Danica - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by Darkniciad

Part 15B

Fantasy Sex Story: Part 15B - A magic-user of little renown, Danica seeks a little excitement in her mundane life. When she is ensnared in the web of the Archmage Zoraster Arias, Danica gets far more than she bargained for. She discovers hidden power and hidden desires, long repressed, as Zoraster indoctrinates her to his service through pain, humiliation, and temptation. She forms bonds of friendship and love with others caught in Zoraster's web along the way, but can they escape and make him pay?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Magic   Fiction   High Fantasy   BDSM   Sadistic   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Fisting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Big Breasts   Menstrual Play   Public Sex   Slow  

Danica relaxed upon returning to the home where she was staying. When she entered, she found Rekhmire and an older servant who prepared the food playing a game similar to chess. Danica sat down to watch, although she was almost as interested in watching Rekhmire's lap below the table as in observing the game. She did pick up a few hints about how the game differed from chess as she watched, however.

The older servant soundly trounced Rekhmire, and then returned to the kitchen to prepare something for Danica.

Danica gestured toward the board and said, "This game is similar to one in my lands — called chess."

"I play poorly, but I learn from Khufren when we play. It passes the time."

"I'm not very good at chess — and probably will be worse at this — but would you like to teach me?" Danica asked with a sweet smile.

Rekhmire smiled and prepared the pieces for a new game. He and Danica discussed the differences in the two games for perhaps half an hour, until Danica had a good idea how to play the game. After studying the board for a moment, Danica made her opening move.

Only a few minutes later, Danica realized she was in a hopeless situation. She laughed and said. "I think we can just call this game yours. I can tell I've lost before it happens."

Rekhmire smiled. "We could play again. I must admit it is pleasant to win for once."

"I'll have to try it for myself and see how pleasant it is," Danica said with a mischievous smile as she set up the pieces.

The architect, Sushume, arrived just before Danica was about to lose her second game, although the game had lasted twice as long. Danica went aside with the architect and discussed what she wanted done. Danica assumed Zoraster wanted something similar, likely identical, to his outposts scattered throughout the world. Danica's plan was to follow the design, but to modify it to her taste and the local style. Zoraster had not really given her any specific directions, so she took liberties.

"What you speak of sounds possible. I will go and draw up plans that we may then modify tomorrow until they suit your needs."

"That will be fine. Do you know anyone who makes bathing vessels?" Danica asked as she led him toward the door to escort him out.

"There are two men who craft such. One will be among those who will work with us, and produces the bathing vessels of those with means. His vessels are among the most beautiful ever produced in our land. The Pharaoh's own daughter cleanses herself in one of his bathing vessels. He will likely require a high price for this, however, as it is outside the scope of our assigned task. His is a time-consuming, costly trade."

"That shouldn't be a problem. What about the other?"

"He produces such vessels quickly, of common earthenware. The cost is far less, and the vessels are plain. It is common for them to need regular replacement, but his work is well done."

"That sounds like it will work until I have a longer lasting replacement. Can you tell me where to find him?"

Sushume told Danica how to locate the man's workplace, and Rekhmire said he would lead her there if she required. Sushume then took his leave, and Danica asked Rekhmire to take her to see the man immediately.

Danica settled on a design and a price shortly thereafter. She paid the man well, and he said he would finish it in no more than two days. Danica found that the more time she spent with Rekhmire, the more she desired him. After days with no sexual release, she felt fit to burst from her repressed desires.

Danica asked Rekhmire to lead her to the spot granted for the construction of Zoraster's outpost. When they arrived, Danica was pleased with the spot. The temples were grand and beautiful. She saw few other structures nearby, which afforded some privacy. The land was also on a slight rise.

Rekhmire and Danica were just about to leave when a woman walking to the temple of Quadesis paused and turned to approach them. She was dressed in a transparent linen gown, which hardly surprised Danica considering the woman obviously served the goddess of sexuality. Her perfect breasts, with their perfectly circular nipples and areoles, and her neatly trimmed and sculpted patch of pubic hair were plainly visible. Danica was already aroused enough from standing near Rekhmire while he was fully dressed — her juices really started flowing in the presence of the nearly nude woman.

As the priestess reached them, the woman's eyes lit up. She nodded her head slightly. "You do indeed resemble Tayetet, Sister. Will you come to the house of Quadesis to receive her blessing upon your new home?"

Danica thought that something about the way the priestess said sister seemed a bit more familiar than was appropriate for someone she'd just met. Danica felt the word was far more than a priestess calling a parishioner sister, or two women doing the same. When the priestess said the word, the connotation Danica felt was a truly platonic reference, as if they were indeed sisters.

The thoughts rapidly dissolved in Danica's head, however. Danica's desire spiked to unbearable levels. She knew her panties would be absolutely soaked before long if she didn't relieve the building pressure inside her. "Of course I will seek Quadesis' blessing."

The priestess nodded again, and turned back to the temple. Danica's heartbeat sped up to match the sway of the priestess' shapely backside as Danica watched her walk into the temple.

"Will you come with me and try to keep me from making any offensive mistakes?" Danica asked Rekhmire.

A slight flash of embarrassment crossed Rekhmire's face, but he mastered it quickly and said, "I will accompany you."

When they reached the entrance of the temple, Danica suspected that she would need no assistance to avoid mistakes. From the moment they entered and a priest asked them to disrobe, Danica assumed that the customs of Quadesis would vary little from those of Erotine.

When Rekhmire pulled off his kilt, what Danica saw beneath was every bit as enticing as she had anticipated. He was uncut, thick, and of a nice length. She suspected she would see how big he was when erect before long, as the first twitches of an unavoidable erection already swelled his manhood. Danica could tell he was still fighting embarrassment.

The couple passed into the temple proper, confirming Danica's suspicions on two fronts. First, Rekhmire's erect manhood was just as big as Danica had guessed. Second — despite the lack of pools common in Erotine temples — one glance told her that the worship of Quadesis was identical to that of Erotine.

A man sat upon a divan couch with three women using their mouths to pleasure him. In another part of the room, a man grunted in climax as he filled a woman bent over an altar designed for exactly that purpose. Two priestesses, marked by their unique golden necklaces, lay upon a pile of cushions at the head of the room near a huge statue of Quadesis, their heads between each other's legs. Danica could hear sounds of passion echoing from everywhere in the temple.

Danica reached down, laid her hand on Rekhmire's cock, and licked her lips. "Let's go seek Quadesis' blessing."

Danica smiled when she received a brief grin and a powerful throb of Rekhmire's member beneath her hand in response. Danica led him to one of the cushioned alters, placing a pair of semi-precious stones in the offering bowl below the altar. She then bent over the offering bowl and rested her upper body on its cushioned surface. As she bent over, the first drop of the other half of her offering dripped from her labia into the offering bowl.

Rekhmire's embarrassment quickly evaporated in the face of Danica's body offered to him. He ascended the short step that raised him to the perfect angle to penetrate her, and slid his hard cock into Danica with a sigh of contentment.

Danica moaned as she felt him stretch her walls and hit her deep. She was so wet in anticipation that his cock made slight squishing sounds with each thrust as he took her.

Small, sharp moans escaped Danica as his thrusts stoked her fires higher. Danica placed her hands under her and raised her upper body from the altar, emitting a gasp punctuated by loud squeal of bliss. The slight change of angle caused the dusky servant's stroking erection to rub her clit with delightful heat.

Danica's heightened need caused her to reach her peak quickly. Only a minute or so after bending over the altar, Danica came. She loosed a loud scream of pleasure, and her flood of juices squirted out around Rekhmire's stroking cock. Her scream first warbled, and then turned to gasps and growls as Rekhmire continued his assault of her spasming body.

Danica opened her eyes and gasped for breath when her orgasm gave her a little respite. She saw the pair of Priestesses at the head of the room had turned to watch her, smiling in the afterglow of their own release and gently rubbing each other as they watched. Danica licked her lips, and then let out an explosive gasp as Rekhmire thrust even harder. Danica turned her head and flipped her hair out of her eyes, seeing the signs that Rekhmire was quickly nearing his own peak.

Danica reached beneath her body to rub her bud in fast circles, moaning encouragement to the man penetrating her depths. She quickly built toward another crescendo, and from the sounds Rekhmire made, she knew he was close as well.

Danica was nearly to her peak when she felt him pull free of her. Danica growled and turned to see him stroking his member over her back. "Inside me," she loudly gasped.

He hesitated in confusion for a moment, but finally grasped what Danica was asking as she rhythmically thrust her bottom back at him. He slid back inside her with a gasp and Danica's fingers returned to her clit.

Danica's walls tightly squeezed Rekhmire as she drew to the edge of climax, held there on the edge of release. Her dam broke when she heard him let out an explosive sound of release, coupled with a hot geyser of his seed erupting deep inside her.

They remained joined and gasping for breath for a few seconds, as their twin climaxes shook their bodies. When Danica opened her eyes, she saw the two women from the head of the room approaching. From off to one side she saw the priestess who had asked her to come to the temple approaching as well.

When the priestesses reached the pair, the single priestess placed her hand on Danica's back and buttocks. She offered a prayer chant as she softly stroked Danica's back. The touch caused Danica to gasp and her walls to contract around Rekhmire, who also gasped. The other two servants of Quadesis stroked Rekhmire's skin with their soft hands and chanted as well.

After a few moments, the women completed their chants and one pressed against Rekhmire, instructing him to withdraw from Danica's warm depths. Danica and Rekhmire both gasped, as he pulled free of her. He let out an even louder exclamation of surprise as the two women who had chanted over him dropped to their knees to lap the mingled juices from his slowly shrinking member.

The priestess who attended Danica chanted again, moving behind her to part Danica's quivering labia. Rekhmire's thick cream dripped from Danica into the offering bowl below, and she pushed to hasten the process.

When Danica ceased to drip, the priestess ran a finger between Danica's lips and pulled out a tenacious, clinging dollop, allowing it to drip into the bowl as well. The servants of Quadesis guided the pair to a nearby divan couch, and then one of the two who had attended Rekhmire returned to the altar and took up the offering bowl, retreating to the depths of the temple with it.

The other priestess attending to Rekhmire then slowly and sensually dropped to her knees. She chanted and traced invisible sigla upon Rekhmire's thighs and tummy. The priestess in front of Danica also knelt and pulled Danica closer to the edge of the divan. Danica moaned in anticipation just as Rekhmire gasped in surprise. The priestess' spell caused his nearly flaccid manhood to swell with blood again almost instantly. The priestess' warm mouth engulfed him at the same moment that the other priestess closed her lips over Danica's folds.

The pair quivered and gasped as the two women dedicated to the religion of sexual release showed them the pleasure that dedication created. Only Celes had ever caused such feelings of hot euphoria in Danica with her mouth as the priestess who was now between her legs did.

Danica drifted in a fog of pleasure. Her mind didn't even register the woman causing the pleasure after a few moments, and she had no idea how long she remained in the erotic trance. The feeling evaporated in the face of a long, loud scream — the scream bursting from Danica as she gushed a torrent of juices into the mouth and face of the priestess between her legs.

Through the loud sound of Danica's rapid heartbeat in her ears, she registered an equally loud cry of release as Rekhmire filled the mouth of the priestess who engulfed his cock. Again, the two women chanted over them as Rekhmire and Danica recovered from their climaxes.

Danica looked over and saw that Rekhmire was gasping for breath, his eyes half closed. The priestess before him looked to the one in front of Danica and received a nod. The priestess in front of Danica offered her hands to help Danica rise, and then the other lay the gasping Rekhmire down on the divan couch.

"Will he be alright?" Danica managed to stammer out as she tried to force her wobbly legs to work.

The priestess looked at Danica with obvious curiosity. "He will be fine, and will feel the blessing of Quadesis wash over him. Surely you have performed this ritual before?"

Danica shook her head in the negative as she sank down onto another divan couch, drawing yet another look of confusion from the priestess.

"Do the rituals of Quadesis differ in your land?" The priestess asked.

Danica weakly laughed and smiled. "Not as far as I can tell, though I've only been to the temple of Erotine once before. Erotine is the name Quadesis is known by in my lands."

The confusion on the priestess' face only increased. "You are not in the service of Quad... Erotine?" The woman struggled to pronounce the unfamiliar name of the goddess Danica had mentioned.

Danica shook her head. "No, I'm a student of magic."

"But you have been gifted with The Awakening."

Now, it was Danica's turn to be confused. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"This is most unusual. I have never heard of one not high in the service of the goddess being blessed with the Awakening ritual."

"The one time I was in a temple of Erotine, I was simply with a lover. We weren't even approached by the priestess. What is the Awakening anyway?"

"It is a ritual that awakens the natural desires of the body and enhances them. It offers greater stamina and enhanced pleasure, as well as causing the natural attractive scents and magics released by the body to increase ten fold. I can feel myself drawn to you like a moth to the flame, as would any who find you desirable."

"Is it magic? If so, you must be mistaken because there are no spells — priestly or otherwise — on me. Trust me — I have good reason to have checked carefully."

"It is a blessed prayer, much like healing. The magic does not remain inside you — it does its work to alter the body, and then dissipates. Your own body makes the magic now through its natural processes, though much enhanced now that you have been Awakened."

"Could this ritual be performed on you without you knowing it?"

The priestess had a look of doubt and surprise on her face as she answered, "I imagine such would be possible, but the ritual is never performed outside the temple."

Danica's lip curled, the pleasure of her orgasms burned away by anger now that she realized that Zoraster had indeed tampered with her. Her desires were not completely her own after all. "It's been done at least once — to me apparently. How is it undone?"

"It is never undone. Only Quadesis or another of the gods could remove the blessing of the Awakening."

Danica closed her eyes for a moment to master her emotions, and then rose from the couch. "You will ensure Rekhmire is returned home when he is able?" Danica asked, noticing that the young man was dozing in the lap of the other priestess.

The disturbed looking priestess nodded to indicate she would. Danica moved quickly to retrieve her clothing and return to her room.

Danica spent an hour or so contemplating what she had discovered once she returned to her room. Zoraster had told the truth when he said it was not his magic that caused her to desire. As Danica considered it, she realized that the ritual did nothing to affect the mind. Every desire was truly hers — the emotions were simply fanned to a white-hot flame by the ritual. She'd suppressed many things that she now desired, and she likely would have never acknowledged those desires before the Awakening was forced upon her.

Because she attracted others to her through the magic of the ritual had an effect as well. When someone showed desire for her, it heightened her own. She knew the little natural magics that attracted people to one another only grew stronger once arousal set in. For Danica, once the process started, it was nearly a foregone conclusion that sex would soon follow.

Thinking back to the Astral Imp, Danica realized now why it had nearly destroyed itself in the process of trying to reach her. The Imps had difficulty resisting a normal aroused woman. Danica enhanced scent would have created a maddening fog of desire that completely overruled the Imp's reason — and even its desire for self-preservation. The Awakening also explained the strange reaction of the two Nymphs, although it did not explain the interest of their Mistress, who Danica assumed must be some nature goddess.

Danica knew that there was little she could do about it. The priestess had said that only the gods could remove the Awakening. Erotine certainly would have no reason to do so. Danica doubted any god she would have any desire to deal with would prove amicable to her now, considering some of the actions she had taken under Zoraster's orders.

Danica sighed. She would simply have to remain aware of what she was doing, now that she understood the reason behind her desires. In truth, she enjoyed her new inhibitions, even though they caused her to do things that troubled her at times. Danica thought, Would I ever have been so aroused as to lower my pussy to Celes' lips that time without the Awakening — giving Celes a gift she had been denied for so long and thought she would never receive again?

She also considered her Art — vastly increased along with her desires. Perhaps the Awakening had also renewed her passion for magic, long been drowned in feelings of inferiority to her sister. Though she and her power were Zoraster's tools, Danica had used her magic and her wits to do many things that had helped people as well.

Danica couldn't even guess when the ritual had happened. Zoraster admitted controlling her with magic and potions at first. As far as she knew, she might have acted purely from her own desires at some point between the potions and the Awakening.

There is a reason for everything, Danica remembered her mother always saying. Danica had to believe that there was a reason for everything she was enduring.

As she thought about the people she had coupled with, her inner fires stirred. Danica forced the feelings down at first, and then realized she wasn't hurting anyone by giving herself pleasure. It was ridiculous to endure the torture.

Danica drifted off to sleep after climaxing twice on one of her toys.

Zoraster watched Danica sleep in his scrying mirror. "Interesting — I would have expected her to break into another self-pitying crying fit if she ever learned about the ritual of Awakening. Perhaps your will, which resists my attempts to read your mind so well, now serves to resist your own emotions as well. I shall have to beware of that, little rose, because you will become a dangerous power if you ever learn to master your emotions," he whispered.

Behind him, well out of earshot, wizards looked on. Amongst them was the bald wizard with the goatee. Zoraster turned back to them, "Now let us see if your research bears fruit."

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