Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 2

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

I couldn't think. I had been royalty setup! The uncle of Melody Jones had fixed me good! I couldn't just return the girl, as she was known to be dead, identified by her uncle! The only people who could identify her were both dead; again I had to assume that her uncle had killed them too! The only question was why?

I had to read the information that Bill had sent me!

'Melody Jones; Age 11; (picture attached) Parents John and Martha Jones both deceased — cause motor accident — police assumed that they had driven too fast and missed a corner, there were no skid marks and the car was demolished as it has crashed into a forest, the bodies were burnt and the only identification was from dental records.

'The child has been examined by psychologists and is coping with her grief; she has periods of depression which are handled by her nurse (Mrs. R. Smith) who is in constant attention. Apart from this the child is quite mature and intelligent — see separate medical records.

'Melody is now with her guardian Mr. Victor Jones (uncle), who has financial control over the family company until she is of age (18). Current commercial worth $20bn — company has diversified into several areas, all very profitable.'

Okay there was the information; the only available motive was cash! Without Melody her uncle would be the only man in charge of the company empire, but he'd still have control until she was 18, which was 6 — 7 years away, so why now?

I needed help, Bill wasn't available, and who could I turn to? Then I realised, Elizabeth! She would be able to suggest some-body. Where did I leave that card!

I rummaged around and found the card I was after. I powered up the computer and logged onto the internet, I looked for the website; there wasn't one - just a contact address.

The screen went blank for a moment, and then turned blue, White writing on the screen said.

'Enter message:'

That was all that was displayed, so I type in.

'Message for Dr. Elizabeth Watson - need help! Current client causing problems I need solution.'

I pressed the enter button and immediately saw;

'You bastard! Why did you kill the kid?'

This puzzled me! I hadn't? So I replied.

'She's safe - body found wrongly identified! Repeat commission is safe!'

There was a delay, and then I read the following.

'Software following - load it and then attach camera to your system. We will decide later.'

And then the normal data message appeared on the screen, did I want to save it or run from remote site. I had to trust them, if the police arrived to arrest me they would find her downstairs; I'd even show them my evidence just to get my own back on my client. I clicked on the load button.

The display told me 2 hours to download and install, I sat down and poured myself a drink.

While I was waiting I thought I'd better cook a meal for my 'guest'; I also went through a collection of clothing, which might be suitable for her to wear. I must admit that this was weird for me; normally I ensured they didn't have much to wear in the first place!

After the meal was ready I took it down to the basement — I was wondering how I could tell her that the people she had now grown to love were not dead! Even worse than that, she was also thought to be dead!!

It turned out that I didn't need to.

I found her, face down on the mattress, sobbing away — she wouldn't talk to me, it seemed that nice Mr. Purple was now just as nasty as Mr. Blue and Mr. Red, when I asked her what was wrong.

She pointed to the paper I'd left behind me, after the photographs had been taken of course, being the naturally curious child that she was she'd started reading, and came across the details of her kidnapping. When she saw that people had died and read their names, she had stopped reading and had given up to her grief.

I tried to hold her, but this time she wriggled out of my arms. I waited some minutes before she would listen to me.

"Melody, I promise you, when I kidnapped you, your house was deserted, I'd been told all of the staff were away at the pictures! There was no mention of guard dogs and certainly no sign of any deaths! And I've also have to say that I didn't kill the kidnap victim either!" Her head shot up at this and she looked me in the eyes, "Apparently your body was found and identified — I'm sorry to say that everyone thinks you are dead!"

"But I'm here," She exclaimed, "I'm alive! NO you're just playing with me aren't you!"

I shook my head, I then picked up the paper and scanned through it, then showed the part to Melody, she read through it, and then looked at me, with puzzlement in her eyes.

"Yeah," I said, "You're dead, and you've been identified by your uncle, the only two others who would know you are also conveniently killed, and I've been set up to take the blame! No doubt at sometime your uncle will be able to supply a description of me, or so he thinks."

Melody read though the paper again.

"But I don't understand, what about Mr. Blue or Mr. Red, couldn't they have done something without you knowing?" It was a good question and purely logical, she did bounce back from tears quickly.

I looked at her and shook my head, "They don't exist, they're just computer voices created to convince a young girl that she's been kidnapped, in order to make her into a willing little sex slave for her uncle." I told her

"Uncle Victor," She sounded amazed, "He arrange all this, he wanted me to be his, his..." She tried to think of a name, I supplied it.

"Toy, yes! A willing little girl who was so grateful that she'd do anything for her uncle, of course this would be after the bad kidnappers had taught her everything!" I told her

She looked at me, open mouthed, "Was that what he wanted?" She asked me. "How did he think I'd do that?"

I tried to sound smug, "Well, that's my speciality," I said, "I train children to enjoy being sex slaves."

"But why did you pick on me?" She asked.

"Because my agent had a very good price presented to him, on condition that I, or someone like me, could do the job." I told her, and then continued with, "he passed it to me and like a fool I accepted!"

Before she could ask any more questions I offered the tray of food, "Now, how about getting a good meal inside you, while I wait for a program to load, I've got some clothes for you to wear. I think you've been in those pyjamas for a bit too long."

She managed to smile at my little joke, picked up a fork and started to eat the cooling food.

I left the cell door open as I went upstairs, this time I wasn't concerned about her running about, the cell itself wasn't needed any more!

The program was counting down, 5 minutes left to run. I heard a knock on the door to the room; I turned to see Melody standing in the doorway.

"I hope you don't mind me coming up here?" she asked timorously, I held out my hands, in some way's being Mr. Purple had rubbed off.

She watched the download progressing and took a look at the number of bytes downloaded, "Wow! That's a big program you're downloading. What is it?" She asked.

"I don't know!" I said, "When I found out about all the fuss over your kidnapping, I called out for help these people are my only hope."

"Who are they?" Melody asked, and then seemed amused when I replied,

"I don't know! It's a group of people somewhere. All I do know is their name!"

"So what's their name?" she asked.

"It doesn't matter." I said, "I just hope they'll be able to help us."

She gave a sneer, "You mean that you hope they'll be able to help YOU!" She said despondently, "Nobody cares about me!"

I picked her up and placed her on my lap, and then told her, "I said US, you and me. I have to prove that I didn't kill anyone, and you need to prove that you're still alive. What I can't understand is how your uncle can say you're dead, when the entire medical records..."

"Have all been destroyed in a singular computer error!" Came a strange male voice from my computer, "Not to mention the school records and any other we could think of that would be available to the sheriffs department in your home town, what I want to know is what the hell have you done?" I stared at the screen, a man's face was framed in it, his shirt was a sheriffs uniform, but I couldn't make out the name on his shoulders, he was wearing a name badge 'Evans' was visible.

"Nothing! All I did was to accept a commission to take young Melody here and train her!" I said indicating Melody who was still on my lap; she was looking at the man as if trying to place him.

He was looking at Melody as well; he had a picture in front of him which he was scrutinising, "Yes. That is Melody - this puts a whole new perspective on the case - what ideas do you have?" he looked at me as he asked the question.

I thought for a moment, I didn't really want to speak out in front of Melody, but I didn't know what else to do, except; "Melody, would you mind waiting outside until we finish?"

She looked at the man who nodded his head, she then looked at me, "Okay Mr. Purple - I'll look around the house if you don't mind."

I smiled at her, "No that's okay, just don't go outside please."

She smiled back, "Okay," she said and left the room.

The man on the screen just looked. "You took her how many days ago?" he asked.

"Three days ago, she knows now what has happened, and since I don't think I'll get my money for her I've stopped treating her as a client she's now a guest, but that as of 20 minutes ago!"

"So why isn't she screaming the place down?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders

"She's been through a lot, with her parent's death and now her two protectors have been killed she's all cried out!" I'm trying to offer her support, which is difficult! Anyway my thoughts on the subject, I think the uncle is the main suspect, Melody has control of the company when she's 18, what better way to prevent that than having her kidnapped, and then killed - it'll be the Lindbergh baby all over again."

The man studied me, "Okay you say the uncle, what proof do you have that he's behind it?"

I gave a hollow laugh, "None whatsoever. But it has to be him, but why he couldn't have waited longer I don't know!"

Melody's voice came from the doorway "I think it was because he was stealing money from daddy's companies." she said,

I turned to her, "How do you know that?" I said,

She hung back in the doorway, "Because that was what Michael said, he was going to get the information that night!" She looked at me, "The night you took me away!"

The man's voice sounded cold when it said, "I think he saved your life that night, otherwise you would have been that other girl!" we both looked at the screen, he nodded, "I mean it, Melody he had to get rid of you, one way or another, you couldn't just vanish there would have to be a reason, also witnesses had to be silenced, your nurse and your father's valet, I think if you hadn't been so efficient you would have been found fatally wounded, the kidnapper who was shot by the anxious uncle, but just too late for his niece."

I pulled Melody to me again as she started to realise what was being said.

The man had come to a decision, "Okay, you need our help, and we're willing to give it to you, but there will be a price. - What that will be I don't know but that will be covered later; I've got to have a word with the council, after that we'll get the ball rolling. I suggest you two remain there. Someone will contact you, I'd better tell you that the software we've downloaded can do many things, it allows us access to your system, and will give you high speed contact with us here, the system is highly encrypted and synchronized so you won't be able to attach another system to contact us. It's a security feature. By the way, I liked the cell setup you have there, it's very realistic."

I smiled, "Thank you, but how do I get in touch with you later, if I need to?" I asked.

He nodded at me, "The screen will have some new icons, try the address book, it's a directory of the people in the county, my name is Evans, I am the Police Commander in Ropeville County. I'll be talking to you later." And with that the screen blanked back to my desktop.

I looked at Melody, "So what are we going to do while we're waiting?" I asked, she looked at me carefully.

"If I was still downstairs what would you be doing now?" she asked, I thought for a few moments.

"Well, I'd have the chief moan at me for taking my mask off, and then ordering me to remain downstairs looking after you, he'd be complaining about the pictures being wrong and not explicit enough and telling me to take more, all of this would be loud enough for you to hear, then I'll have either Blue or Red complain and say they wanted to have their way with you, this would all be designed to make you panic and then welcome Mr. Purple as he appeared in the doorway, this time I'll be talking you out of your panties, and then possibly playing a game of you've shown me yours now see mine. How did that sound?" I looked at her, she was smiling.

"That sounded as if you'd put a lot of work into it?" she said coyly, I just looked at her, she walked out of the room, I heard her going down the stairs to the basement and then the clang of the cell door closing.

"I HOPE MR. PURPLE DOESN'T GET INTO TOO MUCH TROUBLE" she shouted so that I could hear her, I smiled and started the next phase of Melody's training.

I'd moved a chair into the cell and was holding Melody on my lap. She was curled up, her head on my chest; I smiled and looked down at her.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything like that," I started, "But most young girls your age would have nothing to do with me, but here you are like this without a murmur. Why?"

She was quiet for a few moments and then said, "Daddy used to hold me like this, I would listen to his heart beating, and it always used to be so fast;"

I rubbed my hand on her bare back, "not exactly like this!" I teased her.

She looked at me and seriously said, "Yes, normally after we had taken a bath or a shower, he would dry me off and we'd sit together." She started to sob with the memory

I considered, Well it wasn't unusual for parents to bath their children, but from the way Melody was speaking I was thinking there was more to this, and then she floored me with her next statement.

"I think I recognised that man, he was walking with his daughter at the hotel when we were there last time."

"Oh yes?" I asked, "Which hotel was that?"

"Ropeville Hotel." Was her simple answer.

"You've been to Ropeville!" I said, what was this? Did everyone know about this place? Or had I been set up again. "What were you doing there?" I asked.

She smiled mischievously and said, "Well, Mum and Dad were playing golf, and I was being stretched out on a rack!" At the look on my face she laughed and said, "Oh it wasn't like that, I was enjoying the feelings, and I quite liked some of the things they did there!"

She then went on to describe how her parents had approached the subject...

She was 9 years old and was sitting in her living room with her mother and father, they had some documents on the table in front of them; they looked like holiday pamphlets.

"Melody," her father started, "We've got to visit one of our technical plants some way off, there's going to be nobody here to look after you, so we're having to make plans for you to join us."

"Awl dad, do I have to? You know those visits bore me; can't I stay with a friend instead?" Asked Melody in a pleading voice.

"No!" her father said, "We've booked into a special hotel, where you can enjoy yourself and be looked after by the staff there, I understand they're a bit strict with their charges and we've already given them permission to deal with you as they see fit!"

"But that's not fair," She cried out, "I'm never allowed to do what I want!" stamping her foot while saying this.

Her father responded by picnicking her up and started to turn her upside down, which was something she liked. "Now listen young lady, you're getting a bit too much to manage, we need to be able to leave you with people who know what they're doing!" he finished spinning her around, he sat down and pulled her onto his lap, taking a letter out from the papers in front of them.

'Ropeville Hotel.

Thank you for your enquiry, we are pleased to confirm rooms for yourself and your wife, also a single room for your daughter Melody, you have indicated that you want your daughter to benefit from one of our themed vacations, from the age that you have given us would like to suggest that you make a choice from the attached list.

Pleased be aware that all activities are closely monitored and, where there might be some discomfort, we ensure the well being of our guests at all times, if it is decided by the council that a particular activity is not appropriate for our clients an alternative will be offered, of course all guests will be interviewed prior to the activity and also following - this is included in the price of the chosen activity.

If you wish to follow the activity a video of the events will be available, as well as real time viewing opportunities.

We hope you will enjoy your time at Ropeville.'

'Activities - 9 - 10 female.

'The life of a Plantation Slave - Bd, mild torture.
'The Spanish Inquisition - Bd, mild torture.
'Kidnapping of a Princess - Bd, torture (medical required), non penetrat.
'The Japanese Garden - Bd (4 months waiting list - check before ordering)
Soccer Training (sports) - Bd, improves skills
Tennis Training (sports) - Bd, improves skills.

Melody looked at her father, "What does it mean by Bd or mild torture?"

He looked slightly embarrassed at the question, which was why she'd asked it - she had her own computer and internet connection, although her parents had installed NetNanny she'd found out how to stop it, an had explored the net, reading stories. And then she'd found News area, being a curious young girl she found those beginning, and the stories on there, so she understood what the terms meant.

"Err... Yes... Well," he spluttered, looking at his wife, who was smiling away at his discomfort as well, "Well that means that you're be involved in being tied up and mild torture would involve you being lightly spanked." He said going slightly red.

"Oh!" She said, "That's not so bad, I was expecting warm pokers or light whips while I was tied to a stake or something."

The look on his face was 'perfect' as he said, "I suppose it all depends on which activity you want to join." He said, which sounded a bit lame to her.

She then said that they decided on the Kidnapping theme and sent her details off to the hotel, Some day's later while her parents were packing and she was laying on her bed listening to some music she felt a sharp sting on her leg, and fell asleep.

When she woke up she was in a darkened room, a woman was beside her and started asking speaking.

"Melody, you are at the Ropeville hotel, this is your themed holiday. I have to ask you first do you want to continue with it." Melody nodded her head, "You realise that this is the only time you're be able to back out, and after this you're committed to the full time?" This slightly scared her but she nodded anyway. The woman smiled at her.

"Okay Melody, before we continue with this I have to examine you, if you will undress for me - so that I can make sure there are no bruises from the trip." Melody did, the woman's assistant, a young oriental girl, took the clothes from Melody, as the woman read through some notes. The woman then started asking Melody some simple questions, she explained that she wanted to make sure that Melody knew what was going to happen and if she really wanted to continue with it? Once she was satisfied she said, "Okay Melody, I'm happy that you are fit enough for this, I hope you'll enjoy yourself, it will be different from anything you've done before, but don't worry you will be closely monitored, but if you really feel that you can't carry on just call out my name, Elizabeth, and I'll halt the event and check on you, if I decide that you can't take anymore then we stop the whole thing. If however I decide that there is no real problem we will continue with the action. Understand?" Melody nodded, Elizabeth got up and her assistant handed Melody some clothes, they were different from hers and she dressed quickly.

Once Elizabeth left the room, the lights darkened and the holiday started.

- I interrupted Melody's story to ask, "The woman's name was Elizabeth! Was the girl name Sue-Li?"

She thought for a moment and then said, "I don't know, Elizabeth didn't speak to her when I was there"

Now I knew where the messages had come from, and why. I said to Melody, "I think I have to make a call, I'll listen to the rest of your story later, but for now, I'll like you to be with me when I make it." Curiously she looked at me, but nodded.

We left the cell and went upstairs to the computer; there was an address icon on the screen, which I clicked on, a box with 'Enter Name' appeared, I typed in Elizabeth's name the box changed to 'Entry found, dialling'.

I was greeted with the face of Little Cat, who gasped when she saw me.

"Hello Little Cat," I said, "Is it possible for your mistress to come to the screen?" I asked.

"Please hold master," she responded, and then disappeared for a few minutes before returning, "I'm sorry master, but my mistress will not speak to you and she requests that you do not try to contact her again!" Little Cat's hand started to move towards the screen.

"Naomi!" I said, her hand froze, "Please tell your mistress that I want her to see something, after that I'll never disturb her again. Please Little Cat do this for me."

The girl thought for a moment and then nodded, there was a muted exchange and finally Elizabeth's face was on the screen. "Well." She said in a cold voice, "I thought I knew what you were like, but I was wrong. What is it you want to show me?"

I didn't say a word but beckoned to Melody to stand next to me. Elizabeth just stared for a moment, her hand going to the screen.

"Melody, Melody Jones?" She did not believe it.

"Hello Doctor, I'm alive and perfectly healthy, Mr. Purple here has been looking after me." Melody sound happy to see Elizabeth, who was still in shock.

"But the news keeps saying..." Elizabeth was finally able to say. Melody nodded, then Elizabeth said to me, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I'm afraid that after I sent that last message I pressed a panic button, the screen went to our police department, you're probably be getting the cops all over you soon, I'm sorry." And she did seem to be as well.

I smiled, "I don't blame you at all, with the evidence against me I'm surprised you didn't go straight to the FBI, they would have listened."

Elizabeth gave a wan smile, "We try to have as little as possible interaction between the 'outside' law, which is why our people have to deal with it."

I nodded, "I understand, I've spoken to Evans, he knows the situation, my main problem is what to do with Melody here. She seems to be acting out the kidnap as a fantasy!"

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed at that, and she seemed to get more professional, "Do you mind if I talk to Melody privately?" She asked, I nodded and left the room.

After about half-an-hour, the door opened and Melody's smiling face looked around, "Mr. Purple!" she said, "Elizabeth wants to talk to you."

As I re-entered the room Melody walked out and headed to the basement, I looked at the screen, "Okay Elizabeth, tell me the worse."

Elizabeth looked slightly puzzled, "How did you know there was a worse to follow?" She asked.

I just looked at her for a moment, and then said, "She's not reacting as I think she should, it's almost as if she's living another person's life, she shut her real feeling away, that's why she's accepting this as normal. I think she needs professional help urgently, the two people who looked after her did a good job, but they've been killed, she needs something or someone to cling onto, she doesn't like her uncle and I seem to be the only one willing to show her affection, so she holding onto me. Even if I did something nasty to her she'd accept it."

Elizabeth nodded, "Do you want my job? You're right, she's much too wound up and is liable to lose it completely, I'd prefer her to be admitted to a hospital, but I don't think they'd be able to help her, in fact the only place that could do that is here in Ropeville."

"But how do I get there?" I asked, "I can't just get onto a plane bound for Ropeville, I'd never get a ticket!"

Elizabeth smiled, "I can deal with that, it might also be better if you could come with her. She's depending on you, sort of an instant Stockholm syndrome effect you might say! If you can wait there, I'll try to see what I can do."

Then the screen flashed 'URGENT MESSAGE - CALLER WAITING PRESS E to END current call or C for CONFERENCE' I pressed the C button and Evans's face showed in a split screen.

He looked at his screen for a few seconds and then said, "Well Doctor, I'm glad you're here as well, I need your professional opinion, should we leave Melody with her captive or should we arrange for her to be brought here? No offence but we can get things organised from this end better than you can."

I was going to reply when Elizabeth said, "I'd like Melody to be brought straight here, the quicker the better, it would be better if 'Mr. Purple' accompanied her, she's currently fixated on him and if they're separated for any length of time I can't guarantee her sanity."

Evans thought for a moment, and then picked up a phone. "This is Evans, pickup authorised, 2 to bring back," he paused and spoke again to Elizabeth, "Would it be easier if Melody was sleeping when she is brought in?" she nodded.

I said, "I've got some tranquilizers here if you want."

Elizabeth said, "No, we've got better ones that don't have any side effects."

Evans then spoke into the phone, "Better arrange for sleepers, minimum fuss to expect, you know the targets." He looked at me, "You know we're going to have to knock you out as well?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No I don't mind, I suppose the least I know about this the better, we'll be downstairs in the basement. I'll see you Elizabeth, "I said to them both and broke the connection.

I made sure the house was safe if left for some time, and placed the keys to the property in plain view with a note saying 'PLEASE LOCK UP AFTER YOU'

I then went downstairs to the basement, where Melody was waiting in the cell, she smiled at me and waited for me to sit down on the chair before climbing into my lap and then she continued her story.

She was dressed in a very pretty golden dress, the oriental girl had included a petticoat and panties, they felt so soft and really nice, and they did make her feel like a princess.

She had been reading up on my role in this story, she was a princess who's father was the king of 'some land', but an evil Baron was trying to make him abdicate.

The Barons name was Latchless, the story continued that she had been playing with some of the castle's children and was being escorted back to her chambers when the guards had grabbed hold of me and took me out of the castle.

When she woke up she was in a dungeon and was awaiting her abductor to arrive - not knowing what they might do. The story stopped there, but she knew that it would be continuing soon.

The lights in the dungeon were dim, she could make out the bed, a bucket and a plate with some bread on it, there was also a goblet of water, she was feeling hungry and so she got up and walked to the plate.

"Before she could touch the food the door opened and two guards walked in, behind them was a fattish man.

Oh no Princess," he said, "You don't have any food just yet, you've got to convince your father that his best interest is to name me heir!"

She remembered the story and tried to act like that queen in Star Wars, "I'm sorry Baron Latchless, but my father will not be persuaded by me."

The man smiled at her, "You say that now Princess, but after you see what is in store for you I think you'll change your mind!" He turned to the guards, "Bring her, but be gentle, she is a princess." And bowing low he walked out of the dungeon.

The two guards stood either side of her, one turned to her, "If you'll kindly follow the Baron please Princess." He said. Having no choice in the matter, she walked forwards in the wake of the man.

As she walked along the corridor she noticed that the walls were all large slabs of stone, there were doors at regular intervals, behind some of these sounds of people crying out in pain.

Although she knew that it was all a game, she couldn't help but shiver at the noises, the man in front of her - No she'll have to call him the Baron as she'll have to be in character - turned and sneered at her.

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