Copyright© 2006 by Janna Leonard
Chapter 16
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Although this story is fiction - fiction being defined as an imaginative creation or pretense - it would seem logical to me that there are women and girls whose lives are similar to those described herein. Young girls experiment, adults make mistakes, and sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. It's all part of what makes us human. I like to think of it as a love story.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa ft/ft Teenagers Consensual Romantic Lesbian BiSexual Oral Sex Petting Sex Toys Pregnancy School
He drove us back to the house and came inside. Rather reluctantly, because he had to get up the next morning at four am. We fed him a hot meal, let him use the shower and put him in the storage room on the bed. After he went to sleep, Nollie and I showered and played. There was sex involved, but neither of us felt the driving urge to cum. She reminded me of her earlier promise, and I told her if it happened, fine. I wasn't looking to cum, I wanted intimacy with my lover. I could kiss the woman's tits for hours.
We hit the bed about ten, and I set my clock for four am. I got up, got him up, and made coffee as he dressed. I pushed him out the door at four-fifteen with a mug of coffee in his hand. I reset the clock and went back to bed. Nollie never moved.
Nollie woke me up at six and I brushed my teeth. After a quick trip to the storage room for a new pair of stockings, I dressed and put on my makeup. That took three minutes, because I only use a touch of eye shadow and lip-gloss. We were punched in by six forty-five and our day began.
We talked in the lounge at break and decided to ask him about the relationship. It had changed - radically - and we wanted to know how public he wanted it to be. At work, we would remain professionals and he would always be Dr. Stevens, no matter where we were in the building. I thought Mom and Ann would like to know; they had a hand in it, after all. There might be a few other people we could share it with, but we'd do what he wanted.
At lunch, he met us at our usual table and held our chairs for us. He glanced around the room and kissed the back of our hands, one at a time. We began to eat and talk at the same time.
We told him what we thought and he asked, "Have you seen the rule book?"
"Mine is in my locker somewhere," Nollie said.
"Mine's in the kitchen at home," I replied.
"On page four," he said, "there is a specific prohibition against Doctors dating their subordinates. Since you are not subordinate to me - I work for the cancer unit, and you are employed by the Hospital proper - we don't have a problem dating. In fact, I don't give a damn who knows."
"Good!" Nollie said.
"However, on page five there is a rule about PDA's," he said.
"What's that mean?" I asked.
"The politically correct among us have decided we can't show affection at work. Hence, Public Display of Affection, or PDA," he said.
"We've never kissed at work anyway," Nollie whispered.
"Or anything else," I giggled.
"Yes, I know," he said, "but I do know I'm going to have a hell of a time keeping my hands to myself."
"We're in different departments," I reminded him.
"But I have free run of the entire building," he said. "And there are words for women like you."
"And what might those words be, Dr. Stevens?" Nollie smirked.
"Luscious creatures," he replied. "You are both more beautiful than average, yet there isn't a conceited bone in your bodies. You don't give lip service to an emotion; you show it. Love, for instance."
Nollie looked at me and said, "I've never been a 'Luscious Creature' before. Do you think that might get us on the evening news at six?"
I broke up laughing and AJ said, "See what I mean?"
We promised him dinner that night and some nice conversation afterwards; he said he'd be there by five-thirty. We spent the rest of the day with our noses stuck in fat dusty books and left work at three-fifteen.
It was now about the 8th of June. The new rotation would take effect at the end of July, on the 27th. According to my calendar, we had six Sundays left in this rotation and we decided to make the most of the weather. There was no telling where we'd be assigned next, or what shift we'd work; the schedules were confidential until published. They were published seven working days before the changes were to take effect, and until then they were a mystery.
And that wonderful time of the month was coming; our periods had just ended. We had twelve or fourteen days before ovulating. Say the 21st or 22nd of June, and then again in July, about the same time. If she - or we - wanted to try, the time was going to be right soon.
Supper was going to be steaks and fries, with a tomato and cucumber salad. I put a twelve-pack in the fridge of AJ's brand of beer and made sure we had some bourbon left. I sipped on my red wine and we waited for AJ. We were dressed in terry cloth shorts and matching halters, but we didn't intend them to stay on us very long.
He showed up ten minutes late and overly apologetic. We told him to take a shower and dinner would be ready when he was. I snuck down the hall to give him his surprise.
I had the bag with his surprise in my hand, and I hoped he wouldn't take too long. I saw his clothes and his jacket neatly folded on the chair and heard the shower running. I heard it shut off a few minutes later and took a seat on the bed.
He came out with a towel around his waist and asked, "What are you doing in here?"
"Close your eyes," I said. "We have a surprise for you."
"I don't think I can handle another one like yesterday," he laughed, but he shut his eyes.
I took the silk lounging pants from the bag and draped them over his arm. "You can look now," I said. I'd also removed my top and was bare-breasted.
He didn't know whether to look at the pants or me, finally deciding on the pants.
"These are soft," he said. "What am I supposed to do with them?"
"Wear them to dinner," I said. "We're dressing for comfort. You may as well do the same."
"No shirt, huh?" he asked.
"Nope," I replied. "We don't wear shirts and you don't either."
He grinned and said, "Ok."
He said he had a hard time concentrating on the food; we told him in a month he wouldn't even notice our nakedness. Nollie explained that the shorts were to protect the furniture, not our virtue, and he laughed. He had one beer with dinner and we adjourned to the living room. We sat on the couch and gave him the chair. The room wasn't too large, and it felt cozy.
Nollie said, "Tell us your impressions of yesterday."
AJ asked, "Emotional, or physical?"
"You can start with the emotional if you want," she said.
He wiggled in his chair and took a sip of his whiskey, then said, "You two amazed me, literally. I still don't know what to think. Stunned would be a good word."
"You like this arrangement?" Nollie asked.
"Definitely," he smiled.
"What was the physical like?" Nollie asked.
"Unbelievable," he replied. "A girl I knew tried it with me a couple of times, but that was nothing like yesterday. With either of you. I really don't have much experience, I'm sorry."
I have to say 'thank you' for yesterday," I said. "It was my first time too, and you made it special."
"You said you didn't have a hymen," he said. "Nollie mentioned you gave them to each other. Was there any special reason?"
Nollie said, "It was a bonding thing between us. We used a dildo."
I ran to our room, got Little Eddie and showed it to him.
"Kinky," he said.
"I had to stretch the muscles of my vagina," Nollie said. "It was the best way for us."
"Mmmm," he murmured.
Nollie asked, "Have you ever played with a girl?"
"As in hopscotch and jacks, or sexually?" he asked.
"Intimate play, without an orgasm being the main objective," Nollie said.
"Never heard of it," he said.
"We do it when we're tired, or after a string of orgasms," I said. "But the orgasm is secondary. If it happens, fine; if not we don't worry about it. It's helped us become closer."
AJ put his chin in his hand and said, "Tell me more. That sounds interesting."
"Well, first we get naked," she said, "and then we rub our bodies together." We had stripped off the shorts and were demonstrating as she talked. "Then we touch; with fingers mostly, but you can use your tongue or toes or anything, really."
We were standing in the middle of the floor nude, with our eyes closed and hugging. Nollie would spin slowly, and I would drag my fingertips or palms across her skin. We'd reverse, and she would touch me as I spun.
"It doesn't matter where you touch, or with what," Nollie said dreamily. "Concentrate on the touch itself."
We continued for three minutes or so, and Nollie opened her eyes and stopped me from turning.
"Take off your pants and join us, AJ," I said. "Get in the middle. It's the most fun."
"What if I... ?" he asked.
"I'll take care of it," Nollie said. "We have washcloths and towels handy."
I watched as he stripped. His cock wasn't soft, but it wasn't fully hard. He walked to us and we surrounded him with our bodies. Nollie told him to close his eyes, then she started touching him. His shoulders and neck, his ears, and other non-sexual parts. I knelt and massaged the inside of his knees, then backed up to him and let him feel my butt against him. I reached back and squeezed his ass in both hands, then rolled my shoulder away from him and touched Nollie.
She took over where I'd left off and he was in full-body contact with one or both of us for about ten minutes. His cock grew and I grasped it and pulled him to me, pressing my stomach against him. I searched for his nipples and kissed one, then the other. His cock was extremely firm against my belly and I sucked one of his nipples into my mouth.
He shuddered and said, "Ooooohhhh, Shit!"
I felt his cock throb and my belly got slippery. Cum was dripping from below my breasts down to my pubic hair. I heard Nollie laugh quietly. I reached for a washcloth and wiped myself. I wiped him too, and he shivered again.
Nollie said, "There, it happened. Let's continue, so close your eyes."
He was shaky for a short while, then he got back into the mood.
Nollie had me stand hip-to-hip with her and facing him, and she talked him through touching us. He was allowed one hand per body, and had to do what she told him.
"There; feel my nipple. Pinch it lightly. Take the breast in your hand. What does it weigh? How deep is my belly button? What's my pubic hair feel like? How about hers?" she asked, and continued in that vein until he was at our feet. "Touch the toes, feel the rings and the calluses; let your fingertip trace the nails, that's it," she said, and when he reached her heel she finished with, "Open your eyes and stop where you are."
He was almost in a trance-like state, and shook his head to clear it.
"Wasn't that fun?" she asked.
His answer was a deep kiss for Nollie, then it was my turn. The kisses complete, he sat in the chair and took a sip of his drink.
"Wow," he said. "That's fantastic."
I said, "It's nine-thirty. Do you want to sleep with us tonight, or go back to your apartment?"
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