The Adventures Of Karhleen M. - Cover

The Adventures Of Karhleen M.

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A young housewife and mother discovers she has a kinky side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Slow  

She was still horny when she woke up Saturday morning. She got the kids up and dressed and while they were eating their breakfast she called Sarah.

"Are the boys up yet?"

"A little eager are you?"

"I'd say no, but you would know that I was lying. What I wanted was for them to go with me when I take the kids to dance class. I want to drop the kids and then take a motel room instead of driving all the way back here and then turning around and driving all the way back to pick up the kids. A motel will give me more time with your babies."

"Damn! I wish I could go with you, but Charlie has already made me promise to go shopping with him. I'll get them up. Don't wear them out. If Charlie goes to the boat show this afternoon I'm going to want to do a little playing of my own."

"You old slut you."

"Yeah, ain't it grand? What time do you want them there?"

"I need to leave by nine."

"They'll be there."

She dropped the kids at dance and then headed for a motel about a mile away. She got a room and as soon as they were in it she was stripping off her clothes. She sat on the edge of the bed urging the boys to hurry and undress while fingering her pussy.

Chris was the first one naked and he came over to her, knelt down and pushed her hand away from her cunt. "Scoot up" he said and she moved forward so that only half of her ass was still on the bed. Chris pushed her legs wide and then he started eating her pussy. By then Bobby was undressed and he walked over and offered his hard cock to her mouth and as she took it in she again thought of how depraved she was being - sucking off a fourteen year old while a sixteen year old ate her pussy.

For several minutes she worked on Bobby while Chris attacked her clit and then she pushed both boys away and spread herself out on the bed.

"What I need boys - what I really need - is a hard cock in my pussy. Who wants to be first?"

Bobby giggled and said, "Your pussy is nice, but your blow jobs are great" and he crawled up on the bed so his cock was back at her mouth. She opened her mouth to lick the head of Bobby's cock as she felt Chris push her legs apart. She moaned in pleasure as Chris drove his stiff dick into her and then she just turned herself over to the two teenagers.

They each fucked her three times and she always had a cock in her mouth trying to get it hard again. The last fuck was the classic double penetration - pussy and ass - that the two boys seemed partial to. At least they seemed partial to it; they had done it almost every time the two of them had fucked her. She remembered the ones she had done with Billy and Todd and she silently thanked them for doing it to her in her new kitchen on move in day. It was them fucking her on the kitchen floor that had made the lusty couplings with Chris and Bobby possible.

When the two boys had squirted their last loads into her pussy and rectum the three of them had showered together and the soaping and washing of each other's bodies got her hot again and more than anything she wanted to get back on the bed with both boys, but she couldn't because she had to pick up the kids. She had come prepared so while the boys were dressing she douched herself thoroughly to get all of the teenage cum out of her cavity.

It also cleaned out all of the spermicide she had packed into her pussy before leaving the house. She smiled to herself as she wondered if she could apply for a discount since she was using so much of the stuff. With all of the sex she had been having since the night at the hotel she had probably gone through a gallon of the stuff. She was counting heavily on the spermicide, her birth control pills and her diaphragm. She gave both boys a passionate kiss just before leaving the room and she promised them she would try and see them on their father's next bowling night.

Rick was standing by the curb with his bags as she pulled into the passenger pick-up zone. She got out of the car and threw herself into his arms before he could even pick up the bags to put them in the car. She kissed him hungrily and passionately as a couple of people watched and cheered and still others honked their horns angrily for her to load up and move out of the way. Rick pulled away from her and said:

"We had better get out of her before your wild sex drive gets us in deep trouble."

As she pulled away from the curb she asked, "How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That I was mere nano-seconds from going to my knees and sucking your cock in front of all of those people."

"I didn't know, but from the way you have been lately I wouldn't have put it past you."

"You want me to pull over and let you drive? I could give you some great head on the way home."

"Good God woman, is that all you think about any more?"

"What do you expect from me lover? You've been gone six days and even before my hormones got scrambled we made love two and three times a week. I'm ready lover; hell, I'm more than ready."

"Well just try and control yourself until we get home."

They were no sooner in the front door than she was tugging at his zipper and working his and working his pants down.

"What are you doing? Where are the kids?"

"I arranged for Sarah to keep them for a while." She took hold of Rick's cock and started leading him to the bedroom. "As for what I'm doing, I'm sure that you will figure it out soon enough. After this little welcome home party I'll go get the kids, we will have dinner, and then you can play with the kids while I go and make myself look really sexy for after they go to bed. Plan on a long night lover."

During dinner Rick said, "I talked to my dad while I was gone. He will be in town for two weeks working on the addition to McCaffery's. I told him he could stay with us. Will that be a problem?"

"Of course not" she said while thinking, "Hell yes it is a problem. How the hell am I going to take care of Chris and Bobby with your father here."

"Also" Rick said, "I might as well tell you now. I have to go back to Seattle the week after next to oversee the installation, set-up and break in of the new system."

"How long will you be gone this time?"

"If everything goes right I should be home on Friday."

"So you will be gone another six days?"

"Hopefully no. If I have good luck I can be home early Thursday, but this trip has taught me that I need to allow for glitches."

She was looking at him and thinking, "Shit! He will be gone and I could get five or six of the times in that my deal with Chris and Bobby call for, but I'm going to be saddled with his dad. Shit! Shit! Shit!"

"When is your dad going to arrive?"

"Tuesday afternoon. Why?"

"I'll need to get the spare room ready for him. Just wanted to make sure I don't have to do it tonight. I have plans for tonight in case you have forgotten. So, go play with the kids while I do the dinner dishes and then go and prepare myself. I plan on reducing you to a puddle of sweat by morning. And I'll tell you now, you are in for a very hard Sunday and Monday and possibly Tuesday morning."


"You know how you are when your dad is here. I need to stock up."

She had washed and dried the dishes and was putting them away when the phone rang. She picked it up on the second ring:


"You disappointed me slut. I drove over to your house, but you didn't leave the light on for me. The house was dark inside and out. Too bad. We could have had an entire night to do the things I promised you that I would do to you."

"You should have rung the doorbell."

"What, and take a chance on waking up the children?"

"You apparently know me well enough to know which bedroom is mine. You could have tapped on the window."

"And have the neighbors see me and call the cops? Or maybe you wanted me to do something like that so you could call them."

"Whatever. You missed your chance. Why are you calling me on this number at this time of day? Don't you know that my husband could have answered?"

"I would have just hung up."

"Oh great, the old "If a man answers hang up" ploy. Just what I need to get him to start being suspicious."

"Honey, you are a slut. He will find out eventually."

"Fuck you asshole!"

As she hung up the phone Rick asked from the living room, "Who was on the phone sweetie?"

"It was Sarah. She wanted to know if I was free On Tuesday night to help her with a quilt she is making. I told her no because your dad will be here."

"Don't you worry about that. He and I will have a lot of catching up to do so I'll be keeping him busy. You go on and help Sarah."

She finished putting away the dishes, looked into the family room to see Rick sitting on the floor playing with the kids and the sight gladdened her heart. It was so good to have him home with her. She went down to the basement and tossed a load of laundry in the washer and then went upstairs to the bedroom and started digging through her chest of drawers looking for what she wanted to wear. She found what she was looking for and then she showered, dried off and then worked on her hair and make up until she was satisfied and then she dressed.

By the time she had moved the clothing from the washer to the dryer Rick had put the kids to bed and when she got back upstairs she looked in on them and kissed them both goodnight. She walked into the bedroom and found Rick lying on the bed with his hard cock rising from his groin and pointing at the ceiling.

"A little anxious are we?"

"Hey lady, it has been six days for me too."

She eyed his erection and the said, "Oh pooh! I guess I went to all of this trouble for nothing" and she let the robe she was wearing slip from her shoulders to the floor. She stood there, posed in front of Rick in a white baby doll, ivory thigh highs and white strappy sandals with four inch heels.

"I wouldn't say it was for nothing. It should work to inspire me to get it up again quickly."

"Oh baby, aren't you the silver-tongued devil. How about I come over there and let you put that tongue to use."


As she was coming down from the orgasm that Rick's mouth had given her Rick lifted her legs up on his shoulders and slid his cock into her. She moaned as he drove his full length into her hot cavern and her hands clutched at the sheets as she tried to push her hips up to meet him. She was looking up at him and she saw something flicker across his face and she wondered what it was. Rick closed his eyes and he reached under her to cup her ass cheeks in his hands and he started ramming his cock hard into her. He gave her two orgasms before pushing hard into her and then holding still as his cock shot streams of his hot juice into her cunt.

He held himself in her until he was soft and then he pulled out. He was leaning over her and looking down at her with a strange expression on his face so she asked him what he was thinking.

"You feel different. You are looser than I remember; not as tight."

Oh shit she thought, she hadn't even considered that Morrie and Roy had stretched her out some. Oh she knew that they had, but she had expected that she would have closed up after a day. Bobby and Chris hadn't mentioned it so she hadn't given it a thought, but she knew that she needed to do some quick damage control.

"Sorry" she said, "I thought I would have closed up by now. I didn't realize that it might take longer than I thought."

"Closed up? Take longer than you thought?"

"Well baby, it was a pretty big cock."

Rick's face went pale and then started the other way as some red indicated that anger was starting to appear.

"Stop that silly; don't go getting all pissed off macho on me. It isn't what you are thinking."

She got off the bed, went into the closet and came back out with her fake cock. She was very glad that it was bigger around than her husband.

"Rick, meet Ricky. Rickey keeps me company when you are gone. I spent all week anticipating fucking your brains out last night and when you missed your flight I was so horny and frustrated that I think I may have overdone my usage of Ricky last night. I must have gotten myself off six times. As you can see, Ricky is a pretty big guy and he does open me up a little, but I thought normal elasticity would have closed me up by now. I'll know better next time."

"I can be replaced that easily?"

"Don't be silly baby, Ricky can't replace you. He can't cum and I don't know if you know it or not, but rubber cocks don't taste all that good. He can't replace you baby, but he can keep me from climbing walls."

She made a mental note to get an even bigger one before she saw Morrie and Roy again. She tossed "Ricky" aside and slid down to take Rick's cock in her mouth. She sucked on it for ten seconds or so and then took her mouth off him long enough to say:

"Yep, definitely tastes better than a rubber one" and then she went back to sucking on him. As soon as Rick was hard she mounted him and rode him 'cowgirl' until he came and then after that it was suck, fuck, suck and fuck until poor Rick just could not get it up again.

Sunday was a slow day as far as she was concerned. Rick spent most of the day playing with the kids. She tried sending them outside to play so she and Rick could stay inside and play, but Rick shot that down.

"I know your evil intent woman, and I refuse o fall for it."

"Spoil sport!"

"Be reasonable woman. Let me get breakfast, lunch and dinner under my belt to help me build up some strength before you hurt me again."

It killed her to leave him alone when he was so close, but she had to admit that he had a point. It would be a lot better if he had enough strength to stay with her for a while.

Rick took the kids to the park to play and she took advantage of his absence to call Sarah and ask if she could join Sarah and the boys on Tuesday when Charlie was off bowling. Sarah told her she would be more than welcome and then Kathleen said:

"If you don't mind, I may be able to come over on Thursday also."

"Oh my goodness honey; it sounds like you are getting a mite attached to my babies."

"Well, I do have to admit that Bobby has a magic mouth and I am becoming addicted to the way he eats my pussy, but the real reason is that I'm trying to see to it that I live up to my end of the bargain to give them twice a week. I won't be able to give them Saturdays for the next two weeks."

"That's a shame honey; they both had such a good time yesterday."

"I did too Sarah, but Rick's dad is going to be staying with us for two weeks and that is going to make it hard on me to get free."

"Don't you worry about it none honey. The boys knew going in that there might be times it would be hit and miss. You are always welcome on Charlie's bowling nights - always!"

As she hung up the phone she thought that it was too bad that Rick's dad was going to be there. With Charlie's two bowling nights and Saturdays she could get the sixteen times out of the way in a hurry. She was honest with herself; she knew she would continue to see both boys after the sixteen times were over, but it would be when she felt like it and not on a schedule.

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