The Problem With Fooling Mother Nature - Cover

The Problem With Fooling Mother Nature

Copyright© 2006 by SexyBeast

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Trent buys a pheromone drug on the internet to seduce his high school crush, but things take a strange turn when he's waylaid by a storm and trapped in the house alone with his mother.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Rough   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

Rebecca awoke with a groan. She was lying on her stomach and she squinted against the light that came in through the curtains. It wasn't a bright morning, but the light was enough to hurt her eyes. Her head was cloudy and her mouth was dry. It had been quite sometime since she woke up feeling this way, but the funny thing was she couldn't remember drinking last night. Her days of wild partying were way, way behind her. She reached out for David, her husband, but he wasn't there, which wasn't so unusual. There were plenty of times when he would stay in the city if he was working on an intense trial. So what had she done last night?

It all came back in one horrible, quick flashback, but Rebecca remembered every detail. Her stomach lurched and she barely made in into the bathroom in time. She dropped to her knees and flipped the toilet open, violently retching into it while holding her blonde hair back. Surely she was recalling a horrible nightmare? Rebecca couldn't accept what she thought happened the night before. There was no way she'd had sex with her son! Images flashed through her mind, of her on her knees in front of him and getting on her hands and knees, her favorite position, for him. It made Rebecca sick all over again and she threw up until there was nothing but bile left.

With her back against the wall and her knees drawn up to her chest, Rebecca sat on the cold tile floor and sobbed. By the way her pussy felt she knew that what she thought she remembered was true. She'd fucked her son Trent. What the hell had gotten into her? Rebecca went over everything in her mind. She wasn't drunk, like that would be an excuse, so she couldn't blame it on that. Trent came home after skidding off the road on his way to a friend's house and after she was changed and dried off they say in front of the fire in the living room since the power was out. Though she hadn't thought about it, obviously the power was back on since her bedside clock had been flashing "12:00." There was something different about Trent from the time he came in, but Rebecca wasn't really aware of feeling anything until they were sitting in the living room under the blanket. Sure they were sitting close and Rebecca knew her son was an attractive young man, but she'd never, ever even considered Trent in that way before. But as she sat there with him something had come over her and before she knew it Rebecca was dripping wet and couldn't keep her hands off her own son. At first Trent seemed shocked by her behavior, but it didn't take long for her to get him to see things her way. What followed was some of the best sex of her life. God, Trent had a beautiful cock and it felt so good inside her.

Even with her stomach twisted in knots and her head pounding Rebecca felt her body responding to the memories of sex with her son. She was horrified that she felt such things and tried to banish the feelings, but it was impossible. Her nipples stiffened and pushed though the long t-shirt she slept in and she felt her pussy tingling. Nononononono, Rebecca told herself, but no amount of denial could stop her from feeling horny. Dammit, she thought, quickly pulling off her t-shirt and pushing down her panties. Rebecca pulled the shower door open and turned on the water as hot as she could stand it.

Rebecca stepped under the stinging water and it instantly turned her lightly tanned skin a bright pink while steam swirled around her. She ducked her head under the needles of hot water and soaked her hair before smoothing it back to her scalp. The hot water did not distract her from her horniness, but nor did she expect it to. If she wanted that a cold shower would have made sense, but Rebecca knew her body well enough to know that wouldn't have helped either. No, she was in the shower for some relief. She turned her front into the water and let the water sting her small breasts and hard nipples. As proud as she was of her body, especially at forty-four, Rebecca had always wished her chest was bigger. She'd sculpted her ass to perfection, but without surgery there was nothing she could do to make herself larger than a b-cup. But at least being small meant her breasts were still very firm. Thinking about her son made Rebecca reflect that her body was just as good as any girl's his age. She massaged her breasts and teased her own tender nipples with her fingernails. She loved doing that. With one hand she kept teasing her breasts, but she sent the other lower, pushing her fingers into a wedge, which she pushed between her thighs. Rebecca pressed right down on her clit, digging it from between her puffy lips. She moaned and pressed harder, moving those fingers in tight little circles. She worked her clit aggressively, almost punishing it, as she quickly brought herself to orgasm. Rebecca felt everything tightening up down there, which was a sure sign she was just about to cum. Her cries echoed in the shower stall and her heart pounded and in less than five minutes Rebecca gave herself a strong, quick orgasm. She gave her nipple a hard, sharp pinch when she felt herself cumming.

Putting her hand on the wall for balance, Rebecca sucked in the humid air and caught her breath. Although her sex life with David was great, she was no stranger to masturbation. He wasn't always there when she wanted to get off, or sometimes she wasn't in the mood for full blown sex, she just wanted to cum. Sometimes, she was just plain bored and had the house to herself. To her mind, she was just a normal woman with strong sexual appetites. At least she was normal until last night. She couldn't believe she'd had sex with Trent. Rebecca took the washcloth hanging from the shower handle and scrubbed her body as vigorously as she could.

Rebecca waited until midmorning before she left her bedroom, listening intently for any signs of activity in the house while wondering what the hell she was going to do. It didn't sound like Trent was up yet, which didn't surprise her as she usually had to drag her lazy son out of bed, and she decided she couldn't hide in her room any longer. Rebecca still felt fuzzy in the head, but she was ravenously hungry and just had to eat something.

The house seemed eerily quiet. Rebecca got downstairs as silently as she could, hoping not to wake Trent if he was in fact still asleep. On an ordinary day she would have ducked her head into his room to make sure he was there, but not today. This wasn't an ordinary day by a long shot. She'd thrown on a terrycloth robe over a Lycra cami and boyshorts. Her hair was still damp and pulled back into a ponytail. She set about preparing breakfast, some eggs and turkey bacon, orange juice and toast. Rebecca wanted her strength for what she knew would be a difficult day. She was turning her eggs in the skillet when she heard from behind her, "Hey Mom, that smells great." Rebecca's heart stopped and her breath caught in her throat.

"Hi Trent. How are you feeling?" Rebecca asked, without turning away from the stove. She just couldn't face her son. In that moment she wanted to go back on everything she'd decided that morning. She had decided that she couldn't just pretend that nothing happened. She was going to have to sit down and talk to Trent about what they'd done and decide where to go from there. Maybe they could get some counseling. Rebecca hoped that could put it behind them, and more importantly, hoped they could keep it between them. Now she just wanted to runaway and pretend nothing happened.

"A little tired and worn out."

Rebecca thought she could hear the smirk in his voice. She really believed her son was a sweet kid, but he could be a handful. He didn't like being told what to do and she realized it might be naïve to think he was going to handle this maturely. Trent wasn't going to make this easy on her.

"Maybe you're coming down with something, honey." She said, turning off the stove and turning to face him. She put her hands on the counter behind her and leaned back. "You were a mess when you came home last night."

"No, I don't think I caught a cold. How are you feeling, Mom?"

"Oh fine, just fine." Rebecca tried to sound casual.

"I was just wondering because it seemed like you slept in."

"You were up early?"

"Just to go to the bathroom. I saw your bedroom door was still closed."

"I was just sleepy. Since there was nothing to do today I thought I'd sleep in."

"I'll remember that the next time you're dragging me out of bed." Trent chuckled.

He brushed past her to get a glass from the cupboard and Rebecca felt a chill when they touched. There was something going on with her, but she couldn't put her finger on it, but it started as soon as her son came in the kitchen. She was so tense that it was hard to think clearly.

"You cannot be late for school every morning, young man. When are you going to start to take school seriously? Don't you want to get into a good college?" Slipping back into mom mode made it easier for Rebecca to deal.

"So is this morning different?"

Rebecca silently cursed herself. It was a school day, but she was way too confused to even think about that. What was Trent doing home? She asked him.

"Don't worry, Mom, school was canceled because of the ice storm. You're going to have me on your hands all day."

"Okay, Trent, enough. Sit down." Rebecca had enough. She couldn't take his attitude any longer. She had to know what he thought about last night and what he planned on doing about it. She watched him finish pouring his juice and putting the carton away before sitting at the kitchen table. As she watched him she felt funny. It was like her temperature was rising and her head was cloudy again. Trent was wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt and she found her eyes involuntarily drawn down to his shorts. She forced herself to look away and hoped he didn't notice. No, stop it! You can't think about him that way! She told herself.

"What is it, Mom?" He asked, eyes boring into her.

"We need to talk about last night."

"What about it? What do you want to say?"

"Trent, you know what happened between us. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Do you me you coming on to me and us fucking?"

"Trent!" She blurted. It sounded so crude, but she had to admit, accurate.

"Am I wrong?"

"No, I was. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," Rebecca said, feeling tears welling. She was so ashamed of herself. Looking at her son now she felt like a monster. Yes, he wasn't a kid anymore, but he wasn't a man either. She also felt like a monster because those same feelings were stirring again. She shifted her feet as she felt her pussy reacting to Trent's presence. Why was she reacting to her son like this?


"It was my fault. I know I came on to you and I can't blame you for reacting to it. You're a teenaged boy. If a woman starts touching you like that how are you supposed to react, even if it is your mother."

"Mom, really, calm down." Trent sounded genuinely concerned. "I didn't mean to bust on you over it. Come on, stop crying."

She tried to stop, tried to say something, but she couldn't. She was so guilty... and so frustrated. Her pussy was on fire and she could feel how damp she was down there. It was harder and harder for her to think straight, but Rebecca tried. She tried to fight her body, although as more seconds passed she was finding she didn't want to. Her need for Trent was surpassing everything else. It was just like last night. It was like her son was the sexiest man on the planet and if she didn't have him she would die.

Trent crossed the space between them and put his hands on his mother's shoulders. His touch was electric and the last thing she needed right now. "Mom, really, I'm sorry, you don't have to cry. There's no reason to be upset at yourself." He pulled her into a hug and Rebecca sighed, throwing her arms around him. He felt so warm and so strong. Trent was tall and thin and his arms enveloped her easily. She molded her body to his and her heart thumped. The belt on her robe had slipped and it opened enough that she could feel him against her and she was too aware of the lump in his shorts. He didn't feel quite hard, but not completely soft either. Why am I thinking about his penis? She thought. Rebecca knew she couldn't control herself. Just like last night, she didn't want to anymore. She'd stopped crying because she wasn't feeling guilty about having sex with him before. Now all she could think about was having sex with him again.

"Trent, go upstairs right now," she said, pushing him away from her. She tried to slip past him and flee the kitchen, but Trent caught her arm and turned her around. Her robe was hanging completely open now and she thought she saw Trent looking her body over.

"Why Mom?"

"Just go to your room," she shouted, more harshly than she meant to. Rebecca shook her arm free of his grasp and stared at him. She didn't want to leave the kitchen anymore. She was afraid it was too late.

"We need to talk. Why do you want to get away from me?" Trent shouted back. She knew that look. He always got his back up when she yelled at him. It was one of the biggest problems in their relationship.

"I don't want to get away from you. I don't at all." Rebecca whimpered. He had lost the battle and she didn't even care anymore.

Rebecca grabbed Trent's face, pulling his mouth to hers. She gave her son a fiery kiss and groaned and he pulled her into him. He didn't seem confused at all this time. His arms were inside her robe and grabbing her ass while she pushed into him. She felt he was already hard and she pushed into his groin, wanting to feel just how hard she made him. He was backing her up as she slipped her tongue into his mouth and Rebecca sat on the edge of the kitchen table. Trent pushed her robe off and she wrapped her legs around him to keep him close. Her son was grinding is cock into her and Rebecca couldn't wait to free it and feel him inside her. She pushed his shorts to the floor and grabbed his cock when it sprang free. God, it felt so nice and hot and thick. It had been two decades since she'd been with anyone but her husband, but now she couldn't wait to fuck someone else for the second time in less than twenty-four hours. Young Trent was bigger than his father that was for sure. As she jerked her son's cock precum leaked from it, which she used to lubricate her hand. With her other she raked her fingers through his hair and held him in place while he kissed and nibbled on her neck. His enthusiasm for her was such an aphrodisiac. Rebecca could only guess that he'd enjoyed their sex as much as she had.

Trent was squeezing and kneading Rebecca's breasts through her top and she pulled it off so he could touch naked flesh. She moaned and cooed as he pawed her, roughly playing with her nipples, which fortunately, she liked. "Mmm, honey, that feels so good," she whispered in his ear. With a firm guiding hand, she pushed his face lower and gripped his cock tighter when he sucked hard on her nipple. It was like every inch of her skin was alive with passion and her hard little nipples were just aching for his attention. Trent went from one to the other, teasing his mother, and she moaned and groaned her encouragement while jerking his cock vigorously. He bit her nipple and Rebecca cried out loudly.

Rebecca eased back onto the kitchen table when Trent reached for her pussy and rubbed it through her boyshorts. There was already a wet spot there and it only grew as he touched her. Her son was clumsy down there and Rebecca thought he could benefit from some instruction on how to touch a woman. She put her hand over his and showed Trent where and how to touch her. "Yes, that's it, Trent honey, just like that," she moaned as he rubbed her clit just as she showed him. She was glad her bottoms were still on because if he touched her naked clit just then she knew she would have lost it.

They were kissing again like horny teenagers, and one of them was, and Trent was half on top of her while Rebecca had a leg hooked around his waist. His juice glass was right by her hand and in the back of her mind she was careful not to knock it to the floor and make a mess. She pushed him off of her and twisted him with her hips so he landed in a chair. She was ready for the next step, but she wanted control. Rebecca hopped off the table and shed her bottoms.

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