Sudden Shock - Cover

Sudden Shock

Copyright© 2006 by curious2c

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Man discovers that his 'wife' isn't who he thought she was at all.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Size  

Arriving at the door a bit early, the Maitre d seated me as 'the guest of Miss Susan Smithers.' I hadn't made the reservations, and he seemed quite happy to put me at the table where I would meet her for the first time. The look he gave me while seating me was one of a skeptical type as if I didn't quite measure up. I was immediately uncomfortable.

Dressed in my best suit, I was quite over classed by almost every other man in the place, waiters included. I knew that this was going to be a date from hell now. I could feel it. I sat there, hoping that maybe Susan would have changed her mind, or maybe even forgotten about our date. My hopes on that being the case rose as the time I waited went on. I sat there for about twenty minutes.

Then, a stir in the crowd sitting in the restaurant, and in walked this woman. I was flat stunned. A gorgeous blonde in a beautiful and quite sexy dress was sweeping along in front of the Maitre d. and every male eye in the place was on this woman. I could only wonder who the lucky stiff was that she came to eat with. Goddess. Beauty.

I hoped that I wasn't drooling nor that I had my mouth open as she slipped into the seat being held by the Maitre d. At my table... she was sitting with me. I was shocked. This beautiful creature was my date?

Holding her hand out quite daintily, I took it as she introduced herself formally.

"You must be Jim. I'm Susan. Sarah has told me so much about you. You are indeed quite handsome and just as Sarah described you too. I hope I was not too late."

"Uh... no. Actually, I got here a bit too early. I hope that... You look... You are... Sarah said that..."

I was losing it. I was lost and tongue tied to the max. I didn't know what to say how to say it, nothing. So much for suave and debonair. Drowning, I looked to the Maitre d for some kind of... any kind of help. He looked at me and had a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Would the Gentleman like to order the drinks now?"

I looked at Susan, glanced really, as I could feel my tongue getting tied up again. She was smiling and just sitting there like a cat with a mouse. A look that upset me further.

"Um... yes. Wine? I think a glass of wine for the lady and myself would be just right. Susan?"

"Oh yes... I'll have... well Peter... why don't you surprise me. You always do it so well."

"Yes Ma'am. I will get you the specialty of the house tonight. I think you will love it. Sir?"

"I'll have... the... specialty of the house as well please... Peter?"

"Yes sir. My pleasure."

I was looking everywhere but at Susan now. She sat there as if waiting for me to say something. The problem was I just didn't know what to say or do, my mind was blank.

She was looking at me, then suddenly, as if she had made a decision... allowed me an out.

"You know, after our wine comes, perhaps we could go somewhere else. I think we would both be far more comfortable out of this formal dress and in some casual things. Don't you?"

"Uh... well, I'm not sure where we could go. I... I... God, you are so beautiful. Really, you are."

I couldn't help myself. She was beautiful almost too beautiful. And rich, that was obvious. She had about a billion dollars in diamonds on her fingers and wrist. Way out of my class of woman for sure. I felt like a poor pauper being given a treat by visiting royalty.

"Oh... any man that thinks I'm beautiful I love listening to. Keep on... I want to hear more of your thoughts."

Laughing in a soft and sensual way as she looked at me, I just melted. She was being so nice to me. I was acting like a fool. A big dumb country bumpkin. I know I was blushing profusely too.

"Well, you are very beautiful. I imagine that every man in here tonight thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the place. I'm making a fool of myself here. I'm sorry. I haven't been on a date for..."

"Over fifteen years. Sarah told me. She was right on the money about how you would act tonight so far too. I'm sorry. I have kind of set you up just a tad here. I wanted to meet you in a place I was familiar with, and Peter, the Maitre d is a good friend. He was checking you out when you got here, and as you waited. I apologize for the wait, and for the... um... checking out. Sarah has been pressing me to go out with you for quite some time, and I do love your daughter. She has quite a head on her shoulders."

"Quite some time? Just how long has she been trying to get us together?"

"Well, since about a year and a half ago. At first I was a bit suspicious. A woman in my place has to be... cautious. Some have tried to take advantage of me before. But the more I got to know your daughter, well... I hope that she will come to work for me when she gets out of college. She has a great head on her shoulders. I hope that she got it from you too. I mean... not to insinuate..."

"Oh... my wife? I'm over that. Have been for a long time. Just never had the time or actually, the nerve to start dating again. Dating... is... intimidating to me."

"I know what you mean. It is hard meeting a man for the first time, no matter what someone may have said about them. I feel quite guilty too. After all, I put you on the deck as a guarded inspection before showing up. Not a good thing for a date to do is it?"

"Well... to be quite honest, I usually don't eat in places like this. Not to say it isn't nice, because it is, but I usually just go for the mom and pop type of places. I do feel a bit... uncomfortable. But, this is where the date was made for... so we should probably finish it here."

"Tell you what. Lets drink our wine then take a little walk on the dock. Maybe something will come along to change our minds."

She was trying to ease my nervousness, and doing a good job of it too. I had worked myself up into a tizzy inside and had a hell of a time calming down. Sarah could have given me a bit of a warning. Then, maybe she had and I was the one that didn't know. Susan was being nice at least; not anything like I had imagined a self-made woman would be like.

Our date turned out to be fun. Susan was very intelligent and we talked about a variety of subjects. She told me that she had met Sarah at a school function. Susan had been a speaker for a group of Sarah's classmates, talking about business and what kinds of education businesses were looking for. Sarah had asked Susan lots of questions and then after the speech, made arrangements to meet her. They had stayed in contact ever since, building a fairly close relationship with each other.

Susan was a very good person and someone I could envision being with. I went home with high hopes and my head in the clouds. She was beautiful, and she was interested in me. I walked into the house and Sarah was the only one waiting up.

"So dad, how'd it go? Isn't she beautiful like I said? And nice too?"

"Yes. She is quite beautiful and very nice Sarah. You were right about her too. She is someone I'd like to get to know quite a bit more."

Sarah pumped her fist in the air vigorously.


"Sarah! It's not like it's a contest or anything. I hardly think you should be acting so... well, like you won a competition."

"But I was right dad. You two did hit it off. You like her. That, to me, is winning a big one. It's a real big deal for me. So..."YESSSS! WOO, WOO, WOO, WOO!"

Her fist pumping up and down was quite comical to watch, so I let her have her fun. I was mildly embarrassed to know that I was the reason... rather, my date was the reason for her celebrating though.

"Did you kiss her? Did she kiss you?"

"Uh... no. We didn't kiss, it was a first date after all you know."

"Oh. No kissing at all? Damn."

"You sound disappointed Sarah. It was just our first date. Sometimes people don't kiss on first dates you know."

"I had hoped that..."

"That we'd be all over each other? Lets just say that I really would love to take her out again... matter of fact I made a date with her for next Sunday. A picnic. I also told her I was dating Amy... or rather I was planning of taking Amy out at least once too. She seemed okay with that. She told me she appreciated my honesty at least."

"Oh damn dad. You shouldn't have told her that. Besides, if you are as enamoured with Susan as you say, why not just cancel your date with Amy and plan on pursuing Susan anyway?"

"I'm in no real hurry to pursue anyone Sarah. This dating thing could take a long time, and I may go through a lot of women in the process. I want to be certain as I can be that the next person I ask to marry me, should it come to that, is someone I can..."

I lost my train of thought as I reminded myself of my ex. I could feel that pain, softer now, but still there none the less.

"Trust dad? Someone you can trust unlike mom?"


I had gotten quiet. I spoke yes so quietly I hardly heard it. Sarah stepped up into my arms and hugged me tightly. I could feel hot tears on my cheeks. You'd have thought after several years I'd have gotten over my cheating ex-wife. Evidently I still had some issues.

When we broke apart I saw that Sarah had been crying too. That made me feel a little better inside, knowing my pain wasn't starkly alone. I hated that I had this pain inside to begin with and I hated that my children should suffer this pain with me too. At the same time, it was good for me to know that my children loved me in spite of all that had happened.

"I'm sorry dad. I guess I forgot how much mom's cheating had hurt you. I thought you were all over it now. I guess... not."

"Don't be sorry Sarah. You have gone a long way to helping me get over it all. You and your brother and sister too. It is time for me to get on with my life. Obviously your mother did a lone time ago."

Over the next few months I dated either Susan or Amy constantly. With Amy the relationship had gone full bore, something I hadn't counted on. Susan and I however were growing together slowly. She was setting the pace at what she thought best for her, and I was very willing to allow that.

One night, about my fourth date with Amy, we were kissing goodnight at the door of her place. Getting hotter as we went, she soon invited me inside. We had done this the other times too so I wasn't expecting more than a hot make-out session and then going home and 'taking things in hand'. Something I had gotten used to.

I was horny as hell, but I also wasn't sure I was ready to go there with another woman yet. On our last date, Amy had fondled me a bit while I was into the moment of kissing, and before I could react she stopped. I think she was afraid of going there too, or so I thought at the time.

Anyway, we went inside and kissed some more. Amy said she wanted to get a bit more comfortable, so she headed off to her bedroom. I sat on the couch in her living room and waited patiently for her to come back and continue our make-out session.

Part of the reason I loved to make out with Amy was it took me back to my college days I suppose, making me feel far younger than how old I actually was. The other part was she was a great kisser too. Soft lips, and perfect hot little tongue. I loved it when she would lick my earlobe once in a while, as we got hot and heavy.

When Amy walked out of her bedroom, my back was to her. I didn't see her until she stepped around the couch and slipped onto my lap. I was stunned to say the least. She had taken off all her clothes. She kissed me, putting her arms around my neck and holding me tight.

I had my hands along my legs, all ready to hug her back until she had showed up naked. I was a bit unsure where to place my hands now, even though I had a real good idea where we were headed tonight. My cock sprang to life, cramped in my jeans as it was, and it was almost painful.

Carefully, a bit fearful that Amy would change her mind and not want me touching her, I put my arms around her naked body. Her skin was hot to my touch. Hot and soft, and so sensuous. She was really going to town on me now too. I could feel her grinding her bottom on my lap, evidently trying to make me harder than I already was.

I loved it. I wanted her so bad and she was offering herself to me freely. Her breasts were full and firm, hard little nipples about the size of dimes. Her aureole were rather large, about the size of a silver dollar, and inviting targets for my lips to suck in. Unable to help myself, I was soon nursing on her breasts.

My hands had begun to wander all over her body, feeling, touching and exploring every nook and cranny. When I felt the heat her little pussy was giving off I almost lost it. Slipping a finger down there, her wetness was like a lubricant and soon I had it buried inside her extremely hot, wet pussy.

As I fingered her pussy and sucked on her breasts, she just moaned and held my head in her hands. Not really guiding me so much as just feeling my head right there, on her nipples. I moved up a bit and kissing her neck on my way back up to her lips. She gripped my head quite tightly and crushed her lips against mine.

Wiggling around on my lap as she was I could hardly keep my balance and suddenly we both fell onto our sides. This opened my lap up and soon she was undoing the buttons on my shirt, almost franticly trying to get it off. My pants soon followed my shirt, somewhere behind the couch on the floor. Her hands were inside my underwear, cupping my balls and stroking my shaft.

In no time at all I was very close to shooting off my first time with another woman. I felt like a teen-ager again simply because it took no time at all to get me there. A minute maybe and that was stretching it a bit too.

"Easy there Amy. I'm about ready to..."

She looked at me and I swear she licked her lips... twice. Smiling at me, she began to work her way down my body, kissing me as she went. Soon, very soon, her lips surrounded my cock, tightly holding it as she started to give me a blowjob like I had never had before. I ran my hands over her head, grasping some of her long hair up and holding on.

Her tongue cradled the head of my cock as she got ready to lick it up and down like a lollipop. Holding my cock in one hand, her other hand was playing with my balls. Once, as she licked down my shaft, she licked my balls for a bit, causing me to moan loudly. I have always loved having someone lick them like she was, but it had been a very rare thing with my ex. Amy on the other hand appeared to relish licking them.

Every time I opened my eyes I saw her eyes on me. She loved it when I would look into her eyes since she would get more aggressive with whatever she was doing at that moment. When she got into sucking my cock into her mouth, I couldn't believe that she was taking the whole thing. Her lips would crush against the base of my cock hard and I could feel her tongue whipping around my shaft too.

Too soon I realized I was about to cum.

"Amy... I'm... about there. I mean it. I'm so close. You'd better back off or you'll get a mouthful."

"Mmmmmmm. Doom ut. Smmoooot."

Her moaning and humming around my cock trying to tell me to do it, and shoot into her mouth was too much for me to take. The vibrations and her hot lips so tight around my shaft took me over the edge. I erupted, cumming like I had never cum before. The explosion of it all was almost too much for me to take too. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had in my life.

I came hard and long. Amy stuck with it, swallowing everything I shot into her mouth. I had half expected her to pull off choking and coughing but she never missed a beat. That made my orgasm even stronger and longer too I think. I was overwhelmed.

After I was all done and my balls were emptied, she still kept on sucking my shaft. Amazingly I never went soft. Of course, so far this had been the most sensual and sexual time I had ever had with a woman whom I wasn't married to. My ex-wife had never done this for me ever, in all the years we were together.

I was certain I was ready to move on shortly, and when I was I turned us over on that couch and got Amy into a semi-seated position. Her back was nestled into the corner, propped up by the back and arm of the couch. I spread her legs wide, one of them she herself put over the arm of the couch, and the other was along the back. I stared at her wet and well trimmed pussy, just overcome by how much I loved how it looked.

"Come on Jim... do me. Please baby. Please."

I moved in and began to lick around her thighs and belly. Kissing and licking my way to her center. She was moaning loudly the closer I got and soon her hands were trying to press me into her pussy. I maintained control of my head movement though, and teased her a bit more. She was about screaming when my tongue first made contact with her clit.

Her juices flooded my mouth, and I sucked them right up, loving the salty-sweet taste of them. I licked up and down her pussy, her lips pulsing in need as I worked her up hotter and hotter. Slipping a finger into her hot and wet hole I worked it like a little cock. My lips sucked her clit up and I gently tugged on it.

My other hand was on her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples. Her cries were getting louder and louder the closer she came to an orgasm. I felt one of her legs wrap around my back, and pretty soon the other was too. She was humping up into my mouth as I slipped in another finger alongside the one I already had inside her.

"Oh... God... Oh... Oh... OH... OH GOD. Don't stop... please don't stop. OH GOD."

I felt her body shudder then she started to writhe around. I clamped my lips tightly around her clit and sucked harder, adding a third finger inside her. She was hugging me so tightly I don't think I could have gotten away even if I had wanted to.

"OOHH, OOHH... GOD... OHHHHH... I'm... I'm Cumminggggg"

I realized that I had slipped yet another finger into her pussy, and all four of them were fully inside her as she jumped around, grinding her pussy into my face. I could hardly breathe, yet I tried my best to keep the contact I had with her there.

Suddenly a flood of juices shot out of her pussy, and I moved my head just a bit down to suck them up. She was cumming hard, and incoherently trying to tell me something I couldn't understand. I kept my mouth and tongue busy, my fingers still buried inside her too. I swallowed a lot of her juices, and found them to be very good.

As she calmed down she hugged me closer, pulling me up next to her.

"Oh... wow. That was wonderful. You're a great pussy eater Jim. I've never had a man do that like you did. You are marvelous. Thank you."

"Well, you really outdid yourself for me too Amy. I've never had my... I've never been... sucked... like that, nor as good as that ever before either. Thank you too."

"Really? Never before?"

"Nope, never. Matter of fact, you're the first woman to have ever swallowed me like you did. It was wonderful. I really mean... wonderful. Thank you."

She smiled at me as her hands began to stroke my shaft again. I was still hard, and now throbbing.

"Mmmm... looks like someone needs some... relief. I do too, so would you do the honors?"

Spreading her legs wide again, I once more got a long good look at her beautiful pussy. I was soon in between her legs, the head of my cock slipping up and down her slit, wetting itself, searching for a hole. She moaned a bit, then guided me into her. As my cock invaded her pussy, I realized that it had been a couple of years since I had last been inside a woman like this.

I went in slowly, wanting her to have time to get used to my shaft as it split her open. I had never really thought about it, but I was fairly well endowed. Amy seemed to be taking it all right, but she was gripping my arms tightly as I pressed inside her. She was so tight at first I thought I may have gotten into the wrong hole... and I actually caught myself looking down to check and see.

I soon bottomed out in her pussy, and just laid there, enjoying the feelings of heat, wetness, and the smooth velvet glove that was holding me to tightly.

"God, you're tight Amy. Very tight."

"Heh... well, you're not exactly small down there you know. Matter of fact, you're the biggest I've ever had. No doubt about that."

"Oh really? The biggest?"

"Oh baby... yes. Now... fuck me with that huge tool."

I started in and out movements slowly at first. It seemed that Amy started cumming as soon as I took one full thrust in and out of her, and then she seemed to keep on cumming for a long time in a series of mini orgasms. She was holding onto me, but her cries and moans were out of this world.

Each time she came her pussy would tighten up for a minute until my cock spread it open again. It was almost painful for me to be fucking her. At least I wasn't quite hitting up against her cervix, which would have been painful for her for sure. I started to go faster and harder, each thrust in I'd grind against her clit and she'd cry out as an orgasm washed over her.

After she had cum about eight or so times, I was tiring. Amy opened her eyes and asked me if I wanted to change positions.

"Want to try something else Jim?"

"I'm game. What?"

"How about me on top?"

I hugged her to me and went to roll us over, forgetting that we were on a narrow couch. As we fell off onto the floor, I had a moment of panic, but it all ended up okay. Amy was on top, and I was still inside her. It appeared that neither of us had gotten hurt, so I just hugged her tightly to me, and we kissed.

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