Jean, Mike's Black Cock Slut - Cover

Jean, Mike's Black Cock Slut

Copyright© 2007 by Topcat

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Empty nest couple find out that once the kids are gone, the suppressed desires will change their lives forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   Cheating   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Cuckold   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   White Couple   Black Female   White Male   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Size   Body Modification   Needles  

Jean and Mike had another great morning fuck session and it really got them starting their day much better. Mike did not stay long this time. He just wanted to keep the little blond hooked on his cock and he also was coming to enjoy the challenge of this conquest. As soon as they were in the house, he stripped her naked.

"Help me take my cloths off and fold them neatly as I want to look good at work." With these as the only words spoken besides their opening kisses, Jean complied as only a good housewife can. She soon had him naked with his cloths neatly folded on the counter. Mike, seeing that the Howell's kitchen table looked strong and was about the right height, again took his toy and bent her over. Pressing her tits down on the hard wood, Mike found her cunt hot and receptive for his morning fuck. It was so nice that Jean's house was right on his route to school. He could picture this being a regular addition to his morning routine. The fact that Ray left at 0645 to miss the morning traffic gave him a good hour for a morning fuck till he had to be at work at 0800. God, her pussy was nice, but now it was time for some power fucking and cervix snapping. He loved the double feeling of a tight set of lips and cunt messaging his cock and the added ring of her cervix around his cock head as he pushed it in and out of her womb. This was what being a black man was all about.

They didn't last long considering the previous evening's excitement and Mike telling her all she was going to do for him as his slut. The combination of the erotic future with the rapturous present had Jean enjoying two nice orgasms before Mike emptied his balls.

Slapping her ass, he picked her up and sat her on his lap as he gave her instructions for the day.

"That was great. You really love my cock and it's getting mighty attached to you. Listen, I want you to cool it tonight. I want Ray to suggest the next cyber sex session. Get him hot by showing your body, maybe even have him help with shaving the hairs around your ass that are hard to get. Maybe ask him if your artwork needs touching up. I think your ass could use some more lettering. Ask him what should go there. The object is to get him to push you for another session. If he doesn't take the bait let me know and I will think of something else, but this should work. When he asks, tell him not tonight but tomorrow. This will give us time to figure out how we will play the next session. OK, I have to run."

He lifted his toy up off his lap and sat her on the table, kissed her goodbye. She just sat there as he dressed and was soon out the door. She again could not help wondering how she got two guys to play with. It was almost like having two husbands to send off in the morning. This could wear a girl out. She smiled as she got off the table and did the morning dishes. She felt like such a tramp as she wiped down the table of Mike's thick sperm that has leaked out all over the place where Ray usually sat to eat. God she was a slut. She also forgot to ask Mike if he for sure took the key to Ray's cage. She figured he did as she definitely remembered it being on the nightstand yesterday when they had sex, and then when she was cleaning up she noticed it was gone. She had to get it back, as she did not know how she was going to explain where it was if Ray really needed to get it off for some emergency.

Another normal day went by with agonizing slowness. When Ray came home all was the same as ever until after dinner. The watched some sitcom's they liked to watch together, then when nothing good was on, Jean decided to start up. "Baby, I think I need to take a nice long bath. I may need your help with some shaving now that I am going for the slick look. There are just some areas that I can't reach. I'll call you in a little while, OK"

Ray could not believe the openness and sexuality his wife was now showing. Was it the fact that they were now alone? He doubted that, as they had been alone now for months and she was never like this. He had to conclude that his wife's awakening had to do with his coming clean on his fantasies. She had really seemed to enjoy playing along. He loved her for her support and knew that things were just getting interesting. As he mused, her heard his wife call him up.

Entering the bathroom, Jean had light some candles and was oh so sexy as she was running the water to her bath. The razor and shaving cream was set out.

"Thanks for he help, hon. I'll just get all soft and wet and then sit up on the edge while you go to work. When you are done I'll finish my bath. Better get naked as I don't want you to get your cloths all wet."

Ray got right down to business; shaving his wife bald had always been on his 'to do list.' He was concentrating hard to do a good job, as Jean went on and on about how good it felt to be bald and how she should have been having him do this long ago. She also started to say; "I really had a good time last night. I never thought I would get to see a video of a real black guys' cock like that. I never knew that ever day guys like Mike came with cock's that big. I always thought only porn stars had ones that big. But I guess being black gives him a dick up. I must confess, I daydreamed today imagining seeing one like that for real. You better be careful, lover, or my curiosity might get the better of me. You have started something inside me." Ray had finished his new chore and was now listening to what she was saying. His little dick was trying its best to get hard for some reason. "That looks good babe. Let me soak and read my book. I have had a hard couple of days. If I am up for it, I just might need to sit on your great tongue latter before bed. That always makes me sleep so well."

Ray left his beautiful wife soaking in the tub and went naked to the computer. He was soon surfing. Looking at his history, he quickly found the site where Jean and Mike had cyber sex. He looked for Mike online and after about half an hour of surfing and checking back to the dating site, he saw Mike's handle appear. Mike had called himself,


Just seeing the name and remembering the size of his cock was again causing his dick to try to me manly.

Ray shot a note to Mike and told him it was the cuckold husband 'want a be' from last night. Mike was surprise to get a response tonight as he had told Jean to cool it. Sending him instruction, they were again in a video chat.

'Where's your pretty wife, Cucky?'

'She's soaking in the tub. I was just checking out the web and saw you and wanted to say thanks for giving her such great cyber sex last night.'

'No problem. She's a hot little number and if you just say the word I would make her a black cock slut for real. Will she be on line tonight? I'll do her good again.'

No, she's tired and is going to sleep soon. I could try and get her here tomorrow if you can make it. Say around 2000 hours.'

Well, I had some things to do, but I will try and make it. Dress her up real slutty and I think I will make her do a striptease for us. How would little cucky like to see his sweet pure wife strip for her black stud?'

'That sounds so fuckin hot. What else do you need from me?'

'Just give your permission to fuck her for real. Can you ever see yourself giving her to a stud that can make her feel like a real woman? You're almost a wimp husband already. Look at yourself, wearing a cock cage. Just say the word and give her to me and I will hold the key to your cock and make your cuckold dreams a reality. Come on, you know she deserves a real cock to fuck her.'

Ray just sat naked with his shriveled, locked up cock trying to reach an erection and watched Mike stroke his monster cock. He was so confused. He never thought that he could ever really do any of the hot kinky acts he read so much about in his stories. Now Jean knew his secrets and was playing into them. Did she really want to be a black cock slut? She sure acted so on the web yesterday. That and all this play-acting had really turned her sexuality up a few degrees. Could he really deny her feeling what Mike's cock could do to her? He would love to see that happen.

Coming back to reality he finally answered Mike. 'I guess I would like to see her being black fucked by your monster cock. But I bet she would never do it in front of me and I really want to see it.'

'That's no problem, shorty. I could film the whole seduction and fuck session and you could have it for posterity. That way she would be free to enjoy my fucking without you cramping her style and you get to see just how your wife really feels being a black cock slut. Think about it and if I see you guys here tomorrow, we can take it from there. Here's my email address, drop me a line if you need to talk about this more.' came up on the screen and then Mike said, 'See ya latter, I need to find some bitch for some cyber sex before I call it a night.'

Mike heard the tub start to drain, so he quickly shut down and was waiting in bed when Jean came in. Ray was very loving when he gave Jean a nice message and then pulled her up to give her the cunt licking he was so good at.

When she was sated, and cuddled in his arms, he could not help saying, "Hey baby, do you think we could find Mike tomorrow night online. I want to see you all hot for black cock again. I never saw you come like that before. You deserve to be sexually satisfied and I think you really liked that session."

Jean's eyes had gotten wide when Ray brought up Mike and cyber sex. How did Mike know that Ray would be so into this that he would bring it up so soon? It must really mean that he wants to see me blacked.

"I did enjoy it. If you want me to have another session with my black master, just say the word. But be careful, a girl like me could come to expect that kind of loving. I already told you I had a daydream about his cock today. Keep pushing me and I may let you set me up for a real black fuck. Do you think you could ever see that happening and still see me as the woman you married?"

Mike was silent but kept up his touching and spooning of his wife. He could not tell if she was still role-playing or speaking her own feelings. Finally, when Jean thought he was never going to answer he whispered in her ear, "You've been a black cock slut in my fantasies for years now. You have to know that I beat off reading my stories and trying to see us as the characters. I never thought my secret would come out but now that you know and seem to enjoy the sexual heat this has given us, I think we should just see where it takes us. I think after all the years we have been married, our love and marriage is strong enough to stand anything. If you do get to try black cock, I hope you know that you always have a loving husband who will tend your sore and cum filled body."

Ray said no more and Jean did not ask any more questions. They both were deep in their own thoughts and it took them both a while to get to sleep. Ray, being a man, went through all the factors, weighing them pro or con, to see if he could really go through with letting his wife be black fucked. The tally came up about even, until his other brain in his cock cast the deciding vote. Jean thought about the depravity of Ray actually agreeing to let her have sex with a black man and had to squeeze her thighs together and wish it were Mike behind her with his cock still deep in her pussy. She did not look long range, or think too much on what the impact of her being a black cock slut would have on her relationship with Ray. She knew that she had to ride this roller coaster and see where it went. They both finally found slumber, each having resolved to make sure they were in front of the computer tomorrow with Mike. Neither knew that the results of that session would set the course of their sexual lifestyles for year to come.

Mike called at 0655 and was fucking Jean in her bed by 0700. Mike did not show any tenderness or foreplay for his morning fucks and Jean did not seem to miss the affections. Seeing Mike's swinging cock got her so wet that she did not need any motivation to accept it into her pussy. Having him fucking her now almost every day had become so satisfying that she could not see herself denying him whenever he asked for this pleasure.

When Mike was dressing and Jean was laid out with a lovely sheen of perspiration from her sexual climax, he started to tell her how they should play Ray tonight. He did not ask her opinion on where she wanted their relation to go. He had taken it upon himself to deliver this housewife into black sluthood and she was going there even if she had reservations. Soon she would be marked and black sexed so well that she would have to understand her place in life.

"I want you to play a little reluctant so it seems that all that happens tonight is Ray's idea. Get him to suggest what to wear and keep asking if what is happening is what he wants. I feel he is ready to let you have black cock so we will see if he is up for a meeting someplace this Friday to see if we hit it off in real life. Make it sound like it would just be for drinks, so what's the harm and get Ray to admit that he would love to see you dancing with a black guy. Does he dance at all?"

Jean shook her head, "You can't call what he does dancing and he hasn't done that in years."

"Good, then we will dance up a storm and really give him a show. For tonight we will have another cyber sex session and I want you to make sure Ray is enjoying himself. I think we need to keep him satisfied, so here, give a little free time and suck him dry. I will get him to agree to meet and fuck you only if he agrees to get back into his cage and wait to be free till after we have been together at least once." Mike took Ray's cock cage key off his key ring and put it on the bed stand. "I want that back tomorrow morning. I think if we do this right you will be free to enjoy your new addiction to my cock without any interference from your husband." Taking Jean's head in his hands, he reached down and gave her a great deep kiss. "You will be my bitch and my cock will be servicing your little pussy till we part. Do you want to help me make your husband's cuckold fantasy come true and give you the sexual satisfaction you have always deserved?"

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