Ravaged Music Teacher - Cover

Ravaged Music Teacher


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A story that deals with a sexual dilemma that confronts us all in one form or another. We cannot pass judgment on the solutions of others. We can only look at them with an open mind, seeing how some members of our society face the problem.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Cheating   Slut Wife   Rough   Swinging   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Shortly after Buzz had left the salesman's wife, he'd driven toward his own neighborhood, even though it wasn't his official beat.

Sometimes he did this to check and see if his wife's car was there. Not that she'd ever screw around on him, of course, but the cynical cop in his blood would never let him rest. She'd been gone a lot at night lately, but she was always visiting friends, gossiping and playing rummy. She played one hell of a lot of rummy these days, Buzz noted. She played so much rummy that he was beginning to wonder why she wasn't the world's champion at it.

Her car wasn't in the driveway, but he saw Sylvia's bedroom light on. A good girl, Sylvia was probably sweating over her homework. But, dammit, she'd left the kitchen light on. He frowned at this and parked the police car at the curb.

Fucking electric bills were so high nowadays, they'd be better off living by candlelight. How many times had he told his daughter to turn off all the lights in the house except her own?

Buzz entered the house quietly and started toward the kitchen. He paused in the living room, cocking his head. He stared upstairs. Strange, wild sounds were coming from Sylvia's bedroom. It wasn't her stereo either. Moans and low screams and sharp gasps.

Never quick-witted, Buzz frowned and thought about this for a minute. It sounded to him like someone was screwing up there! That wasn't possible, of course - not with his little girl.

Slowly, he crept up the stairs, listening intently. Buzz's home was his castle, and someone was violating his castle. Maybe Sylvia was letting one of her girlfriends use her bedroom for a hot date. He'd have none of that freako-pervert shit going on in his house, by God.

Outside Sylvia's bedroom door, the sounds were very loud. Buzz's face became grim. He wondered if he should whip out his .357 magnum, kick in the door with the heel of his boot, and leap in ready to shoot.

Even for Buzz's comic-strip mind, this seemed a little heavy under the circumstances. Who could be using Sylvia's bedroom?

Very quietly, he turned the knob. He crept into the room. What he saw left him stunned. There were two naked young girls on the bed. The one with her back to him looked like Sylvia. Her hot, plump ass was swinging eagerly. She was squeezing the other girl's tits in her greedy fingers. The other girl was doing something to his daughter's pussy, if it was his daughter. Buzz couldn't see what, though, from the angle he was at.

The realization struck him like a giant fist. By God - that was Sylvia!

Along with the deepest rage of Buzz's life rose the hottest excitement he'd ever felt. His long prick leaped violently in his pants. His throat was hard and dry when he tried to speak the first time.

When he did manage a strangled question, Sylvia whirled her head around and went chalk white. The other girl looked at Buzz with horror, too. He recognized her now, facing the impossible once more.

It was Sylvia's best friend, little Cindy Smith.

Buzz shook his head in stunned disbelief. Jenny Smith's little girl, the pride of the Sunday school Bible class? Naked in bed with his daughter? He saw now what Cindy had in her hand. It was a quivering vibrator, wet with cunt juice.

Shaking with rage, Buzz closed the bedroom door behind him.

His whole world came tumbling down in those few shattering seconds.

If there was any hope for this fucked-up, degenerate, weirdo-kinko, dope-infested, virgin-fucking-bastard sick society, it lay in sweet young girls like his own precious daughter, and gospel-singing Cindy Smith.

That fervent hope had just keeled over and died with a whimper.

"Now you girls," Buzz said hoarsely, striding to the bed and towering over them, "you girls just tell me what's going on here. What the fuck is this?"

Cindy burst into tears and buried her face in a pillow. He might as well shoot her now, because once her mother and father found out, going to hell would seem like a girl scout picnic.

"I said," Buzz roared, eyes bulging on his daughter's naked, trembling flesh, "what the fuck is this?"

Whatever else Sylvia might be, she was not chicken-hearted, and she would never betray a friend.

"It's my fault, Daddy," she whispered, her eyes wide with fear. "I did it - Cindy didn't do anything! I tricked her into letting me tie her down, and then I - well, I ate her pussy."

Buzz's jaw dropped again. "Ate her pussy?" he echoed. "You ate her pussy?" Sylvia's heart raced in her chest, making her luscious tits heave with fright. She nodded. "That's right, Daddy. I ate her pussy. Then I fucked her with Mommy's vibrator." "Mommy's vibrator?" Buzz didn't even know his wife had one of those kinky whoppers! "You screwed her with Mommy's vibrator?"

Sylvia nodded, thinking desperately. It was glaringly obvious to her that her father had an enormous hard-on. The sneaky bastard! It bulged in his uniform pants like a throbbing, obscenely massive hump.

The blonde was sharply aware that she and Cindy were in deep, serious trouble. Maybe she couldn't save her own ass, but the least she could do was try to save Cindy's. She knew her father's terrible temper, and she also knew he was slow-witted. Making a snap decision, Sylvia turned to Cindy and shook her roughly by the shoulder.

"Cindy! Go into the bathroom and stay there for ten minutes. Go, dammit!"

She slapped the sobbing girl viciously on the ass, and Cindy jumped. Hiding her face, she rushed to the bathroom and bolted the door.

Buzz watched all this with a gaping jaw and bulging eyes. It happened so fast all he saw was a blur of cute ass-cheeks bouncing frantically. He didn't even get a good look at her tits!

The blonde now spoke and moved rapidly, spurred by sheer desperation. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She unzipped her father's pants as she talked, and took out his long, throbbing cock in her fist. She began jerking it rapidly.

"Listen, Daddy," she rushed, "I know how upset you are, and I don't blame you. I mean, you come home and find your daughter having sex with another girl, and that's terrible, isn't it? But gosh, Daddy, it's not the end of the world! I did it because I was thinking about you, and that's the truth! I mean, a girl has to find out about sex somehow, and it's not as bad as screwing a whole lot of boys, is it? Two girls just playing together - we weren't hurting anyone!"

"Ate her pussy?" repeated Buzz numbly. "You ate her pussy?"

His dazed mind was still clinging to that one, even as his eyes raked over Sylvia's luscious, silken curves. He tried to picture his tawny blonde daughter going down on Cindy Smith's little pink pussy. The image made his massive hard-on quiver wildly in Sylvia's hot fist.

His mind was also trying to register the astonishing fact that his naked, sexy daughter was jerking his cock in her fist. Things were moving too fast for Buzz Watkins. His mind was torn between rage and seething lust for the gorgeous young girl playing with his cock. At the same time, he was trying to understand what she was saying.

"Yes, I ate her pussy," admitted Sylvia, stroking his prick faster. She had to keep talking, keep his attention off Cindy! She knew what Cindy's parents were like. She could handle her father, she was sure. She'd conned and manipulated the rugged cop since she was a little girl, and although she knew he was a dumb bastard, as she secretly thought of him, Sylvia loved him in her own way. After all, he was her father.

He also had the biggest prick she'd ever seen, shaming the teacher who took her cherry and the countless boys she'd eagerly fucked.

"Oh, Daddy, you've got a monster here! I'll suck you off on one condition - just one condition."

"Suck it off," whispered Buzz. A giant drop of jism had oozed out of his flaming cockhead.

"One condition," repeated Sylvia patiently. "You don't say a word about Cindy to her parents. Not a word, Daddy! And you can have me any time you want."

"Cindy," echoed Buzz. "You ate her pussy!"

Sylvia was growing exasperated, but she had to be patient, had to get his promise. "Not a word to Cindy's parents, Daddy! Her whole life would be wrecked, and it was all my fault, too. Just because Miss Mason ate my pussy this afternoon, and... and... "

Oh shit! thought Sylvia with despair. Her father suddenly seized her by her hair and jerked her head back, his blazing eyes holding hers.

"What? Miss Mason ate your pussy? Miss Mason?"

"The music teacher," sighed Sylvia, close to tears now. She blew it! Every time she used the magic words, "eat pussy" his attention jerked to life. But better to sacrifice the sexy brunette teacher than her best friend.

"It was Miss Mason's fault!" Sylvia rushed on, clutching at the straw. If someone had to take the blame, better the hot-lipped teacher than poor Cindy. "Miss Mason did it, Daddy! She went down on me this afternoon and she turned me on, and the next thing I knew I was doing it to Cindy! That's the truth, Daddy. Will you let Cindy go now?"

Buzz released her hair. He struggled to remember what the teacher looked like. He'd met her once at choir practice. The memory of the tall, hotly stacked brunette came back vividly to his mind. That pervert freako bitch!

Suddenly Buzz whirled on his heel. With his crimson hard-on looming out obscenely from his pants, he picked up the phone and quickly dialed.

Sylvia trembled, holding her breath. But he was only calling in to the police station to tell them he'd run into a little domestic trouble and would be off the air for an hour or so. Maybe the rest of the night, he added, his eyes drinking in Sylvia's naked curves.

While he was still on the phone, Sylvia rushed to the bathroom door. She pounded on it and called Cindy's name until the panic-stricken girl opened the door.

"Get dressed and get out, fast!" Sylvia told her. "But wait until I'm keeping him busy, understand? He won't tell - don't worry, Cindy, I'll fix it. I swear it's okay. Got it?" Frantically, Cindy nodded.

The blonde girl went back to her father, who was hanging up the phone. Sylvia clutched his quivering cock in her fist and gently pulled him back to the bed.

Quickly, Sylvia put her burning lips on his prick. She sucked up the drop of thick jism. She began whipping her mouth back and forth on his boiling hard-on, putting everything she had into this one fiery blowjob.

Everything depended on it.

The feel of his own sexy daughter's burning lips churning feverishly on his huge cock blotted everything else from the cop's mind. Her blazing mouth felt tight and hot and wild on his cock and when Sylvia swirled her tongue around his cock-head, Buzz groaned and gripped her head in his hands.

He was barely aware of Cindy moving urgently in the bedroom. Wide-eyed with panic, Cindy slipped her dress on, leaving her mangled bra and panties on the floor. In less than a minute, the terrified girl was rushing down the stairs and out of the house.

At first, Cindy was afraid to go home. Suppose Buzz called her parents tonight? She told herself she had to trust Sylvia. The fast-talking blonde would save them both, if she just trusted her. Cindy went home, praying fervently all the way.

In Sylvia's bedroom, the schoolgirl sucked feverishly on Buzz's enormous hard-on. Her fear was quickly giving way to a deep, wanton excitement. She'd gone down on so many boys with such frenzied eagerness that cock-sucking was one of her greatest skills. But her father's cock was monstrous!

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