The Adventures Of Karhleen M. - Cover

The Adventures Of Karhleen M.

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A young housewife and mother discovers she has a kinky side.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Slow  

It was a beautiful Sunday and Rick had taken the kids to the park to play on the swings and slide. She was in the backyard working on her landscaping plan and trying to figure out what she want to do with the north corner when she heard, "Hi neighbor." She turned to see Sarah coming toward her.

"What are you up to?"

"Trying to come up with a landscaping plan for the yard."

"The soil here is pretty acidic so keep that in mind when choosing plants. When you get ready to do the work I'll loan you my boys to do the heavy lifting."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Part of why I do this is that I like to do it all myself. I like to look at the finished product and know that every last bit of it was me. I won't even let Rick help."

"I wondered why I didn't see him out here with you."

"He took the kids to the park."

"Well, if you change your mind let me know. You can use the boys whenever you want. Got to go; talk with you later."

As Sarah walked away she thought, "Me use them? Little do you know it Sarah, but they want to use me."

A half hour later she was throwing a load of laundry in the washing machine when the doorbell rang. When she answered the door she found Chris and Bobby standing there.


"Can we come in?"


"We saw your husband and your kids at the park and we knew that you would be here all alone."


"Well, you know, we thought it might be a good time for us to... you know."

Oh yes, she knew all right. "Sorry, this would not be a good time."

"Why not?"

"Because they might come home at any minute."

"So when would be a good time?"

Never if I can help it she thought, but even as she had the thought she knew she was kidding herself. As long as Chris had that picture on his cell phone she was at risk. Better to just get it over with.

"Rick will be out of town tomorrow night. Why don't you come over around nine after the kids have gone to bed and we can talk about it."

"Talk about it?"

"Yes Chris, talk about it. And then we will see."

"Okay. Come on Bobby" he said pointedly, "Let's go look at the pictures on my cell phone."

"Little shit head" she thought as he and Bobby walked away. And then it hit her! He said pictures, not picture. How many did he have?

It was Hank's week to drive and it was also his turn to enjoy the trip to work. Since his van only had the two captain's chairs up front he was driving his Taurus. She was busy doing her best to get him off when he suddenly said, "Oh shit!!" and she felt the car start to slow down.

"What's wrong" Steve asked.

"The cops are pulling me over."

She hurriedly sat up while Hank pulled over onto the shoulder and parked. "Damn it, I was almost there" he said as he quickly put his cock away, zipped up and the got his wallet out so he could get to his driver's license. He rolled down the window as the officer walked up and asked for his license, registration and proof of insurance. Hank leaned over and got an envelope out of the glove box and handed it and his license to the officer.

"The reason I stopped you sir, is that you were driving 56 in a 45 miles per hour zone."

"I didn't notice. I guess I was distracted talking baseball with the guys in back."

"With the guys in the back or the lady in front? I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Oops" Steve said, "I think he knows what was really distracting you."

She sat there red-faced as the guys joked about it. "Hey Kath, you have a new nickname. We will call you Miss Distraction from now on, or Miss Dis for short."

The officer came back in five minutes and as he handed the documents back to Hank he looked right at her as he said:

"I'm letting you go with a warning this time. You need to pay a little more attention to your driving and avoid the... um... distractions."

As they pulled back out into traffic Hank said, "Since I was interrupted I get to finish tonight right?"

She grinned and said, "That isn't up to me. You need to ask the rest of them if they are willing to have the rotation changed."

"Ralph, who was next in the rotation said, "I don't know about that Hank. It was your own fault that you were driving too fast. Why should the rest of us have to pay for you being... er... um... distracted by Miss Dis."

"What do you mean "The rest of us?" I'm just asking you."

"If I move from this afternoon to tomorrow morning that means that Harry has to move from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon and it is a ripple effect that moves everybody. Hey, what do the rest of you guys think? Should we have to pay for his bad driving?"

The four men were still debating when they pulled into the parking lot at school. "What is your position on this Miss Dis" Steve asked as they were getting out of the car.

"I don't have a position. I'm the doer; you doees get to decide. I'll see you tonight" and she headed on inside the school.

As she worked through the day she thought about how turned on she had gotten knowing that the cop, even though he hadn't seen it, knew that she had been going down on Hank. She wondered how he could have known until she realized that she had told him by suddenly sitting up. He had seen her pop up and had figured out what it meant. She remembered the look on his face as he looked right in the eye and told Hank to pay more attention to his driving.

The cop wanted her!!! She could see it in his eyes. She wondered what it would be like to be handcuffed in the back of his cruiser as he and his partner did a full body search on her. Oh my God would that be so hot!

Her mind had wandered and suddenly she woke up to the fact that she was still in front of a class and she pulled herself back to he task at hand. "Miss Abbeg, would you please show us the problem on the board?"

When she got to the car after classes she found Harry, Steve and Ralph already in the back seat so it looked like Hank had won the day. As they pulled up to their cars in the mall parking lot Hank said:

"Since I'm not driving the van this week is there any chance we can have some fun in the back of your Suburban? It has tinted windows."

"No chance at all. I have a ton of things I have to do tonight and I need to get home. Besides, I don't mind leaving traces of what we do in your van for you to clean up, but I don't want to have to clean up the Suburban. I might miss something and hubby could find it. You guys will just have to settle for head until you drive the van again."

As she pulled out of the parking lot she wondered how she was going to handle Sarah's boys when they came over. She needed to get those photos deleted off that phone before it got into the wrong hands.

The evening went a lot faster than she thought it would. She had expected time to drag as she looked forward to what was going to happen with a certain amount of dread. Not over what she was going to have to do - there was something deliciously wicked about having sex with young boys - but about the fact that they were young boys. Young boys who would be so full of themselves over what they had done that the temptation to brag about it might be just too much for them to keep quiet. She'd had the same doubts when it came to Billy and Todd, but she had been able to control the situation by promising them they wouldn't get any more of her if they breathed a word to anyone. She could make that promise because she was moving and they wouldn't be getting too much more of her anyway. But it wouldn't be the same with Chris and Bobby - she wasn't going to move away.

She fed the kids and then put their favorite tape -"Free Willy" - in the VCR and left them to watch it while she did the dinner dishes, cleaned the kitchen and put a load of laundry in the washing machine. She sat down and watched the tape with the kids and when it ended she got them ready for bed, tucked them in and kissed them goodnight. She looked at her watch and saw that it was eight o'clock. That would give the kids an hour to fall asleep before Chris and Bobby arrived.

The doorbell chimed at exactly nine o'clock and she took a deep breathe and went to answer it. She found the two boys standing there with big smiles on their faces and she couldn't help but notice that their trousers were already tented. She had to fight herself to keep from reaching out and stroking them through their pants. She knew she would see them soon enough and she didn't want to seem too eager.

She let them in and led them to the living room and had them sit down on the couch as she took the easy chair opposite. She took a deep breath and then went straight at it.

"Okay, I know what you want, but we need to talk about what I want. I want those pictures to disappear. I want them deleted, destroyed, obliterated, totally gone. I want you to give me the phone and I'll buy you a new one; just tell me what kind you want."

Chris, the sixteen year old, looked over at his brother and then said, "Okay, but what do we get in exchange besides a brand new phone?"

"Isn't what I'm going to have to do tonight enough?"

"No. We had had kind of planned to make a habit of it."

"What do you mean, "A habit?"

"A couple of times a week from now on."

"No way. The longer it goes on the more likely I will get caught and if I'm going to get caught anyway I might as well get it over with now. And a couple of times a week would be out of the question anyway. I can't get out in the evenings so that means the only time we could do it would be Saturday morning and even then it could only happen between the time I could get back here from taking the kids to their lessons and then having to go back and pick them up."

"Okay then, I guess we are just wasting our time here. Too bad it has to be this way. Come on Bobby, let's go."

She watched the boys get up to leave and she knew she had to do something to stop them. "Wait, don't go yet. Let's see if we can't find a way to work this out." The boys sat back down and she said:

"We can do Saturday's and any other time that my husband is gone. It may not be twice a week, or it could be more. It just wouldn't be a set schedule."

"What do you mean?"

Like this week for example. Rick will be gone for four days so you can have those three nights and Saturday. Next week you might only get Saturday, but the week after you may get two nights and a Saturday or maybe one night and a Saturday. It should average out to twice a week. But I am serious about long term. If I'm going to get caught I might as well get it over with right now."

"How long?"

"Since we are dealing in averages here let's say the equivalent of two months. Twice a week for two months would be sixteen times so we make sixteen times the goal. Once we reach sixteen times it is over."

"You said you don't want long term, but sixteen times if we only do it on Saturday will take months."

"Maybe, but most likely not. Take this week for example. You get all the nights my husband is gone plus Saturday. That is four times right there. You might only get one or two next week, but you might get four the week after that. If it worked out that way that would be ten times in three weeks."

Chris turned to his brother, "What do you think Bobby?"

"I think we should take the sixteen times."

"Okay" Chris said, "We have a deal. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

She stood up and led them into the bedroom. They sat down on the bed and watched her strip for them and then they stripped and climbed on the bed. She was moving to join them on the bed when the phone rang. She picked up the cordless on the bedside table and said:


"Oh hi darling." Miss me?"

"I miss you too baby."

"Oh that is so sweet of you."

"No baby, don't look at it that way. You don't have to worry about me being alone because I'm not."

"No baby" she said as she looked at the two young boys waiting for her on the bed, "I'm not alone because I have the kids with me."

"No baby, I'm sorry, but you can't." She looked at the boys and said, "The kids are already in bed and I'm getting ready to get in bed too."

"I love you too baby, good night."

She hung up the phone and got on the bed with the two kids. "How do you want to do this?"

"Just lie back and relax" Chris said, "You will know what to do when it is time."

He bent his head and took her right breast in his mouth and his fourteen year old brother did the same to her left. Both boys reached down to her pussy and one found her clit and began rubbing it while the other slid his fingers in her pussy and started working on it. It was obvious to her that the boys were not novices at this; they had done it before and more than once. She moaned and spread her legs wider and pushed her pussy up at the hands working on it. In only a few minutes the boys had her unbelievably hot and she was writhing and moaning and Chris asked:

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