The Adventures Of Karhleen M. - Cover

The Adventures Of Karhleen M.

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A young housewife and mother discovers she has a kinky side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Slow  

"Have you been taking your vitamins sweetie?" Kathleen asked her husband when they climbed into bed that night.


"Well sweetie, I gave you a pass on Wednesday and Thursday so tonight you have to play catch up?"

"What has gotten into you lately Kath?"

"You sweetie."

"Well yeah, but why have we suddenly gone from two or three times a week to every time we are alone together?"

"Hormones sweetie. I had to change my birth control pills and the new ones have had an effect on my hormones."

"Why did you change birth control pills?"

"Our new HMO will only pay for the generic equivalent so I had to change. I've been told that it will level out after a bit" she said as she reached for his cock. It was as good an excuse as any she thought as she took his cock in her mouth and it wasn't likely that he would look into it. As long as he never found out the real reason she would be okay. She took her mouth off of him and looked up at him and smiled.

"If the pressure is too much for you sweetie I could always take a lover or two to help you out. Would you like me to do that?"

"Get back to what you were doing woman."

She giggled and said, "Somehow I thought that might be your response" and she went back to sucking his cock.

That Saturday she switched from Wal-Mart she usually went to to a K-Mart. The reason for the change was that she had found that the particular K-Mart she was going to had curtains instead of doors on the changing booths. She found that if she left the curtain open about six inches on the right side and then stood in front of the mirror changing, the men shopping for pants and shirts in Men's Clothing could see through that six inch gap and see her in the mirror.

She pushed her shopping cart through the store and let the men check her out in her short skirt, low cut blouse and five inch heels. When she had the interest of several she headed for the changing booths. She had two skirts and three blouses to try on and it should make for a hell of a show since she wasn't wearing a bra or panties.

She went into the booth and adjusted the curtain the way she wanted it and then looked into the mirror. She could see through the gap into the men's clothing section and she kept her eye on that gap as she took off her blouse. She smiled as she saw one of the men who had been following her through the store standing next to a rack of trousers and looking her way. He had a pair of trousers in his hands, but he was not looking at them like a real buyer would. No, he was looking at her and she tingled as she cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipples.

He was there and he was hooked and so she turned her attention to giving him an aching hard on. She caressed her breasts and then moved her hands down to unbutton the skirt. She slowly pushed the skirt down and stepped out of it. She looked at her self in the full length mirror knowing that the man could see her standing there in only her "Fuck Me" heels. She turned to look at her left profile and then her right and then she started trying on the clothes she'd brought into the booth with her.

She dressed and undressed as she tried on the skirts and blouses and each time she took off a blouse she cupped her braless tits and pinched her nipples to keep them hard and erect. She twisted and turned as she looked at herself from all angles in the mirror and a couple of times she spread her legs wide and bent at the waist to pick up a blouse or skirt she'd let fall on the floor. A glance at the mirror showed three men at the rack supposedly looking at slacks, but she knew where their eyes were and it made her hot and wet.

When she had been in there as long as she felt she could get away with she dressed in her own clothes, gathered up the other clothing and left the dressing booth. She made it a point to push her cart past the three men standing at the pants rack pretending to be looking at slacks. They were behind the rack so she couldn't see their tented trousers, but she knew they had major hard ons and that is all that mattered to her.

That night Rick was again reduced to an exhausted wreck.

Monday at lunch break she met with the others and they discussed car pooling. Mike decided that it really wouldn't work for him so that left Hank, Steve, Harry, Ralph and her. They looked at a map of the area and decided that the Sears parking lot at the Pine Valley Mall would be the most central place for all of them to meet. They would all drive to the mall so to be there by seven, park at the back of the lot and drive to school from there. They decided to start the very next day and then they drew lots to set up the rotation. She ended up being the first, followed by Steve, Ralph, Hank and then Harry.

When lunch was over and everyone got up to return to work Hank had held her back.

"This changes some things, but one thing hasn't changed and that is our little Monday and Thursday meetings. I'll be driving my conversion van so I'll get mine when we get back to the mall parking lot. How you will take care of Jim is up to you. See you tonight."

Hank's reminding her of what was expected of her put a damper on her desire to pick a boy to tease during her free hour and as a result she was sitting in her classroom alone and grading papers when Jim came into the room. She looked up at him and he said:

"Hank tells me you won't be staying after school any more so here's what we're gonna do. After tonight I'll expect you in my office at this time every Monday and Thursday from now on. You got that?"

All she could do was nod a yes and Jim turned and left. She pushed the papers aside and sat there, staring out over the empty classroom, and tried to think of a way to get out from under the thumbs of Hank and Jim.

She met the two men in Jim's office after school and both men fucked her twice. She hated letting them see it, but they gave her three orgasms before they were done. She left the room sexually satisfied and so Rick got a free night out of it.

Tuesday she was at the Pine Valley Mall parking lot at ten to seven. Steve was already there and within the next five minutes the other three showed up. It was a new experience for her being the only woman in such close proximity with four men. The were able to spread out in her Suburban and she wondered what it was going to be like with all four of them in something smaller, like Steve's Honda Accord.

The four men spent the trip talking about baseball while she concentrated on her driving. It didn't take her long to realize that the trips were going to be dominated by male conversation and she was going to be pretty much a spectator. She had no interest in any of the balls: base, foot or basket, and hockey (pardon the pun) left her cold. She also wasn't going to be able to contribute when it came to hunting, fishing, golf or car talk. She decided that she had better remember to bring a book to read on the days it was her turn to ride instead of drive.

She had a bad day that day and she didn't spend any time teasing the boys in the front row. All she could think about was being forced to have sex with Hank and Jim and it soured her.

As she steered the Suburban toward the mall she thought about ways to get out from under the blackmail of Hank and Jim. The one she would have loved to do was to shoot both of them in the cock and balls, but as much as she would have enjoyed that she didn't really want to go to jail because of it.

Hank managed to ruin her Wednesday without saying a word. He sat on the front seat, leaning against the door and just watched her. She knew he was planning something and she was certain that she wasn't going to like it. Thursday is when it was sprung on her. Her fourth hour ended and she went into Jim's office and locked the door behind her. Jim came out from behind his desk, took his cock out of his pants and sat down on the edge of his desk.

"Come on missy, give me some mouth."

She took a deep breath, let it out and walked over to him. She was just bending to take him in her mouth when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked and saw Thomas standing there and starting to unzip his trousers.

"What is he doing here" she demanded.

"That was the deal. He only agreed to talk with Hank because we promised him a taste."

"No! There is no way I am going to do that."

"Missy, you don't have a choice. You do it or we go to the office on you."

"So go asshole, because I'm not going to do it and since you are going to go to Admin anyway I don't have to be here."

She turned and headed for the door and Jim hollered after her, "You best rethink this missy."

"Fuck you" she snarled as she stalked out of the room.

That evening when the rest of the car poolers were gone Hank told her to move over to the van.


"Jim told me I might have trouble with you tonight. We need to get something straight here Kathleen. You are in no position to be giving me and Jim grief. I will follow through on my threat. You will fuck us when we say or I will report you to administration."

"And you think that I care? If I had let you get away with what tried to do this afternoon I could end up in jail. I'll take my chances on losing my job, but I will not chance going to jail for having sex with one of my students. In fact, the more I think about it the more I think that the suspicion angle plays both ways. You tell your story, I'll explain what really happened and tell them about you and Jim blackmailing me. That will put you under as big a cloud as me. Now get out of my car; I need to get home to my family."

"Speaking of home, how well do you think your husband will handle knowing that you have fucked both Jim and me?"

"About as well as your wife when I tell her about the two times you forced me to have sex with you."

"She won't believe you."

"It won't matter to me if she does or doesn't. I'll have planted the seed and she'll be on you like stink on shit from then on. Now get out of my car."

He opened the door to get out and as he was getting out he said, "This isn't over yet."

The next morning Hank sat in the back and talked about the baseball games coming up on that weekend. When they got to school and she parked she timed her exit from the car to put her next to Hank and she handed him a cassette tape.

"What's this?"

"A copy of the tape that the recorder in my purse made when we talked in the car last night. Take a listen and decide if you want the school board or your wife to hear it. If you decide that you would rather not let anyone else hear it I would suggest that you leave me alone from now on."

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