Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 8: Ropeville School 4

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 8: Ropeville School 4 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

I was quiet as I walked back to the school, I could feel that there was a change coming, I wasn't sure if I wanted it! But then I was sure I wouldn't be given the choice. I spoke to Rachael.

"Well what do you think of Victor Jones?" I asked her.

She was quiet for a moment, "He's dangerous, there's something about him that repels me. If he was an animal I would have shot him as soon as I saw him, I don't know how the others are coping with him!"

"I think they're under orders not to kill him." I told her, I didn't know why I thought this but something inside me was nodding its head, I also knew that my days here were now numbered, Ropeville had got its current enemy thank in part to me, now it was time to go before it decided that I was a potential enemy myself, if I could only work out how?

We arrived at the administration office where the sounds of a woman in the midst of an orgasm could be heard coming from a television speaker, I spoke up to attract anybody's attention.

"How many is that?" I asked looking up at the screen, Kris was tied to a table with three girls working on her, two to each breast and one to her pussy, looking closely I could also see another table had - Jessica? I looked even more closely. Yes it was Jessica also tied to a table and being attended to by a group of girls, lead by Pauline, obviously she was taking her turn at bringing Jessica to another orgasm, I turned my attention back to Kris, and noticed a fourth girl was underneath her working a dildo into her ass as well as using her mouth on her, no wonder she was so vocal.

One of the assistants answered me, "That's Kris's fifth orgasm so far, and the girls at the other end have been rotating victims, so we haven't been able to count theirs!" I was told, just then Kris's voice came from out of the speaker.

"Oh GOD! You girls are too much; I wish you had a real cock to stick into me, that's what I want! Not a rubber dick but a real man's cock!" I turned to Rachael.

"Will you excuse me, but I think that's my cue!" I said to her, she laughed lightly and opened the door for me - I almost ran to the classroom removing articles of clothing as I went. By the time I was at the door I was completely naked, I opened the door silently, making sure that Kris's eyes were covered and, gesturing the girls to keep quiet, walked to the table where Kris was bound.

I saw that the girls had a dildo pushed into Kris's pussy, I grabbed hold of it and pumped it a couple of times before removing it and replacing it with my own cock, which I slid inside her, well lubricated, cunt.

"Oh yes! That one's better, why didn't you use that one first?" Kris cried out.

"We've only just found that one in the cupboard." Said Paula, "We didn't know if you wanted it or not?" she added.

Kris almost screamed out with the movements she was feeling, "I wanted it, it's so good, almost like the real thing!" she said, her eyes were still covered, I started to feel a hand wandering down my back and rubbing itself toward my ass, and then I felt a finger being inserted to hit into my prostate, pushing me over the edge and to spurt into Kris, who sighed.

"OH YES that felt just like a real cock squirting!" She said.

"Well I hope so!" I said, causing her to lift herself up from the table, or she would have done if the ropes hadn't held her, "I'd hate to think I've kept an imitation cock in my trousers for so long!"

"YOU BASTARD!" She screamed at me but her tone told me that she wasn't angry, "You told these girls to gang up on me and tie me to this table didn't you!" she didn't make it a question, she already knew the answer.

"I thought you deserved a little reward for the way you helped me." I said "and I thought what to get the perfect woman, but a perfect cum, it was good wasn't it?" I asked her.

"Yes it was! I don't think I'll be closing my legs for a week!" she said, "And you told me that I was to help the girls!" I smiled at her.

"Well you were helping the girls, the rope tying was only part of it, and the other part was to prove that they'd learned about how to give pleasure to each other and to someone new. Do you think they've learnt that?" I asked her.

"Boy did they ever!" She told me and then looked at me again, "I suppose you like your women tied down when you deal with them?" she said with a smile on her lips.

I smiled back to her, "Well it does save on the foreplay!" I said, reaching around her to undo the ropes holding her, which was a mistake because as her arms were release she hit me, lightly, on my arms.

"You beast!" she laughingly exclaimed, and then she managed to get up, and turned to the girls who were watching us closely.

"Thank you girls, I understand that you were following the instructions given to you by this manipulative person called Mr. Purple, so I won't blame you for giving me the best afternoon of my life," She said, "But I think the next time I'm asked to look after a class, I'll say no thank you!" she paused and then said, "No, I'll take that back, if it's this class then I'll be happy to help out, whatever lessons you've been given they seem to have been well learnt."

I then spoke up, "Girls! I think we should thank Kris for helping out." And all the girls in the room chorused "Thank you Mrs. Green." - Which was the first time I found out that she was married! I checked the time, it was nearly the end of the school day, so I instructed the girls to get dressed, then I remembered that my clothes were missing, or rather left in a path between the administration office and this classroom, I was thinking about retracing my route when there was a knock on the door.

Kris, who was dressed, went to the door and found Rachael standing there with my clothes in her hands, the two shared an embarrassed grin and Kris allowed Rachael to enter the room, I thanked her for her foresight and started to dress, I found it hard to button up my cuffs when I remembered Rachael's tracker, I undid it and handed it back to her, and then I turned to the class.

"Now then girls, what did you learn from this afternoon?" I asked them.

A couple of the girls raised their hands, I pointed to one, and she stood up and said, "I learnt how to tie some new knots." She said proudly, I nodded and she sat down, I pointed to Jessica, "That people can be made to cum, whether they want to or not!" she said, and some of the girls laughed at that. I pointed to another girl, "That when we act as a group we can do more than when we're on our own!" I smiled; at least one girl had found that out.

"Exactly!" I said, "the fact that people can be force to climax is well known and has been used over the years as a form of torture, but the fact that a group of people can accomplish more than a single person is as obvious as anything, but very few people realise the power of that, now take the Mogul hordes of ancient times, they started as a small band of people who took over other villages and brought those people into their tribe, eventually they took over towns and cities until they were the largest group on the planet at their time, again take the Germans in both world wars, they overran counties, bringing their populations into their army - but with both they overreached themselves, there comes a point where internal struggles will pull the group apart. Remember that! A group will only survive as long as all the members share a common goal" I realised this was a bit too deep for the girls, but I was trying to give a message to others, now that I knew I was being constantly monitored. "Now that the computer systems are back I want you to study large systems and how they work, I suggest you form into groups to do this. One to look at business corporations; another to check on countries; and a last group to report on historic groups. Think of this as an ongoing project."

I thought that it might stir up some sort of response, I didn't realise in what form that would take.

I was back in my guest room, with a police guard still on the door; I was watching television while Pauline was doing some homework - how to pleasure a man with your mouth.

The telephone rang, Pauline disengaged herself and answered it, and she handed it to me.

"It's a female voice asking for you." She told me, I took the phone and spoke.

"Paul Purple here." I said.

"I suggest you watch channel 4, you may like what you see." I recognised the voice of the mysterious number 3 from the council. I turned to the station and found I was watching the court case of Victor Jones - I wondered if this was normal or if I had a special cable channel, but then of course the town had full control of the video networks so the answer was obvious.

I watched myself walk out of the courtroom, I noticed that Victor had watched me leave, and then the prosecution called for Veronica to go to the witness box, I tried to see if Elizabeth was in the courtroom, but couldn't see her.

Melody, wearing her blonde wig, walked up to the stand, she didn't look at Victor but sat down and looked at the prosecution council.

She told the court about how Melody had been kidnapped and held by myself, when Melody had found out her two friends had been killed and that she thought I had killed them, then how I treated Melody once she had learnt of their deaths, how Melody's uncle had arranged her kidnapping, on contacting Elizabeth at Ropeville and then being brought to Ropeville, then she spoke of the actions the previous night, and how Melody had questioned her uncle on why he had her abducted, she answered the questions that were put to her and then Victor was allowed to question her.

"Are you comfortable there Veronica?" He asked her, she nodded and then he spoke to her, "You understand that girls who tell lies are punished don't you," she nodded, "and what punishment will you receive for the lies you tell here?"

She just looked at him, and then spoke calmly, "But I didn't lie. I've told the truth!"

Victor then turned to the people in the courtroom, "So how can you say with such authority how my niece felt or reacted, when you weren't in the room with her, and when I've never seen you before!"

"Because uncle," The young girl reached into her mouth and removed a brace that was causing her lisp, "I've had people helping me." She reached up to her head and removed the blonde wig that covered her brown hair. And now Melody was sitting in front of him. "And you told me last night that you killed mummy and daddy, you were so happy that you did that! And that poor girl, you didn't even know her name, she was just a thing to use, as you were going to use me!"

Victor drew his hand back to hit his niece, I could see the police officers starting to rush in to stop him, but then the woman Melody had been sitting with, the one who I had seen chained to Victor's bed the previous night, was behind him grabbing hold of his arm.

I could hear the crack of bone breaking as she pulled his arm back, then she grabbed hold of his other arm and pulled him down to the ground, as if she was a professional wrestler, her mouth was close to his ear, and I could have sworn she said something, because he stiffened as if in shock.

The judge was banging her gavel and trying to establish order, the police had taken hold of Victor and the woman was standing between Melody and Victor, almost daring him to attack the girl again, she really didn't like him I thought to myself, but this did show that Melody was being protected.

Again the telephone rang, Pauline answered it and looked at me, 'Elizabeth' she mouthed to me, I nodded and took the handset from her.

"Hello Elizabeth." I said.

"Hello Paul, I take it you watched the events?" she asked me.

"Yes I did, why was he allowed to get so close?" I asked her.

"We were trying to see how he'd react to finding out Melody was still alive, he still thought she was dead, but Stephanie was prepared for anything, by the way she's currently assigned as Melody's bodyguard for however long Melody will be staying here, her grandparents have agreed to look after her." Elizabeth told me, she wasn't apologising for the actions taken, and I hadn't really expected her to.

"I'm glad," I said, "The woman with her seems to be a good choice." I added.

Elizabeth sighed, "She knows Victor," She told me, "She acted as his maid for the past couple of weeks, she's been his plaything for most of the time, I thought that this would be a better task for her."

"Well she certainly doesn't like Victor!" I said.

"He was lucky, she wanted him to actually hit Melody - and then she would have been allowed to kill him!" Elizabeth told me coldly, this must have been what she told him, no wonder he stayed still, and I said this to Elizabeth, "Exactly Imagine how you'd feel if a dog you trusted started to savage you, that was how Victor probably felt."

I looked down at Pauline working away on me, and then picturing how she could attack me, it was reflected in my response; Pauline looked up at me and smiled.

"I take it Stephanie was from the orphanage?" I asked Elizabeth.

"Yes she was, how did you know?" She asked me.

"The way she acted, almost as if she was a different person, the only answer was that she'd been augmented and trained, the only place around here that I'm aware of is the orphanage" I explained and then mentioned Rachael, Elizabeth went quiet for a moment.

"I shouldn't be talking about this, but I think you should know." She paused for a moment and then started to explain. "We ran some tests on you a couple of day's ago." She said; I interrupted.

"The day the girls were at target practise and I 'fell asleep' in the classroom, after being hit by a dart?" I asked her.

"Err. Yes, I'm afraid so," She said and then continued, "We found that you have an effect on people, women mainly, basically they have to obey what you say, it's not a normal reaction, and we found that some of the assistants had to be restrained from waking you. I can get the full report to you later, but due to this I don't think you're going to remain in Ropeville much longer." She sounded slightly flustered as she said this.

I thought for a moment, "Is this why I seem to be so successful, not only am I breaking down their resistance by my treatment of my victims physically, I'm also affecting them mentally?" I asked her.

"Yes, it does." She told me, "its quiet an interesting phenomenon, I've never even heard of it before, we would like to study it, but..." she stopped there

"You can't be sure if it wouldn't permanently affect your staff." I said picturing controlling the whole of the female population, although it was a nice fantasy I didn't like the idea, plus I didn't think that Commander Evans would have allowed me to do so.

"I'm afraid so," Elizabeth said. "We're going to have to sort out how to do this, plus there's a slight change in the council, one of the seven has returned, she doesn't like the idea of you being either here or out there in the world, you could be regarded as a threat to us!"

"Or one of your best assets for finding people for you." I countered. "You used to send out teams to find people, Rachael was one of those found, with the method you use nowadays how many are you missing?"

She was quiet for a few moments; "There is something in that." She finally said, "I've got to meet with one of them tomorrow, we're monitoring the court case from her office, I'll mention that to her, see how she receives it, but you do know what she's going to say."

"That I've influence you with my mystic powers, that you're not longer thinking about the good of Ropeville, maybe you ought to have a holiday to get me out of your system? Is that what you think?" I said and then added, "What if I gave my word that I'd never do anything to harm either you or the people of Ropeville, that I'll be willing to follow whatever strictures they may place on me, how would that sound?"

Another voice sounded on the phone, I recognised it as belonging to number 3 of the council. "But would you remain happy under those conditions? You would be constantly monitored to ensure your compliance."

I smiled, "At least then I'd still be alive, and working at what I do best, as for the monitoring? Well am I not being watched, even now?" I asked them.

"True and you have been doing as you promised, although we found your last lesson slightly disturbing." I was told, "The aspect of the group working together as opposed to individuals, it's not something we want our children to concentrate on - at least not yet."

I countered, "But they will have to learn that to stay in this town they have to act for the benefit of Ropeville county, that only by working together can they act for the county, shouldn't they learn this as early as possible?"

There was a muted noise, of several people talking away, on occasion I heard someone say "No, it's too dangerous, you don't..." but the sound was cut off, they had turned off the microphone, then Elizabeth's voice sounded in my ear.

"I don't know what you've done; I've never heard them argue in public like this." She said, I was going to answer her when I could hear the council again.

"Mr. Purple." The voice of number 3 was back in my ears, "We're going to have to discuss this problem to a deeper depth, currently we have decided to return you to your home, as soon as all preparation has been completed to remove your real name from the FBI database following the Melody situation, you will be allowed to follow your previous occupation without hindrance by ourselves, except where individuals of Ropeville are concerned. We will be supplying you with details of certain persons; you will be informed about them as and when it is necessary. For the moment you will be in charge of your class tomorrow and have the weekend off, please do not try to leave Ropeville or enter any places that are clearly marked out of bounds, I won't say that you will regret such action, just consider yourself warned. I understand that Commander Evans is not as trusting as ourselves." I fully understood the warning, stay within the area or be killed; well it's not as if I had anything to do elsewhere.

"Thank you," I said, "I'll be careful."

"One point we would like to make clear." I was finally told, "Your current class project has merit as it will open the eyes of your class to the structures of group pressure, however we do not believe it will be beneficial to the girls to learn of this so soon, we suggest that you change the focus of their investigations, let us say the causes of why large structures fail, and how to avoid such failures in future."

I considered this, "That would be a very long term project, well beyond the time of the class itself."

"Yes, you are right," number 3 conceded, "But in the long run we will gain some analytical information from a new perspective - your idea was a good one and will be expanded on with other classes, we will contact you again soon." And the click told me that they had disconnected.

Elizabeth's breathing could be heard on the line, I called out to her. "Elizabeth are you alright?"

She finally answered me, "Yes, I'm fine, but did you just get threatened with death?" She seemed shocked; this amazed me.

"Only if I try to escape, why does that bother you?" I asked her

"I, I don't know, God I think you HAVE affected me. I don't want to see you get hurt." She sounded as if she was unravelling, I concentrated.

"Elizabeth! Listen to me. You have important work to do here. This is your role in life, act for the people of Ropeville, I am out of your life now, I do not control your life at all, you do, now remember that." I wasn't aware of any force, but I tried to project everything I had into those commands.

There was silence at the other end of the phone, I was starting to wonder what had happened, and then I heard Elizabeth's voice again.

"Paul... what happened?" She asked me

"I tried an experiment." I told her, "I ordered you not to obey me. How do you feel?" I asked her.

Again there was a pause as she mentally examined herself, "My God!" she exclaimed, "I really did put you above the town, what was I thinking of? You know the sooner you're away from here the better!" she said, but there was a tinkle in her voice, "Thank you Paul, I think I needed that from you."

"Good," I said, "The last thing this town needs is people who aren't working for the benefit of all."

"Paul why are you acting like this, you don't really owe us anything." She sounded puzzled

"When I called out for help, my friends had closed up shop, it was only this town that decided to help me - I know that they were more interested in Melody and I was an afterthought, but they still helped me, the only thing I can do is to repay the favour. I will tell you this, as long as I'm able to help Ropeville or anyone associated with Ropeville, I promise that I will try my best." It sounded trite, but I really meant that, I think Elizabeth heard that in my voice.

"Thank you Paul, I'll mention that in the meeting tomorrow, I'd better go, Little Cat and Sue-Li are trying to get playful, I'll see you soon Paul, goodbye." She said, we hung up the phones almost together, Pauline looked at me.

"What happened just then master?" she asked, but the attitude wasn't Pauline or Slave's, but Kathy! I was learning to recognise her.

"Elizabeth was under my control." I told her, "but I've managed to stop that, or at least I hope I have. If only I could get someone to be able to check on her, ensure that she's now fully her own person, but I don't know anyone who can do that!" I said keeping my eyes on her, "You don't mind staying here while I go to the bathroom do you?" I asked her.

"Oh no master." She said, "I'll just stay here." This would be odd if Pauline or Slave was in control of the body, they would have accompanied me anyway, but Kathy had to report this development, without my knowledge.

I stayed in the bathroom for 10 minutes, and then I heard Pauline call out, "Master where are you?" So I knew that Kathy had given control back. I left the bathroom and went back into the room, Pauline was going frantic she looked frightened when she saw me.

"Oh master, I woke up and you weren't here, I was scared that you'd left me!" she ran into my arms crying and shaking, I patted her head.

"Don't worry Pauline, I'd never leave you without saying goodbye, it's just that you fell asleep while I was on the phone and I wanted to use the toilet, I couldn't disturb you, so I let you sleep on." I had to let Pauline think she had fallen asleep, to allow Kathy to retain her 'life'.

Since Pauline was convinced that she was tired we went to bed, although it was some time before we fell asleep.

The next day I was woken up in my normal manner, I sighed to myself - 'I'd miss this when I return to the outside world', so I kept relaxed and allowed Pauline to work away, her tongue was quiet talented.

When she had brought me to a climax, I thanked her for her attentions and told her to take a shower after a few sniffs at myself, I decided that I needed one as well, so I joined her.

She jumped slightly as I entered the shower, when I asked her why she said that I'd never done that before and it surprised her. I told her that sometimes it was nice to share a shower, and showed her why.

I soaped up my hands and started to rub her body all over, paying attention to that spot between her legs, to which she started to sigh and move against my hands, trying to increase the pressure on her, until she couldn't resist it any more and she came, shuddering in my arms, her legs unable to hold her and so I took over raising her body into the spray of the shower, allowing the water pressure to continue the work I had started.

"P-p-please master, no more!" she finally gasped out, and so I lowered her onto the floor of the shower to rest for a moment, while I carried on washing myself, after a few minutes I felt hands on my legs rubbing soap over them, and then the hands rose up to my hips, washing my cock and balls, then rinsing them off, allowing the soap to drain away, then the hands moved around to my ass, washing away, while a warmth engulfed my cock, and I felt the now familiar sensation of Pauline's mouth sucking away, and then she showed me that the earlier lessons had been learnt as she started swallowing my cock down her throat, then she started giggling which sent ripples through my gland, her hands, which had been busy soaping my ass then made their entrance into it, this threw me over the edge and I started to pump away at her mouth until I came inside it.

Laughing she pulled away and smiled up at me, "Thank you master, you're delicious!" she said licking her lips.

We finished the shower by towelling each other off, I looked at the clock and found that we were now running late, for some strange reason, so we both had a drink of orange juice and got dressed, ready for the day ahead.

The officer at the door nodded to us and fell in step behind us, again as we walked to the school there was a greater police presence, I turned to the officer behind us.

"Why the high security presence?" I asked her

"Victor Jones is moving from the hospital back to the court house later today, we're making sure that no problems occur whilst this is happening." I was told

"I see, so I take it that there's going to be two people watching me today?" I asked her.

"I have no idea about that sir," She said, "I'm only to ensure that you get to the school." She looked at a patrol vehicle parked outside the gates and added, "They're here to ensure that you stay there!" she gave me a meaningful look

"Don't worry officer," I said, "I've got a class to teach, I leave revenge to others."

"Then you have nothing to worry about sir." She said.

I left her and walked into the administration office where Kris was typing away, I knocked on the door, she looked up and covered the screen so that I couldn't see it, which was odd in itself.

"I was wondering if you'd like to look after my class on Monday," I said jokingly, she looked at me strangely.

"How did you..." she started and looked back at the screen and then she said, "Why what are you planning?"

I ignored her slip and said, "Well I was thinking about showing the girls the full sexual act, with variations, and then letting them practise on each other, well those who can of course, but I'd need someone to help me with the class." I told her, she smiled.

"And I suppose you'd want a practise dummy, and so you thought of me!" she said almost laughing.

I tried to sound shocked, "Not at all! I was going to let the girls have their way again!" I confided to her.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed, "I had enough from them yesterday, you'd never believe what they made me do!" I looked thoughtful and then said.

"Well, I'll wait for the video and see shall I?" I smiled at her, she realised what I meant.

"You mean that they..." She couldn't finish the statement; I nodded.

"Yes they did, I've ordered two copies." I told her, "Because I need one to judge how well the girls did." And I waited for the fish to bite, which it did.

"And the second copy?" She asked me.

"Well I didn't think you'd want to pay out for your own tape, not since you're the star of the production." I told her laughing. The look on her face was priceless, I smiled at her, "What I really came to ask was for the same routine as yesterday, I'm going to be in my classroom all day again, but the invitation for Monday remains."

"Okay Paul, and thank you for the tape, I don't think John believed me when I told him about it, but he liked the effect it had on him." This stopped me for a moment,

"He didn't object about my activity in it did he?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"Oh no, but he did say that I shouldn't make it a continuous thing." She said with a smile, which relieved me a bit, although I did think that Monday should be toned down a bit.

Rachael was waiting in the classroom again; I looked at her she smiled back at me.

"Good morning Rachael, I'm sorry to ask this but which one are you?" She took this in her stride.

"It's me, the original, it was fun looking around with the eyes of a child again, but I'm still me and she's still her, if you know what I mean." She told me, and in a convoluted way I understood.

"How was the mental examination?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"I haven't had one." She told me, "Elizabeth phoned me early this morning and release me for duty." Her manner changed slightly, "Yeah and I'm supposed to stay in the background!" obviously her younger form was also present, she changed back, "I'm sorry," She said, "But she seems to pop up at times, when I least expect her to."

I smiled at her, "Well I suppose she wants to stretch her legs now and then." She smiled and agreed, I then started to think, why had Elizabeth allowed her to return? What was I expected to do about it, and then I remembered Elizabeth's reaction on the phone yesterday.

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