Sharon - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by Kaffir

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - The premature death of his beloved wife pushes Richard Hoddinot into an almost monastic existence. Sharon brings him out of it in a way that he would never have expected.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Spanking   Safe Sex   Oral Sex  

Again no whistle! Richard fought against it but knew that if he did the whole affair could become something more permanent not to mention a subject for local gossip.

Sharon hoped but did not expect. She could not help masturbate though and she got an extra thrill as she remembered how dominating he had been the last Wednesday. He hadn't been cruel or rough but he had entirely ruled the session. That gave her a thrill and she looked forward to the next Wednesday with excitement.

It did not start well. Her daughter was not feeling well. Sharon took her temperature and she was sub-normal. No school, obviously. She rang Richard who was totally accommodating but added that he would miss her. She ran round to a neighbour who said she would happily keep an eye on Louise and call her on her mobile if there was any problem. Sharon then rang her daughter's school and told them before driving like a mad thing to Richard's.

She was only twenty minutes late but coupled with that she was worried for her daughter. Richard appeared totally unfazed and left her to get on with her work. She was not herself though and knocked a vase of flowers off a table, shattering the vase. She was distraught and rushed into Richard's study without even knocking.

Richard was clearly not pleased.

"What the hell do you mean just bursting in here without even knocking?" he demanded, his eyes cold and his face stern.

Sharon was flummoxed. She had never seen him like this before and even her old assertive self could not deal with it. She loved him too much and revered him too much to fight back. She withdrew.

She went and cleared up the mess and then got on with the rest of her chores. At noon she knocked timorously on Richard's door.

"Come in."

"I've finished, Sir. Do you want me to make love?"

"Yes, Sharon, I do want you but I think you ought to get back to your daughter."

"Yes, Sir, but I'll stay if you want me."

"I do want you, my pet, but your daughter has the greater need. Now what was the trouble earlier?"

"Oh, Sir! I weren't myself an' I went an' knocked over the vase in the sittin' room an' broke it."

Richard knew exactly which vase she meant. It was neither particularly valuable or pretty: a utility vase. He debated swiftly how to react. He needed to maintain his dominance but yet be gentle with her.

"Oh dear! I'll have to punish you."

"Yes, Sir!

"I'll think about it over the next week."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Come here, Sharon."

He took her in his arms and gently kissed her.

"Go home now, my pet, and look after your daughter. That's the most important thing at the moment. I can't believe there will be but if there's a crisis and you want my help ring me."

She clung to him. She knew he was not really cross with her about the vase but he was concerned about Louise. The tears came.

"Nobody," she wept. "Nobody has treated me like this ever before. I love you, Sir. I really, really love you."

"Thank you, my pet. You mean a lot to me too. Now go home to your little girl and look after her."

He pushed her away and gave her another gentle kiss.

"Go on, my pet."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, turning away and picking up her coat on the way to the door.

As she went through it she turned: "You are a very special man. Mr H, Sir or even Richard, I love you and I'm yours." She burst into tears again and ran to her car.

Louise had a temperature when she got home: not high but pushing a hundred. She had no headache but said she was feeling fluey. Sharon heated a tin of soup and gave it to her. She drank it slowly and did not want anything else. Sharon made her lie down in her room with the curtains closed while she did some of her own household chores. At about half past four she stuck her head round Louise's door.

"How you feeling, pet?" Her use of the word 'pet' made her think of Richard and her stomach contracted.


Sharon took her temperature again. It was up to 101 and she was flushed. Sharon was fussed. She could not work out what was wrong with Louise. It was not as though it was the flu time of year.

"You got a headache now?"

"Yes, Mum! A really nasty, sick one!"

"OK, pet!" We're taking you to the doctor right now."

She wrapped Louise in a blanket and, with her arm round her, led her out to the car. She drove as smoothly as she could but even so Louise groaned a number of times.

They got to the surgery just before it opened and were first to see the doctor. He examined Louise and took her temperature again, felt her pulse and the glands in her neck, listened to her heart and palpated her scalp.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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