Sam - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by Samantha K.

Chapter 18B

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 18B - A teenage girl on the verge of graduating from high school makes a series of discoveries about herself, the strangest of which is that she is turning into a real live superheroine.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Superhero   BDSM   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Lactation   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Size   Body Modification   Violence   Transformation  

There is never a hard cock around when you need one. Miss Albert's Math class did nothing to sooth my fevered libido and when it let out school was over and everyone not engaged in some kind of extracurricular activity ran off to start their weekend like it was the last one they would ever have. I told Neeka not to wait for me and I went back of the Gym to wait for Polly and whatever diabolical scheme she had devised to torture me today. I tried not to think about it too much... all right, it was the only thing I could think about and I was having a hard time reining in my imagination. It would be bad if I got all worked up about something, only to find out that my ideas were better than hers.

As I had discovered, the area behind the Gym was one of those dead spots on campus created when the windowless walls and corners of two buildings constructed at different times came together to make a place that nobody ever needed to go. The back door of the Gym opened onto a concrete walkway next to an 'L' shaped area of manicured grass that never saw any traffic save for the people who mowed it. Just to make its existence meaningful, I marched back and forth across it, savoring the soft cushion of the thick, untrodden patch of green.

"What are you doing?" Polly asked, as she came around the corner of the building.

"Justifying the life of some forlorn fescue," I said. As soon as I said it, I realized that I had let myself think too deeply about something again.

Polly was too concerned with her own agenda to worry about my practical exercise in naturalist existentialism.

"Come here," she said, commandingly.

I immediately felt a flash of heat that would have made Pavlov proud. I dropped my bookbag and presented myself for my Mistress' pleasure.

"Take that stupid top off. You're almost naked anyway. You may as well be, the way you walk around here waving those jugs under everyone's nose. Do you know how much of a spectacle you have been making of yourself?"

I knew. I couldn't ignore the looks I got. I loved the attention. Thanks to Bambi, I had bigger boobs than anyone but adult film stars who had paid lots of money to have their bodies inflated well beyond what nature could possibly do. Mine might have been the result of an exotic biochemical formula, but not a bit of the result was synthetic or artificial.

People had looked at me before and I had enjoyed it. I hadn't been able to do any more than appreciate the implied compliment, then. Yvette would have locked me up in a closet if she had learned that I was trying to show-off or that I had been flirting. Now, I could show-off all I wanted. If Mrs. Reynolds found out, she would be proud of me. She bought me a whole closet full of beautiful sexy clothes to wear so I could show-off how good I looked. She had empowered me to take charge of my body the same way I had empowered Dina to take charge of her relationship with Uncle Greg. The analogy left something to be desired, but the change in how I felt about myself was at least as great as the change Dina had felt about herself. I felt that, in some small way, I had passed on some of what Mrs. Reynolds had done for me, and I was proud of what I had done.

'Spectacle'? Yes, I certainly hoped I was. I was getting to live out my exhibitionistic fantasies and I loved it. I told Sue that she had an obligation to let people admire what she had made of herself and I meant it. I also had an obligation to let them see what Bambi had done for me, and I intended to honor that gift.

I reached behind with one hand and slid it up my bare spine to the tiny bow holding the rectangle of fabric across my chest. I pulled it loose and peeled the stretch-knit material off and over my head. I dropped in on top of my bookbag and braced for whatever Polly had in mind.

She stared at my breasts like she couldn't decide if she was revolted or attracted, but whichever, she couldn't tear her eyes away. It was a look I knew very well. Many girls reacted to me that way. Usually it was right before the words, "those aren't real" came to mind, if not to mouth. In any event, they couldn't stop staring until forced to. At the moment, I was the cobra to Polly's mongoose and her malevolent attention was riveted on the parts of my body that I had made almost as sensitive as my clit.

The envy in her heart was reflected in her face. She wanted to punish me for being sexier, prettier, more outgoing, or more whatever she wished she could be that she thought I was. She wanted to hurt me, to debase me, to ruin me so that she could feel superior, instead of inferior. If it helped her to feed her ego this way, that was fine with me. I needed to be tortured. Besides being good practice for the challenges I seemed to be faced with on a regular basis, I had grown to love it. We were perfect for each other.

Polly reached out with both hands and put her palms over my nipples, pressing my rings into my flesh and warming my nipples. She looked into my eyes as we both felt my areola tighten and my nipples become hard. She rubbed her hands around in small circles, rolling my stiffening tips and twisting my rings.

When she was satisfied that I was aroused sufficiently, she took a ring in each hand and pulled up, lifting my breasts and pulling my nipples so they pointed up at her face.

"I know you'd like me to hurt them," she said. "And I will. We'll both enjoy that. But first, I want you to turn around."

I obeyed. I had my hands behind me already, one hand holding the other wrist. Polly pulled a length of clothesline from her bag and tied it around the wrist. She then wrapped the loose end around my other wrist and the line, alternating wrists until she had used up the cord and my hands were securely bound behind me. She tied off the end with the knot out of my reach and spun me around to face her.

"You tried to cover up before," she said. "We'll have none of that, now. Do I need to gag you as well?"

I shook my head, pressing my lips together to show I intended to remain mute.

"Good girl. Now let's take care of one more thing." She bent over and hooked her thumbs into the top of my shorts. Before I could think of objecting, she yanked them down to my ankles.

I obediently lifted one foot and then the other out of both my shorts and my sandals. Even in the heat of the day and the warmth of the afternoon sun reflecting off the solid brick wall behind me, I shivered at being totally naked. The situation made me feel more vulnerable than exposed.

The thick grass felt slightly prickly on my bare feet and I scrunched my toes into it, both to savor the sensation and as a reaction to being once again stripped in this spot. I wondered if she might have arranged for some guy to come along and throw me against the brick wall of the Gym and shove a hard cock into me while she watched. I sure hoped so.

Polly tossed the rest of my clothes onto my bag and stood facing me with her hands on her hips. She cocked her head and looked at me as if she were a sculptor judging her progress on a statue. She nodded her satisfaction at having made me so helpless.

"You're breathing so hard it sounds as if you're panting like a dog," she observed. "Are you a doggie?"

I nodded. "Arf!" I said. This was fun even if she wasn't going to hurt me. I could get into playing doggie.

"Hmmm." She sounded like she'd thought of something better to do that what she had originally planned. "All right doggie. Get down on the ground."

I got down on one knee at a time to keep from falling over. I sat back on my ankles and looked up at Polly with my tongue hanging out and panting.

"Nice doggie," she said, smiling. "But I want you down on all fours before we start your training."

Since my hands were tied behind me, I couldn't manage what she wanted. I watched, puzzled, as she opened her bag and pulled out a long, thin object with a leather-wrapped handle and a thinner shaft sticking out of it over a foot.

"It's my old riding crop," she explained. "I got into riding a few years ago and my Mom bought me this cheap crop to use. I rode almost every week for a year, before I wore the crop out. You see the leather tab came off the end and unwound all the way up to the handle, so I cut it off."

She held the narrow end in front of my nose and flicked her fingers across the tip. I could see that the shaft of the crop wasn't one solid piece, but four triangular blades. That design must have been intended too make the crop more flexible. Without the leather wrapping, the triangular blades would separate when she swung it and looked like they could really pinch when they hit.

"The stable wouldn't let me use the crop anymore after that. They said it would be too cruel to hit a horse with it, and horses have very thick skin. You have very thin skin. Very smooth and unblemished. I bet this would hurt a whole lot if I hit you with it. I bet it would leave marks, too. Shall we find out?"

She drew back as if she were going to hit me as hard as she could. I flinched and rocked back on my legs until my hands touched the grass under my ass. All I managed to do was to give her two very prominent targets for her nasty little whip.

Polly slowed her stroke until the tip of the crop came to a halt between my breasts and stayed there, quivering. Her hand shook with the tension in her grip on the handle, making the four blades rasp and twitch apart, as if they were reaching out to bite me.

"No?" She said, answering her own question. "Then you better put these milkbags on the ground right now."

She pulled back the crop and I leaned forward just until my nipples brushed the grass. It tickled. My rings dangled between the fresh-cut green blades. I didn't even have to bend over that much. I was still able to keep my head up to see Polly.

"That's not good enough. I want to see those perfect tits dragging in the dirt."

For incentive, she hit me on the butt with the crop. It wasn't a hard hit, but the sharp plastic bits pinched and the sharp pain felt like they had snatched a chunk out of me.

I spread my knees and my feet to get a better balance point. I bent over another few inches and mashed my breasts into the grass. Now it was tickling my wet pussy and I was probably picking up bits of cut grass on my sticky labia. As I knelt there with my nipples and pussy on the ground, I had a thought. I looked around as best I could to see it there were any signs of ants in the area. There were none that I could see. It was an idea that I hoped hadn't occurred to Polly.

"That's better," she said, satisfied with my new position. "Now you look just like a dog, nose down in the dirt."

She walked around to one side and waved to me.

"C'mere doggie! Let's see how you get around."

I struggled to keep my breasts to the grass while I worked my knees to move around. It wasn't that hard, just awkward, and my rings would catch on small tufts of grass as I moved.

Polly led me around in a circle, then she backed onto the concrete walkway leading to the back door of the Gym.

"C'mon doggie! Keep going. C'mere doggie."

I waddled after her. When I hit the edge of the poured concrete, my nipples scraped on the rough texture. The sound of my metal rings dragging was clearly audible over my gasp at the terrible sensation.

I must have raised-up some, because Polly waved the crop under my nose again.

"If you pick those up off the ground once, I'm going to hit them with this crop," she said, "Then we'll see how much pain you can take."

It was tempting, but my rear still stung from being hit. I wasn't ready to feel that on my breasts, which she would certainly hit much harder. I pressed my nipples into the concrete and struggled forward, gritting my teeth as I felt the skin being grated off my second most sensitive parts.

I must have looked like I was dying, because after I had only gone a few feet on the concrete, Polly took pity on me and led me back onto the grass again. The cool grass should have felt better, but all I could feel was the sting of raw flesh. I wondered if I was bleeding into the grass.

When I managed to get my eyes uncrossed and could see again, Polly was standing in front of me with her hands up under her short skirt. While I watched, she pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. She got down on her hands and knees in front of me and waved her butt in my face.

"How do doggies say hello? Come on, you know. They smell each other's butts, don't they? Come on, doggie, get over here and smell my butt."

I worked up behind her so that my nose was just under the hem of her skirt and I sniffed loudly, so she could hear me.

"Not good enough, doggie. Here, let me help you."

She reached back and flipped her skirt up over her lily-white ass. I could see the tan-lines her swimsuit made on her pretty rear. She spread her knees wide and I could see her puckered anus right above her peach-fuzz bordered pussy. Her wrinkled hole was perfectly pink and I knew just what I wanted to do.

"Go on, smell my butt. Get your nose right up there and give it a good sniff, doggie!" From her harsh tone, this must have been something she had thought about and looked forward to. She had clearly had a good time imagining degrading me like this.

I shuffled up as close as I could and slowly poked my nose closer and closer to her hole. So she would know just where I was, I put the tip of my nose against her cheek and traced a path straight to her anus.

When I reached my goal, I took a deep breath and jabbed my nose right into her hole. At the same, I stuck out my tongue and licked Polly's pretty pussy from front to back.

You'd have thought I had poked her with a cattle prod. She made a funny little 'yip' sound and she froze in place, as though having her pussy licked was the most shocking thing she had ever felt in her life.

I took full advantage of her momentary lapse of control and licked her again and again, each time digging deeper into her slit to get a good taste of the girl-cream that had started to ooze.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Polly moaned. She shivered and her hips tilted down, offering me a better angle to savor her little slit.

I probed as deeply as I could reach, pushing my lower jaw between her outer lips and forcing my tongue all the way up into her hole, where I felt around to see how tight she was.

"Eeeeeeeee!" Polly squealed. Her back dropped as she put her head down on the grass, using the ground for a pillow.

I decided that if Polly wasn't a virgin, she was at least very inexperienced. Probing her hole had made it clench and spasm on my tongue. It felt like it could only have been a half-inch across, at best. Either she hadn't had a cock in there yet, or she hadn't been fucked well enough to get her loosened up. I decided I owed her an alternate experience.

I stuck my wet tongue as far forward as I could and lapped the tip over her tiny clit, holding it there for a moment to gage her reaction. Some girls are so sensitive that they can't stand hardly any contact there and the last thing I wanted to do was make her uncomfortable enough to pull away from me.

"Ooooooooooo! Ummmmmm!"

I could feel her frozen muscles loosen as she relaxed and let herself enjoy what was happening. I gently caressed her nub with the tip of my tongue and she squeaked again, but she didn't move away. In fact, she pushed her butt back into my face, wedging my nose into her butt-hole.

If I was going to have a brown-nose, Polly was going to have the ride of her life. I started licking her pussy all over, lapping greedily at the sweet juice that started to flow from her vagina. When her small labia had swollen enough, I gently sucked them into my mouth and gave them a good, thorough cleaning with my tongue, letting them slide slowly out again afterward.

The next time I touched her clit, it was a hard knot. I rolled it around and flicked it from side to side, making it grow even larger by directly assaulting it.

Polly had lost the power of speech. She babbled and I could only make out one word in ten. Most of it was "ohmigawdohohoh... whinesquealyip" repeated over and over. Even without half trying to, I had Polly on the verge of a major cum.

I was still playing with her clit, deciding if I should use the BumbleBee on her, when she fell over the edge on her own.

She arched her back and snapped her head off the ground like she had been yanked up by the hair. I pulled my face out from between her legs in case she tried to clamp my head in place. Nothing I did now would make a difference anyway. Polly was riding a rising climax that was about to explode like a volcanic eruption.

Polly slammed her knees together and fell to one side. She clenched her fists, tearing clumps of grass out of the manicured plot. Her eyelids fluttered open and shut, revealing nothing but white behind them. If she was breathing at all, I couldn't tell. She lay there, making no sounds, but just quivering as her orgasm wracked her.

Eventually, she opened her mouth and tried to suck in all the air she had missed in one gulp. She took several deep breaths and tried to open her eyes and focus. It took her the better part of a minute before she got control enough to sit up. It was another minute before she could utter a meaningful sentence.

"Oh, fuck! That was incredible!" She said. She was quiet for a bit after that. I guessed she was trying to think of something else to say, but couldn't think of a thing.

"Arf!" I said, letting my gooey tongue hang out of my mouth.

This set her off on a giggling fit. She would get control for a second, then look at my 'happy dog face' and break up all over again. When she finally wound down, she lay on the grass and ran her hands over her body as if feeling it for the first time. When she got to her thighs, she pulled them away, not trusting herself to resist the temptation of a repeat performance.

She tried to stand on her rubbery legs, and it looked so cute that I couldn't keep from grinning. She saw my expression and staggered over to me, reaching down to take my arm and rather ineffectively help me to my feet.

"Jeez, Sam. I... I... here, let me untie you," she said, reaching for the cord around my wrists.

I turned so that she couldn't reach my wrists and just bumped into me while reaching for them. The texture of her blouse came through my raw nipples like Braille. The warmth of her body was soothing.

Polly didn't try to pull away. We stood pressed together, nose to nose, until she pulled a tissue out of her skirt pocket and used it with a little saliva to wipe the tip of my nose clean. When she took the tissue away, I kissed her, my lips reaching out for hers.

They didn't have to reach far. Polly came to me, putting her arms around me and pressing as much of her body against me as she could manage without both of us falling over.

The kiss was fantastic. Even if Polly was nearly a virgin, she was a great kisser. She seemed to lose herself in it completely.

When she finally took her lips away from mine, it was obviously with a great amount of reluctance. I felt her hands, roaming my naked body, searching for something she probably couldn't describe.

"Did you have something else you planned to do to me?" I asked.

She looked sheepish. All the vindictiveness was gone from her.

"Well, yes," she admitted.

"Then do it. Don't leave me all worked up and not finish the job."

"Um. OK."

She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a combination padlock just like the ones we used on our gym lockers. I watched as she worked the combination, but she held it so I couldn't see well enough to get the numbers.

When she had it open, she hooked a finger through one of my rings and led me like a cow around the corner of the building to the covered walkway between the Gym and the classroom building. She pulled me up against a support pole for the walkway's roof and pushed me forward so that the pole was between my boobs.

She hooked the lock through both rings and snapped it shut. She tugged on it to make sure it was securely locked, then she let it drop. The sudden weight tugged my breasts down, but they bounced right back up again. I squared my shoulders and the only sign of the weight was the way my nipples were pulled downward.

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