Gail and Billy - Cover

Gail and Billy

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Some booze, some pot and a whole lot of hanky panky.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Cheating   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

It was eight in the morning when Billy woke up to find Harriet snuggled up to him with one hand on his cock. God, but she looked so sweet and innocent. He looked down at the firm three-quarter inch nipples and his cock twitched. Harriet gave a "mmmm" and squeezed his cock and he slid down and took a nipple in his mouth. Harriet moaned and started stroking him. Things progressed into a nice leisurely fuck and when it was over Harriet cuddled up against him. "What are you going to do about your wife?"

"She pretty much kissed our marriage goodbye last night."

"Did she? I mean what if what happened to me last night happened to her? I certainly wasn't a slut when I went to that party last night. Alcohol and pot made me stupid and you saw what that did to me. I'm not really a slut baby - well, that's not true anymore - but I wasn't one before last night. Maybe Gail wasn't either. In the time I've worked with her I've never seen any indication that she was the type to do what we both did last night. Maybe pot and alcohol made her lose control too. You should at least talk to her."

He thought about what Harriet had said as she sucked on his cock. He didn't really know that last night wasn't Gail's first time being unfaithful and maybe it was the alcohol and pot. He did owe it to her to talk to her and he would, just as soon as he was done fucking Harriet. As he was leaving Harriet kissed him, "You're nice and I like you. If things don't work out come back and see me."

Gail was bouncing up and down on John's cock while Craig tried to keep his cock in her mouth. "God Gail" John said, "I can't believe how big a slut you are. I'm going to fuck you everyday at work from now on. You'll like that won't you?"

Gail mumbled a yes around Craig's cock as she felt another orgasm coming. "I'm going to use you to close sales too. My customers will love fucking you. You'll love doing that for me, won't you?"

Gail gurgled something around the cock in her mouth and John said, "Yes, I thought you would."

Craig grabbed the back of her head and started fucking her mouth fast and furious and he grunted, "I'm going to bring some of my frat buddies or take you to the frat house, would you like that?"

Gail tried to say "Whatever, just don't stop" but all that came out of her full mouth was an unrecognizable mumble. Craig gave another grunt and spewed his sperm into her mouth and Gail tried desperately to swallow it all before she choked.

"That's it baby, that's it. Take it all." When Craig's soft cock fell from her mouth John rolled her over on her back and began to drive into her, "You like this don't you? You love cock and you want more, isn't that right?"

"Oh God baby, fuck me, just fuck me."

"You didn't answer me. You want more cock don't you, a lot more?"

"Whatever you say baby, just don't stop. Fuck me baby, fuck me."

"Will you fuck whoever I tell you to?"

"Anything baby, anything you want, just make me cum baby, just make me cum."

John grabbed her hips and pulled her to him and she felt the hot juice spurt inside her. Craig was hard again and he took John's place in her pussy while John got up to take a shower. After a couple of minutes Craig moved her up onto her knees. Gail knew what he wanted and she put her head down on the pillow and waggled her butt as Craig eased himself into her ass. She moaned in pleasure as he started fucking her and she thought again of how she had never let Billy have her ass and how much the two of had missed because of it and even as the cock in her ass gave her pleasure there was an ache in her heart over the alienation and possible loss of her husband.

The sounds from upstairs told him what was going on and he almost turned around and walked out. At the last second he thought, "Don't be a hypocrite. You woke up in bed with another woman and you didn't leave until you had satisfied yourself." He went up the stairs and moved to the bedroom door. He felt a sudden flash of anger as he watched nineteen year old Craig fuck his thirty something wife in her ass - the ass she would never let him touch. He shook his head in disgust, "Jesus Christ Gail, what's wrong with you? He's only a kid."

Gail's head came up from the pillow and when she saw him she tried to pull away from Craig, but the teenager was too close to his release and he held on to her. The kid gave a low grunt when he came and fell forward pushing Gail down onto the bed. Gail rolled out from under Craig and sat on the edge of the bed. He could see in her eyes that she wanted to run to him, but was unsure of the reception she would get. Just then John came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. Billy looked from John to Craig and then back at John.

"You two need to leave now."

He turned and went downstairs and put on a pot of coffee and shortly thereafter he heard the front door close. Minute's later Gail came into the kitchen. She hesitated and then she ran to him and threw her arms around him. She was crying, tears running down her face as she tried to talk. "Oh God baby, I thought I'd lost you and that I'd never see you again."

Billy got her settled down and then he asked her why she had done what he seen her doing. As she explained he realized that it was pretty much the same thing that had happened to Harriet.

"Honest to God baby, I never meant to do anything like that and I don't even know how it happened. One minute I was smoking pot and watching Harriet and then the next minute it was happening to me and I don't even remember moving from one to the other and once it started I lost all control of myself. Please baby, don't be mad at me. It was a bad thing. But I've never cheated on you before and I promise that nothing like that will ever happen again. I love you honey and I don't want to lose you, please baby, please."

Billy didn't know what to say. He knew that he wasn't a saint last night or, for that matter, this morning and in his younger days he had gotten so fucked up on pot that he had lost track of what he had been doing or had done. He shrugged and said the he supposed that they could work things out. Then he told her he was going to take a shower and he headed upstairs with Gail following. Once he was stripped Gail pulled him to the bed, "I'm sorry that I never let you and I'm sorry that you didn't get to be the first, but before you take your shower will you take my ass, please baby, please."

Gail walked into work Monday morning knowing that it was going to be a bad day. As she walked to her office she knew that every eye in the place was on her; the men remembering what they had done with her and the women wondering about it. She also knew that she would have to handle some heavy passes in the days to come, but it was either that or quit and jobs as good as hers did not grow on trees. She didn't have long to wait. She hung up her coat, grabbed her coffee mug and headed for the coffeepot and found Mel and Dave standing there. As she walked up Dave smiled at her and said, "Good morning sweet cheeks. Want to stop for a drink or a little something after work?"

She politely declined and as she walked away she heard Dave tell Mel that she was the best he'd ever had and in spite of herself she smiled. The rest of the morning had gone quickly and at eleven John had called her and had asked her to come to his office. He got up from his desk and was walking toward her as the door closed behind her and he took her in his arms and kissed her. She tried to push him away, but he simply picked her up and carried her over to his desk and sat her down on the edge. She was protesting, "I can't do this John. I promised Billy that..." and John shut her up by kissing her and pushing his tongue in her mouth. John's hands were all over her body and as fast as she reached to push one away the other would touch somewhere else. She jerked her head back breaking the kiss, "Stop it John. Stop it now" and John laughed at her.

"I told you I was going to fuck you everyday from now on and I'm a man of my word and I expect you to live up to your word."

Gail struggled to get free from John and he pushed her back. Gail's head hit the top of the desk and it stunned her just long enough for John to get her panties off her. Gail's head cleared just in time for her to feel John's cock push into her pussy, "Oh God John, please don't. I promised Billy tha..." but John interrupted her, "Billy isn't here - I am."

John lifted Gail's legs and put them on his shoulders, "Don't fight it sweetie, my cock is hard and you know you want it."

All the time John was talking he was stroking deeper and deeper into Gail and her promise to Billy to be a good wife from now on slipped farther and farther into the recesses of her mind with every stroke. And then she was moaning and pushing up to meet him as her sexual urges took over.

"That's it baby, I knew you wanted it. Come on sweetie, grind that pussy at me, fuck yourself on my cock" and then Gail gave a little cry as the first of her orgasms hit her and less than a minute later John emptied himself into her. He held himself in her until he was soft and then he pulled out of her and went back around his desk and sat down in his chair.

"Come here baby. Get me ready. I want to fuck you once more before I take you to lunch and to meet some friends of mine."

Gail got up from the desk and went to her knees in front of John and she wondered just how many friends he was talking about.

I looked over at the phone for the tenth time in an hour. I wanted to make the call, but I was afraid to for fear of where it might lead. I finally managed to convince myself that I owed her the courtesy and I picked up the phone and punched in the number. "Good morning. Capshaw, Stone and Wiggins. How may I direct your call?"

He thought of those fantastic nipples as he said, "I believe I have reached the one I want."

"Oh hi. It's good to hear your voice. Am I going to see you again?"

"I don't know. We are trying to work things out and if we do probably not, but I wanted to call you and thank you for sending me home. If you hadn't said what you did I'd probably be living in a motel right now."

"Well, thank you baby, but look - the switch board is going crazy and I have to go, but the door is open. You have an open invite."

God what a mess. I have a gorgeous wife who I love, but not necessarily a marriage that can be saved and young innocent looking slut that I just can't get out of my mind.

She couldn't believe it. All those years with no one but Billy and then overnight she was a cock hungry slut who couldn't get enough and this time she couldn't blame it on pot and booze. She was stone sober when she had gone to her knees in John's office and sucked his cock. She hadn't had a drop when he took her to the hotel room where three of his friends were waiting. There hadn't been a joint in sight when John had taken her on his desk three times the next day - morning, noon and quitting time - and she hadn't even pretended to be upset when he had done it again the day after that and then had taken her to a motel to meet more friends. And Billy, poor Billy, his cock should be raw by now. No matter how much cock she got during the day she still wanted more when she got home and she couldn't keep her hands off him. She was glad he had a business dinner to attend this evening because she needed to soak in a tub and get cleaned up before he got home. She had gotten a little carried away today. Craig had called and asked her to lunch and then he had taken her to his fraternity house, fed her a salad and then his cock. Before she left the frat house she had been fucked by seven of his frat brothers and she would probably still be there with three cocks in her if she hadn't glanced at her watch and seen how late it was. Well, all she could do was try and keep Billy from finding out. She really did love him and didn't want to lose him.

Staring out the window of my office at an empty sky I was wondering about the strange turn that my life had taken since the party. Gail's libido had gone into overdrive and every night when I went home I never knew if we would have dinner or go right to bed. I suppose I shouldn't complain because the sex was magnificent, but I was having nagging doubts. She was always hot and wet when I got home and she explained it away as wanting sex all day and being hot and ready for me when I got home. It might even be true, but that didn't explain the looseness that I felt. Even given what she had done the night of the party and the next morning she had still started to tighten up by Sunday night. Now she wasn't tight anymore. Did it mean that she had broken her promise to me, or was it my imagination - and did I really want to know the answer?

She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't seem to help herself. When Craig had called and asked her if he and a few friends could spend some time with her after work she had immediately gotten hot thinking about all those young hard cocks. She could almost feel her pussy drip and she had told him to come over right away. She had called in sick and now, four and a half hours later, she was having orgasm after orgasm as Craig and seven of his friends repeatedly fucked her and Craig was on the phone trying to round up even more cock for her. She heard him tell some one that the door was open and to just come on up. She glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that she still had a least three hours before she had to get herself and the room cleaned up. The boy in her pussy came at almost the same time as the boy in her mouth and as the one in her ass pounded away she screamed out, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh God yes! Fuck me baby, fuck me."

As I turned onto the block it looked as if my fears were confirmed. There were several cars parked in the driveway and a couple of more at the curb. I saw two men, boys really, going in the front door. When I called Gail and Harriet told me that she had called in sick I was afraid of what I was going to find when I got home. I walked in the front door just in time to hear Gail scream "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh God yes! Fuck me baby, fuck me." I didn't see any real need to climb up the steps and see what was happening so I turned and left. I drove around for a while, not going anywhere in particular, while I thought about what had happened to Gail and I and our marriage and then I went looking for a hotel or motel room close to work. I was sitting at a table in a restaurant when my cell phone went off. I saw from the display that the call was from Gail. I was going to ignore it, but then I decided that the thing would have to be faced sometime and I might as well get it over with.

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