Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 9: Ropeville School 5

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 9: Ropeville School 5 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

That evening I took Pauline out to a restaurant rather than cook a meal at the room, while we were eating a woman passed us by, she looked a little like Lucy Lawless - you know the one who plays Xena on television, she looked at me and then said,

"Pardon me, but aren't you the new school teacher, err Orange or Green?" she tried to remember my name, but there was something in her voice that said 'I know who you are and don't mess with me!'

"My name is Mr. Paul Purple, and yes I am the new teacher, how do you do Miss?" I replied, but she just shook my hand.

"Oh I'm fine, but I have to be going, my husband's expecting me." And she gone into the body of the restaurant, in my hand was a letter with my name on it, she was fooling with me, I glanced back to see where she went but I lost her.

I opened the letter, a credit card dropped out; it had my name on it and looked valid. I read the letter.

'Mr. Purple,

In respect for your help to Ropeville County and the school, it has been decided to allow you funds for the duration of your stay and to ensure the well being of your charge until such time that she decides to leave you.

The enclosed card is tied into the city funds, you have a personal limit of $50,000 per month, and we expect you to use this instead of any cards you may hold.

Again we thank you for your help to the citizens of Ropeville.'

There was no signature, but there was a seal, a proper old fashion sealing wax and impression, I must say it impressed me no end. Then I re-read the letter again I could hold onto the card until either I left Ropeville or until Pauline left me, I smiled at the girl seated opposite me.

Pauline looked puzzled but smiled back at me, "What's up master?" She asked me.

"It seems that you are the key to my well-being here." I said and let her read the letter, her eyes opened wide when she got to the part about the monthly budget, she looked at me.

"Wow master! You're rich." She said with a bit of awe in her voice.

I nodded and then added, "But you've seen the proviso on that?" at her puzzled look I explained, "I can only keep this card while you remain with me, if you decide to leave then the card is cancelled." She had a shocked look on her face.

"But I'd never leave you, you're like a father to me!" and she got out of her chair and ran around the table to me, hugging me in her arms.

"But a father would never do to you what I'm doing." I said; she shook her head.

"I don't care, I like you, and I'll never leave you!" She promised I brushed my hand on her head.

"You say that now, but when you really get to know me you might change your mind." She vigorously shook her head.

"Never, when they asked me if I would stay with you I asked them for how long, they said it was up to me, now I've been with you for four days I don't want to leave you. Master!" and she kissed me.

"But Pauline, four day's isn't long enough to really know anybody, in two weeks time you might want to leave me, and I wouldn't stop you, you might not know this but you are the nearest thing I've ever had to a daughter, I don't want to hurt you at all." I told her

She looked up at me and gave a small smile, "So you don't want to train me then?" She asked me, "'cause if you did I'd really know how to be your daughter."

I looked at her, her brown eyes were wide waiting for my answer, I bent down and kissed her nose, bringing a smile to her face, "I promise Pauline, I will teach you whatever you want to learn, if you want I'll cut this card up now and never use it, I don't need a bribe to keep you." I went to call a waitress over, but Pauline held onto my arm.

"Nnnooo. Master" She said, "Don't do that, or we'll never be able to pay for the meal!" I smiled at her and then nodded

"Alright, I'll keep hold of it, but tomorrow we'll see how much we can spend okay?" I asked her, as she thought about it she smiled and nodded, I did call the waitress over, but just to order some more ice cream.

I won't bore you with the night's events, the only difference being that Pauline herself suggested what she wanted to do - or rather what she wanted us to do.

The morning found us both asleep when we'd normally be rushing around getting ready for school, there's a lot to be said about Saturdays, it used to be just another day for me, but now, back in the saddle so to speak, I could feel the pleasure of just lying in bed, I moved the covers to find that I was sharing my pillow with a pair of feet! The feeling of an arm over my hips and warmth covering my now rampant cock told me where the rest of the person was.

I pulled the covers off from us and watched as Pauline's head bobbed away in its task of giving pleasure, I moved my hand down to her slit and started to rub away on it, which made her pause for a moment, turning her head to smile at me,

"Good morning Master, I didn't want to wake you but I had to have a taste." She told me, and then returned to her task, I didn't say a word but kept rubbing on her slit, I could feel her shudder and shake as her orgasm struck her, she stopped sucking for a moment until she could gather herself back together again and then she carried on until I spurted away into her mouth, she then pulled her head away from my stalk, ensuring her lips kept in contact until she left it, shrinking but clean, she then sat up and swallowed the contents of her mouth, before smiling at me

"Thank you master, do you want breakfast now?" she said while remaining on her haunches.

"I will do, after you have brushed your teeth and then returned to kiss me." I said, she smiled and ran off to the bathroom, from where she returned a few minutes later, to push herself against me and gave me a kiss, which belied her years.

After I pulled away to catch my breath I smiled at her, "You know as a daughter you make a wonderful slave."

"Thank you master, may I call you daddy?" She said with a sparkle in her eyes, "Please?" she added.

I thought about it, I'd never got married, any wife wouldn't have understood my profession, or maybe I'd never have got into my work if I had married? I'd never know now, but a daughter was something I'd meant to have, even if she began as someone else's. I noticed that she was starting to get worried with every second.

"Pauline? Do you really want to call me Daddy? You do know what I am?" I asked her, I had to make sure.

Her stance changed again, and I knew that Felicity was now in charge of the body, "Master, I speak for all of us, I'm sorry that I have to be formal, but I think this deserves it. We know what you are, but we also know that you are a good person inside who, when he gives his love gives all his love, it doesn't sound right but we know what we mean, to us you are our father and we would be proud to call you daddy." She looked at me, in what I would call a puppy-dog attitude.

"Yes, you can - all of you, but please give me a warning of who you are at the time, I don't want to answer to the wrong person." I told her, smiling away. She closed her eyes as if concentrating, but I knew that she was listening to all the personalities inside her, when her eyes opened she smiled to me.

"Thank you Daddy, from all of us." She threw her arms around me and kissed me again, "But I can call you master when I have to as well can't I?" she asked.

"Of course slave, you have to maintain your place." I said with a mock growl.

She went down onto her knees and then bowed down onto the floor, "Your servant awaits your command, O Master!" and while she was in that position her attitude changed back to Pauline, who held the position.

"Daughter/slave you may rise and make breakfast, ensure that you cook enough for both of us, we have a long day ahead of us, and I think you need some new clothes, although what was good enough for the Emperor should be good enough for you." I said thinking of the Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale.

She rose up and smiled at me, "But master, what if the little boy starts to point at me?" she said.

I had to laugh at that, "Well then, this time we'll ignore him, what does he know about fashion anyway!" I said. She started to go to the kitchen area when I added, "don't forget to wear an apron, I don't want you to accidentally get burnt - I deserve the right to do that!"

"Yes master, thank you master." She sent back as she walked from me.

After breakfast I allowed my new daughter to dress for the outside, I wanted to buy her new clothes and to see what the shopping malls had for a teacher of young girls, and to see what else I could teach them after examining the wares.

First I decided to get underwear for Pauline, she had a few pieces of lingerie but not enough for my liking - good enough for school time but not for playing in (yes I did say playing, remember she is a young girl still), but I did want to find a few 'fancy' items for her, if only to let her tease me in them.

The assistant didn't even bat an eyelid when we made our purchases, along with the normal child's knickers, there were also frilly and several pairs of crouch-less ones, which Pauline had offered to model for me first, but I declined the pleasure, I also ensured that there were several pairs of children's pantyhose in white, there is something distinctly virginal about a child wearing white pantyhose.

One shop I saw which rang a bell was called 'Red Riding Clothier' there were no windows but only the door which had a push button bell visible, I tried the door which was locked! So I pressed the bell, a small screen lit up.

"Good morning sir. May I ask how you became acquainted with our name?" The voice was of a young oriental girl, I would have guessed her age was about 12, but from the screen there was no real way to judge.

"I saw an example of your garments once and was impressed, the young lady wearing it was Sue-Li who's staying with Elizabeth." the face in the screen nodded.

"Thank you sir, one moment please. May I have your name please for a record check?" She asked, I gave it - this seemed elaborate for just a shop, especially in Ropeville. Then the screen lit up again.

"Thank you Mr. Purple, we have your records now on our computer, you may enter the shop, and Welcome to Red Riding Clothiers." there was a buzz on the door which now opened to my touch.

The lighting was soft and mainly non-reflective, this was a shop of refinement, not one of the normal mall stores, the clothes were on manikins, I could see the Red-riding hood costume that Sue-Li had worn; there was an Alice costume, a dominatrix outfit, a nurse's uniform, and a harem slave. They were all designed for children, or rather pre-teens; Pauline was looking around open mouthed at the display.

"Good morning Mr. Purple," The voice came from an elderly lady who had just emerged from a small door, she was about sixty, but her eyes were bright and clear, "I did have a bit of a problem with your file, it seems your name didn't exist until the beginning of this week."

I smiled and opened my hands, "Well I didn't really exist until then either, but I do have a credit card which I hope would be honoured by the city, and I'm interested in the clothes your company produces" I said with a smile.

She returned the smile and then looked at Pauline, "Yes, I could do wonders with that one," She pondered for a few minutes and then said, "Her hair's the wrong colour for the Alice costume, but it would be an interesting look nonetheless, A catwoman suit would be fun, it would hide her hair and most of her face though." She started tapping out instructions on a keyboard; the oriental face was visible on the screen.

"Don't you want to measure Pauline first?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"That's not necessary, I have access to the orphanage records, once I'd scanned Pauline's face I had all the information at hand, it's lucky that the system's back up and running, I'd almost given up seeing Mi-ling's face again." at my expression she smiled and gestured to the image on the screen. "She was my charge for five years, until I lost her," She smiled sadly in remembrance, "I had her image scanned into the system, it's almost as if she's still with me." Now I understood, but I hadn't realised that the computer systems could make the image seem so real.

But the woman was now back to business, "Girl! You will find the clothes in that box; I suggest you change into them to ensure they fit!" Pauline found the box and opened it, a blue and white costume was visible, and Pauline started to look around.

"Where's the changing room?" She asked, the woman looked at me as if to say 'don't you train your slaves!' and then she looked at Pauline.

"Why do you need a private room? There is only us here, and nobody else can enter without my permission." She told her, and then she looked back at me, "I only allow one customer in here at a time, normally I require an appointment, but you're lucky I had a cancellation." She smiled at me - one expert to another.

I nodded, "Thank you." I said and then turned back to Pauline, "Well Pauline? We're waiting." her eyes changed slightly I could tell that Slave was now back in charge, her face went blank and she started to undress.

"It's always surprising when they do that." Said the woman, "Orphanage trained I take it?" she asked conversationally, I nodded, "And she's been assigned to you, you must be important!"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know about that! All I know is that at the moment I'm a teacher in the school." I told her, she looked at Pauline, who was now removing her jeans, there was an odd look on her face, but she didn't say anything more.

Finally Pauline was standing in her underwear and looking at the dress, the woman spoke up again. "Everything off, these clothes are designed for the body without any encumbrances." Pauline looked at me, I nodded my head, and she then put her thumbs into the sides of her panties and pushed then down.

I could see the woman licking her lips as Pauline displayed her nudity; "They're so lovely at that age I think." She confided in me, I smiled.

"Yes they are, which is why I'm enjoying my stay here, I have a classful of girls her age." the woman patted my arm.

"You should consider yourself lucky, you're able to guide their minds in ways that no-one has been allowed to do for years." She said.

I nodded at her words, "It's strange," I said, "I used to teach when I was younger, but had to give it up because of the way I felt about the pupils, when I came here I was told I had to teach them, it was like putting the fox in charge of the chickens."

Again she touched my arm, "But you didn't do anything much to the poor girls did you?" she said, "I mean compared to how some of the other teachers behave. Your girls are lucky that Mistress Vicki is away at the moment."

By this time Pauline had put on the clothes it was an all in one costume, she was almost like the pictures of Alice, but with brown hair instead of blonde, but she looked beautiful in it, I smiled at the woman, she nodded.

"Yes, well it's not exactly as I would have liked it, but I can provide a blonde wig to complete the image, but it's a good fit." She said with the air of a professional admiring her work, "The leggings allow for corrective punishment to be administered, and also the insertion of dildo's which can be attached to the crouch band, you can get those from Zabrina's two doors down." She looked at Pauline's face, "Smile girl, you are a pretty young thing showing off for her master, now bend over and let us get the effect."

Pauline did as she was instructed, her face showing that she didn't like the attention the woman was showing her, the dress seemed to raise up at the back displaying her ass, which appeared to be encased in bloomers, completing the Alice in Wonderland look. I nodded my approval.

"Yes I like it, could I have two please, and I'd want another one in a smaller size, if I ever leave this town I'd like to be able to dress any other girls I might get." I said, she gave a knowing smile.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," she said, "these things get worked out." Then her attitude changed as she regarded Pauline, "Okay girl now undress! We'll try the catwoman outfit next." Pauline reached behind her for the zip, but started to panic when she couldn't find it. The woman laughed at her face.

"That's another thing, we don't want the pretty things to be able to remove themselves from their clothes, so the zip hides itself in the folds of the fabric, I'm afraid you're going to have to help her."

I walked up to Pauline and touched her shoulder, she jumped slightly and then turned to me, "I don't like this master, I feel that the fabric is holding me tight." the woman laughed.

"But it is! This fabric is 'intelligent' it has sensors inside that constantly measures your body movements and if it goes beyond the programmed limits then it will become rigid, in effect becoming a cast to hold you in place, at the moment it's on display setting, but your master can change those using the computer program supplied."

I managed to find the fastening and undid the zip, rubbing my hand down Pauline's back, hearing her purr as I did so,

"Thank you master." slave replied,

I spoke into her ear. "Why are you in control and not Pauline?"

She looked at me, "Pauline doesn't like the woman behind the sales counter, so I took control of the body, and this seemed the best thing for us." I nodded my understanding.

"But slave you must understand that sometimes it is better for Pauline to be present to face her fears, remember I'm here with you and I will ensure your safety, however I think you had better remain in control until we leave." I told her as I removed her naked body from its enclosure.

Once out of the clothes she remained standing at attention, full slave mode awaiting my instructions.

"The training is very good at the orphanage isn't it?" Said the old woman, their products are always ready to serve, but you can get too attached to them. She was sounding almost detached about the girls, her clothes were more important to her than those who wore them.

"Well I like the way they're trained." I said receiving a smile from her.

"Oh you're young yet, when you've had as many as I have you soon learn." She turned back to Pauline and then said, "Why haven't you taken out the next costume yet?"

I spoke up, "Because I haven't instructed her to do so, she is my slave and obeys my voice before all others." and then I softly spoke to Pauline, "Remove the catwoman outfit and put it on."

She smiled at me, for placing myself in the way of the woman's wrath, "Yes Master." and she bent down removing the plastic and leather suit, quickly stepping into the feet of the costume and then pulling the legs up and the body of the suit around her, finally the hood and mask were over her head -the suit seemed to seal itself up, I heard a whimper from inside.

"Slave! What is wrong?" I asked her, she didn't answer for a moment and then I heard her quietly reply.

"I feel trapped in here sir, almost as if the suit is closing in on me." I turned to see the woman tapping keys on her computer; I didn't want to lose face so I made a decision.

"Pain slut, come forth!" the attitude altered immediately.

"Hey master, this is fun, you haven't got the butt plugs in though." She said.

"You are to remain in charge while the suit is on, once free you will allow slave to take over, do you understand?" I said.

"Sure master, those wimps couldn't even take half of this, she's really squeezing the suit tight!" I could see her eyes sparkling - knowing what turned this personality on made me realise how much pain she must have been in.

"I see that the suit compresses and stretches the body out, but I wanted to have her as a Dom. for when I have visitors to train, I don't want to damage her body too much!" I said in a conversational tone, to show that I wasn't showing anger, the woman tapped a few more buttons and I could see frustration showing on Pain slut's face, so I knew that the suit was now back to normal.

"Yes the program is very versatile, in some cases the suit can take over the functions of the body, but it requires an occupant in order to activate the system, something about utilising the person's own bio-electronic, the hood and mask pick up the brainwave patterns and allows the rest of the suit to move as needed, but the computer program can override this, it can also implant messages to the wearer." She seemed quite happy about this as she told me, her hands went to the keyboard again, but I stopped her.

"That's very good, but I have my own methods of controlling my toys." I said with a smile and I concentrated on her, "Now I suggest you stop trying to punish my slave without my permission and get on with your selling!" she blinked for a moment as if trying to remember what she was going to say.

"The suit can monitor the occupant and relay back to the computer vital information, at the moment the pain level is at four, the levels can go from 1 which is like small animals running over your skin up to level twelve — which is like your flesh being removed cell by cell, would you like me to demonstrate sir?" she smiled at me, but the smile dropped when I shook my head, "I would think you would like to find out on your own eh?" she rallied herself.

I smiled back at her, "Yes indeed, I would." I told her, "I'll take one of those suits as well along with the programme of course." I said she nodded.

"Of course sir, it is included in the price and is compatible with most systems." She looked lost for a moment, "Is there anything else you require sir." Her attitude was completely different from her earlier one.

"No, I happy with the choices I've made, if you will release Pauline from that suit and we'll work out the payments." I said smiling, she typed in some commands and the suit seemed to fly open as if by magic, well technomagic at least.

The woman watched as Pauline pulled the costume away from her body, and then the change from Pain slut to Slave occurred, there were tears in her eyes as she stood naked in the middle of the room, the old woman looked up.

"Well girl! Fold the suit up and return it to the box, always treat the costumes with respect, if you damage the circuitry it will damage you, remember that!" Pauline/Slave nodded and carefully folded up the suit before putting it away and closing the lid on the box, she then began to dress in her own clothes.

The woman started totting up the clothes I had asked for, 2 Alice sets in different sizes, 1 Catwoman's outfit both with computer accessories and interfaces, she looked up and smiled, "That will be $10,000 cash or charge?" she said I passed over the card, which she processed, she looked up at me and said, "Thank you Mr. Purple, it's been a pleasure doing business with you and your lovely young charge."

I'd spent one fifth of my allowance on costumes for Pauline, and then only two that she could wear! Oh well such is life, I thank the woman for her work, and then asked "You said Zabrina's for the toys?"

She nodded, "Oh yes, their range will complement my costumes they have special masks and genital covers, you have to see them to believe them, I'll let them know you'll be calling, they also have a select clientele." She reached for the phone and started to talk to someone at the other end, she hung up and smiled, "That's all arranged, I'll have your goods packaged up and sent to your address, thank you Mr. Purple." She said and indicated the door I took Pauline by the hand and we walked to the door, the computer generated Mi-Ling's face was smiling and nodding down, I turned to the woman again,

"Doesn't she ever visit you?" I asked pointing to the screen, her face went white and she shook her head.

"No, I've lost her forever, she died you know, and that's why I'm trapped in this shop forever looking at her face." She went back into her office leaving me to open the door and exit the shop; I never did understand what she meant.

We left the shop and Pauline clung to my arm, "daddy I don't like that woman, she scares me!" she told me.

I patted her arm, "That's okay daughter, she seems to be just eccentric that's all, but I'm with you." I hadn't notice when Slave had changed to Pauline, but the further away from Red Riding Clothiers the more relaxed she became.

"What are we shopping for now daddy?" Pauline asked me as we walked down the mall, I was looking for the sign that I knew would be there, and then I found it Zabina's. Like Red Riding's it was just a door, non-descript and barely visible, I rang the door bell.

"Yes? Who are you?" Came a voice from a small grill, I gave it my name.

"Ah yes, Mr. Purple, do come in." there was another buzz and the door clicked open, I pushed it open and entered, Pauline cautiously followed me.

Behind the counter was a woman of about 25, with her was a young teenager who smiled at Pauline.

"Mr. Purple, you come highly recommended by Marcia." The woman said, at my questioning look she added, "The woman in Red Riding, that's her name, poor woman, I don't know how she can stand living there on her own." Then see my puzzlement was increasing she stopped, "You're not aware of the story are you?" she asked. I shook my head, she then shook hers, "Then I'm not going to tell you." She finished, I could see in her eyes that she had made up her mind about that. I didn't push her.

"I've been told you have attachments for Marcia's costumes, if I could see a sample of them please." I said to her she smiled and nodded.

"Certainly sir, my name by the way is Christine, this young lady is Joliet." Christine informed me.

"Hello Christine, Joliet, my name is Paul and this is my," I looked at Pauline and said, "Daughter, Pauline." Pauline smiled and kissed me, Christine smiled at her exuberance.

"You've made up your mind to keep her then?" She asked me, I nodded. She looked at her assistant, "Joliet will you take Pauline into the other room and offer her some ice-cream; you may have some as well."

Joliet looked at Christine and smiled, "Thank you mistress." She said, and reached out to Pauline, who looked at me for permission for which I nodded, she then took Joliet's hand and the two went through a door.

Christine smiled at me and her eyes showed a touch of pity, "You've been seduced by the young girl haven't you?"

I nodded, "Yes, I have, and I've only known her for 4 days." Christine nodded.

"They're very well trained, it's the multi-format part of their training that does it, and it's like taking a new girl every night!" she told me.

"I find Pauline enough for me but I do like the other aspects of her." I said

Christine looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "Aspects. Yes I like that word, it does sum them up, all aspects of the same person." We were both lost in thought for a moment as we considered our respective charges.

Then Christine shook her head, "I'm sorry Paul, shall we get onto business, I deal with sexual toys to use on girls of all ages, from thin and slim dildos for the underage up to large and fat ones for those well used to accepting objects in themselves." She said this in a matter of fact way she then continued with, "I also have a wide range of genital coverings to simulate those opening that you wish to pretend aren't in use." I remembered Sue-Li and her 'covers' and nodded.

"Yes, I've seen one before, they're very realistic" At her surprised look I added, "I met up with Elizabeth and her charge."

"Oh so you're the person who supplied her with Little Cat, she's a lovely little thing, she enjoyed her fitting so much that she came twice." Christine told me.

I smiled at that, "I do hope she behaved herself." I said

Christine smiled, "Well Joliet didn't have any complaints when Little Cat played with her." She said laughing. "Right then, I suppose you want to outfit Pauline with a full range of toys to keep her interested and attentive?" she asked me.

"Not really, just to keep her full and under control at times, I take it that they come with remote controls as well as manual settings?" she her smile widened at my words

"You seem used to this type of equipment." She commented

"Only the ones supplied by the outside world," I said, "I hope that yours are superior to those."

She drew herself up, "Mine are made to the finest quality! The workmanship has been described as the best ever! This is why I'm allowed to choose those whom I supply." She was sounding indignant that I would question the quality of her goods.

I held up my hands in surrender, "I'm sorry, but I was just letting you know of the type of toys I've had to use in the past." I hoped the smile on my face would calm her, which it did slightly.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped like that," her smile was back and gave an apologetic air to her, "I'm proud of my toys, and I don't like people comparing them to the inferior ones sold outside." She stopped herself from starting another tirade, she went to a display cabinet and withdrew a small dildo, a gold and silver design was on its side it looked almost like blood vessels, but by looking closely at it I could make out the words 'Zabrina — training size'

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