Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 6: Ropeville School 2

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 6: Ropeville School 2 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

The afternoon lessons carried on as normal, the only difference being the three naked girls kneeling besides their 'mistresses', they had got over the embarrassment of being undressed in the class. And were helping their owners with some of the problems, receiving hugs for their help, at one stage I watched as one of the girls get under the desk of her mistress and could make out her head moving away under there as she brought her mistress to a climax.

There was an interruption during the session by a knock on the door, it was Kris, she had urgent information for the class and another extra piece for me, and she wasn't surprised at the sight of the three slaves, but took them in her stride. She spoke to the girls at my request.

"I have to announce that Shelly will be away from school for the rest of the week, she's currently at the hospital for treatment. But she should recover completely, however she cannot have any visitors for the next few days, and she'll be with her grandparents when she's allowed home." The girls started to look at each other and started to talk amongst themselves. Kris continued, "But if someone had come to us about her problem earlier it might have been that she wouldn't need this treatment." I had to interrupt her on this,

"Kris, it's okay, we've already talked about this, the girls understand how important this subject is, I don't think they'll hide problems like this again, isn't this right girls?" I asked them, receiving a loud.

"Yes Mr. Purple!" from all of the girls, I directed them to concentrate on their studies and turned my attention to Kris.

"Ropeville has an important visitor arriving tomorrow, but he won't be coming to the school, although we've had a request that you will be on the school premises all day." She didn't tell me the name of this distinguished visitor, but I knew who it was, then she added, "You may be needed on Thursday to appear in court, that's if everything goes to plan." I raised my eyes, I didn't know how much she knew about Melody (or Amanda as she was currently called) but from the way she was talking she knew a lot.

"Thursday? Hmm. Well I could leave the girls with some class work, are any of them in the guides?" I asked, at Kris's nod I said, "Well they could start teaching the other about knots and how to tie them." I could see Kris's face redden as she thought about the way knots could be used, I just nodded, and she smiled,

"I might be tempted to stay and watch over that class myself." She said before leaving giving me a smile as she left.

The girls started talking to each other as they absorbed the news, I allowed them to get it out of their systems before acting like the teacher I was.

"Girls, I know this is upsetting to lose a friend, but she will be back, I would ask that when she does return you don't ask her about any details, if she voluntarily speaks out then that's fine, just don't push her, okay?"

They all nodded in understanding, I'm not sure if they really did but time would tell.

One girl raised her hand, Trudy, I acknowledge her she stood up.

"Mr. Purple, Shelly said that her dad made her take him in her ass, I know you said the other day that people do that but how can she stand it?"

Another girl, Annabel, held her hand up, I nodded to her. She turned to Trudy and said

"I've told you before, at first it's like taking a dump in reverse, but after a while it can feel really good, isn't that true Mr. Purple?"

I nodded, "Yes, Annabel, it all depends on how the receiver is treated, it can become quite pleasant," I avoided looking at Pauline, she already knew how I liked anal, but carried on talking, "If the girl, or boy I should add, relaxes completely there is little or no pain on the primary insertion, and depending on the friction generated the rubbing can cause the fuckee to climax."

Several hands were raised at that, I pointed to one girl, who asked the question I was wanting.

"But sir, what does it feel like?" she said, I smiled and walked to the 'toy cupboard', I found out three harnesses and attached small dildos to them, showing them to the girls, at their giggles I called out the three 'top' girls and told them to bring their slaves with them - one had to be dragged along after her mistress, I stopped them and looked into her eyes, she was scared, not just frightened but really shit scared, I asked her what was wrong?

"My mum said that if I was to do that I'd die of a ruptured bum! I don't wanna die Mr. Purple!" she was shaking as she said that. I looked at her in the eyes and spoke.

"Your mother was wrong! I'll ensure that you're well prepared beforehand, you didn't think that I'd hurt any of my class did you?" I told her, I gave her my handkerchief to wipe her tears away.

"Yes, Mr. Purple, I mean no, I mean - I don't know!" I patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry; I'm going to ensure that everything is okay before they start." And I gave her an encouraging smile, I turned to the rest of the class, "Okay now Nancy has said that she's scared that this will cause her serious problems, which she's been told might kill her, so she needs to be shown that although it's uncomfortable, it isn't life threatening, to do that I'm going show how it should be done, but I need a volunteer

A few hands, Annabel and Pauline's mainly, were quickly raised, and then Jessica's hand shyly raised itself, at my raised eyebrow she blushed and went to lower it, but changed her mind and thrust it up again, I walked to her.

"You know that your pendant stops me from using your body?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Yes Mr. Purple, but then that's only in the front, not the back! I want to know what it feels like." I shook my head, I wasn't really sure if I could do this, it wasn't that the body wasn't willing, just the reverse, I could feel my reaction - lower down, and from the eyes of several of the girls, so could they.

Then the phone rang making us all jump, I picked it up.

"Are you having problems Paul?" It was Kris I smiled at the camera.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked her, she laughed.

"Well it was starting to look interesting," she told me, what is this? Am I on national television or something? "Why are you hesitating about Jessica?"

I stared at the camera, was she kidding? "One, she's a pendant wearer, two, she doesn't really know what she's asking for, three, I don't have her parents permission, any other reason you need to know about?" I said to her

Kris laugher echoed down the phone line, "Okay in order - one - it's her choice, she decided to wear that pendant she's entitled to experiment if she wants to. Two - are you sure about that? We have a very extensive library here; you never know what books the girls have read. And finally three - We have written permission from her mother to allow you access to Jessica if she requests it. It seems she had a very interesting chat with Jessica last night, and she was impressed with the questions asked. Oh by the way she also asked for a copy of anything that happens - the only thing I can say is go get her." and as she hung up I could hear her laughing.

I smiled at the handset, and then looked up at the camera and winked.

"Jessica, come to the front and undress." I ordered her briskly, she scampered up to me in glee; sometimes I don't understand these girls first they act frightened and then they demand attention.

She quickly divested herself of her clothing and stood unashamed in front of the class, I addressed them all.

"The first thing to ensure is that you lover is relaxed and happy, if they're not then they will be tense and all their muscles will be fighting against you, Nancy would be hurt if we forced her to submit to this," I was quite aware of the irony of my statement, "You can have them bathe beforehand, this will loosen up their muscles to allow ingress." I smiled at that remembering the number of girls I've had to introduce to this form of congress.

"Even if your lover is willing and does manage to relax the sphincter muscle, you have to remember that the body is more used to expelling objects from there rather than accepting them!" some of the girls shivered at that, I turned to Nancy, "Now you know Jessica here, and you know how she feels about men in general, would she submit to this if she was really scared of this?"

Nancy thought for a moment, giving me enough time to bring out some tubes of KY-Jelly, which I handed to the three girls, I started to undress aware of all the girls eyes being on me - a teacher should be able to command his class's attention.

I positioned Jessica and myself in full view of the camera and placed a chair asking Jessica to drape herself over it ensuring her ass was raised, I patted it, feeling her shake slightly, not in fear but anticipation. I knelt by her head and I whispered to her,

"You can still say no to this." I said, she shook her head, I smiled, "Okay, now relax, I'm going to put some of this in your backside, it will feel cold, but it will make your ass slippery, and allow me to continue."

"It's okay Mr. Purple, I want you to do it, and my mum said you could if I wanted to." she smiled at me. I went behind her, and went back into teacher mode.

"Before starting you should use some lubricant before you try to sodomise your lover, we have in these tubes KY-jelly which is an excellent sample of lubricant. Now first of all you squeeze a large amount into the ass of your lover, use a finger at first to spread it around and inside the sphincter," I suited words to actions, I heard Jessica take a large breath as she felt my finger in an area which she'd never felt before.

"Now we have to get her ass used to the intrusion, and add another finger, rubbing in and out until she gets used to this, once this is so," I checked on Jessica, she was sweating slightly but managed to nod her head, "Insert another finger, this will get the anus used to insertions." I followed the action and asked Nancy to come close to me, I indicated my cock, which was rampant with expectation - this was the first time I had sexually used one of the class, and asked her to apply the Jelly to it.

She looked back at her 'mistress' asking her for permission, they'd learnt that from somewhere else, I certainly didn't teach that! At the nod she reached out and took the tube from my hands and squeezed a generous amount onto my cock, rubbing in all over, 'she knows what she is doing with that' I thought to myself. I continued pistoning my fingers inside Jessica, loosening her up ready for my penetration.

I could feel that Nancy was bringing me close to ejaculation and so I stopped her, I told her to remain where she was so that she could see how I entered her classmate, I asked Jessica if she was ready, she looked back at me and nodded, her eyes growing wide as she saw my rampant cock prepared to enter her small hole, I gave a small thrust and felt my cockhead being squeezed by her.

I looked at the watching girls, some of whom had open mouths and said, "The initial penetration is normally the worst part of this, you have to ensure that your lover is completely ready for you, sometimes it better to count from one to three." I looked at Jessica, I could tell that her eyes were closed; I patted her between the shoulders, "Don't worry, just relax and push back against me, on three I'll push forwards, ready?" she nodded, I counted, "One, Two" and gave a massive thrust into her, "Three." I later learnt that when I entered her she opened her eyes so wide that several of the girls thought they were going to pop out.

I leant over her form and spoke into her ears, "I'm sorry about that Jessica, but if I tried to enter on three you would have tensed up, it's something you wouldn't be able to control, so I had to surprise you, I wait for a minute for you to get used to the feeling, okay?"

She nodded, it seems she couldn't speak for the moment, I was beginning to worry that I'd caused her too much pain, again I raised myself up and addressed the class, "After the first penetration its better to pause for a moment, this allows your lover to get used to the intrusion, and prepare her for the rest to enter her."

At this Jessica raised her head and looked at me, "The rest?" she asked.

I rubbed her back, relaxing her, "Just a couple more inches." I told her she panted and nodded her head in resignation, I looked at Nancy; she was also wide-eyed but still watching in awe.

"Now did that really hurt Jessica?" I asked her, she shook her head, I told her to go to Jessica's face and talk to her about how it felt.

I motioned to the other slaves to get ready for their mistresses attentions, both girls got into position, as their mistresses started working on their asses, I noticed Jessica was talking normally to Nancy and so I started pushing into her ass again, hearing her gasp at each thrust until I was fully inside her.

I paused again to watch the girls prepare their slaves for entry, they looked at me and I mouthed the words 'on one', hearing both girls say "One," and then the gasp of their slaves as both girls pushed into their bodies, One girl started to pump away and I had to tell her to wait for a moment. The face of her slave was white with the sudden entry.

I asked both girls to wait until I had finished before they carried on, this was to let their slaves get used to the dildos that were embedded inside them, and also would allow me time to recover while they were the main attraction.

In the meantime I started the deep strokes on Jessica, using my hands to play with her forming breasts and immature clitoris, diverting her attention between the friction in her colon and the sensations on her breasts and between her legs.

After a few minutes she started to shudder with the pleasure I was giving her, and I felt her cum under me with my cock firmly embedded, I allowed her to relax before building her up again, this time I timed myself to cum at the same time, hearing her cry out in her pleasure as she felt me pulsing inside her.

I forced myself not to lie on her after the effort I had expended, but gently withdrew my softening cock from her, I motioned Nancy to return to Jessica's back where she could inspect the now closing hole of Jessica's ass, with a small dribble of white sperm sliding out of it.

"Nancy," I said, "I want you to inspect Jessica's ass, you'll see there is no tearing, and my cock is much larger than the dildo's your mistress will be using on you." I told her; she placed her head so close that I thought she was going to suck the sperm out of Jessica's ass.

Nancy turned her head to me and asked, "She won't die now will she?"

I smiled, "No Nancy, I made sure that I went slowly enough so that she didn't get hurt, she may not have been comfortable with it, but no permanent damage was done." She seemed satisfied with my explanation and didn't complain when I took her over to her mistress and bent her over the chair ready to be greased up.

Jessica in the meantime was standing up and gingerly walking back to her place, I picked up her clothing and placed it on her desk, suggesting that she took some time to clean herself up using the wet cloths I had and the towels provided; she smiled at me, still wiped out from her two orgasms.

I went back to the front of the class where the sight of the girls bent over their classmate, I watched as Nancy's 'mistress' pushed into her, she smiled as she felt the soft plastic enter this previously untouched area.

Once all the girls were ready I instructed them on the finer points of buggery, how they should be manipulating their lovers so that they felt the pleasure as well, and the harnesses on the 'mistresses' also rubbed on their clitorises transferring the pleasure to them as well.

I waited until the three slaves had cum twice before calling a halt to the proceedings, the clock showing that there was only half an hour before the end of classes for that day, I got the six girls to clean up and dry off, but first taking time to check all three slaves to ensure they hadn't been harmed at all, even though I had assured Nancy that everything would be okay it was still better to check.

When everyone was clean I allowed the slaves to dress, I told them that their day of slavery was over, but to make sure their scores improved or else they'd be doing the same next week.

The bell rang to signal the end of classes, the girls packed up their books and got out of their chairs, as they left Nancy stopped by my desk, "You know Sir," she started, "You were right, it was strange, but I found I liked it, see you tomorrow Sir."

I smiled, "Things always seem difficult, until you do them, and I never ask anyone to do something impossible, don't forget to do your homework, and I'll see you Tomorrow Nancy."

Jessica was next in line to speak to me, she looked into my eyes, "I did speak with mummy last night, she seemed happy that you didn't do anything to me yesterday, but let me make up my own mind, she said if I wanted to do anything with you that she'd let me." She smiled at me, "You know I'm glad I did, that was neat - weird but neat"

I smiled back at her, "Thank you Jessica, for having the faith to trust in me, if I hadn't done that right then Nancy could have been right, you could have been seriously injured."

She looked at me straight in my eyes and seriously said, "Oh no Mr. Purple, you wouldn't do that, you like little girls too much to do that!" how did she know me so well?

"Thank you for your words, Jessica, if you're going past the admin office they might have a package for your mother, if you're very lucky she might let you see what it is."

I had a feeling that she might be surprised at the film she would be watching, she left the classroom and I was left on my own with Pauline who was working on her homework as I continued finishing off some other work.

While I was working away Kris came into the office smiling. "I thought you'd still be here, I have a present for you," she said handing me a rectangular package, I looked at her quizzically she smiled, "Well you didn't think we only had one copy of that tape did you?" and then she left.

I quickly packed up my work and waited for Pauline to pack her stuff away, before we started on the walk back to the boarding house, it seems I had a film to watch tonight as well.

The day started as normal, Pauline in her now accustomed place, swallowing away, the video we watched yesterday was very stimulating, very stimulating indeed, and encouraged Pauline to accept me again in her ass.

When I'd finished, and Pauline was licking her lips, we got up and showered, I let Pauline cook breakfast, as I sorted out the lessons for today, the girls had responded well to the mistress/slave routine, and Sandra seemed to be happy with hers anyway. I was starting to wonder how their oral skills were, but wasn't sure if I could hold out for 15 or so girls administering to me during the day, I would have to include Pauline in this, but with the way she could work on my cock perhaps I could use her as a teacher with those who's talents needed improving? Maybe I could borrow some of the pupils from the boy's school?

I smiled at the thought of 10 or 12 boys lining up just for blow jobs all day! An adolescents dream cum true!

I was still smiling when the phone rang, I answered it and a female voice spoke to me,

"Mr. Purple - I am known as number 3, we met the other day!" I remembered the person, her face covered with a mask and acting as chairman for a group - Lucy had called them the real council of Ropeville - It was due to them I had my current job.

"Yes," I said, "I remember you."

"Good," was her response, "You are aware that Victor Jones is expected to arrive today?" I acknowledged this, she continued, "We have the situation under control, we considered your plan but have decided on a different course of action," When I started to speak she stopped me, "Your plan had merit but I'm afraid we're taking steps to ensure that Victor Jones is permanently removed from the picture." There was something in her tone that made me shiver; I certainly wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of this group. She carried on talking, "We have to ensure that you won't be trying any revenge yourself, so please do not deviate from taking your classes today, and we will have a guard outside the door at all times to ensure that you do remain in the school, I'm sorry to do this, it's not that we don't trust you, quite the reverse after watching your activities yesterday! But we do want to remove the temptation from you."

"I understand," I said, "What's being done with Melody?" I had to ask this.

"She's been informed and is being prepared for her part in this, I'll try to arrange for you to speak to her later today, we've arranged for her to stay with her grandparents, we've finally managed to contact them, and so she'll be staying here in Ropeville." I was told, I was happy, she'd had such bad times recently, not including her kidnapping, and she deserved a little peace.

"Good," I said, "She needs looking after. Although is the Ropeville ethos the one she should be learning?" I asked her.

I could hear her smile in her voice, "Why not?" She asked, "It's the life her mother knew and liked, and it's the life that she was being groomed for, we've had to speed up the process for her slightly. Don't worry about her, she's going to be well looked after."

I couldn't say anything against that, compared to the life I was going to sentence her to, that was if things had been played straight with me to begin with.

"I'm glad to hear that!" I said, "Was there anything else?" I asked her.

"There is just one more thing." She said, "You're aware that we'll be calling you as a witness tomorrow?" I remembered Kris's words and said yes, "Well we're scheduling the case for the morning, unless anything else crops up first, will you be prepared for some disruptions in your class schedule?"

I smiled as I remembered Kris's words, "I think I could get a volunteer to watch over the class while I'm away." I said.

"Thank you, Mr. Purple - I'm glad you're not trying to be difficult about this, I'm aware that you don't like Victor Jones, your restraint does you credit."

I shook my head at that, "Not at all," I said, "I'm quite aware that if I didn't use any restraint then you certainly would!" I gave a slight chuckle at that which was echoed by the mysterious woman.

"You know us too well, goodbye." She said and hung up.

I turned to see Pauline watching me, but her attitude was of a different person, Kathy!

"You haven't reported me, have you?" she asked, I shook my head.

"No!" I said, "I told you that I wouldn't, it seems that Victor is going to be visiting and I have to keep away from him, one way or another, I was just being given the choice. You are still secret to me as far as they are aware." She smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Pauline's voice called out, "Breakfast's ready" - she still hadn't noticed the lapse in time.

On our walk to school I noticed that there were more police officers in evidence, and our ever present watcher was now obvious, but all of them nodded politely to Pauline and myself, which I acknowledged.

When we got to the school I sent Pauline off as normal - it's funny how you soon get into a routine, and went to the admin. Office where Kris was already working.

She smiled when she saw me, "Paul, how was the video?" she said with a twinkle in her eye.

I returned the smile, "Very good, the angle was just right!" She laughed in the right place, I then asked her if she'd arrange for my lunch to be brought to the classroom and to have an extra meal for whoever was on duty, she looked at me.

"You don't mind the fact that you'd be a prisoner in the classroom then?" she asked seriously, I shook my head.

"Well considering where I'd be otherwise, I think it's the better of the deal don't you?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment, then remembered why I was teaching and then said, "I suppose so, but you're so blasé about it."

I smiled, "When you're trapped in the river it's better to go with the flow!" I told her. I checked the class schedule and notice that they had another gym class in the afternoon, with the last period being with me, I'd be able to sort out the lessons for tomorrow during that time.

As I exited the office I was approached by a police office, she was about 24, brown haired, and pretty. But there was something about the eyes that said, 'danger'

"Mr. Paul Purple?" She asked I nodded, "I've been assigned to watch over you for today, I hope you won't give me any trouble." This wasn't a question, I shook my head.

"Not at all officer, will you want to be inside the classroom or outside, I think inside would be more interesting." I smiled at her; as if telling her I was harmless, although with the self-defence classes the girls attended I think I actually was, at least in this case.

"If it won't disrupt the girls' attention I'll stay in the room." She said, but her eyes softened slightly, now they were showing 'Warning'

"Thank you officer, I've taken the liberty of ordering lunch for you, I assume you'd prefer if I stayed in the classroom at all times?" I wasn't thinking about other breaks I'd need to take at the time.

"That would be helpful sir; I need to keep you under constant supervision at all times." She told me, I nodded and showed her to the classroom, once there she looked around the room, took notice of the only door which had the key visible, the windows, which could only be open a little way for ventilation she nodded her head.

Now to find out the limitations that might be imposed, "Officer, can I ask a few questions, not related to your work but mine?"

She shifted her weight and then said, "Sure, what's on your mind?"

I started to pace back and forth, "In this class I'm teaching things that are not on the 'normal curriculum' if you were to witness these how would you react?"

She smiled, "Sir, I was brought up in Ropeville in the orphanage, I'm aware of the type of classes this school has, I'm a graduate from here myself!"

A thought struck me, "You were an orphan, and signed an agreement?" She nodded to both questions, "And I suppose you had the normal improvements made." Again she nodded.

"Felicity!" Her attitude - altered - she stood to attention, and then caught herself.

"How are you aware of this personality?" she asked me.

"I have a little helper at home, she's also an orphan and has signed an agreement, I just wondered if you were present as well?" I said

"Normally the personalities are merged when the child achieves maturity, but there are some jobs that demand different attitudes, this is one of them, I would ask you never to call on me again, it has been too long since I had control." She sounded, not angry more concerned.

"My apologies Felicity, I won't disturb you again, can you pass control to the dominant host." She nodded and then her attitude returned to the watchful cop, "I apologise officer," I said, "I was just trying to see if the orphans here kept their personalities or whether, that is removed when they're older. If it makes you feel any easier I could order you to ignore my voice when any commands are given."

She shook her head, "That's not necessary sir, now that I know you're aware of the situation I trust you to control yourself." But again there was something in her eyes that told me not to try that out. I nodded and continued with my questions.

"I'm teaching the girls about how to pleasure a man today, this will involve them in oral sex with myself, I hope this won't distress you, I don't force myself into the girls, I'll allow them to accept as much as they can comfortably take." She nodded, and didn't seem phased by this.

I held out my hand to her, "My name is Paul; I can't keep calling you officer all day, what is your name."

She took my hand and shook it, she had a firm grip, "My name is Rachael." She said.

The girls arrived for their lessons, they seemed surprised to see a uniformed officer in the room, and so I decided to play around with them for a few minutes.

"Take your seats girls, Officer Rachael is here to ensure that you attend today's lessons with the right attitude!" some of the girls just stared at Rachael, who didn't say anything, but kept looking straight ahead, I could see a slight twinkle in her eyes.

Jessica, of course, raised her hand, I nodded to her.

"Mr. Purple that's not fair, we always do exactly what you say!" and she pouted her lips, I laughed at her expression.

"Okay, yes I admit it; you have all been very good." I looked at the three 'slaves' from yesterday watching each of them blush in turn. "Nancy how are you today?" I asked her, she stood up.

"Still slightly sore Sir," She said, "My mum didn't believe that you'd allowed me to do that yesterday, and she made me show her," she dropped her eyes for a moment and then raise them smiling, "She told me that I'd done something that she'd never allowed her dad to do! And then she said she was jealous."

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