Jean, Mike's Black Cock Slut - Cover

Jean, Mike's Black Cock Slut

Copyright© 2007 by Topcat

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Empty nest couple find out that once the kids are gone, the suppressed desires will change their lives forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   Cheating   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Cuckold   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   White Couple   Black Female   White Male   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Size   Body Modification   Needles  

The next morning, after getting Ray off to work, Jean changed into shorts and a tee shirt and went for her morning power walk. She was now able to cover the two miles around her sub division in good time and worked up a good healthy sweat. Once home she did some sit ups and a little dumb bell work to help here middle age muscles. Finishing up and getting ready for her shower she took a second to look at herself in the mirror as she passed by. Her butt was still nice and her tits, while no longer perky, were still firm and full on her chest. She had always thought herself pretty in the face, so all in all; she gave herself a smile as she evaluated her body. The last couple months of activity with Ray still proved that she was desirable to him, but she was very concerned that Ray had not been able to cum during sex in years. She just did not know what the problem was. Yes, she did produce a lot of juice when they got going, and maybe she was not the most active participant during sex, but that had been the way they had been having sex for years. Of course, she had to admit that she had not come in years from Ray's lovemaking and had relied on a quick humping against a pillow to get off when the urge got to great. She thought maybe she would go online after her shower to see what could be done to help Ray get some relief.

Sitting down at the computer in her towel, she booted it up and started going into Google. Looking up orgasms was like opening up a porn bonanza. She saw in the first couple sites, more cocks then she had ever seen in all her early dating. Ray was the first guy to make love to her and took her cheery, but she had felt and seen a few dicks in high school. None of them, especially Ray's, could come close to the whopper shlongs she saw as she waded through the many sites looking for something written about achieving orgasms. After ten minutes of looking at all the fuck scenes and even daring to click on some of the free video feeds, she had forgotten about Ray's problem and become aware of another between her own legs. She quickly shucked her towel, found her favorite pillow and humped herself to a nice warm come, visualizing some of those big cocks working into her hot pussy. She knew this was wrong, but when the mood hit her she could be a very sensual person. She pulled herself together and remembered her promise to Ray to call the school to see if there were any volunteer tutor positions. Dressed now in a summer dress, she found the schools phone number and dialed.

The receptionist in fact did confirm that they had a volunteer program and said she would connect her with the assistant principle in charge. When a deep male voice answered, "Hello, Mike Steel, how can I help you?" she started to explain her situation. "Hi, my name is Jean Howell, and I was wondering if you could use a volunteer tutor? I do not have any teaching degree, but I have gotten two of my boys accepted to college with my home schooling them. I now have time on my hands and was wondering if I could lend a hand to any of your students that need a little help."

"Miss Howell, thank you for your interest. I think we could use someone with your experience. We do require a minimal training and screening period before you can work with the kids, but I am sure we can work that out. Do you think you could come in and see me so I could explain the program and we can see what you have to offer?"

Jean was very happy that there seemed to be a place for her talents, so she agreed to come in that afternoon to see Mr. Steel.

Hanging up, the two had very different ideas about what the upcoming meeting was going to produce. Mike Steel had always had a thing for married women who he could take to places sexually that they had never reached with their white-bred husbands. Having a nice 10' long, 4-inch diameter cock, he had always pleased the women he took possession of. He thought of them as his possession, once he made them come and shot his thick load deeper then any had before. He started the tutor program in order to meet parents who might fit his bill as attractive conquests for his use and abuse. To date, he had only met women that were not his type. He got them tutoring in the classrooms, but did not take the effort to tutor them in the bedroom. He hoped that this Mrs. Howell might be attractive and be his first conquest.

Jean looked at the upcoming meeting with a mixture of anticipation and fear. She had not been in any work environment since getting married and was a little afraid about meeting new people and fitting in. She also was not sure her teaching skills would be up to the schools standards. So, trying to look nice in a conservative dress and 2" heels, she went off to meet with Mr. Steel.

The receptionist at the school gave her a pass and instructed her how to get to Mr. Steel's office. The instructions were not to the main office area, as Mr. Steel had his office near the gym. Mr. Steel was the coach to the football team before he took this assistant principle job. Now he pulled double duty and decided to keep his previous office as he enjoyed being near the locker rooms. In fact, he had keys to some storage areas that allowed him some interesting viewing pleasures of the girl's locker showers. He passed some quality office time scoping out the young talent. He knew better to get involved with underage girls, but their mother's were another matter.

Jean found the office with Mr. Steel's name on it and knocked.

Again, the deep voice she had first heard over the phone made her heart skip as it responded, "Come in."

Getting up from his chair, Mike took in the pretty blond lady that now entered his domain. Mike shook the lovely lady's hand and looked down from his 6'3" height evaluating the 5'5" blonde's body. She definitely had potential. Feeling her soft smooth white skin, with a creamy complexion, she had his cock twitching in his shorts. The large black man that now filled her vision and kept hold of her hand as they went through their introductions took Jean aback. They quickly agreed to call each other Mike and Jean, and soon Jean was seated in the chair in front of Mike's desk while Mike sat on the edge of his desk.

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