Becoming A Slut Wife - Mrs B - Cover

Becoming A Slut Wife - Mrs B

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: Little did she know that taking her son and his friends to school would turn her into a slut.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Reluctant   Blackmail   Cheating   Gang Bang   Slow   .

I stood there looking into the mirror. What I saw was a married woman of thirty-nine who had a grown son and a hard working husband. It was a good looking (okay, so I'm prejudiced) woman who looked back at me. Five feet four, a hundred and eighteen pounds with nice breasts (no sag), dirty blonde shoulder length hair and with what I've heard called a sexy mouth. The woman I was looking at and who was looking back at me used to be a faithful wife, but not anymore. Now she was a slut! A whore! A fuck pig and a sex toy for young boys. I looked at me looking back at me as I remembered how it all came about.

Chad, my 19 year old son, was attending college and he had come home for spring break. He spent a week running around visiting old friends and doing some partying. It was Sunday afternoon around two when the call came. The guy he was riding with had wrecked his car the night before so Chad had no ride back to school. My husband Dale had just left for the airport to catch a flight to Atlanta. He had an important meeting the first thing next morning and he wanted to be well rested so he opted to fly out that day rather than catch the early flight in the morning. Since Dale wasn't available Chad asked me if I would drive him and the other four boys who came back to town with him back to school.

I didn't want to do it because I hate driving alone and I hate driving at night. I would have company on the way up, but I would be alone on the three hour return drive home and it would be at night. I told Chad I would do it if none of the other boys could talk someone into being the driver. Chad called around and about an hour later he gave me the bad news; none of the other boys could find anyone.

At four in the afternoon Chad and I got in the Excursion and set out to pick up the other four boys. The trip to school was uneventful if somewhat disconcerting. Have you ever listened to three hours worth of conversation by a group twenty years younger than you? It sounds like they are speaking a foreign language.

I dropped the boys off at their dorms, kissed Chad on the cheek and steeled myself for the three hour trip back home, alone and in the dark. Billy was the last one to get out of the car and he said:

"Wait up a minute Mrs. B (my name was Brenda Blankenship, but all of Chad's friends called me Mrs. B), I have to ask the guys something. I'll be right back" and he ran into the dorm. About five minutes later Billy and Chad came out to the car.

"I know you don't like driving at night" Chad said, "And Billy had an idea. To thank you for bringing us up here the guys all chipped in and we got you a motel room for the night. I'm here and dads in Atlanta so you don't need to rush home. You can get a good nights sleep and head home in the morning fresh and rested. Also, we are taking you out with us for dinner tonight."

He was right. With Dale in Atlanta I'd only have an empty house to go to so I told them I'd take them up on the offer. Billy handed me the money for the motel, told me to go check in and that they would be ready for dinner by the time I got back.

Dinner was at one of the places off campus. It was very popular with college kids because they served pitchers of beer with every pizza. They had a jukebox and a dance floor and after we ate it seemed like every one of the boys wanted to dance with me. Normally I wouldn't have, but my son was there so I felt that I could safely do it.

We had gone through three pitchers of beer and I was feeling good and apparently so were the boys. After a couple of dances they started getting a little 'touchy-feely' when we danced. I should have shut them down, but I didn't. I was in a good mood and to be honest I was loving the attention I was getting from a bunch of young studs and what thirty-nine year old woman wouldn't? Besides, Chad was there and I knew his buddies wouldn't get too out of line with him sitting there at the table.

The boys ordered a fourth pitcher of beer and I told them that I'd had enough and wanted to head for the motel.

Billy said, "Let's finish this pitcher and then we can all leave."

Halfway through the pitcher I began to feel strange. I was dancing with Billy and I was woozy, disoriented and I was stumbling as I danced.

"Whoa Mrs. B. I guess you have had a little too much beer. I guess we had better get you out of here and to your motel."

I think I told him that I thought that was a good idea, but I don't remember for sure. Things got hazy after that. I remember disconnected bits and pieces. I remember looking down at an erect cock as my head was pushed down toward it. I remember several bright flashes of light. I remember the searing pain of something being pushed into my ass and I remember hearing my own voice crying out, "Oh God, oh God, oh God." Mostly I remember that three or four hours of my life took place without me being aware of what happened. I found out the next day what happened during those lost hours when Billy showed me the video he'd shot and the pictures he'd taken with his digital camera.

I woke up with someone spooned up against my back. In my half asleep state I thought it was my husband and I pressed back against the erection I felt. I felt it push against me and I lifted my leg to give Dale better access and I felt his cock slide into my pussy.

"Oh yeah, this is the way to wake up" a voice said and it wasn't Dale's voice.

I screamed and jerked away from whoever it was behind me and turned to see Billy. As soon as I saw him the events of the night, at least those that I can remember, crowded in on me.

"I would much rather you had finished what we had just started, but since you screamed and pulled away I'd better explain your position to you before you decide you want to do any more screaming" and then he showed me the pictures he had taken.

The bright flashes I remembered were the flashes as he took the pictures. There were several of me on one of the back seats of the Excursion bending down and with a cock in my mouth and my hand around another. A couple of me on my knees with a cock in my mouth while another was pushing into me from behind. There was one of me sitting on a cock and looking into the camera and you honestly couldn't tell if the look on my face was one of lust or drugged confusion. The pictures all had one thing in common - a recognizable me, usually with more than one cock in the picture - and no other recognizable faces.

The video was bad. Not poorly shot, but bad for me because it showed me loving what was happening. I know that mentally I was out of it, but physically my body responded to everything the boys did to me. I have no idea how things went before Billy shot the video - I could very well have lain there like a limp dish rag - but eventually my body got into it and that's when Billy started taping.

He had video of me doing things that I had never even considered doing with my husband. He had me on tape sucking one cock while another one fucked me from behind. He had me with a cock in my ass, a cock in my pussy and a cock in my mouth. He had footage of me lying on my back with my legs spread wide and calling out:

"Next! Somebody fuck me, please, somebody give me some cock."

I counted seven different boys when I watched the video and there could have been more. I have no idea how many might have had me before Billy started shooting tape.

"Why Billy? Why did you do this to me? I thought you liked me."

"Depends on your definition of like Mrs. B. You have been the object of my fantasies since I was old enough to start getting hard ons. I saw a chance to get you on this trip and I took it."

"But why all the others?"

"Made for better video. You are more likely to want to bury that video than you would be to suppress one of just you and me."

"Suppress? I was raped and that video shows just who it was who raped me. You don't dare let anyone see it."

"I didn't hear you say "stop" on that tape. Not once did I hear a "please don't." All I heard was "Please fuck me" and "Somebody give me some cock." It would be your word against mine and the tape backs me up."

"Everyone who knows me knows that I would never do anything like that."

"No Mrs. B., everyone who knows you thinks that you are the kind of women who would never behave like that, but most of the people who see that video will change their minds and say, "Damn, but looks sure can be deceiving can't they?"

"So what you are saying is keep my mouth shut and no one will ever see the tape?"

"Well no Mrs. B., there is a little more to it than that."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you are my new girlfriend. It means that you are my new sex-toy."

"You must be mad!"

"No, just in control. We drugged Chad to get him out of the way. He will wake up in about two hours with a hell of a hangover. Imagine him stumbling out of his room and seeing these pictures of you on the bulletin board. Image the look on Dale's face when he gets an envelope delivered to his office and he opens it to find these pictures of you. Picture the faces of your friends and relatives after someone sends them a note telling them to check out a particular web site and they do and see you having such a good time.

"Think about it Mrs. B. You enjoyed last night, you know you did. All you have to do to keep things quiet is keep on enjoying yourself. It won't be that hard. It will only be when I'm home from school and that's only one or two weekends a month. Of course summer vacation, Christmas and Spring Break might see you a little busy, but we can work it out. I don't want you caught any more than you want to be caught. I'm going into the bathroom to pee and I want your answer when I come out. If it is no I need time to hurry over to the dorm and get the pictures up on the bulletin board."

He headed for the bathroom and I glanced at the video and digital cameras. If I grabbed them and ran I would be okay. I'd have to run half-naked for the car, but the odds on anyone one who knew me seeing me were slim. I wouldn't be able to take the time to gather up my shoes, bra and panties and I'd have to stop and at least put my blouse on once I got a few blocks from the motel.

I tensed, getting ready to scramble, when Billy got to the bathroom door. And then he stopped and said, "I don't think I ought to tempt you" and he walked over and picked up both cameras and my purse. "Have an answer for me when I get back" he said as he went into the bathroom.

I was screwed, literally and figuratively screwed. I could not let that video and those pictures be seen by anyone else. Billy was right. Human nature being what it was even people who knew me and knew me well would always wonder if maybe, just maybe, I had done it willingly. Even Chad and Dale would always wonder. They would profess to be behind me 100%, but they would still remember seeing me beg for cock and they would wonder. I'd have to agree to Billy's demands until I could find some way out. During the three-hour drive home I should be able to think of something.

When Billy came out of the bathroom he asked me if I had decided and all I could say was that I really didn't appear to have any choice.

"No you don't Mrs. B. Show me that you mean it" he said as he walked up to me sitting on the edge of the bed. "Suck my cock."

I had no choice and I knew it. I opened my mouth and he stepped forward and put his cock into the open hole. I wanted out of that motel room and the quickest way out would be to hurry up and get Billy off. That meant I had to give him a good blow job instead of just going through the motions. I licked his cock and my right hand took hold of his balls and I softly caressed them and he seemed to like that. His hands went to the back of my head and I started moving my head back and forth, jacking his cock off with my mouth. He moaned and I clamped my lips tight around his cock and moved my head faster.

"Oh yes" he moaned, "Like that, just like that."

I felt his nuts draw up in my hand and I knew he was going to cum and I was ready for it. I tried to swallow it all, but some leaked out of my mouth and ran down my chin. I felt his cock start to soften and I moved to pull my mouth off of him, but his hands held me fast.

"Keep sucking Mrs. B. Get me hard again. I'm going to fuck you one more time before you leave."

I almost cried. I wanted to get out of that room and away from him. He held my head in both hands and sawed his cock back and forth between my lips and pretty soon I felt him start to stiffen again. He shoved me back on the bed, pushed my legs apart and mounted me. He had me under his thumb and I knew it. I had to submit, but I didn't have to like it. I was determined that I would just lie there and play dead in the hopes that he would feel that masturbation would be better and leave me alone and for several minutes it looked like I might get away with it. But then my body betrayed me. I hated it, but my body was responding to Billy's hard thrusting.

Billy reached under me and took my ass cheeks in his hands and pulled me up to him as he drove down into me and I felt the fire start in my center and start to spread through my body. I moaned and pushed my hips hard at Billy. I caught myself on the verge of screaming out, "Fuck me, damn you, fuck me" but I managed to choke it off even as my legs went up and gripped him and my nails dug into his back. I shook like a wet dog as I came.

"You are one hot bitch Mrs. B., and I know what your hot button is."

He pulled out of me and I almost yelled at him to put his cock back in me as he rolled me over and then pulled me up on my knees. "I saw how you reacted to cocks driving into your ass" and he pushed the head of his cock at my asshole. I'd been done enough there during the night that he was able to slip in easily and then he started pounding.

I absolutely love anal but I hardly ever get it because Dale doesn't like it, but I was getting it then and getting it with a vengeance. Billy wanted to get off and he was fucking me hard and I hated myself for doing it, but I screamed out, "Oh God yes, fuck my ass, fuck my ass, fuck my ass." Billy kept plowing me hard and after a minute or two the fires inside me started to spread again and still Billy kept pounding.

I was crying out, "Fuck me damn you, fuck me, fuck me hard" and my body was shaking as I had orgasm after orgasm. Billy groaned and said, "Here it comes, here it comes" and I felt the hot splash of his cum deep in my bowels. My head was buried in a pillow and tears flowed from my eyes over what I had just done. I had hated it, but I had still given Billy pleasure and what was worse was that I had also taken mine.

But I didn't think of a way out of it on the drive home or during the months that followed. The only idea I had that might have ended it was to tell Dale what happened and see if he could do anything, but I couldn't tell Dale. I knew that if I told him he would forever wonder if he was married to a blackmailed wife or a cheating slut.

It was three weeks before Billy came home for a weekend. Chad had stayed at school and Dale is a golf nut and if the weather is good and we have no other plans he will play eighteen holes every Saturday and Sunday. Billy knew that as did everyone else who knew Dale and Dale's car had barely turned the corner and Billy was at my door. Wordlessly I stepped aside and let him in and without even looking at me he headed for the bedroom.

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