laura.

"Laura, what are you doing here?"

"Taking you somewhere where you can cry and no one will notice." With that she grabbed my wrist and dragged my away from the table and towards the swimming pool. Once there she shucked her clothes and eschewing her costume she pushed me through the showers and the footbath and into the pool.

"Okay you can cry now, no one will notice your tears with all this water around." She put her arms around me and pulled my head onto her shoulder. It was too much like last night and I sobbed helplessly. She rubbed my back and crooned wordless comforting noises into my ear. Eventually the storm passed and she pulled away from me.



"Let's swim then, the exercise will make you feel better." And with that she was off with an easy long-limbed stroke that was deceptive in its efficiency. I was a pretty good swimmer but I never came anywhere close to catching her. Afterwards in the changing room we sat and talked.

"I don't get it."


"I haven't been touched all day. It's almost as if everyone knows."

"They do."

"What do they know?"

"That you've been in love with Debbie for the last two or three years and have been afraid to do anything about it. More importantly, Debbie has known too."

"But if she knew why didn't she do..."

"Exactly. It's been tearing her up that you might confess how you feel and she'd have to tell you that she didn't feel the same way. The whole school has been waiting for it to happen."

"How? Why would anyone care?"

"You're a very popular guy, Mark, and Debbie is a popular girl, and what makes it great is neither of you know just how well-respected you are."

"Well I know that most people like Debs, but me? Popular? You're having me on?"

"I rest my case."

"I suppose everyone thinks I'm stupid?"

"No way!"

"I think I'm stupid."

"You're a boy, being stupid comes with the territory." She hugged me and spoke softly to me, all seriousness now. "Most people just feel very sorry that one of the best-loved, couple of best friends had to get through this stage. It was obvious that both of you were going to get hurt. No one thinks that you're stupid. Don't worry, I can confidently predict that tomorrow, things will be different."

After the swim and the time in the changing room I was feeling better. The pain was still there, but now I could think that there'd be a time that it wouldn't hurt. As luck would have it I didn't see Debbie for the rest of the day. And the word seemed still to be out, so I was left alone when I got dressed. Walking home on my own really sucked and I knew I couldn't go through the rest of the week alone. But it did give me time to think about how I really felt and the things that Steve had said to me started to make a lot of sense. Time to see if we could fix things.

I picked up the 'phone and dialled the number I knew so well, that I wouldn't be able to tell you what it was: I dialled the number from muscle memory.

"It's me."

"Hello you."

"I'm sorry, Debs."

"Me too."

"I'm sorry for being a lovesick idiot around you."

"You were never an idiot."

"I've been clued in about how much you were hurting and all the time I was parading my own feelings to everyone and ignoring yours. That makes me an idiot."

"If you insist."

"I'd still like to be friends, if you think we can."

"I'd like to try, it sucks having to say everything to completion. I mean who else..."

"... would finish your sentences for you? I know what you..."

"... mean."

We laughed and I knew that we were going to be all right, eventually. I realised something else too.

"I'm going to tell you something and I want you to let me finish, will you do that"


"I love you," she gasped but held herself in check, "but I'm not 'in love with you', I realised that on the way home when I thought about what Steve said to me. He's a hell of a bloke by the way. Anyway because I love you, I want the best for you and the best for you at the moment is Steve. Okay?"

"Yes, I love you the same way, too. There is someone out there for you, Mark. I'm sure of it, just don't let opportunities pass you by. You did that a lot when you thought you were in love with me and that used to kill me. So don't do it any more right?"

"Yes, dear. Usual time tomorrow?"

"I suppose, don't you want to talk to me any more?"

"Yes, but you have a boyfriend and though he's a pretty special guy, you need to spend time with him, so go, ring your boyfriend and make sure you tell him I told you to. I need all the brownie points I can get with him after last night."

"Yes, dear. See you tomorrow."

I replayed the conversation in my head; I'd missed opportunities had I? I wondered who they had been. With this interesting thought bouncing around in my head I wandered downstairs to talk to my parents. One thing today had shown me, was that I was not as inscrutable as I had always thought myself to be and it followed from that, that my parents would have been worried about me. So I owed it them to let them know that things were getting better.

It was a good evening and we had a few hugs and a few tears. Afterwards I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. I laughed; another literary cliché was shown to have some truth in it. I slept well and woke early the next morning feeling inexplicably happy. Perhaps my subconscious knew something that I didn't? Oh well I'd find out in good time.


The contrast with yesterday served to mask any residual awkwardness between us. We'd never been ones for idle chatter, just to fill silences, so we walked to school in companionable silence. As we approached the turning for the road to the school, we were suddenly surrounded by a gaggle of giggling girls, Laura chief amongst them. They dragged me away from Debbie.

"Help me, I'm being kidnapped!"

"It looks like a great way to go!"

"Some help you are, I thought we were friends again?"

"That's why I'm letting you go. See you later pal, if you haven't gone blind that is!"

The girls continued to hustle me along and we arrived at the undressing area much earlier than I had planned for.

"Why all the hurry?" I asked Laura, as she seemed to be the ringleader.

"We have a reasonable request, well a series of them actually. But first I want to undress you. May I?"

I nodded and Laura started by kneeling down and removing the sandals that I wore. They were more substantial than the flip flops and didn't make me look stupid when I wore them naked, as long as I didn't wear socks that is. Next she undid the snap to my jeans and pulled them down and off each foot, one at a time. She was careful to leave my underwear undisturbed. Then she stood up and lifted my tee shirt over my head. Before she took off my one remaining garment she ran her hands over my chest and stroked my nipples to hardness. I groaned at the unexpected stimulation and there seemed to be a direct connexion between my nipples and my cock, which grew in size and hardness as she finished by kissing each nipple in turn. Finally she knelt once more and slipped my underpants down and off. As she rose I was suddenly engulfed in a warm and willing mouth.

"Oh God, Laura."

"Hey, no cheating!"

This last exclamation had more effect than mine and Laura reluctantly relinquished my cock. I felt my breathing return to a more normal cadence and was able to ask her.

"What are these reasonable requests then?"

"We want to hold a blow-job contest..."

"... with me as the judge I suppose?"

"Something like that." Laura grinned at me and she and the rest of the gang cheered when I bowed to the inevitable and agreed.

What followed was the most excruciatingly arousing thing I have ever experienced. For almost half an hour the girls kept me at the peak of excitement, as each of them seemed to be doing their best to make me groan out loud. As a judge I would have been rubbish, as I had no idea who was who, nor when one girl finished and another started. However, I gathered that the contest was simply: who could get the most reaction from me, and for that I didn't need to have all my faculties. Dimly I heard the school bell ring and I noticed that the quality of the blowjob I was currently experiencing changed. Startled out of my sexual stupor I looked down to see Laura at work on my cock.

"Laura, I'm..."

I was too late. I screamed my release and my prostate attempted to empty itself and the rest of my internal organs through my cock. My vision darkened and if I hadn't been leaning against a wall I would have fallen for sure. As it was, it was a very close run thing. After a while my senses returned and I became aware of a whooping cheering audience surrounding us. I looked down at Laura who was suckling on my rapidly shrinking penis. With a last lick, she relinquished it and stood up.

"I think I won."

"No, if anyone won, it was me."

She smiled beatifically at my remark and all at once I had my arms around her and I kissed her. I'd intended just a congratulatory kiss, but something changed and the kiss we actually shared brought me to a new understanding of the phrase 'soul searing'. After we had finished kissing, Laura's gang dragged her away before she could say anything. On shaky legs and, in somewhat of a daze, I made my way into school.

As Laura had predicted, today was a complete contrast to yesterday. All day long I was bombarded with 'reasonable requests'. At first it was just from Laura's friends but as word spread, other girls would join in. Not for the first time I was glad that I had instituted a 'squeaky-clean' policy for this week, as there was not a single part of me that was not examined, nor a single orifice that wasn't poked. The youngest were the worst, what is it about anuses that have a fascination for girls of thirteen?

It was lunchtime before I realised it and I collapsed at a table with Debbie and Steve, sighing with pleasure at the knowledge that my time was my own for an hour or so. Steve laughed at my expression of relief.

"Busy day?"

"I think there's a conspiracy."

They both laughed and I realised that I was happy for them both. I was also surprised to find that I had gone the whole morning without thinking about Debbie once. This confused me for a while, but Debbie and Steve didn't seem to notice and I gave myself a mental shake and joined in the banter.

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