The Adventures Of Karhleen M. - Cover

The Adventures Of Karhleen M.

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A young housewife and mother discovers she has a kinky side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Frank and the kids were gone for three hours and that was enough time for her to be thoroughly fucked by Chris and Bobby. She was in a very mellow mood when the kids had been put to bed and Frank had come into her bedroom. She smiled up at him:

"Want some pussy daddy? Want to fuck your baby boy's wife? Come on daddy; bring your slut her cock."

She was deep-throating her father in law when the phone rang. She eased her mouth off of Frank's cock and as she reached for the phone she said:

"It is probably your baby boy daddy. You want to be fucking me while I talk to him?"

She got up on her hands and knees and looked back over her shoulder at Frank as she picked up the phone.


"Oh hi lover. How was your flight?

"That's good to hear."

She was not surprised when she felt Frank's hands on her hips and the head of his cock pushing into her.

"Nothing much lover, just trying to keep your dad entertained."


"He's in bed right now. He took the kids to see "Happy Feet," that film about penguins. I think young people wear him out.

"Oh God honey, I don't know. I don't think I know any one we could set him up with."

"I wouldn't worry about that baby. He is still a good looking man and I'd bet money that he is getting laid."

Frank wasn't fucking her very hard and she needed for him to be slamming his cock hard and deep in her.

"I love you honey. Take care and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye baby."

She put the phone down and moaned, "Harder daddy, harder. Fuck your slut hard daddy, fuck me hard and make me cum."

She woke up with Frank's arms around her and she looked over at the bedside clock. She had time before she needed to get the kids up so she slid down and took Frank's cock in her mouth and started sucking on it. It started to firm up and by the time Frank was awake she was easing herself down on his stiff rod.

"Just lie there daddy while I start my day off right."

She started riding him; sliding up and down and rocking back and forth. She felt an orgasm coming and she pounded down on her father in laws pole until she felt the explosion and then she rolled off of him and onto her back.

"Come on daddy, fuck your little boys wife and send her off to work full of your cum."

Frank moved between her legs, slammed his cock into her and gave her another climax and then blew his load into her clutching cunt. She gave him a passionate kiss and then got out of bed to go wake the kids up and get them ready for school.

Fucking Frank started her day out right and set the tone for the rest of the day. She gave out two blow jobs, one going and one coming home. She teased the front row boys and then spent two hours in Hank's van before going home to feed the kids, play with them until bedtime and then spread herself out on her bed for Frank.

Tuesday was a repeat of Monday (including the two hours in Hank's van) until the kids were in bed and asleep and then she called for Chris and Bobby. She was on the bed with Frank pounding his cock into her ass (he just loved anal) when Chris and Bobby came into the room followed by Sarah.

"I heard that there was a new cock in town to play with so I thought I would join you tonight. Care to introduce me to your stud?"

"Sarah, this is Rick's dad and Rick's dad is getting off on fucking his little boys wife. Dad, this is Sarah and she gets off on fucking her little boys. Now that everyone knows everyone lets fuck."

All three guys fucked both women at least twice and she watched the look on Frank's face as he saw Sarah take on both of her sons, one in her pussy, and one in her ass. He couldn't believe it. She giggled as she grabbed his hard cock and said:

"Never mind them daddy. Your daughter in law wants your cock in her butt."

She got up on her knees and buried her head in a pillow and then moaned as Frank pushed his cock into her ass. He fed her long hard strokes and after a bit she felt an orgasm coming on. The phone rang and she didn't want to answer it, but because it might be Rick she had to. She picked up the bedside phone:


"Good evening slut. Thinking of me?"

"No I'm not."

"Well I'm thinking of you and making my plans to fuck you in all three of your holes. Looking forward to that?"

"No" she said as Frank gripped her hips and started fucking her harder. She moaned and The Watcher laughed and said:

"Oh ho, the little slut is getting some dick even as we speak. And I know it isn't Rick because I know he is out of town. Oh sweet slut, I should have called earlier and maybe it could be me pushing a cock into you."

"Leave me alone!"

She hung up the phone and when Frank asked her who had been on the phone she told him it was one of those pesky telemarketers.

"You should have let him listen to you crying when you have your orgasm."

"That would be just about now" she moaned as she came and five seconds later Frank sent his fluids into her.

After Sarah and the boys left Frank asked, "She is really their mother?"

"So they say."

"Damn. That is really way out there."

"No farther out than you fucking your baby boy's wife. Speaking of which, have you got one more left in you?"

He did, and then they fell asleep together.

For the next couple of days it seemed like all she did was fuck and suck. A morning quickie with Frank, two blow jobs in the car, two or three hours in Hank's van and then home to take on Chris, Bobby and Frank after the kids were asleep. Even though the boys came over every night Sarah had to stay home. She could only come when she could tell Charlie that she needed to help Kathleen with something and she couldn't do that every night.

Frank kept asking her when Sarah would be coming back. "Why daddy? Are you losing interest in me already?"

"Not hardly. I'll be spending most of my time trying to figure out ways and reasons to get back here or get you to visit me. But I do have to say that if Sarah wasn't married I'd be working hard on her to get her to come home with me."

"Well daddy, even if she wasn't married you wouldn't be able to separate her from those randy sons of hers."

"I wouldn't want to. I'm not as young as I once was and I'd need help in keeping her happy."

"You are that kinky?"

"Sweetie, you don't know the half of it. Rick's mother was an absolute slut. I can't even remember how many times I had to stand in the closet and watch while she fucked her way through half the men in our town. She wouldn't let me come out and join in because she was afraid I'd scare her lovers away. With Sarah I bet I wouldn't have to spend one minute in the closet or standing outside looking in the bedroom window."

She started laughing and Frank asked her what was so funny. "Rick thinks his mother was a saint and here you are telling me that she was as big a whore as I am."

"You are not a whore Kathleen. You are a slut, not a whore. Sluts give it away; whores charge."

Little do you know father in law dear as she remembered that Saturday in the K-Mart parking lot. She reached out and took hold of his limp cock. "Got one more for your little slut daddy?"

"If you can get it up I can drive it home."

"Well then, let's see what I can do."

Wednesday morning, for the first time since that night in the hotel that started it all, she had no desire to suck a cock. She looked over at the limp one lying on Frank's leg and didn't even consider reaching over and touching it. She wondered if that was the way it was; that there was a limit on how long something could drive you. She liked sucking cock, she always had, but she knew it wasn't the cock sucking that had been driving her - it was the being watched. She didn't mind sucking off the guys in the car pool and she didn't mind fucking them, but it was the watching that drove her.

Would she have sucked off Hank in his van every night if there were only the two of them? She knew she wouldn't, but put the other three in there to watch her do it and she got right into it. Everything she had done since that night in the hotel had been the result of being watched. True, she had put herself in situations where she would be watched, but so what? But suddenly she didn't want to be watched.

She slipped out of bed and closed the bedroom door behind her so the kids wouldn't see grandpa in mommy's bed and then she went to get them up. While the kids were eating breakfast she called Hank and told him she was running way late and wouldn't be able to car pool. It was a fib of course; she just didn't want to suck a cock and she didn't want to fight about it. On the drive to school she wondered if the urge to be watched had run its course; if it had gone just as suddenly as it had appeared. It certainly seemed that way.

She didn't even feel like letting her front row boys see anything. Even when Barry asked her if she would like his help in finishing the work on the shelf she no. Driving home that night she wondered what she would do if Frank wanted to climb in bed with her. Then she realized how silly the question was; if Frank wanted to? He was probably already hard waiting for her to get home. And then there was Chris and Bobby. They were expecting to spend every night with her that Rick was gone and she HAD made that damned deal with them.

Everything changed when she went to Sarah's to pick up the kids. Bobby answered the door when she rang the bell and the smile on his face when he saw her started a stirring in her loins. Damn! What was it with her and young boys? He hollered out:

"Mom, Kathleen is here."

"Send her back here to the kitchen."

She walked into the kitchen and Sarah smiled at her and said, "Do you want them tonight or are you ready for a break?"

"If you had asked me that this morning I would have said I needed a rest, but that mood went away when Bobby answered the door and smiled at me. Frank keeps asking me when you are going to come back over."


"Yes, you. He told me if you weren't already married he would try to get you to go home with him."

"He did? Well mercy me."

"When I told him that even if you weren't married he wouldn't be able to separate you from the boys he said he wouldn't want to. Said he would need their help to keep you satisfied."

"He said that did he?"

"Oh yes Sarah girl, he definitely has the hots for you."

"I guess that I will have to find some excuse to come over then. You sure you won't mind my horning in on your fun tonight?"

"Just bring the boys and come on over."

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