The Dark Trilogy - Cover

The Dark Trilogy

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A dark tale of what one husband desperately wanted to do to his cheating wife.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Cheating   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

It had been a very bad three weeks for me and I didn't think that it could get much worse, but I was wrong; very, very, wrong.

It all started when I went in for my yearly physical. I was poked and probed, x-rayed and EKGed and I gave what seemed like half the blood in my body and then went home secure in the knowledge that I wouldn't have to go through it again for at least another year.

Two days later the doctor's office called me and told me that the doctor wanted me to have an ultra sound and a CAT scan. I asked the girl what was wrong and she told me that she didn't know that anything was wrong, just that the doctor wanted the additional tests. To make a long story shorter it turned out that I had an inoperable cancer and the doctor told me that I had, at best, eighteen more months to live. I knew he had to be wrong of course; I was only forty-eight and had never had anything wrong with me. I had never smoked, drank only socially and lived a very healthy life style. He just had to be wrong so I went for a second opinion, and then a third and then a fourth before I was finally able to bring myself to accept the fact that I was going to die in eighteen months or less.

Once I had put denial behind me I had to face the task of telling Becky. My wife had been making my days and my nights for twenty-one years. In a lot of marriages of that length the passion wanes and the couple settles into a comfortable relationship, but that never happened to Becky and I. It seemed like every year my love for her grew stronger and the passion stayed alive. We were still making love three and four times a week at a time when a lot of our friends were only having sex twice a month.

I debated not telling Becky, at least until the pain got so bad that I couldn't hide it, but in the end I decided that she needed to know. She needed the time to emotionally prepare herself for what was coming so after several weeks of stalling I worked up the courage to face her. I didn't want the kids around when I broke the news to her so for the first time ever I took an unscheduled afternoon off from work and headed home.

There was a strange car in the drive when I got home. I noticed the dealer plates on the car so I knew that my best friend Jerry was probably there and I wondered what he could possibly be doing at my house in the middle of the afternoon. I got the answer to that question as soon as I opened the front door.

"Oh god, oh sweet fucking Jesus" rang through the house. "Harder damn it, fuck me harder" Becky cried as I stood at the bottom of the staircase and looked up toward the second floor where our bedroom was. I stumbled up the stairs like a man with a headful of fog as I listened to my wife beg my best friend to push it in deeper, pound her harder and make her cum. When I reached the top of the stairs I couldn't make my feet move any farther and I sat down on the top step and listened to what came from my bedroom. The doctors had given me eighteen months, but I died that day as Becky's cries of pleasure resounded through the house. And then the loud cries and screams stopped.

"In all the years we have been fucking I don't believe I've ever seen you have as strong an orgasm."

"Your cock brings out the best in me lover. I love it and I can never get enough of it."

"Then why in the hell won't you leave Bob and come with me?"

"We've covered that ground Jerry. I love your cock and the way you make love to me, but I don't love you. I like you, but I don't love you."

"So what? You don't love Bob either."

"You're wrong Jerry, I happen to love my husband deeply."

"Bullshit baby. There is no way you could do to him what you do if you really loved him. No way on God's Green Earth you could let him eat your pussy with my cum still in it. No way you could keep giving him sloppy seconds and tell him to slurp up my cum and then tell him the wetness is just you being horny for him. No baby, you don't love him. If you truly loved him you couldn't do any of that. In fact, if you truly loved him you wouldn't have been fucking me for these last five years."

"You're wrong Jerry, I love Bob, but he just isn't sexually satisfying. As for what I do with him after I've been with you, all I can say is that it excites me and in turn I do my level best to fuck his eyes out."

"Still, I..."

"Leave it alone Jerry before you piss me off. Are you going to get hard for me again or not?"

"Use your mouth to get me up again baby and I'll fuck you until you make me leave."

As I quietly left the house I was hearing Becky's words, "I love Bob deeply" and I was thinking 'big fucking deal. To be loved deeply by an unfaithful whore doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for me.' I went back to my office, closed the door and locked it and then spent the rest of the afternoon wondering what the fuck I was going to do with the short time I had left.

I still had no idea of what I was going to do when I went home that night, but I did know that I wasn't going to let Becky know that I knew what she had been doing behind my back. Even though Becky had been the light of my life my discovery of what she and Jerry had been doing had turned that light off. If I had another twenty-five or thirty years left to live I might have just turned my back and walked away from her. Unfortunately for Becky and Jerry the bitterness I felt from knowing that my time was short combined with the bitterness of finding out how the two of them had betrayed me had instilled in me a major desire for revenge and until I could take that revenge Becky had to keep thinking that things were fine between us.

Becky was in the kitchen fixing dinner when I got home. When I walked into the kitchen she went to the fridge and took out a pitcher of margaritas and poured one for each of us. She brought me mine and as she handed it to me she leaned forward to kiss me and it was all I could do to keep from shoving her away from me as the lips that had so recently been wrapped around Jerry's dick touched mine. I didn't fight it as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and as it flicked against mine I wondered if she had taken Jerry's cum in her mouth that afternoon.

She dropped a hand down and rubbed my cock and said, "Would you rather have dessert before dinner? I've been hot and horny all day and you won't believe how wet I am."

"Where are the kids?"

"Charlie has softball practice and Barb stayed after school for cheerleader try outs. We have at least two hours before they come home."

"Then I guess we will have dessert before the main course."

Becky gave me a wicked smile, "Some how I just knew you would say that. Come on lover, race you to get naked and up to the bedroom."

Once naked Becky sat down on the edge of the bed, spread her legs and said, "Come on lover, see how wet just thinking about you makes me."

It was 'moment of truth' time for me. I'd done it countless times before, but then I had believed the bullshit about it being her natural juices caused by her thinking of me and what we would do as soon as we got to bed. That was then and this was now and now I knew that she had been feeding me Jerry's cum for years. On the one hand it hadn't killed me and intellectually I knew that it wouldn't hurt me this time either, but this time I knew what it really was and I was afraid I might react badly, maybe even toss my cookies. It was all mental and I knew it, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was sucking Jerry's cock by proxy and that was making my stomach queasy. It was expected of me and I needed to keep Becky thinking that everything was normal so I screwed up my courage and went to my knees in front of her.

I spread the lips of her pussy with my fingers and for the first time I noticed that her wetness had a pearl grayish white color to it, just like the cum that came out of my own cock. I wondered why I hadn't ever noticed it before and I guessed that it was because I had never really looked. I leaned forward and drug my tongue down the length of her slit and she shuddered and moaned.

"Oh god baby, I love that so much and you do it so well, promise me that you will never stop."

I remembered an old perfume commercial from years ago, "Promise her anything, but give her Arpege" and promise her anything I would. I took my mouth from her unfaithful cunt and said, "I promise my love." I would promise, but I was damned well going to give her something else. I don't know why, since I had never done it before, but this time I was determined to eat Becky until she came just to give her something to miss when it was over between us. I went to work on her cunt like there would only be a tomorrow if I made her cum. I fingered her pussy, sucked her clit and even worked a finger into her asshole and finally she screamed out, "Oh my god! Oh god, so good, so fucking good."

Her body shuddered and she got glassy eyed there for a minute and then she relaxed and fell back on the bed. "Jesus baby, that was something else. We have to try that again. Give me your cock lover, fuck me now, fuck me hard and then I'll suck you off and we can do it again."

I did, she did and then we did do it again and I was just coming in her for the third time when Charlie got home and hollered, "Hey, where is everybody. I pulled out and whispered, "We can finish this later, but I guess we have to be good parents and feed the kids."

That night she grabbed my cock as soon as we got in bed and went down on me and gave me one hell of a blow job and after I'd pumped a gallon down her throat she cuddled up next to me and whispered, "I do so love you Robert and you can't know how many times I thank God that you are mine." I lay there and held her while I thought, "You worthless fucking whore."

The next morning as I read the morning paper over breakfast I read an article on prostitution and what the city was trying to do about it. It had several case histories about repeat offenders and one particular case caught my attention and suddenly I knew what I was going to do to Becky and Jerry. It took a little work to make it happen and it took a large chunk of cash, but happen it did and I settled back to wait.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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