Melody - Lost From Home - Cover

Melody - Lost From Home

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 1

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The life of a kidnapper/slaver is never simple, even more so when he gets double crossed, but then who can you turn to for help? Paul finds this out when he agrees to take Melody to train. - Now having to teach a group of school children in a 'special' school, is Paul able to cope with the lifestyle?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   BiSexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

I'd taken a relaxing few days off; Toy had been packed away and sent back to her parents, with my thanks and also with Elizabeth's promise to invite her to Ropeville for some weeks.

Little Cat and Sue-Li were firm friends, I did think that Sue-Li might resent the addition of Little Cat, but she seemed to get on well with co-slaves, I had driven them back to the mall to allow Elizabeth to collect her car and take the girls to the airfield.

I'd given Elizabeth my email address, and she reciprocated by giving me an access code to log into Ropeville County's web site, since I'm not allowed to pass this out I'll keep it to myself.

Elizabeth also promised to pass my, false, name and address onto the Ropeville Council - so they could give clearance to allow me access to their specialised equipment.

So I was taking it easy, recovering from the efforts of the past week, I was quite happy with both Toy and Little Cat - Toy for her work on training another slave, and Little Cat for her final willingness to be converted into a slave.

The phone rang; it was Bill again.

"Hello, I've got a special commission for you, there is a problem though, the commission is specific!" This was strange a specific commission means that the buyer is after a particular slave, not one that I could create, this time I'd be kidnapping a girl known to the buyer.

"Bill are you sure this is okay?" - I still wanted to ensure this wasn't a set-up.

"I've check this one out completely it kosher!" came his reply "The client is an uncle who is interested in the well being of his Niece, I'll send full details in an email. Hear from you later." And he hung up.

I logged into the computer and signed into my email, sure enough Bill's file had arrived, and so I downloaded it.

The targets name was Melody Jones, aged 11 her parents were John and Samantha Jones, both deceased, car accident. I remember that, the papers were full of the incident, the Jones's were millionaires, they owned several companies and Little Melody was the only daughter, and so was now a millionaire in her own right.

Her uncle had guardianship of the child, but it seemed that he also wanted her as a loving little love slave, the answer seemed obvious to me. She was a little old for my tastes but then I couldn't have everything!

I made my plans for the abduction of the girl, to make it realistic she would have to be kidnapped, and made to believe she was up for ransom, I'd need to create a cage to hold her, and make her think that there was a full team of men, threatening her, I examined her picture, she had a nice elfin face, slightly marred by the glasses she was wearing, glasses - I wonder how short sighted she was? The documents I had didn't include medical information.

I logged onto the computer again and emailed Bill, 'need more info on subject - need personal details - wonder if there might be a medical risk, can't see any further, but need to know how far!'

I hoped he'd understand the cryptic message? If not he could always phone me. In the meantime I started working on the 'cell'.

I had to give the appearance of waiting for the money to be paid, I had to plan for keeping her down there for three weeks, say a couple of days to keep her confused, then there would be a ransom messages to record, then pictures. This was the way I'd wear her down.

She'll have to get used to not getting her clothes back, then one of her captors would force her to do things to induce her uncle to 'break down' and agree to pay, with any luck she'd be so happy to leave that she would do anything to please her uncle, that plus some suggestions I'd make as well.

While I was planning my computer pinged to let me know that I'd received email, it was from Bill.

'Requested information enclosed, forgot to include in last briefing.'

And sure enough the attachment had all the medical information I needed, she was short sighted, couldn't see clearly for long distances, she also suffered from migraines, I would need some high strength headache tablets, no real worries, she had a slight case of asthma, but the respirator she used was a standard prescription, again no problems there. Yes this should work out! Keep the room dark! Take away her glasses! Minimum facilities in the cell, everything the well prepared kidnapper would need.

Now to build up the gang! I used the synthesiser on the computer to create several voices, they sounded almost realistic. A gruff voice would be the chief, a high-pitched, almost womanish voice would be Red, and a medium, soft-voice male, would be Blue — I think I was being influenced by Reservoir Dogs. My name would be Mr. Purple.

I planned out my action, I would have to make a slip, to allow the girl to see my face, that way the 'others' would insist that I kept looking after her so that 'they' wouldn't be compromised. It should work. I smiled as I went downstairs to prepare the cell.

After a few days working in the basement I stood back to admire my work. The cell was almost complete, I'd had some cage bars on the side wall — its amazing how the threat of being caged up frighten some girls — and they were large enough to encompass the toilet area and the wash basin. I had moved the bed out and had just left a single mattress on the floor. The television was outside the cage area, but within hearing.

I had positioned some speakers into the corners of the basement; I would be able to switch them on to give the impression of a person walking around the area. This would be the chief, inspecting their prize. She wouldn't be able to make him out, I was going to keep the lights down low, but she would be able to see that he looked different from Mr. Purple, how to manage that?

I returned upstairs to think, there was an email received message showing on the screen, I opened it to find it was from Elizabeth, I smiled as I read it.

'Hello, just a note to say we've arrived safely, Little Cat is settling in with Sue-Li, I think she's starting to enjoy herself, I've got our trainers to check her over, not because I don't trust you, but to see what they would say. It appears she's spent several weeks of training to get to her current level, they don't think she really needs any more! When I told them how long you've had her they didn't believe it. If you need another job you've got one here, showing our 'experts' on how to do their job correctly.

'Hope you're not too bored at the moment, would like to hear about your current work, don't worry this address is secure, just use normal encryption on the mails.

'Have fun, Elizabeth'

I clicked on the reply icon, surprised to see that the 'reply to' area just had an ip address, but if it didn't get there I'd never know.

'Hello Elizabeth, glad to hear from you, currently preparing for next commission, this will be a false kidnapping for ransom, am setting up the players for the scene.

'Nice to hear about the little cat, don't forget to exercise her, she needs it, let your experts give her a check-up every so often, she will also need that.'

I signed off with my false name, although Elizabeth had said the mail was secure, I still didn't like sending emails in clear, I was surprised when I received an answer immediately.

'Will do, but don't think she's going to need it, she's been a hit here in Ropeville, and you've been well presented as her trainer. Council seem happy with your credentials and will be discussing you next week. You may expect an invitation to visit at some time! Got to go; bye. Elizabeth.'

Well that was something to think about, could I just pull up sticks and move, I've had to do it before, but I was happy here, I'd got it to where I could create any type of dungeon I wanted.

I checked the camera's, I had several in the basement so I could check all the area, I turned out the basement lights, I had a relay by the computer now, the screen went dark for a few seconds and then the infra-red kicked in and I could now see the area in false colours as the computer converted the images. Perfect, I could watch any prisoners without problems. Now to set up the kidnapping!

Using Bill as the official go-between I arranged to meet Victor Jones at a private point, this would not be a face to face meeting, the less he saw of me the better. However I made sure that I had a small camera and a mini-disc recorder on me, just in case, I also ensured that I had a few cameras dotted around - there was something that I didn't like about this set-up.

I waited by a tree as the car pulled up, the occupant was alone as requested, I quickly moved to the side window, after taking a couple of low-light pictures.

"Mr. Jones?" I asked the occupant, he said he was, "I have the site prepared, all I need is the contact point and date, it must seem that everything is normal before the action begins."

"Don't worry, I've got Melody sleeping at my house, here's the address." He handed me some papers, "I've also included where she'll be sleeping, and if you do it on that date I'll ensure that the staff don't disturb you. You will be looking after her won't you?"

"Don't worry about that," I said, "I'll ensure that everything is as you've requested, the product will be properly prepared for your attention."

"Okay then, can I ask that when you rape her you call her Mel, I want her to be used to that name."

I almost wanted to hit him! Although I did force the girls to accept intercourse, I didn't rape them! I'll agree the dividing line was very thin, but I allowed then to get used to me, not like some people who just push in regardless of the feeling of their victims.

"The product will be prepared, and will accept whatever you need; if my plan goes okay then you'll find a grateful reception waiting for you."

He just grunted, I almost decided to refuse the commission, he had no idea about keeping quiet, and could become a liability, but he didn't know where I was based, and only had a telephone number to contact Bill on, so I wasn't really worried about him.

I waited a couple of hours, I actually went back to my car and had a nap, something was niggling at me. I couldn't put my finger on it. I had troubled dreams while I slept.

When I woke up I was cold and sweaty, should I call it off? No, I can still pull this off, I glanced at the papers that Victor Jones had handed me, his suggested date was in two day's time, there was a plan of the house, including the code to the door alarm, a key-pad entry code, and a timetable of staff movements, plus a note saying that the staff would be away on that night at the pictures. It all seemed okay to me. I drove home.

Once at home I went to bed, I needed to have enough sleep, the address was quite a few hours away, and I wanted to arrange things to create a atmosphere of a real kidnap — I mean it was going to be real, but I wanted it to look like a gang had done the deed, not one man.

Using a pseudonym and false credit card I hired a white van in the next county, I drove to a truck stop in my van, with its extras, and then took the bus to the town, where I picked up 'my' van, I had to fix part of it, a stop behind a fast food franchise got me some old food containers which I threw into the back, a trip to a surplus store produced blankets and sleeping bags. I got five, just to cause confusion.

I booked into a motel and reserved two rooms for my 'friends who were coming later' I took the keys saying that I'll let my friends in when they arrived, I wasn't concerned about being recognised, a wig and small moustache was the only disguise I was wearing.

I remained in the room sleeping; I had no worries at this time, as I've done nothing wrong, apart from the credit card, which would be causing ripples later tomorrow, when it was too late.

At last the time arrived, I drove to the address, it was a private house away from the main roads, a short drive from locked gates led up to the main door. The same code for the gate worked on the door, I opened it and walked in, the alarm panel was to the left of the door, I quickly got to it and entered the deactivation code.

The house was silent, as expected I walked up the main stairs and followed the plans to Melody's bedroom, the girl was asleep, I checked her against the pictures I had retrieved, not the ones given by her uncle, but press releases, I was taking no chances with this one. I dropped off the 'ransom' note; I thought a request for $5 million would seem enough.

I quickly chloroformed the girl, her eyes opened briefly before succumbing to the effects of the fumes, glancing around the room, I saw her glasses (they didn't really do anything for her), and her inhaler, which I left behind. I picked up the young girl she was dressed in pyjamas I picked up a pair of slippers and carried them and her downstairs to the white van.

I drove slowly, just another white van driving its goods to the stores, no need to hurry, I looked in the mirror, Melody was wrapped up in the blankets, securely held in place, she was a pretty girl, and maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The changeover at the truck stop went without a hitch, I ensured young melody's condition by giving her an injection, it was a measured dose, she would be out for five hours, just as I was about to drive off my electronics gave a bleep. She had a bug on her.

I took a scanner and ran it over her body, it bleeped when I passed it over her collar, feeling it carefully I removed the tracker, it was a small one, I threw it into the white van, but the electronics still showed she was bugged, another pass and this time it was in her midriff, I ran my fingers along the waist-band of her PJ's, there it was, and it went in the same direction.

A final scan, and the dammed thing bleeped again also in the midriff region, I reached under her PJ bottoms and found she was wearing panties, moving around the elastic I found the last bug, they were really determined to find this girl, if I had just taken her they would have traced me after a couple of hours.

I made sure the girl was securely fastened in the back of my van; I made sure that her limbs, although tied, were free enough so as not to cause her discomfort when she was untied. Satisfied with my work I sat in the driver's seat and started the engine, and then drove home.

I parked my van in its normal place, I opened the side door and the house door, I checked on my guest, she was fast asleep still, which was good, I estimated that she'd be out of it for at least 2 more hours. Plenty of time to get her placed into her room.

I took the unconscious form into my arms and carried her into the house and down the stairs; I placed her on the mattress, closed the door and walked out of the basement, when I returned upstairs I switched on the computer.

The monitor screen showed the sleeping form of the girl, I checked on the scripts for the 'others' to follow, it was a pretty straight forward script, she would be frightened by the chief, Mr. Blue and Mr. Red. And only Mr. Purple would be her friend, I smiled at that, she'd never guess what type of friend Mr. Purple would be.

I went to bed, tomorrow, or rather later today, I was going to be busy.

When I woke up I could hear the crying of the young girl coming from the speaker, Melody was awake, and obviously confused, I'd left the lights out in the basement, apart from a small bulb, not able to illuminate the whole room, but just enough to show her the cell she was now living in.

"Showtime!" I said softly and clicked on the speech button for the Chief to be heard.

"PURPLE!" shouted the voice, "The brat's awake, it's your turn to deal with it, see what it wants and then come back, don't take all day or I'll send Red after you!"

"Yes chief!" I replied and opened up the door to the basement, turning on the stair light as I went, I placed a ski-mask on my face as I went down, I didn't want her to see my face just yet, that was planned for later.

As I entered the basement I said, "Mind your eyes, I'm turning on the lights", I gave her a few seconds and then flicked the switch.

Melody Jones was kneeling on the mattress blinking in the sudden bright lights, they were brighter than normal bulbs and most were directed onto the cell, I walked to the bars and spoke softly.

"Hello Melody, don't be frightened, you'll only be with us until your uncle pays the ransom, with any luck it'll only be a couple of days."

She squinted at me, she didn't have her glasses on, I had left them just outside the cage on a table, I turned to the table and picked them up, I handed them through the bars to her.

She accepted them, she was able to see short distances and my hand was close enough for her to make out her glasses, she took them and put them on.

"Th... Thank you" she said, and then she looked at my masked face and drew back.

"Don't worry," I said, "We've got to keep these on so that you can't recognise us, I mean when you're back home they going to be asking you a lot of questions, the least you know about us the better. My name's Purple. I'm sorry you're here Miss Jones, but it'll soon be over, don't worry."

She looked at me and then asked, "But what if my uncle doesn't pay?"

I turned my head slightly away from her, "Now don't think like that, you'll only upset yourself. Just remember that your family loves you and will get you out as quickly as possible."

I looked at my watch, "Sorry Melody, I've got to go before the chief sends either Blue or Red down, I'm afraid they're animals." I was trying to make her dependant on me, but I'd have to work my way up to that.

I walked to the door, I stopped by the stairs, "I'm going to have to turn the lights out, so make sure you know where you are." I wasn't going to but I didn't want her to know that, kids that age are normally frighten of the simple things. Sure enough,

"Please don't, I... I'm scare of the dark!" I turned round in the doorway, so that she could see me, I rubbed my head.

"Well, I don't know, the chief said that we shouldn't waste the electric while we were here, but since we're going to get so much for you, I don't see why not! But you'd better keep quiet; I wouldn't like Mr. Blue to have to come down here."

I noticed that she was holding onto the collar of her pyjamas, she knew about the bugs, I'd have to stop her from thinking about that.

"Oh, erm, I'm afraid we found the electrical stuff in your clothing, and I mean ALL of them," Her hand went to her waist, I added, "don't worry, I took the one from your panties, Mr. Red wanted to strip you completely, but I said you needed something to wear! Now I think you'd better try to relax, some of those drugs need time to work out of your systems." And I left the room and climbed the stairs.

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