Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 4

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  


As we left the bustling City Hall I spoke to Lucy,

"So this Principle Salinas, is he a good man?" she gave a laugh.

"No SHE is a good principle; she's in charge of the girl's school." She told me. Seeing my look she added, "We're not co-educational here the boys and girls are taught separately, that way there's nothing to distract them. We pride ourselves that our children have higher SAT scores than anywhere else"

I stopped and stared at Lucy. "What! I'm being placed in a Girls school, do you know what you're doing! That's like using a wolf as a sheep dog!" I almost shouted at her.

Lucy wasn't perturbed by this. "Sure we know what you are, we've got details about most of your 'creations' and you seem to know what you're doing, and at the moment we're short a teacher, so you're hired, it either that or turn you over to the FBI." I understood that, I mean a threat is a threat even if it is sugar coated. "So I've no choice in the matter. Okay then, what should I know about this job."

Lucy thought for a moment and then said, "Well depending on which age group you're teaching this is the normal. There are two types of students here, brought slaves and free residents, they have exactly the same coursework, they learn everything the same." She looked me right in the eyes, "I mean everything. They all study English, Math's, Geography, History, Sexual positions, how to satisfy a man or woman. There are other variations but those are the main ones. The children, that is the 8 - 10 year olds are allowed to learn about penetration, except if they were a pendant, it's in the shape of a penis with a thunderbolt shape in it, and they are only for female owners or those who are to learn only about the pleasuring of women."

My head was spinning at this point, "Wouldn't it be better to have a female to teach them?"

Lucy shook her head, "Normally we do, but with your expertise you stood head and shoulders above the applicants." She smiled at me, "don't worry about it, you'll have fun!"

Fun! Well I suppose there is a silver lining in this cloud, I'd be teaching girls and the problem I used to have wouldn't matter.

I was taken to a boarding house that was near the school, I was surprised to find some suitcases from my home were in my room ready for me, on the whole I suppose for an abduction service they were second to none, then I had a second thought, this room was already there for me, my clothes waiting. That bloody court case was a farce I'd been set up, AGAIN! But somehow I didn't mind this; at least I was with 'friends' who didn't think I'd killed a little girl.

I spent a sleepless night in my room, I had checked on Melody's condition, at first I was told that no patient of that name was in residence, when I mention Elizabeth's newest patient I was told that she was sleeping comfortably, I asked if she was being checked on and they said that Sue-Li was in her room. I gave them a message to pass onto her when she woke up.

"Tell her that Mr. Purple wants her to rest and to listen to Sue-Li, or else he'll get angry." The nurse who took that message seemed a little put out, but when I explained the situation she saw the joke, I hope anyway!

I wasn't sure what time the school opened, but I thought I'd better get there early enough to find out what I was going to do, err, teach!

I arrived at the building and entered, I found the administration office which had two secretaries busy sorting out lists, one looked up at me, I asked to see the Principle, she asked if I was a parent and looked slightly surprised when I said, "No, I'm a teacher."

The other, younger, woman laughed as if there was some joke - I think there was, and at my expense! But then a well dressed woman entered from another door.

"Principle Salinas; this gentleman says he's a teacher, I think he's come to the wrong school." The first one said

"That's Nonsense Kris!" Said the Principle; "He's taking over from Celina Murphy, while she's looking after Vicki's classes."

The two secretaries looked at each other and almost in unison said, "But he's a man!"

I smiled, "Well we don't have to worry about sex education then! But what else do you know?"

Principle Salinas smiled, "Yes he's a man, but at the moment we don't have any one else to take the job, now sort out the curriculum for his class and I'll show him where the classroom is."

I must say the two, when they got over their shock, were very efficient, I soon had a list of what lessons the class was taking and to which levels, the current reading list, and a breakdown of the children, names, ages, and current status — child of residents, trainee slaves and not classified. I looked at the last heading and then asked.

"What does the not classified status mean?" I asked.

The two assistants blushed, Principle Salinas said, "We've 'accumulated' or inherited if you prefer, some orphans, they understand where they are but have not yet been adopted or purchased by people, they stay at the orphanage."

"So why the blushes?" I said pointing to the two.

Salinas shook her head, "the girls are eager to please, they know what happens in this town and want to be a part of it, we don't keep them here if they are scared of the life ahead of them, and we normally send them out of the state to other orphanages." she said

I glanced through the book list, 'Huckleberry Finn', 'Tom Sawyer', 'The story of O', 'A Man with a Maid', 'Autobiography of a Flea', 'The Magic Faraway Tree'. A strange list, but I must admit that I knew all the books mentioned. Principle Salinas watched me as I was reading, but didn't comment

The ages of the girls was between 9-10 years old, which did give me a slight rush, but I managed to control it, then I had to ask the question I dreaded(?).

"What disciplines am I allowed to administer?" which brought a smile to the Principle's lips.

"The punishment depends on how you feel, I do know that Mistress Vicki used to suspend girls while she used a whip on them, but that was her own way. However there are restrictions, although penetration is allowed girls wearing a pendant are not available for such attention; you'll have to find other forms of punishment for that." Then she added, "But you only have 4 pupils in that category, so the rest are available." And she smiled when she said that.

I nodded at that, and then she asked me, "By the way - what name do you want to use when you're here."

I considered the question, should I be the kind Mr. Purple to these children or the nasty Mr. Blue? I made up my mind, "Purple." I said, "Mr. Paul Purple." And I smiled at that.

I waited for the class to assemble before entering the room, I heard a sharp intake of breath from several of the children as I was seen, I walked up to the blackboard and took the chalk.

I wrote my 'name' on the blackboard and turned to face the class they watched me with apprehension, I looked at the faces curiosity was the main emotion showing, I decided to break the ice.

"Good morning, I understand that this is a first for the school, I'm Mr. Purple, and I'll be teaching you for the time being. Before we really begin with this class I should warn you that previously I used to eat little girls like you for dinner, and at the moment I'm feeling peckish. Yes!" this was directed to a young blonde headed girl who had raised her hand.

"Please sir, you can eat me anytime!" she said, which made the class laugh.

"Thank you." I said, and then added, "But I may want to tenderize the meat first." This made the girls shiver slightly, so I continued, "We'll start with the Reading lesson first, do you do this singly or in groups?"

A dark haired girl, looking on my list her name was Emma, raised her hand, "Please sir, Miss Murphy had us in groups."

"She must have enjoyed that!" I said, I couldn't resist it, and it started the girls laughing again, I let them calm down and then said, "Okay get your books out and get into your groups, I'll walk around and listen in, if you have any words you don't understand raise your hands and I'll try to help you."

The girls quickly formed themselves into the groups, quietly positioning themselves in circles and passing books between themselves. I listened to one group reading from 'Autobiography of a Flea', it was a very erotic thing listening to these angelic voices telling the story of a young woman's defilement by a priest and getting her friend involved.

One girl looked up and raised her hand, I walked over to her, she was a red-headed girl with her long hair in ponytails, I asked her what the problem was she blushed and then said,

"Why do they use such stupid names for the pussy's and cocks?" the other girls in the group laughed at this and I smiled.

"This story is meant to have been written in the English Victoria era, when sex wasn't mentioned in the house, so the authors tried to alter some of the descriptive words to enhance their readers imagination, you'll find they also say fundament instead of ass or butt." In the corner of my eyes I could see two girls talking away, both had dark hair, I looked at my list, Jessica White and Pauline Adams were the two, and Pauline was shaking her head, whereas Jessica appeared to be insistent. Obviously Jessica wanted Pauline to do something which she didn't want to do; I ignored them for the moment.

I was listening to another group as they read from 'A Man with a Maid' and the Hero had just tied his victim against a column and then there was a commotion from the other side of the room, I turned to see a book landing on the floor, its cover was torn.

I walked over to the group, Pauline was shaking her head, Jessica said, "Sir Pauline said she didn't want to read any more, and she threw the book." I looked into Pauline's eyes she was scared and shaking her head, since only she could see me I winked at her, she started to look at me curiously.

I turned to the others in the group and said "What is the normal punishment for tearing a book?"

The girls were silent and then Jessica said, "Well Miss Murphy would tie us to the railings over there and hit us with the whip!" The other girls went red at that and Pauline started to shake her head. I seemed to consider.

"Okay then," I said, "so the real culprit should be tied over on the railings and whipped until she begs, and promises not to do it again." Jessica smiled smugly and looked at Pauline. I went to a locker marked 'equipment' and opened it, as expected inside was a range of whips and flogger, a number of restraints including handcuffs (with keys), a selection of dildo and but plugs, clamps and weights, in fact everything a well set up pervert could wish for.

"Well, isn't this nice!" I said out loud, "Just what I need." I looked over to the girls and said, "Pauline will you come here please?" she didn't move, I sighed, "Jessica could you help Pauline please!"

With a broad smile on her face Jessica dragged the struggling girl to me, the rest of the class just looked on with troubled faces. I picked up some Velcro straps and waited for the girls to arrive.

I smiled at Jessica, "Thank you; you're such a helpful young lady." She preened herself when she heard my words, and was unprepared when I grabbed her wrists and tied her to the rails. I turned to Pauline and said, "You can return to your seat now, unless you want to help?"

She looked up at me a smile just visible on her face, "Can I? Please?" she sounded almost anxious to get a small piece of revenge.

Jessica turned her head to me, "You can't do this! You're not allowed to touch me!" I could see the pendant she was wearing; Pauline didn't have such a pendant so it seemed obvious that she had been trying to set the girl up for a whipping and possibly a fucking, if she was lucky (?).

I looked at the squirming girl, "You're wrong." I said and started to remove her skirt and panties, leaving her in her blouse and socks. I then attached her flailing legs to the lower railing. I turned to face the class who were all looking at us, I frowned at them.

"There's nothing interesting happening here, I want you to continue with your reading, you will ignore any noise from this end of the room!" Immediately the girls turned their attention to their books. I returned to Jessica, "For your information the pendant means I cannot fuck you in the pussy, but I could make you jerk me off." Her eyes glared at that, "But since those lessons are for later in the day, all I'm going to do is spank you! Now do you know why you're being punished?"

She shook her head

I smiled coldly, "Not because you caused a disturbance in my classroom, you're young and the young will make a noise when they can, the reason I'm doing this is because you tried to blame another for something you did. That isn't right and needs to be stopped as quickly as possible."

I went back to the equipment cupboard and took a butterfly from it and a flogger, but found that the leather on the flogger was slightly dry, I got out some oil and started to work it into the floggers, you should always look after the equipment. I motioned Pauline over and I handed her the butterfly, she just looked at it puzzled.

"You've never seen one of these before?" I asked her, she shook her head, I explained how they worked and she felt it vibrate in her hands, she got a wicked look on her face as I told her to fix it onto Jessica's clit, she ran over to the bound child and started to feel around on her.

"Nooo, stop don't do that!" said Jessica, after a few moments, then she started to feel the butterfly working on her, I left her to enjoy herself for a few minutes and then walked up behind her, handing Pauline a small paddle. I placed my hand on her agitating ass which made her realise where she was, she drew in a sharp breath and I spoke into her ear.

"Now Jessica, you realise that pleasure doesn't come easily, so while you're enjoying the feeling at your front, I'm going to blister your ass and make sure you're unable to sit comfortably for the next few hours, and just to remind you of how bad you've been, Pauline here will add extra strokes when I tell her to." This earned Pauline a hard look from Jessica; this was something I'd have to stop. "Oh don't worry; I'm making her do this, or else she'd be joining you, Pauline, hearing this stopped so I winked at her.

While Jessica was thinking over my statement I quickly drew my hand back and struck the target in front of me twice with the flogger, one on each cheek. Her sudden cry brought all the heads up and looking in our direction, I just glanced back at them until they returned to their reading.

Three more times I gave her the double stroke, and then stood back and gestured to Pauline to step up to the mark, I spoke out loudly for both girls to hear me, "Now Pauline, give Jessica three hard strikes with the paddle, If I think they're not hard enough I demonstrate on you, understood?" She nodded and gave a hefty thwack to Jessica's red butt. I nodded, "That's good, but with the next one aim a bit higher, and the last one you want to lay down the crease."

Jessica screamed out, "No Pauline, don't please, you know I'm only kidding with you, you don't have to do what he says, please Pauline." I watched Pauline's face as this was said. I think Jessica was using the girl as a whipping 'boy', but now literally the shoe was on the other foot, she screwed it up in hatred and drew her arm back and then struck Jessica with all her strength.

I think the cry could be heard back in the Principle's office, I smiled - I don't think Jessica would be trying to lord it over Pauline for some time, but I stopped her from delivering her last stroke,. She looked at me blood-lust in her eyes, I just shook my head.

"There is a point where it's no longer punishment but revenge, you should know where that point is and stop just before it, I will talk to both of you later, now you can go back to your reading group." I told Pauline.

I untied Jessica, I thought she'd had enough at the moment, even though it wasn't as rough as I wanted it to be, she was sobbing away, the butterfly forgotten at the moment, I reached down and removed it from her, switching it off, I untied her legs and arms and carried her over to my chair, I sat down and sat her on my lap cuddling her.

"You see what you've done; you've upset Pauline and caused her to spank you harder than I though you should be." I said, Jessica just sobbed away for some time, I allowed her to do that and then I spoke again, "You shouldn't think because I'm new to this class that I'm a pushover, I know I'm not the normal teacher that you're used to, if you want you can think of me as a woman teacher, I will punish you as badly as they would, so behave yourself okay?"

She gave a small sniff and then said, "Yes Mr. Purple, I'll be good."

I nodded and then added, "And don't try to bully Pauline again, she's trying to learn as you are."

She nodded but said, "But she's an orphan, she doesn't really belong here."

I took her by the shoulders and made her look at me. "Then she needs to be welcomed and made to feel that she belongs, remember she made a choice to remain here in Ropeville, a town always needs fresh blood. Anyway if she is an orphan then she's already suffered, she needs friends, not enemies, put yourself in her place and see how you'd feel!"

I could see her thinking, so I added, "How would you feel if you didn't have your parents or Mistress to look after you?" she turned her face to look at me.

"I didn't think about it that way," She finally said, "I've been really mean to her. How can I make it up to her?"

I smiled at her, "Just apologise to her, then try to get on with her, now I suggest you get dressed and return to your reading group." She looked down and suddenly remembered her nakedness, she blushed and then said

"Thank you Mr. Purple." This time it was my turn to be puzzled, "For not doing anything too nasty to me!" she added, then got off my lap and picked up her skirt and panties which she put on and returned to her chair. I saw her kiss Pauline and talk to her.

The rest of the lesson went quickly without incident. During the morning I had to punish a couple more girls, showing that although Mr. Purple was a nice man he knew how to administer punishments where necessary.

At the lunch break I was called to the Principle's office, I entered to find her seated behind her desk with Elizabeth sitting beside her,

"Hello," said Elizabeth, "How are you enjoying your first day back as a teacher." I smiled

"Just like riding a bicycle, except this school does have its added perks." I said

Principle Salinas kept her face straight, "Well you haven't run amok amongst the girls," she said, "And you've been keeping them on a slightly tight reign, I had to rewind the tape for your first two, you were right Jessica was the girl who tore the book, but you didn't see her, how did you know?"

I smiled, "I saw the two talking earlier, Pauline didn't want to do whatever Jessica was trying to get her to do, so I guessed that she was the real troublemaker and went from there!"

At the amazed look I received Elizabeth said, "I've found that he's a good psychiatrist, and that makes him good at his chosen profession."

Salinas nodded, "We were getting problems with Jessica, she thought she was above punishment and was starting to treat the orphans badly."

I nodded, "Well, the main source of these problems is normally found at the home, just look and see how her parents are treating people then you should have your answer, it's the same with the outside world, the children will reflect what they're taught by those they trust and respect." I said, and Elizabeth started to nod her head in agreement.

"And the best way to do that?" she prompted.

"Obviously to teach them at school the correct way to live, as the school or state sees it!" I said.

Salinas nodded her head, "He does understand, doesn't he! I think he'll be a good addition to the faculty. Congratulations 'Mr. Purple' Welcome to the Ropeville School." And she held out her hand for me to shake.

Following the lunch break when the girls returned to the classroom they found the window blinds were down and, after all the girls were accounted for, the door was locked behind them.

They watched me with slight apprehension as I returned to my desk.

"This afternoon we're going to be studying sexual techniques." I said and then looked around, Jessica had her hand up. "Yes Jessica?" I asked.

"Please sir, some of us are not allowed to participate." She was fingering her pendant, I nodded.

"I am aware of that; however you can join the group until we get to the male responses, at that point the four of you will be given another task, unless you want to continue." I looked around again, "Any other questions?" no other hands were showing.

"Right now first of all you will undress." There was a collective gasp from the girls, and I just looked impassively, a blond girl shyly raised her hand, I nodded to her.

"Plea... Please sir, do we have to? In front of you I mean?" The other girls nodded at this, I smiled.

"I'm told that most of you are being trained to be perfect sex slaves, is that correct?" after looking between themselves most of the girls nodded, and so I continued, "And to be able to do this you have to get used to being naked in front of people?" I asked. Again there were nods from the girls.

I noticed that some of them had started to undress but the majority of the girls were still fidgeting, "I think you'd have to stop thinking of me as a man, but as a teacher, you are here to learn how to get over your shyness, now undress — I've seen children naked before, if you need any help just raise your hands."

This placed many in a quandary, should they raise their hands to ask a question, or would I take it as an invitation to undress them? A dark haired girl finally raised her hand, I walked over to her.

"Yes, Rachael?" I asked her, "Do you want me to help you?"

She swallowed, "I'm sorry Mr. Purple, but I'm scared." When I looked quizzically at her she continued, "My mum told me never to let a man see me naked, as he would try to do things to me!"

Another girl, who was down to her panties, said, "Don't be such a baby Rachael, my dad told me I had a nice body and would please many boys and men, anyway Mr. Purple isn't a man. He's a teacher!"

I turned to look at the girl, her name was Sally, she was blond and had blue eyes, her chest was starting to puff up, and I notice that her slit was well defined, as she took down her panties, showing that she was used to the attention of her father at least.

I knelt down in front of Rachael, "It is okay to be scared Rachael, the hardest part is when you have to do what scares you," I spoke quietly to her, and started to undo the buttons on her blouse, she just stood there watching me, I quickly glanced round and saw that the other girls had now started to undress, I returned my attention to Rachael, "Do you think you can carry on now?" I asked her, she slowly nodded her head and started to undo the zip on her skirt. I returned to the front of the class.

The girls were now standing by their clothing which was piled on the floor, I looked at them; "Don't you think you should fold your clothing neatly?" I asked them, I almost made the mistake of saying what would your parents think but stopped myself in time.

The girls quickly picked up and folded their clothes, I smiled at them, "That's good, now you can sit down." I told them, the seats had taken enough time to cool down, and their faces showed the shock as they sat.

"Now you are all aware of the female form, and some of you know about the male form, for the first hour you will be practising on pleasuring your female partner. Now how many ways can this be done? Jessica?" I asked her.

She looked slightly put out at my question so she thought for a moment and said, "Kissing the pussy?" I nodded

"Good, yes cunnilingus is the real name for it, you use your mouth on your partners' vagina, imitating the role of the penis, concentrating on the clitoris to cause the partner to achieve a climax, this is also where the slang word 'cunny' can be seen when written down. Is there anyone else with a suggestion?" I said.

Several hands were now raised, I pointed to Sally who stood and said, "Finger fucking, sir!"

I nodded, "Yes, that's correct. The use of your fingers on the vagina of your partner can simulate the sexual act, when added with the manipulation of the clitoris can increase the intensity of the climax." I looked at the class, "Now where else can the fingers be used?"

One girl slowly put her hand up, and looked nervous about her answer, "Sir? In the ass?"

I smiled at her, "Yes, quite correct Annabel. Although anal sex is considered by the outside world as devious, and is normally thought of as practiced by homosexual males, it's not unusual for partners to use both of the female openings, yes Margaret?" I looked at a girl who had her hand raised.

"But sir, doesn't it hurt?" I was about to answer when Annabel spoke up.

"It can do, but if they do it slowly then it isn't that..." She blushed and looked at me, I smiled at her.

"That's okay Annabel, this is a confidential class, and anything said here will remain here." I looked at all the girls, "I hope you all understand that! Although what you say cannot really be repeated outside of this room, I do expect you to learn about these things, they will help you in your later lives." The girls looked between themselves and one looked up at a corner.

"I've told the Principle what we would be covering this session, she's agreed that unless I do anything to seriously hurt any of you, the monitoring of this session will be silent." I told them, they just looked at me, "You didn't think I'd be allowed to teach you without being watched? Remember you are here to learn, not to be forced," At their relieved exhalation I added, "However, that doesn't mean that I cannot punish any of you! Just ask Jessica, Sharon and Michelle!" The three girls mentioned started rubbing their backsides and the rest of the girls laughed.

I continued, "Now as Annabel said, anal intercourse, sodomy, butt-fucking or ass-reaming can be painful, as the backside does not have any natural lubricant to aid the fucker. It can be used as a punishment by a dom. on his/her sub. The lubricants that can be used are spit — short lived and not very good, Vaseline - which was mainly used before the introduction of KY-jelly and then astroglide and the various flavoured permutations. The main thing to remember is to start off slow with the penetration to allow your partner to become used to the feeling, remember — those of you reading 'Man with a Maid' - that Alice was told 'larger things have come out from there!'" At which the class thought for a moment and then burst into laughter.

"Okay then what other ways? Anybody?" The girls just looked around and kept quiet, I waited and then said, "Alright then I'll continue, tactile contact is just as important, the manipulation of the breasts, or even sucking on the tip of the breast will excite your partner, also of course is kissing your partner, not just on the lips but all over. The only suggestion I can give you is this — Just think how you feel when you touch yourselves, where the best sensations are. Then try to touch those parts on your female partner."

I waited a few moments for the girls to absorb this advice, I still hope it was the right one to give, but it seemed the right one to me! — Now for the practical part of the lesson, I had previously brought in some mattresses from the medical section which I now brought out and started to place on the floor, the girls I had move the desks that they sat at. I noticed that some girls were already looking at each other, trying to get their favourite partner to join them I suppose, but I wanted more of a challenge.

"Now girls, I understand that some of you will already be involved with each other, but what I want you to try to do is to pair with a completely different person," At their moans I continued, "Now I'm saying this because you already know how to satisfy each other, I'm using you to teach the others, I have to do this since I'm not equipped to demonstrate for you." After a few lingering touches between the Sapphics lovers they parted and walked to choose a new partner.

After all the girls had paired off there was one left over, she just looked around forlornly, then she spoke to me, "Mr. Purple, there's no one to pair with me." I smiled as she was quite a nice looking girl, still with the puppy fat of youth and the innocent face of a child, which she was; I walked over to her and took her shoulder.

"Don't worry Charlotte, it may seem to be strange but there's nothing wrong with three girls playing with each other." She looked at me as if I was out of my mind, perhaps I was, I could have played with her, but I wanted her to feel how a girl reacts to her tongue. I took her over to where Jessica was busy playing away with a red-headed girl (I think her name was Mandy). I touched their shoulders causing them to break.

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