Space - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by John Wales

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Wally was short thin boy that was usually picked on. He was nothing special but his mind was odd. Centuries earlier a king fled his planet after his throne was usurped. The ship was nearly destroyed and somebody very special had to be found to repair it.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Slow  

Sam and I knew that she was correct but my dad still worked around the house. I think most of it was to get away from Mom yelling at him.

Sam left us two blocks from home and sounded fine with the friendship for the present.

Betts went back to holding my arm and said, "How is our friendship going to change?"

"It can only grow. You are more important to me today than yesterday and it has nothing to do about making each other feel good. It hurt when you acted strange yesterday."

Betts said nothing but in a minute she said, "You are extra special and I don't know how that is going to effect us as we get older."

"Besides me, who do you think knows about my abilities? I mean the guys think I am lucky but that is it."

"So I'm the only one you trusted?"

"You are the only one I may ever trust. What I can do is not that important but somebody is going to want to lock me up and use me or test me to find out how I do what I do. One day maybe ten years from now they will just crack my head open and investigate directly."

"They wouldn't do that. There are laws."

"Do you honestly think laws will stop a person from doing what he wants?"


"People are murdered every day and it is against the law."

She had to think a while now and said, "I guess you're right."

Mom was not home so I got my lunch and walked over to eat my meal with Betts. Since nobody was home we had the house to ourselves. Betts and I ate quickly by unspoken agreement. We hurried upstairs and got the comforter and two towels and put them in the washing machine. I took one more towel and raced to Betts' room.

Again by unspoken words we took off our clothes and I layed Betts on the bed. I was between her legs in seconds. With nobody around Betts was free to be as loud as she wanted. Betts smelled stronger this time but I still loved her scent. The smell certainly made me horny. The urge to get up and push into her was not as strong because I knew I would find another warm wet place to park.

I worried her small clit and licked the inner and outer lips. It took only minutes until I heard her scream. I thought for a second that she was hurt but only a second.

There was no stopping but I did slow down. In a moment I sped up again and took my time pushing my tongue into her opening. My hair was pulled even harder now though I was able to catch some air once in a while. The stories on the net talked about a lot of things I wanted to try but some had to be saved for later. I did put a finger into her vagina and move it in and out while attacking her clit. I got one more scream and then nothing.

As I stood, the urge came back even stronger. I moved Betts to a better position and made sure the towel was in the right place. Like in the dreams, my body wanted to do one thing when I wanted another. I had to hold to my convictions as tight as I could. This was my body and not the one in a dream. It was my body to command and not any other.

I crawled onto the bed near her face and layed down with my cock poking her lips. I went back to licking Betts when I found her mouth sucking me in. This was enough for now and the battle went my way.

Betts used her hands to caress my ass as she sucked on me. Since I was over top of her she pulled a pillow close to support her head. I had no problem getting at what I wanted. It was difficult but I rolled up my tongue and fucked Betts as good as I could. She licked and sucked as quick as she could as if needing me to feed her. I had been horny all morning and it took only a while for me to have that special feeling.

I let the feeling wash through me then found the power to go back to her clit as I used my thumb now in her opening. Betts never stopped sucking and I needed a chance to recover but I did not want to deny Betts her pleasure. I was happy when I got her to cum one more time and the scream was not nearly as loud.

I pulled off of Betts and layed beside her. She kissed my lips and said, "You are all sticky. How can you stand it?"

"I will tell you later. Wash now or I will take you to school naked."

She was hurrying but stopped and with a smile said, "Really?"

"We will talk about that later too."

We had a fast shower and got dressed. We were going to be late again but we had a bit more time than this morning. The towel went into the bag and into the closet. We were out the door and Betts pulled me to the garage.

"We need to get to school."

"I have a bike. You ride it and I will run. We can get there faster than you running."

Morton had damaged my bike and I had not got it fixed yet. This was a good solution. "That is why I love you. You're smart and think of some good ideas."

Betts stopped though and I wondered why. "You love me?"

"I guess I do."

I got a passionate kiss but then we had to break apart and get the bike.

Sam had not waited but we caught up to him before we got to school. He ran with us and kidded Betts for being slow. We locked up the bike and actually had a few more minutes to talk before the bell rang.

Mr Ramsey started history but he handed me a dozen sheets of mathematics that was harder than what we did now and this was almost the end of the year. "Do these while I give the history lesson. I just want to see what you can do."

We had taken a bit of algebra but not much. The ideas though to solve the equations came easy. The questions got harder and harder as I went on. Some had an x, y and a z in them. I had to think on this for a minute until I got an idea how to solve them. The third to the last question gave me the most problems and I wrote on the test that this could not be done. The last two were very difficult and I had to do a lot of calculations to get the answer. Mr Ramsey liked us to show our work so I did this here too.

I looked at the wall and saw that I had been at this for almost a half hour. I went back and checked the answers and saw that what I had learned by answering the hard questions helped me do the easy ones quicker. The impossible question was still impossible.

Forty three minutes later I put my hand up. "Yes Wally."

"I'm done."


"Except for one that cannot be done or I do not see how it could be."

Mr Ramsey got up and came to get the test and looked at the question I said was impossible. I heard him chuckle and say, "I forgot to put in a figure AB."

"What should it be?"


I thought for only a second and said, "2.2360 is the answer."


It suddenly occurred to me that what I had done was a mistake. I did not know what grade did that work but it was not mine. I started to formulate a lie to cover this. If I didn't succeed then I could still be examined by some well meaning but determined researchers.

The time before recess stretched to days. When the bell rang though I heard, "Wally would you stay a minute please?"

I stood near the teacher's desk. He said, "Where did you learn to do mathematics like this?" He said the last as he held the papers in his hands.

"That was easy. When I was in the hospital the guy next to me was great at math. I could not talk but I could listen. The guy taught me math and it was fun. We made a game of it. His parents brought books in and we tested each other. It was better than television and it made me think."

"Did you take differential and integral calculus?"

"If we had stayed in longer we would have gone further. I was just told how to solve some simple equations."

How did you solve the last question so fast?"

"That problem made me consider all the regular ways to solve it. I did try calculus. There were four simple solutions."

So how did you come up with the answer so fast?"

"Tell me the value of pi to as long as you can remember."


I know that it is "3.14159265358979."

"Tell me the square root of two."


"I know that it is 1.414214."

"What does this have to do with it?"

"One more question. What is the square root of five?"

"I don't know off hand."

"I know that it is 2.236067977."

"Ah, I see. You just memorised part of the square root table? Fifteen divided by three is five and then all you have to do is remember the root of that number."

"That was it. In fact five was as high as I went."

"You are still an amazing young man, Wally. I think you're going places one day."

When I went out for the rest of my recess I had to think more. My brain was working as if there was no tomorrow. My thinking was clearer than it had ever been and I did not know how it had happened. Betts came to me and asked, "What did he want you for?"

"I studied math when I was off and it showed in the tests. Maybe I can get a job one day that pays a lot of money for knowing math well."

"That would be nice. I have been thinking. If you get your bike fixed we can race home every day and eat at my house."

"Don't you mean eat you at your house?"

"Well I eat you too."

"And you do that very well. You are like Chinese food though."

"Why do you say that, Wally?"

"I eat you a few hours ago and I am hungry again."

Betts smiled and was going to hug me when I put my hand on her chest. "Not out here. This is not high school."

"But I want you and that delicious sausage. I want to eat it for hours."

"I will give you the sausage all right but I had another idea."

"What?" she said breathlessly.

"I want to get some soft ropes and tie you up and then eat you for hours without my hair being pulled or your screams muffled by our legs."

Betts' eyes were now blazing. "And?" The bell rang just then but she did not move.

"I will grease up my finger and push it into your butt as I suck on your clit."

Betts shut her eyes and shook. I had to get her turned around and into the school. She held onto me as we climbed the steps. The smell from her was strong and it was turning me on.

We were nearly the last and I pushed Betts toward the washroom. She looked at me as if wondering why. I had to get close and said, "You're Juicy Lucy and I am going to get horny and so will the rest of the guys in the class."


When I got in I whispered that Betts had to go to the washroom. He might bother the guys about this but never the girls. Before I sat down I suddenly saw Betts playing with her pussy on the toilet. I almost tripped over a desk then sat and tried to remember the sight I had just seen.

Betts came back much later with a red complexion. I didn't want to let on that I knew what had happened. I would then have to explain and that would not be a good thing for our relationship.

Geography was next but I made sure I only mentioned what I knew and I also made sure my better memory was faulty on occasion. I did get more out of this because I was actually listening more. My brain was able to absorb more and I could use the information better to understand what was being said. Usually I was thinking of sports, friends. Mostly I would be thinking of the stories I read on that guy Lazeez' site. Sam and I read them all the time at his house on the computer.

In between thoughts I wondered how I knew so much math. Some things I had to just stretch a bit to understand and then stretch a bit more to understand the next. I was not worried though and that bothered me. I should be upset that this had happened. In a way it felt like the urge again but now it was trying to comfort me instead. I would have to fight this but not as a berserker but as a person that thought a problem through. I seemed to have the memory and intelligence now to do a better job than I would have done before.

I was able to focus on the class much better but that was not the case with Betts. She stared at me but not like a weird person but something more along the lines of a girl looking at a rock star. Her friends looked at her and they looked at me. Some seemed to be getting the same idea. I doubted if Betts would tell them what we had done. They looked at me as if they knew though.

The bell came to end the day and as usual there was no homework. A science project about weather was due in three days and I had not done much of anything with it.

"Wally, will you stay another moment please?"

I never rushed out of the class. I didn't want to be trampled. This time half of the class had found a reason to be slow.

"Wally, I want to get you tested. Your mathematical skills are at the grade twelve level. I used my old grade thirteen textbook and you did some of the work there too. You have the ability to be a great scientist one day if you continue."

"Thanks Mr Ramsey. I learned because I was bored but I also learned because I had a friend that taught me just that subject. It was a game. Math is still fun but it is not the same without Charley. I wouldn't mind borrowing your book until the end of the year to see if I can fill in a few things that I do not understand."

"I can certainly loan you the book. You can even ask me questions that you may have. It may be best to write them down though."

I smiled at Mr Ramsey and said, "That may be fun. Some of the hard stuff that will stump me may stump you too."

"I didn't think of that. I forgot far too much and perhaps this is good for me too."

The teacher reached into his desk and handed me the book and said, "Remember, you can ask anything you want."

"Thanks Mr Ramsey."

We walked out of the class but this time I was at the head of the remainder of the class.

Chuck said when we got outside, "You do grade thirteen work?"

"Only a bit..."

Wendy Pallo came forward and got quite close. Her big knockers were real close and I knew now that she was showing them to me. I pointedly did not look at them. My textbook went to the other hand and I reached out and found Betts' arm and then her hand.

"How did you get so smart, Wally? I mean you were smart before but you never seemed to try."

"Hi, Wendy. I was stuck in a boring hospital with nothing to do. A guy in the room taught me math for something to do. The only thing I do different now is that I did not see how much time I wasted in class. I now pay attention."

Wendy looked down and saw my hand in Betts and her face changed just a bit. I would never have noticed this before. "We have a party at my house next Friday. Do you want to come?"

My hand was squeezed tight. "That may be fun but I will only come with Betts. She makes sure I study and eat right."

"Sure, she was going to be invited anyway." The change of her face said the exact opposite.

"I will see you then."

Everybody drifted away except my friends. Chuck said, "I would love to be invited to her party."

Jerry said, "I know just where I would rest my head." He then looked at Betts and stood straighter.

Surprisingly Betts said, "You may have to come with a dress. The party was going to be just for us girls."

There was a pregnant pause then Sam said, "I might dress up if I could be a good friend of hers. We girls would have our secrets."

Chuck broke up laughing and punched Sam in the arm and then so did Jerry.

Jerry said, "We going to play ball or go swimming?"

I had to do some thinking now. This was a test. I started with Chuck and said, "Which do you like?" I then went to the rest but Betts was last.

She saw the small nod of my head and said, "Swimming," which was the majority of the choices.

Chuck and Jerry parted then it was just Sam and Betts left. Sam looked straight ahead and said casually, "Why did Wendy invite you?"

"Betts is my social expert. Let's ask her."

Betts just looked at me for a moment as I looked into her eyes. She finally said, "I guess it was because I told them about how good you kiss. I mentioned that you are my boyfriend now. I guess I did that because most of them don't have a boyfriend."

When Betts said no more, Sam said, "So why did she want to invite the Hunk?"

"I think she wanted to find how good he kissed for herself."

Sam was stunned. What Betts said made sense but I didn't see why she would pick the runt of the litter when I saw her with older guys all the time.

I said casually, "I have my friends and I stick with them. I can only have one girlfriends though."

"You'd turn..." Sam said then stopped.

I stopped and said to Sam. This is not like meeting Charley. He would only be one more friend. If I went to that party without Betts I would lose Betts as a girlfriend and as a friend."

"I guess I see that now. So she was trying to steal you from Betts?"

"Maybe but more likely just to see what Betts had."

"Wendy does not seem such a nice person now."

"You are seeing that because you are growing up. Now don't mention anything about this to anybody else. It makes Wendy look bad and she will make sure all of you pay for it. No girl would want you."

"That makes sense too."

We had agreed to meet at the municipal pool. Mom and dad were not home and I left a note on the table to tell them where I was going to be. I took a towel, sunblock and then I decided on the blanket. All this went in my pack with some water.

On the way out of my room, I looked in the mirror. I saw the usual boy with my pants hanging low and a cap. I had seen what I looked like as a soldier and the guy that worked on the crystals. I hated those people but I liked the uniform. If I had to accept their attitude if I took their suit, then I was better the way I was now.

Betts was ready and waiting on her porch. I hurried to get her and she gave me a small kiss and said, "Do you want to go upstairs instead?"

"Yes, but the guys are our friends. That's why we are going swimming."

"I know that but I like what we do."

"Me too. Did you leave a note?"

"Sure. Your smart girlfriend asked Mom or Dad to pick us up at the pool. They would then know that we were not fooling around." I held my smart girlfriend's hand and hurried to the pool.

After we paid to get in I said, "Do you want me to help you into your suit?"

"We would never get into the pool."

"That shows how smart you are."

"Of course. I'm a girl."

We met Chuck first then Jerry and Sam came. We played together as a group. The guys were still hesitant with the new Betts and she knew it. She whispered to me, "Can we play tag where we have to touch the ass? They will touch mine."

"You are one smart lady, Betts."

I said, "Let's play tag. You have to touch the ass. Betts is ok with this. She gets to touch your fat butts too." The guys were not sure. "I'm it." I raced after Jerry and caught him after a long race.

Betts was near him when he got tagged. She patted her butt and called out. "Can you catch it?"

Jerry was the best swimmer after me but he was tired. He took the bait and chased Betts until he caught her. She rested a bit then looked at Sam and said, "Your butt is mine, Sam."

"Ha, you have to catch it first."

Betts was not that fast or strong but Sam was the slowest person here. It didn't look like he was even swimming that fast when Betts' hand crashed down on Sam's butt. From the sound I knew that it must hurt.

Chuck was near and laughing. Sam was able to catch him easily. The game went on until we were all tired.

When the time came we started to look for Betts' parents. When her mother then came she was polite to all of us and drove the guys home. They knew enough to thank Mrs Huggins. Lots of others would not be as considerate.

After we dropped off Sam, Mrs Huggins said, "I was a little surprised to see that Betty was invited to join your group, Wally."

"We had a similar discussion with Sam. Grownups have to manage their time and keep their friends. Betts is even more important to me and I have to work hard so that I do not lose the rest of my friends. Betts does a lot of thinking too. She helps me by trying to fit in as a friend instead of a girlfriend. How did you do it when you were young?"

"I was not as smart I guess. My boyfriend at the time took all of my time. A few months later, a new boyfriend was the same way. I had to balance my time. Some friends drifted away and I could not get them back. Part of the reason was because they were dating too."

"This is personal but do you still keep in touch with your friends from that time?"

"They all moved away. Some are on the other side of the city and it takes hours of fighting traffic to get there and back. We send Christmas cards, go to one another's birthdays but it is not the same as it was."

"What advice do you have for me?"

"You seem to be doing it. When the others get dates then you should go out together once in a while. This will keep the bond together."

When we pulled into the driveway and got out I retrieved my pack and kissed Betts the way I had seen her parents kiss. I said, "Have you finished your project for school?"

Betts was shocked at the kiss but said, "Not yet."

"We better do those."

"Will you come over later and we can work together?"

I said, "I would love to," but I was looking at Betts' mother. She gave a smile and nodded her head.

I ate our meal and Mom gave me work to do. This was in the garden but it was also a way of getting exercise. I did what I was asked as good as I could and went to get my project. I was still sweaty and had a quick shower. When I put my pants on I changed my mind and got pants that I could pull up to my waist. My shirt too was changed to make me look less like a kid.

Betts met me at the door and gave me a second look before she kissed me too. It was more than the perfunctory one I expected. "You look better now."

I whispered, "I have to make a favourable impression on your mother." I looked at her and said, "Do you like this way better?"

"Yes, everybody is wearing baggy pants and yours makes you look special."

Betts had a project to do on the water cycle and instead of going upstairs we worked on the kitchen table. I critiqued the project and suggested some improvements.

My project was a gage to test for relative humidity. I had seen something on the net that I could make. A base of wood and a thin board rose from it. I had to get a long hair. The hair would be tied at the top of the board and then onto a pointer. The pointer had a pin through it to the board. When there was a lot of water in the air the hair stretched and the pointer went down. Dry air made the pointer come up.

I sat back at the crude device. Like my mathematics, ideas came as to how to make this better.

I got up from the table and walked to the front room and stood beside Betts' father. "Sir, Could I ask you for some help?"

The man was surprised at the term sir and the request it seamed. "Sure, what would you like?"

"I am making a device to measure relative humidity. I made a stand but it looks pretty bad. I wanted to make a new base and put a dowel into it. Do you have a dowel around I could have?"

Bert made things out of wood and had lots of scraps. He showed me how to use the router safely and I marked out a design with a pencil. I was very surprised at how straight the lines were and how good the curves were too. I put the cutter in the chuck and cut the base accurately. I sanded it all by hand.

We found a quarter inch dowel that was a full metre long. I used the drill to make a hole in the base.

"Where are you going to get the strand of hair for this device?"

"There is a wild animal upstairs with long hair. I guess I will have to stalk it and then get the strand."

When I came upstairs I said to Betts, "I need to find somebody to scalp. I need a hair. Who has the longest hair around?"

"Patty I guess."

"Let's capture her and get my hair."

Patricia was in the next room and heard what was said. I went down the hall to head her off while Betts went the frontal way. Patricia was standing and ready to run but saw that she was trapped.

"You are not getting my hair."

I pretended to fling an imaginary cape in front of my mouth and said with my version of a Transylvanian accent, "I vant to suck your blood." Then I stalked forward.

Patricia screamed and I caught her and got her to the carpet. I brought my mouth to her neck and blew a raspberry. She screamed even higher and then Betts and I tickled her.

"Stop, stop. You can have my hair."

I stopped my tickling and bent over and kissed her nose. When I move back a bit I said, "Thanks, Sweetie."

She sat up without help and I was poking through her scalp until she said, "What are you doing?"

"Just counting all the bugs. One bit my finger."

"I don't have bugs!"

"Hold still now."

I picked a long hair and plucked it.

"Thanks Patricia."

"I hope you get my bugs."

I started scratching with two hands and she laughed.

At the table I had Betts help put a straight pin through a soda straw. A paper clip went through the straw too and the end of the hair tied to it. The strand of hair went to the dowel to see how long I would need. A new straight pin when in here and I tied the hair to this so the straw was horizontal. A piece of Bristol board went behind the pointer with lines radiating from where the lower pin was.

Patricia stayed near and said, "How does it work?"

"Put a bit of water in an electric kettle and boil it." The girl didn't ask more and just did it. In a moment I unplugged the kettle and let the water vapour hit the strand of hair. The strand lengthened and the pointer went down. When the kettle was pulled away the pointer slowly came back to horizontal.

"Patricia's comment was, "Neat."

I wrote on another piece of Bristol board about what the device did and why.

Bert had been watching all the time and said, "That was well done and your writing is beautiful. You should try calligraphy."

"Thanks Mr Huggins. I need to cut the dowel to make it look good."

"Then bring it downstairs."

When my project was done, I helped Betts with hers. Just as she put it away, Patricia came to me and said, "Will you help me read?"

I gave her a grin and said, "Certainly. Get your book."

When she ran off I said to Betts, "She wants to steal your boyfriend I think but I will stick with you even if she brings cookies."

"She is going to be with us all the time if you encourage her."

"It won't be bad because I have a plan."

"A plan?"

Patricia came running and we sat on the couch. I made sure Betts sat on the other side of Patricia and I began to read a 'Goosebumps' story. I hammed it up a bit with the words then gave the book to Betts while I went to the washroom. I stalled for as long as I could then went back to begin again.

The next time I left for a break and sat Patricia on her surprised father's lap and he was forced to read to her. Lillian was looking at me when this all happened.

A half hour later I got Lillian to sit on one side of the couch to and under the light. I moved Patricia onto the couch and her mother supported her head as she read to her.

When I looked at the parents I saw that it was quite a while since they had enjoyed the children and this was a way of gaining what they once had. I poured a fresh cup of tea and put it near Lillian so she could continue with her reading without having to get up. The woman smiled at me when I brought her the drink. Her words though were from the book.

Before I left I saw that Patricia was asleep and Lillian was caressing her daughter's hair as she stared down at her. Bert was looking at the pair with more than a little nostalgia in his features.

It was time to go home so I took Betts into the kitchen and kissed her. I did not want to get caught doing this for a half hour so I pulled back and said, "Why don't you make a lunch for both of us tomorrow and I will make a lunch for us the day after."

Betts didn't react. I hoped she knew I had a reason. I got close and said, "I don't have the bike fixed yet. Let's find other places to have what I like to eat best."

I said goodbye to the two adults and kissed Betts one more time then went home. Dad was reading in his chair when I showed him my project. He was impressed that I had done this myself.

I exercised and tried to concentrate on the crystal at the same time. It was not easy. I could not see as small as I had done last time but I continued if just to practice.

I put away the weights and had a quick shower. After dressing, I spent an hour reading the old math textbook. I instinctively knew that everything in the book was just the basics and to understand mathematics I would have to spend a long time on it.

My dream that night was similar to the one before. I had a white suit but now it had silver trim. My workbench was similar. I worked on smaller crystals now. They were also simpler. It was easy to tell because the lines of force were not nearly as complex.

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