Becoming A Slut Wife - Christina - Cover

Becoming A Slut Wife - Christina

Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - The story of a wife and mother and how she slides into slutdom.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Cheating   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Slow  

Author's note: The usual blather about the format, etc., etc., etc. This chapter picks up as Chris (also known as My Favorite Slut) goes home to hubby after playing at Matt's condo.

When I got home Gary was waiting for me. Our son was over at Gary's mother's for the night and he made me tell him every wet, sloppy, sexy detail until he could not get hard again. After we showered and dressed he reminded me that I had agreed to go out with the neighborhood women while he and the other husbands watched basketball all night. I told him I was too tired to go out and he suggested that I go take a nap and so I did.

Saturday night six of us piled into a minivan, dressed in as much green as we could find in our closets, and headed out to hit the bars. The bars were packed even with the sucky weather we had been having. My "Kiss me, I'm Irish" button didn't generate too much heat because in almost every bar we hit there was a coed wearing a "Fuck me, I'm Irish" or an "Eat me, I'm Irish" t-shirt and of course the guys were wearing "Blow me, I'm Irish" shirts and hats.

We drank, we danced and we had a good time and I did something I had not done since college. Jan and I were crowded in a booth with two guys we had been dancing with and I was feeling just a bit wicked -- or maybe you might want to call it 'evil.' The guy I had been dancing with had been coping feels and poking his dick into my leg most of the time we danced. I didn't fight him off so he felt that he was for sure going to get lucky. He wasn't, not with my neighbors being around, but he didn't know that. That's when the wickedness in me came out.

We were sitting in the booth with Mike on my right against the wall and Jan and her guy were sitting across from us. With the table top blocking the view I reached over and began rubbing Mike's cock through his pants. It gained some size pretty quick and I sat there rubbing him while talking to Jan and the guy she was with (she nay have been doing the same thing under the table for all I know). It probably went on for about five minutes and then Marge (it was her minivan) came up and said the others decided to go have some dinner so I grabbed my purse and got up and followed her out to the van. I often wonder if Mike took his cock out and beat off under the table or go into the men's room and do it in a stall.

Anyway, we had a good time and then went home to our husbands. I don't know how the rest of the guys felt in the morning after their wives got done with them, but Gary could hardly walk.

To: C 3/18/07

Glad to hear that you got some strange over the weekend, but I have to question the sanity of Matt. He was under the covers snoring when you came out of the shower? No way in hell I would have done that to you - no matter how long I had been up.

I can tell the difference between your 'dates' and your 'adventures' just reading the way you write them up. When you write them up the dates have an "I had a good time, but ho-hum" feel to them, but the adventures seem to have a more lively feel to them. But all sex is good, right?

To: JPB 3/21/2007

It's true... a "date" and an "adventure" are two totally different experiences. I wish the sex was the reward, but it isn't. It is the whole experience. Gary and I have discussed it too and we both know I can't just keep on balling strangers in men's rooms or the back of their trucks. We do worry about the odds of my keeping safe and healthy when I am slutting like that. On the other hand, how much "sluttier" can I be than that? It isn't as big a deal for Gary; he just loves hearing about me fucking another man (or, preferably -- men). Anyway, so much for intellectualizing about getting fucked!

About the neighbors... I'm not sure that any adventure will occur. I always wonder about the fallout after knowing someone as a friend - neighbor - wife - mother, and then seeing her bent over a table having a hard dick that doesn't belong to her husband being shoved into her. Do you move on and stay the same as before it happened? I'd be surprised if nothing happened. Would it strain the relationship? Would guilt and the fear of being told on drive a wedge into the relationship? Would we end up having two camps of neighbor/friends? I don't know.

Hey! Enough! I'm giving myself a headache!!!

What do you think? You have been at this slut-wife thing longer than Gary and I.

To: C 3/22/07

Sorry that I have not been all that communicative lately, but things are difficult for me right now. My boss is on vacation this week and I'm the imitation him while he is gone. Not hard work, but the day is long because I have to do his job and still keep up with mine so I have been pretty whipped when I get home so I haven't gotten on the box. Hopefully next week will be better.

I almost committed murder yesterday. The wife has been on a three day business trip and Wednesday night she called me and told me that she thought I was finally going to get my fantasy. She told me she was in a bar across the street from her motel and that two guys were making a serious move on her. She said one of them was really cute and she was horny and she wanted to make sure that I hadn't changed my mind and I told her to go for it. An hour later she called me back and asked if she could do both of them and I told her "Hell yes!" and that she should call me and have her cell by the bed when she did it. She never called back! Last night she was home when I got home from work and I asked her what happened and she said "nothing." She said she got to thinking about it and decided that I still had to be the one to go first. If I would have had a gun I probably would have shot her. If I have to be the one to do it first then it is going to have to be with you. Got to find some way to make that happen.

On the neighbors subject - What I have found out is that when you go out and get wild with the neighbors (or even good friends) let them be first and then join in. That way you are all in it together. One night Nan went out with three of our neighbors and while she wanted to play she was like you and didn't want to mess around with people who were too close to home so she was resigned to an evening of drinking, dancing and flirting. About two hours into the evening one of the girls who was a bit "tipsy" went out to the parking lot with two guys. Nan waited for about ten minutes and then went outside where she found the neighbor lady taking turns with the two guys. She tapped on the car window to get their attention and then opened the door, said "I want one" and climbed in the car. Minutes later the neighbor lady was on the back seat with her legs in the air and Nan was on the front seat in the same position.

An hour later back in the bar one of the other girls told Nan that she wished she had the nerve to do something like that. Nan took her by the hand and led her over to a table where three guys were sitting and a half hour later Nan was the one on the back seat and the neighbor was on the front seat. The only bad part of the evening was that the third neighbor didn't get laid and she bitched about it all the way home. The next time the four of them went out Nan made sure they went to the same bar and she saw that the same guys were there and she made sure that the 'odd girl out' from their first night out got paired up with one of the guys Nan did back seat time with. All four got planked that night. None of the other hubbies ever knew and none of the girls ever knew that Nan told me everything. The four were inseparable after that night and they went out at least once a month for the next four years until Nan got religion and fucked up our lives.

To: JPB 3/23/07

I got wet reading about Nan and the neighbors! Was that one of your stories? It should be! I totally agree with you about not being the first. I plan on being the good girl, just led into depravity by the others!

As for your wife... she's a very, very bad girl!!!! I would have LOVED reading all about her ADVENTURE. Tell her I highly recommend MMF (especially if one is a real cutie!)!

Sorry, but this won't be a weekend for adventure. That time again. Just going to take it easy with my two guys.

To: C 3/25/07

How was your weekend? I know you spent it at home with your two main guys and I hope it was relaxing.

I'm still pissed at the wife over what she did to me, but I'm smart enough not to let her know it.

I've decided on where I'm going to go with the Wedding Planner and I'll start on it soon. Next story to type into the box is BASWyou chapter 6 or 7. I think it will be 6 on ES and Lit, but 7 on SOL because SOL treated "The Early Years" as a chapter of BASWyou.

To: JPB 3/28/07

I can't believe it is Wednesday and I'm just getting a chance to write you.

Matt is still pestering me to go to his "Final Four" party on Saturday. Gary said it is fine with him, either way, just so long as I'm happy with my decision. I've been repeating my mantra to Matt that he is a great guy and should be out finding a nice single woman. I'm not dumb... I know he has a crush on me, but it is because I'm the only woman he has been physical with in over two years (and I know that I'm pretty good at that stuff so who can blame him??? KIDDING! KIDDING!!!).

I go back and forth about him. I know he is shy. And he has been out of the dating scene for over twenty years and it can't be easy getting back into it. BUT, I'm also not his therapist helping him regain some self-esteem and confidence. Geeze, see? There I go again, over-thinking everything. Anyway, if I 'date' him again I will be sure and write you about it.

To: JPB 3/29/07

I just got off the phone with Matt. I told him I would go to the party with him, but that I'm NOT spending the night.

I need to sit down and write about some of the naughty stuff my college friend Erica reminded me that we did. What the hell; it only proves what we already know -- I'm a slut!

To: C 3/30/07

Yes, you are a slut, but don't ever forget that it is sluts who make this world a better place to live.

Started on Wedding Planner 2 and it is already starting to wander away from what I had originally planned. Have the e-mails collected and a rough draft started of the next BASWyou. Looking at what I have I think I have enough for two more chapters and you haven't even gone to Matt's party yet. I can still see BASWyou chp .65. Want to try for 100?

To: JPB 3/31/07

Well, I'm home on a Saturday night, behaving myself, while Gary watches basketball on television. How domestic!

Matt called yesterday. He has a serious case of the intestinal thing going around here. It's really bad, even closing schools. So, no date. Stood up! Poor Gary is just going to have to tolerate me as I ravish him when the games are over. Right now I am debating on my post-game wardrobe. I'm thinking nylons and heels, or maybe just the heels.

No!!!! I don't not want to try for 100! That is too low a number.

To: C 4/02/07

Busy weekend doing yard work and after winter clean-up. Then the wife decided that we needed new patio furniture so she went out and bought a set at Home Depot and then I had to spend three hours putting it together. Then, just when I thought I could sit down and relax the lights went out on my salt water tank. I had to rush to Home Depot and get a new ballast and then spend an hour re-wiring the system.

No story writing or typing for Bobby that day. Hopefully I can get on the computer tonight when I get home from work. You might not hear from me for a bit. Going up to the mountains to relax and recharge the batteries.

To: JPB 4/2/07

I'm the one who needs to spend some time at the keyboard. I need to write down all the naughty stuff that Erica reminded me of when she was here and send it off to you. I know I told you I was going to; I just need to sit down and do it.

Jerry gave me two of your stories we've never seen before ("Busted" and "Brandy") and we read them together and it led to an exhausting evening. Thank you for writing them.

To: JPB 4/5/07

Still no time to write anything, but let me tell you what I did Saturday night. I gelled my hair, put on too much make-up and then slipped out the back door. I went around the house and rang the door-bell and when Gary answered it I opened my raincoat and said, "Hi. I'm the girl who was hired to dance at the party. Can I come in?" Poor hubby - he was too tired to get up and go play golf the next morning.

To: C 4/15/07

Peaceful week on the mountain. Didn't get any writing done, but did read a half dozen books. Been home for three hours and the wife has gone shopping so I have been typing. I've attached one that I just finished. Not much sex, just a short story I felt like doing.

Heard from KM and it wasn't pretty. She wrote to my ES mailbox and left a comment on a story I had posted - said it was "disgusting." She's not happy that I wouldn't finish her last chapter the way she wanted me to.

TGBL is busy being TGBL. I will forward her two latest.

Jules is in the Philippines and I received an e-mail from her and when I answered it came back as a failed delivery. I double checked the address and sent if off a second time and it still came back as undeliverable.

Have not heard from Laurie so it's just you and me kid.

To: JPB 4/16/07

I hope your time in the mountains was better than our weekend. You know (from all your snow earlier) that it isn't good news when your weather makes the national news.

All is quiet here in our household. Sorry to be so boring for so long (at least Gary says it has been too long).

Which story did KM say was disgusting? I think she has adopted a 'tude' on you.

To: C 4/17/07

I am forwarding an e-mail I just received. I think it is a compliment. Am I really a troubled soul and don't know it?

(Copy of e-mail received on 4/17/07)

From: Feedback


Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:29 AM

Subject: Feedback for Just Plain Bob


"Finally, after all this time, I have a better understanding of the "asshole" I fuck on a regular basis and who is not my husband of eleven years. I use the word "fuck" because he does not make love to me. Oh, he makes me cum and I generally comply with all of his twisted games because a little of me needs this abuse. When I first asked him why he chose me to "do" his reply was a simple "because you were hot and available." I never really believed that until I began reading your stories and realizing that he is not alone, nor am I. I don't hate him, or men. I do enjoy your writings and am sending you this message as a thank you and an encouragement from one troubled soul to another, even though you may not know it. I am not judging you, just myself. I love my husband, but have needs that only his "friend" and your stories can fulfill. Thanks and enjoy your day."

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