DHS 77 - Cover

DHS 77

Copyright© 2006 by KK

Part 4

Erotica Sex Story: Part 4 - Several years after leaving the Army Pamela finds out that she was the unwitting subject of lab test of a secret drug formula.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Cream Pie   Voyeurism  

Chapter 19

Sitting in my hotel room I contemplated my next moves. I had originally believed that Brenda had only violated me one time. I even believed that she may have been coerced into participating by the others but if I was to believe Brian, and I did, Brenda wasn't any better than Major Mitchell. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Brenda was worse than Major Mitchell. She had pretended to be my friend and I trusted her. How was I going to repay her for her kindness?

I spent two days thinking abut various plans for my revenge on Brenda but had to give them all up because every one of those plans would end up with me in jail for a long time. I finally decided that the best thing to do would be to observe Brenda the way I had Major Mitchell. I hoped that while I secretly observed her, an idea would come to me.

On Sunday morning I drove by Brenda's apartment and I saw her putting a suitcase in her car. I began to worry that she was going to get away. There was no telling where she might be going. She could be headed anywhere and unless I followed her now I would never know where she was going. If she went to the airport I would be out of luck. I wouldn't be able to follow her for any great distance because all of my things were in my hotel room.

I was feeling sick to my stomach as I followed her out of her neighborhood. I was about to give up and go back to my hotel. I had decided I would call her home phone and leave a message asking her to call me. Hopefully she would not be suspicious and she would return my call. I hoped that I would then be able to find out where she was and decide what I should do.

I had put my signal on to make a right turn when I noticed that Brenda pulled into a tire store. I pulled into a parking lot nearby and watched as Brenda talked to someone inside the store. After a few minutes, Brenda came out with the man she had been talking to and he looked at the tires on her car and made some notes and then the two of them went back into the store.

Ten minutes later Brenda walked out of the tire store and walked over to an Applebee's restaurant in the shopping center adjacent to the tire store. This was my chance.

I waited until Brenda was inside and then I went in and walked straight over to where she was sitting and sat down next to her. Brenda looked at me in surprise and it took her a minute to realize who I was.

"Pam? I can't believe it. What are you doing here?" Brenda said in a cheerful voice.

You would think we were great friends by the way she greeted me.

"I'm here on business and I just happened to see you walking in here so I thought I would stop and say hello. I hope I am not intruding," I said.

"You;re definitely not intruding. I am very glad to see you," she said. "Can you join me for lunch?"

"I'd love to. Are you meeting anyone here?"

"No. I just decided to get some lunch while I am getting some new tires put on my car and then I am driving down to Virginia Beach for a few days," she said.

"You going by yourself?" I asked.


Your husband isn't going with you?"

"Nope, no husband. John and I divorced two years ago."

"Sorry to hear that," I lied.

We had a pleasant lunch under the circumstances. Brenda seemed genuinely happy to see me and all I wanted to do was tear her hair out. I was beginning to think that I should have been an actress.

After lunch I told Brenda I had something I wanted to show her and I asked Brenda to come over to my car with me. Brenda followed me to me car showing no concern at all.

I had her get into the car with me and as we sat there I pretended to be trying to find something in my handbag. When I was ready I leaned close to Brenda.

"Brenda, do you remember what you did to me when we were working at the CIS lab? I do," I said.

I could see the color going out of Brenda's face.

"What are you talking about?" she said.

"You know exactly what I am talking about," I said. "You had a lot of fun with me, didn't you?"

Brenda looked away from me and lowered her head. "I am sorry for what I did. I can't explain what came over me," Brenda said. "Is that why you're here?"

"Yes. I have come for revenge."

Brenda looked up and searched my face to see how serious I was. "What are you going to do to me?"

I was surprised. I figured she would try to bolt from the car but she just sat there.

"Why don't I just surprise you?" I said as I touched her neck with the drop of DHS 77.

While Brenda was in DHS, I got all of the information I needed from her. I found out that she had made me perform oral sex on her at least a dozen times and she had even let her fiancé watch a few times. She never let him do anything to me. I supposed I should be grateful for that. She told me that she found it exciting to have that kind of power over me. Well, I was about to have that kind of power over her.

I programmed Brenda and gave her the key phrase of "Sneaky Bitch." Then I put her out of the car in front of the tire store. By the time I drove out of the parking lot on my way back to my hotel, Brenda would have no memory of having seen me that day.

Chapter 20

When I got back to the hotel, I had some work to do. I wasn't real comfortable with what I was going to have to do to execute my plan but I was determined to see it through.

I set up the video camera facing the only chair in the room and then I sat down and recorded the instructions I would need to give myself. When I was done making the video I connected the camera to the television so I could play the video back. Then I pushed the play button and sat down on the bed to watch. Just before the video began I said, "Dr. Moore's Law."

When I woke up I remembered everything that was in the video. That was planned. I now had two trigger phrases I would be able to use to help me do what I needed to do. The first was "Thunder Bolt." That was the command phrase I gave myself at home when I was testing the DHS 77. That phrase would cause me to become very horny. I had just added a new command phrase. "Pussy Pleasure." This new phrase was designed to make me want to have a woman give me oral sex. Not just any woman but Brenda. I didn't limit myself to just receiving oral sex. I wanted to open myself up to all the possibilities. I also gave myself a way to stop the bi-desire I had created. All I had to do was say "No more pussy," and my desire for sex with Brenda would end.

I got a good night's sleep and in the morning I loaded my bags into the rental car and checked out of the hotel. Four hours later I was driving down Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Beach. I found a room in one of the small motels on the inland side of the street and booked it for two nights. I changed into my bikini, grabbed a towel and headed to the beach. I wasn't concerned about finding Brenda. I knew where she was and I knew where she would be later that evening. Brenda had a date with me that night; she just didn't consciously know it.

I was careful not to get too much sun that afternoon and I went back to my little room at four o'clock and took a two-hour nap. I got up shortly after six o'clock and took a shower and dressed to go out for the evening.

At exactly seven o'clock I walked into Trader Dan's Bar and Restaurant. I spotted Brenda standing at the bar talking to a very handsome man. I walked over to her and said hello.

"Pam? What are you doing here?" she said.

I leaned in close to Brenda to make sure that she would hear me and I spoke very slowly. "I am here for you."

Brenda's expression changed as the full meaning of what I said moved from her subconscious to her conscious mind. Brenda hugged me and said, "I am so glad you have finally come for me."

"Come on, I'll let you buy me dinner," I said.

"I would love to," she said.

I think the guy Brenda had been talking to was a bit shocked that she just walked away from him as she followed me into the restaurant section of Trader Dan's. The host seated us at a table with a view of the Ocean and left us to study our menus. Before the host was out of sight our waiter appeared to take our drink orders.

A few minutes later, as I sipped my drink and looked over the menu I noticed that Brenda was staring at me. I waited until I decided what I was going to order and then I set my menu down and looked into Brenda's eyes.

"I am so happy you are here," Brenda said. "I want so much to please you."

"Why do you want to please me?" I asked.

"Because it is what you want and because of what I did to you. I need to make you happy," she said.

I smiled at Brenda. "You will make me happy," I said.

When the waiter came back for our order Brenda told him that she would have whatever I was having so we both had the fried shrimp.

After we had completed our dinner and Brenda had paid the bill we were sitting at the table finishing our drinks when I decided it was time to start the payback. I said, "Thunder bolt," out loud.

"What? Did you say thunder bolt?"

"Yes, but that's not important right now," I said. "Are you ready to give me some pussy pleasure?"

Brenda looked into my eyes and said, "I would love to."

"I need to go to the girls room and pee," I said. "Why don't you come with me?"

Brenda didn't say anything but when I started toward the restroom Brenda followed me. I was amazed at how well my programming was working. I was not only very horny but the idea of having Brenda's head between my legs was making my panties wet.

When we got into the restroom I told Brenda to come into the stall with me. Brenda closed the door and stood next to me as I lifted my skirt and removed my panties. I handed my panties to Brenda and told her to smell them.

"I want you to smell how aroused I am from just thinking about all of the things you are going to do to please me tonight."

I loved Brenda's hesitation before she brought my panties up to her nose. It showed me that I was getting the results I wanted from the programming I gave her. I wanted Brenda to be torn between her desire to please me by doing anything I asked of her and what would have been her normal inclination to not do those things. In the end she would give in to her desire to please me but the conflict would eat at her. I wanted her to be happy to please me while at the same time, feel shame and humiliation about what she was doing.

"How do they smell?" I asked.

"They smell sexy."

"Hold on to them for me until I am finished here," I said. Then I lifted my skirt and sat on the toilet to relieve myself. When I finished peeing I told Brenda to wipe my pussy for me. Brenda hesitated again trying to decide what to do.

"Hurry up, Brenda, we don't have all night," I said.

Brenda took a handful of toilet paper and reached down between my legs and started patting my pussy. I was so worked up by that point that the touch of the toilet paper against my mound was sending tingling sensations through my body. I looked up into Brenda's eyes and said, "Thank you, Brenda. That was nice."

Brenda blushed a little and smiled. I got off the toilet and asked Brenda if she needed to pee. She said that she did so I moved so that she could sit down. I waited until the sound of Brenda's trickling piss stopped and then I moved so that I was standing directly in front of her. I lifted my skirt up exposing my pussy to Brenda. Holding my skirt in place with my arms I moved my hands down and spread my pussy open exposing my clit.

"Brenda, I would like you to lick my clit for me," I said. "You have me so horny right now that I just need to feel your tongue on my clit."

Brenda looked up at me. "Do I have to?" she asked.

"It would make me happy. Don't you want me to be happy?" I said.

Brenda gave me a nervous smile and then leaned forward. She grabbed my hips for support as she buried her head between my legs. When I felt her tongue flick over my clit; it sent electrical pulses through my body. For the first few seconds, Brenda was very tentative but then she really got into it. Soon she was sucking my clit between her lips and I had my first ever orgasm given to me by another woman. I had to hold onto Brenda's head and lean my back against the stall door for support. After the orgasm, my clit was so sensitive I had to make Brenda stop.

"Was it good?" she asked.

"You did very good. I just might let you lick me again later," I said.

Brenda smiled at me as she handed me my panties. I was stuffing my panties into my handbag as we exited the stall to find two women standing at the sinks. I could tell by the way they looked at us that they must have heard what we were doing. I smiled at the women and walked out of the restroom and headed for the bar.

We had purchased a drink and were about to go sit at a table when the same guy who had been talking to Brenda earlier stopped her. I let her talk to him while I sat and thought about what had happened in the restroom. Everything had gone according to my plan except that I had enjoyed the sex much more than I had expected. I realized that I was going to have to think about what I wanted to do before I let things get out of hand.

I walked over to where Brenda was talking to the guy and pulled her aside.

"I am going to go back to my motel now," I said.

Brenda actually looked disappointed. "Do you have to go so early? Will I see you again?"

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"When? Where?"

"Don't worry, I'll find you," I said. "Have fun with your friend," I said nodding toward the guy she had been talking to, "but don't fuck him. I would be very disappointed to find out that you fucked him."

"I won't," she said. "So I will see you tomorrow?"

"Count on it," I said.

Chapter 21

Back in my room I thought about the events of the evening and my plans for the next day. I tried to sleep but was having difficulty as I found myself getting aroused by my thoughts of Brenda. After tossing around in bed for two hours I finally had to slip my hand inside my panties and rub myself. It was then that I realized what my problem was. When I had programmed myself to deal with Brenda, I gave myself a command phrase, "pussy pleasure," but I didn't give myself a key phrase to counter act "pussy pleasure."

I was going to have to put myself under so that I could turn off this desire to have Brenda between my legs.

Once I understood the problem I was able to relax and go to sleep. I decided not to do anything about my desires until I was done with Brenda the following night.

Chapter 22

Tuesday morning I went out for breakfast to a little diner I had seen on my way into town. It was about a three-block walk from my motel. After breakfast, I changed and went to the beach for a few hours. The funny thing was that from the time I woke up that morning until I got back to my room from the beach later that afternoon, I felt none of the sexual arousal I had felt the night before. While I was lying on the beach, I thought about what I was going to do that night but it didn't excite me in the least. I wondered if the control that the "pussy pleasure" command had over me had worn off in my sleep. I hadn't seen that with any other commands.

At seven o'clock I was dressed and ready for my 'date' with Brenda. When I walked into her hotel lobby, Brenda was sitting there waiting for me only she didn't know she was waiting for me. When Brenda saw me, she began to smile.

"I wasn't sure if I would see you again," she said.

"Well, I am here now," I said. "Whom were you waiting for?"

"No one. When I got out of the shower earlier and looked at the clock, I suddenly felt that I should get dressed and come sit here in the lobby. I am glad I did or I might have missed you."

"Imagine that," I said. "Do you want to buy me dinner again tonight?"

"Sure. Where would you like to go?"

We ended up walking down Atlantic Avenue until we found a place that appealed to us and we went in and had dinner. As I watched Brenda across the table, I began to feel my sexual desire growing. I guess it hadn't worn off after all. After dinner, I said, "Why don't you take me back to your room and ravish me."

"If that's what you want."

When we got back to Brenda's room, I opened the bottle of wine we had purchased along the way. I poured us each a glass and then turned on the television. I kicked off my shoes and climbed onto the bed and lay there watching the television as Brenda paced nervously around the room.

"Why are you so antsy?" I asked Brenda.

'I don't know. I think you want me to do things that I shouldn't do," she said. "I don't think I want to do those things but if you want me to do them I will."

I smiled at her. "Brenda, why don't you come sit here?" I said and patted the end of the bed. "I would love to have you rub my feet for me."

Brenda had no problem with that. She sat down on the bed and started massaging my right foot and it felt wonderful. While she was massaging my feet, I pulled my skirt up far enough that my sexy sheer panties were exposed. I knew that Brenda could see my pussy right through the thin material.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked her.

Brenda didn't look at my face as I spoke. She kept her head down but I could tell that she was peeking at the view under my skirt.

"You have beautiful legs, Pam," Brenda said.

"You know what I would love, Brenda?" I asked. "I would love you to start at my toes, using your hands and your mouth, work your way up to my hot pussy. Make me cum as many times as you can."

I could see the conflict in Brenda's face but it didn't stop her. She soon had my big toe in her mouth while she caressed my legs with her hands. Brenda moved slowly from my toes to my feet and on to my ankles. Touching, kissing, licking and anything else that she thought would feel good. When she got to my knees I could feel my excitement growing. Looking down I could see a small wet spot in my panties. As she moved higher up my leg, I had to pull my feet up and spread my thighs farther apart for her.

Finally Brenda was kissing my sensitive inner thighs just inches for my dripping pussy. I wanted to watch everything she did but it felt so good I just had to lay back and close my eyes. Brenda was moving much slower now. I thought for a moment that she was trying to avoid having to move on to my pussy but I found out that wasn't the case.

Brenda ran her tongue down the inside of my right thigh along the edge of my panties and then she did the same on the left side. Then she put her mouth on the crotch of my panties and blew hot air on my pussy. Brenda lifted her head and asked, "Can I take your panties off now?"

"Yes, please do."

Brenda hooked the waistband on my panties and I lifted my butt as she pulled them down. Brenda pulled my panties the rest of the way off and without me telling her to, she smelled them. I pulled my feet back up and spread my thighs for Brenda. She moved her head back between my thighs and went right to my hot mound. She completely covered my vulva with her open mouth and then used her tongue to separate my lips and enter my pussy.

For the next twenty minutes Brenda made love to my pussy, occasionally running her tongue between the globes of my ass and flicking it across my anus. I had three intense orgasms before my clit got too sensitive and I had to stop her.

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