Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 7: Ropeville School 3

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 7: Ropeville School 3 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

There was a knock at the door, Pauline and Kris were there carrying trays with food from the canteen, one each for Rachael and myself; we thank them and they left, leaving us to start eating.

While we were eating I asked Rachael how she became part of Ropeville, thinking that she might have been too young to remember.

"I was brought to Ropeville by one of the collectors!" She told me, at my puzzled look she explained, "There are families here who go outside the county and pick up children in disadvantaged positions, they tend to look for particular types, I was lucky enough to be the right type, my dad had disappeared just after I was born, my mum was a drug addict and was looking for ways to get money, she'd sell herself to anyone for a fix, and then she started to work on me, at first it was getting the johns to let me watch her as they took her, it graduated to making me lick them and sometimes suck them afterwards." Her face showed her feelings about that, I almost made her stop there but she continued, "I think she was building up to selling me, but she took an overdose, and I ended up on the streets, I was lucky, after four days I was discovered by the Mitchell's, I was dirty and hungry and eight years old at the time, digging in dumpsters outside fast food shops, fighting with rats for scraps." Her eyes held a haunted look as she was saying this; I resisted the urge to take her in my arms.

"The Mitchell's saw something in me, because they started to talk to me, took me to their mobile home and Janice gave me a shower," She paused in thought, "She didn't do anything to me, just washed me. Peter wasn't even in the van at the time, he'd gone out, once I was washed she dressed me in new clothing they had, and then she knocked on the window and Peter came back into the van, they sat me down and talked to me..."

"Now Rachael, where are your parents?" Janice asked the young girl seated in front of her, the smell of food was starting to permeate from the galley area.

"Mum's dead, I don't know who my dad is, its just me on my own!" the girl said this in a dead voice, resigned to the life she'd been thrown into, Janice looked at Peter, the girl was older than their usual subjects, they preferred younger children, but there was a certain air about Rachael that drew them, they recognised it of course, they'd been trained to - but they could never say that this was so, the powers that worked on them were so hidden that they couldn't remember anything about that.

Peter and Janice moved away from the girl and started to talk between themselves,

"It might be too difficult for her at her age," Peter said, but Janice disagreed

"She's perfect for the project," She said, "she's got no dependants, and is quite healthy, I don't know how she'll last on her own, if only for that reason I think we should take her." Peter shook his head,

"I think we should hand her over to the locals, they'll be able to look after her." Janice looked him in the eyes.

"Are you sure about that brother?" She asked him, "Remember how we were treated before?" Reminding him of their times in care homes, before they were found by the Ropeville social services and taken to the orphanage at Ropeville. He shuddered at the thoughts that went through his head, the threats of being separated from his sister, the fights he'd have protecting her from the other boys, and the number of times being shut up in a cupboard by the sadistic people in charge of the homes.

"Okay, we'll take her, but only her, if we meet any others her age we leave them!" He said; Janice spoke to Rachael.

"Rachael, would you want to come with us, back to where we live?" she said softly, Rachael looked at Peter.

"What would I have to do?" She asked. Peter looked away, the tone of her voice was flat, almost disinterested, he knew it was from the way she was living, but it still distressed him, he forced himself to speak to Rachael for the first time.

"You're not expected to do anything," He said, "We won't force you, and you can change your mind up to the point where we leave town, after that you're committed to staying with us, do you understand?" The girl nodded her eyes still expressionless, he softened slightly, "Don't worry Rachael, we're not nasty people, we do like children but we never force them to do anything they don't want to, once we get back to Rop... where we're going you can decide to either stay with us or to stay in the orphanage there, you're go to school and be just like all the other kids there, so what do you say, do you want to come with us?" he smiled at her encouragingly

Rachael bit her lip, she didn't like living on the streets, it was cold and lonely, and some of the other people kept talking strangely, she didn't like them or their looks as they watched her, these people hadn't hurt her - yet, she added mentally, but there was something, almost subconscious telling her to go with them, she'd be safe, and it was right for her - vital for her, to stay with them. She nodded her agreement.

Janice smiled, "That's wonderful honey, now lets eat!"

That evening Rachael's stomach was full for the first time in years, her bed was soft and clean, and her sleep was undisturbed, much to her surprise in the morning.

Peter and Janice, following their programming, radioed their contact and reported their latest find, which they were told to keep safe and happy, to continue with their work and return as per normal, preparations were being made to accept Rachael into the orphanage. The powers that be knew she wouldn't want to stay with the pair once they arrived in Ropeville; her type never did once they arrived home.

Rachael stayed with the Mitchell's and was able to help them with the children, they were after, young vulnerable children who's parents didn't seem to want anymore, mostly in the poorer parts of the town, paying money, for the signatures on official guardianship papers allowing them to look after the children. They gathered four boys and two girls all either 4 or 5 years old, Rachael was now at ease with the Mitchell's to ask them why they were doing this, Janice sat her down and told her.

"Where we live there are plenty of people who don't have families, we go out and find children, any child who could benefit from having a stable family life not the one they're having now, for some reason there are more girls than boys, so we try to get more boys than girls, we're trying to get new blood into the town."

Rachael was puzzled, "But why are they so young? Surely older children would be better?" she asked, surprising Janice with her question.

"You see Rachael, our town is 'special', we have to teach children differently than other towns do, once you're there you'll see what I mean," at Rachael's quizzical look she tried to expand on that, "If we take older children they have to un-learn what they've been told is normal, and then learn our way of living, we've found that older children have a built in resistance to this, that's why Peter was concerned about your joining us."

Rachael shook her head, "But I haven't really be taught anything, mummy wouldn't let me go to school much, I had to look after her!"

Janice smiled, "I understand that, which is why I wanted you to come with us, you're special - I can feel that - you will find that out for yourself soon, now come and help me with the children." And they spent the rest of the day playing with the children and generally putting them at their ease.

The Mitchell's and their charges left the town later that day, driving south to wards Las Vegas, the children were asleep, their drinks had a mild sedative in it, Rachael was so keyed up that she wasn't thirsty, this worried both Peter and Janice, they didn't want the children to know exactly where they were going.

"Rachael honey," Said Janice, "Why don't you drink that nice drink I made for you?"

Rachael shook her head, "I don't want to, anyway it smells funny, like you put something in it." Peter looked at Rachael, this was a first, his glance then went to Janice, he mouthed 'tell her'. Janice eyes widened at that, she thought for a moment and then said.

"Rachael, I know the drink smells funny, I've put something in it to make you sleep. You need a good night rest you know!" she tried to sound friendly, but for some reason Rachael wasn't buying this.

"But I'm not sleepy, I want to know where we're going!" she said, Peter sighed.

"Rachael, we're not allowed to do that, we have to have you asleep when we arrive, so that people can examine you without frightening you." Janice was now looking at Peter - they never told the children about the preliminary examination, those that failed were passed onto adoptive parents in the town, those that passed were accepted into the orphanage. Both groups were happy, and she knew that the orphanage life was much better than anything she was used to, but it was still breaking procedure. But something inside her was saying 'it's okay she needs to know this' so even though she was perturbed by this she allowed it to continue.

Rachael was looking interested, as if something was calming her down inside "Why do they need to be examined?" She asked Peter glanced at Janice; this was a question they'd always wondered about.

"We don't know." Peter finally answered, "We do know that all the children we bring in are accepted and are happy, as I'm sure you will be, but you need to drink up and sleep, please Rachael, we haven't done anything to hurt you, have we?"

She grinned at him, "Not yet anyway." And drank down the warm drink, Janice hugged her.

"Thank you honey," She said, "When you awake you will be in the orphanage, we will visit you if you want."

Rachael yawned, "I'd like that, thank you for looking after me." She said and went to her small bed, where she fell asleep.

"When I woke up I was in the orphanage, with a young woman sitting by my bed, she smiled as I opened my eyes and said 'Hello Rachael, my name is Elizabeth, I hope you'll be happy here.' And I have been ever since that day." Rachael finished

"Did you ever see the Mitchell's again?" I asked her she nodded

"Oh yes, they visited us several times, and then the council changed their tactics, because the child welfare people started to take a serious interest of the high number of children being taken, they settled down with about 3 kids, they're very wealthy as well. Ropeville looks after its workers." She told me with a wistful smile.

"So how does the orphanage get its children nowadays?" I asked her.

"They advertise to the same Child Welfare people who transport them in, the town still needs male children as mostly girls are born here, very few boys." The look on her face told me that I needed to change the subject.

"Well you seem to be happy here anyway." I said; she nodded.

"Yes, it's strange that, ever since I'd arrived I've felt that I belonged here, as if the Mitchell's were supposed to find me and bring me here!" Her eyes were unreadable, but misty.

Our lunch finished, and the trays placed outside the room, I started to work on the activities for the next day, I had to make it flexible enough to drop everything at a moment's notice, the courthouse was an easy two minutes walk away, so I'd be close enough to the school to return when allowed.

I asked Rachael what knots the girls would learn in guides, and if they were allowed to demonstrate them to others, she gave me a verbal list which I wrote down, and then wrote down assignments which I sealed into envelopes, I hoped Kris was serious when she said that she'd be interested in watching the class, she was going to be a part of the action, but didn't know this.

I went through the list of girls who belonged to the guides and assigned them as team leaders, in some cases I had to double up giving some teams a deputy leader.

Three girls I assigned as victims, I added Pauline to this list as I knew that she wouldn't mind some extra attention, I thought about the other two and decided that Paula and Sharon deserved to be them, I smiled. Rachael saw my grin and asked what was funny, I told her, she burst out laughing.

"I'd like to see that." She said, I then explained that Kris was going to be involved with the action, but didn't know it, "You'd better get her permission first" Rachael said, "It's not really polite to do that without permission." She explained, I thought for a moment, it wouldn't make a real difference, Kris wouldn't know exactly what was going to happen, but I agreed that it would be easier if she helped out.

I picked up the phone and called the office, again it was Kris who answered the phone, I wondered why she seemed to be the one to do that all the time? But I asked her if she was serious about watching the class tomorrow when I was away, she said that she was.

"Oh good!" I said, "I was wondering if you'd mind helping the girls out?" When she said yes I explained that I'd been making out some instructions that I wanted the girls to follow, and it would help them if she allowed them to do them."

"Of course I will Paul, don't worry!" she told me, I let Rachael listen to the phone as she said that, Rachael nodded. I thanked Kris and said goodbye, making sure that the phone was on the hook before laughing out loud.

The rest of the period I spend setting up the particulars of the next day's lessons, I hoped I wouldn't be away for more than a couple of hours, and I'd need to get the girls to explain what they'd learnt from the rope lesson -and to duck away from Kris's revenge, I scheduled another English reading lesson, the girls knew which books they were reading, and although it wasn't Shakespeare, it did impart extra lessons of a type.

But what to do with the last period, I was getting stumped, I turned to Rachael.

"Do you know if the computers are available yet?" I asked her she said she didn't know but radioed the police station to find out, the response was good news, the worm had been treated and the computer system should be ready by the next day, I phoned the administration office again, a surprised Kris, again, answered the phone.

"Kris, I need to reserve time on the computer tomorrow for when I get back from court, can you arrange that?" I asked her

She seemed uncertain, "I'm not sure, the system's down at the moment, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll make a note here and when the system is up I'll put your class down, okay?" she said

"Fine," I told her, "It should be up tomorrow morning." And heard her spluttering away as I bid her goodbye,

"Right," I said, "that's got that planned out, now it's just waiting for the last lesson."

Rachael just looked at me, "And what is that going to be?" she asked me.

"Oh just a recap over what the girls learnt this morning, and how they felt about it, any myths they might have heard and if they want to practice anymore," I looked at her, "You know it a pity I haven't any bananas here, they would have been just perfect, along with whipped cream." I added smiling

Rachael smiled back and reached for her radio.

The girls arrived back from the gym ready for their last lesson of the day, they noticed that my desk was covered by a large cloth, and the shapes underneath couldn't really be made out, I got the girls to sit down and asked them how the last class had been.

"Exhausting!" was the general conclusion of the class, I smiled,

"It's supposed to be, now lets get back to the last lesson this morning, what did you learn from it?" I asked them. Kylie raised her hand, I nodded to her.

"It's messy" she said, the girls laughed, I joined in.

"It can be," I agreed.

"But it's fun too!" said Paula. Which most of the girls agreed with, one of the girls wearing a pendant raised her hand, I nodded to her.

"But how does it feel for the boy?" She asked me, I smiled.

"That depends, in all cases the feeling of being in a warm area is very stimulating on a penis, combined with the sensation of a moving tongue, especially on the sensitive areas can be overwhelming, of course there are those who never bother with the mouth but depend on pushing their cocks into the throat of their lovers." I could tell from her face that this had not occurred to her.

"Into their throats? How can they do that?" she asked, I looked at Pauline and Paula, Paula raised her hand, she smiled as I nodded to her.

"If you can help me sir, I'll show her!" She said. I nodded and motioned her to come to the front of the class, she looked up at me and then said, "If you'll get your cock out sir and I'll show them all!"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry Paula, but I'm a bit tired at the moment; however I do have something just as good." I said reaching under the covered table and removed a long yellow banana, all the girls, including Paula, laughed as I unpeeled the fruit, showing the white flesh beneath. I handed this to Paula.

"Thank you sir, at least I won't waste anything from this!" she said, she went to face the class, I stopped her in mid-turn, so that her profile was visible to the class.

She started by licking the top of the banana, then she pursed her lips and inserted the fruit into her mouth, she started to pump it into and out of her mouth in a steady rhythm, I spoke up as she was doing this.

"You see girls, first of all you have to make the shaft nice and slippery, for this saliva is good, but you can also get flavoured edible lubricants to help," I said, Then as she started to lower the fruit into her mouth she moved her head back, like a sword swallower, "Now she's lining her mouth and throat up to make it a straight line." She lowered her hand moving the banana into her mouth and down her throat, when it hit the back of her mouth she started to swallow away, "By swallowing she allows her throat muscles to take up the task of allowing the cock to go down her throat, and depending on the length of the penis, will count as deep throating." I tapped her arm to tell her to withdraw the banana, which she did and then she turned to me and smiled.

"You know," she said, "I think that needs some cream on it!" she said coyly, I smiled and took the cover off the table, revealing several banana's and some tubes of spray cream, the whole room burst into laughter.

I invited the girls to come up to the table and take a banana to practice with, a couple of the pendant wearer looked at me.

"But sir, it's not fair, you're making us do that, but you don't have to." One of them said, Jessica looked over and was going to say something, but I stopped her with my answer, or rather my actions.

I took a banana, peeled it and, after taking a deep breath, slowly swallowed the fruit, removing it after a few seconds; I then turned to the girls.

"I never ask anyone to do something that I'm can't do. Because I then know that a thing is possible! Remember that when you ask someone to do anything!" and with that I bit off the end of the banana and ate it, to the applause of the class.

It was the end of the school day and this time Pauline and I were being escorted by Rachael, she looked at me.

"You surprised me today." She said, I just looked and raised my eyebrows in question, she smiled and continued. "Your actions with the girls, when you were accused of just ordering them around, you could have told them to carry on and not talk back, but you didn't, you just showed them that they were wrong, why?"

I laughed at that question, "Being a teacher means I have a responsibility to educate and steer my pupils to learn, but what I was doing there was teaching by example," at her puzzled look I continued, "If I told the girls not to bother me but to continue what would the reaction be?" She was just watching me, "they would have done it, but have no faith in me as a teacher, so I had to show them that it could be done, it was a sort of dare - I've done it now it's your turn! - To tell you the truth that was the first time I've ever done that myself, but don't tell them that." I looked at Pauline walking beside me, "and that goes double for you young lady!"

Pauline just looked up at me and smiled, "Of course I won't!" then she added, "But it does give me some blackmail material doesn't it?" I looked at Rachael,

"See what happens when you confess to being merely mortal?" I asked her, she laughed.

When we arrived back at my lodgings there was another police officer on duty, she opened my door and let me into the room, Rachael said goodnight and that she'd pick me up in the morning.

That night I was so tired out from the classes that I couldn't please my young slave, but had to leave her to her own devices.

I was awoken by a telephone bell ringing, when I answered it a female voice said,

"Turn on your television to channel 79, you might find this interesting."

I quickly did as she said, the picture was dark, but I could make out the room as a hotel bedroom, there was a figure tied to the foot of the bed, sleeping, there was the noise of a spray from the speaker and a groggy voice saying

"Who's there?" - I was stunned, I recognised the voice it was Victor Jones.

"Uncle how could you do that to me?" A figure asked him, I recognised Melody - the man on the bed waved his hand towards her.

"You deserved it bitch," He slurred his words, "You stood between me and my rightful inheritance, anyway you'd never fit in with my world, you're better off where-ever you are."

"But uncle, you had me kidnapped and raped, how could you?" Her voice was angry, demanding.

"That was your fault, if only you'd gone with your whining parents, then you'd be dead with them, would have been neater as well, I could have fired those two snoops, but no you had to be ill." He sarcastic in his tone, "If you only knew the trouble you caused me, I hoped to catch that blasted kidnapper and kill him, then say I was too late to save you, but never mind, the look on Michael's face when I killed him was good enough and the noise when I slit the throat of his girlfriend Rachael, she didn't even know who did her." I could see Melody's shoulders shaking.

"But you told the police that the kidnappers had done that." She said, he laughed.

"Well of course I did, you don't think I'd allow anyone to come between me and my rightful money did you? The problem was finding a little cow who almost looked like you, because I'd lost my opportunity with you as you'd gone with that pervert, so I had to find someone else." He was so arrogant in his tone.

"What was the name of that girl you killed?" This was an older voice, one I recognised as well, Elizabeth had entered the room and was holding Melody

Victor waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, "Oh I don't know, just some young cunt I found, I knew she'd never be missed so I took her, it was quick for her, the hardest part was working out how to mess her up so that she could be mistaken for Melody."

Elizabeth shook her head and made a gesture, I heard the sound of gas hissing away and Victor slumped down on the bed again, Elizabeth held onto Melody and took her out of the room, I stayed watching as two women in police uniforms entered the room and untied the woman at the foot of the bed, they carefully picked her up and gently took her out of the room, I shook my head, turned off the television and went back to bed...

I woke up the next morning, sweating, what if Victor had got out of his bed and attacked Melody, she would have been killed and nothing done to stop him, I went to the telephone and dialled the operator, I asked for Elizabeth's number, at which I realised that I didn't know her last name, I did have it on a card, but I'd forgotten where I left it.

Luckily for me the operator knew who I wanted from my description and connected me, a slightly sleepy oriental voice answered the phone.

"Sue-Li, its Paul Purple here, can I talk to your mistress please?" I asked her, she asked me to wait for a moment, and then I heard Elizabeth's voice at the other end.

"Paul, I know what you're going to say." She told me,

"So there's no point in my saying it is there!" I told her, she could hear my concern in my voice, well she would as she was trained in judging peoples attitudes.

"No, not really, I promised you Paul that Melody would come to no harm while I was looking after her, Victor was under control at all times, if he had got out of the bed we had a plant in the room to restrain him until the police had entered, also I was in the room, even if he made it to Melody he would have to go through me first." She told me, "You feel responsible for Melody, as do I! Believe me Paul, she was completely safe!" This slightly re-assured me, so I thanked her, she sounded happier on the phone, "That's okay Paul; she's got another part to play this morning, after that confession we're going ahead with the trial. He's going to pay for what he did, trust me on this." Her voice was cold, colder than when she accused me of Melody's death.

"Alright Elizabeth, I trust you, will I see you later?" I asked her

"Afraid not! I've got an appointment later and I've got to be with Melody, she's going to be our star witness against Victor in court." I didn't say anything to that, Elizabeth had said Melody was going to be protected I'd have to take her word for that.

I hung up the phone to find that Pauline was ready with the breakfast; she'd done one for herself as well, at my questioning look she said.

"Well I didn't get my normal breakfast this morning so I had to get my own!" which brought a smile to my lips, but I was still brooding over Melody.

After breakfast we had a shower - taking slightly longer as I brought Pauline to a climax; a sort of apology for stopping her from her early morning fun. We dried and dressed and were ready to start off for work, the officer at the door nodded to us and fell into step behind us. Pauline looked at her and asked.

"Isn't Rachael going to be at the school?" the officer smiled at her and answered.

"She'll be on site; I'm only doing this 'cause our orders haven't been changed yet. And until the perp. is formally charged and in custody I've got to follow my orders." She didn't seem annoyed at this situation and so I didn't press the matter.

When we arrived at the school Paula was there with her father, she whispered something to him and he looked at me, I felt the officer behind me stiffen up - don't ask me how, I just did! - Paula came up to me and then said.

"Mr. Purple this is my dad," then she turned to her father, "And dad, this is my favourite teacher Mr. Purple." We shook hands.

"So you're the one who's been coaching my kid?" He said, I nodded my head, prepared for a punch. "Well you're doing a good job, the other day she started to take an interest in anal penetration, after your demonstration -I didn't think she'd take to it so quickly, keep up the good work." He slapped me on the back and then kissed Paula goodbye, Pauline took Paula's hand and the two went into the playground to wait for the bell.

The officer behind me started to breathe easier; I turned to her and nodded

"I didn't know what to expect either." I told her, "I guess I'm still not used to this town." She answered with a grin.

"I have to be ready for anything, because the commander would have my butt if I allowed you to be beaten up while under guard." She told me.

"I don't think I would like it either." I said ruefully, I walked into the office Kris and another girl were in there working, she looked up as I entered with my guard.

"Hi Paul, same routine as yesterday?" She asked me.

"Yep! Unless I'm called away before lunch, oh you haven't forgotten your promise have you?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "Nope! When you leave I'll keep an eye on your class for you." I smiled at her,

"Good, I'm sure the girls will appreciate that." I said and walked onto the classroom, Rachael was waiting outside, she nodded to my escort who then turned and left.

"Good morning Rachael, how are you today?" I asked her, as we entered the classroom.

"Just dandy Mr. Purple." She replied, but there was something slightly different about her, I stared into her eyes, "What's wrong?" She asked me.

"The body is right and the voice is as well, but you're not the Rachael I met yesterday, why the change?" I asked her.

"I... I don't know what you mean, I met you yesterday, and was in the class with you all day, why would there be a difference?" She was ill at ease, hiding something.

"I think I need to contact the police station, they have a spy in their midst," I said quietly, she lowered her head.

"You're not supposed to notice this change," she hissed at me, "I'm a backup personality for Rachael when she's been compromised." This surprised me.

"Compromised? By whom?" I asked her, she looked at me. "Me! I compromised Rachael? How?" I said. She kept quiet, "I'm sorry to do this," I told her, "Felicity I need your help!" I said in a normal tone. She blinked a couple of times and then the easy pose I've seen in Pauline was duplicated.

"I asked you never to call me again!" She exclaimed.

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