Nollie - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by Janna Leonard

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Although this story is fiction - fiction being defined as an imaginative creation or pretense - it would seem logical to me that there are women and girls whose lives are similar to those described herein. Young girls experiment, adults make mistakes, and sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. It's all part of what makes us human. I like to think of it as a love story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Pregnancy   School  

We were a slow ten-minute walk from the blanket and out of AJ's line of sight. The trees were thick and almost to the water's edge and I leaned her up against a trunk. My mouth found hers and I kissed her passionately. My hand groped for her pussy and I took her hard. She spread her legs and urged me on, mumbling for me to hurry. The use of Little Eddie had opened her and I used two fingers, then three. The tip of one finger found her spot, and I massaged it rapidly as I kissed her neck. I was holding her up; this wasn't about love, this was simple sexual release.

Sixty seconds after I started, she came violently on my hand, flooding my palm with her cum. The echo of her one sharp scream made its way around the lake, then all was quiet except her breathing. Her legs were weak, and I prevented her from falling. When she could walk, I helped her rinse off in the lake.

She put her head on my shoulder as we returned to AJ. I was as tall as she was now, and it felt nice to hold her.

Just before we reached the truck, she whispered, "I'll make it up to you tonight."

I kissed her and said, "I'll look forward to it."

AJ hadn't brought a book or a deck of cards, so he was enjoying the water when we walked up. He saw us coming and got out and dried himself. We met at the blanket and sat down, then he gave us a beer.

"One can left," he grinned. "I'm into the wine, myself."

He wasn't slurring his words, but I could tell he was packing a buzz. There was a half-bottle remaining.

We rummaged in the cooler for more food and as we started eating he said, "I thought this might happen."

"What?" Nollie asked through a mouthful of sandwich. "That I'd fall in love with you?"

"No," he laughed, "that you would come clean and admit your motives. I talked to your mother several times, and I asked a lot of questions. I have a pretty good grip on your character and your motivation."

"Why'd you do that?" Nollie asked indignantly.

"I wasn't going to let just anybody have a baby of mine," he said.

"What did she say about me?" I asked.

"You're very similar to Nollie," he replied. "You don't argue much, you're willing to admit you're wrong. You're forthright, honest, and don't carry a grudge. You're open and communicative, too."

"Christ, she makes me sound like the perfect woman!" I exclaimed.

"Pretty damn close," he agreed. "And very good-looking, I might add."

Nollie put her wrapper in the trash bag, and took a swig of her beer. She said, "Now that I have confessed all, and bared my soul - do you see it there, in the breeze? - it's time for AJ to tell me how he feels."

He took a sip of wine and put the bottle down. He put his elbows on his knees, and said, "At first I was unsure why a girl - sorry, woman - as good-looking as you and in a committed relationship with another woman would be remotely interested in a character like me. Then I found out the reason for your interest and I was a little offended."

"I imagine, " Nollie said. "I'm sorry."

"Not a problem," he replied. "I wasn't offended at the notion of the baby as much as I was that you hadn't taken the time to investigate me - to find out what made me tick, what my feelings were about kids and marriage and babies and all that. My background, too, since I came from an orphanage. How could you be sure you'd get a healthy baby?"

"Wishful thinking," Nollie replied with a sigh.

"But then curiosity took hold," he said. "I called your mother the day after the dinner, and she said that you've had this need, or want, since you were fairly young. I think she said fourteen."

"Six months after my first period," Nollie replied.

"Ok, so you were a little younger," he said. "Anyway, that's a long time to dream something. So I thought and rationalized a bit, and I came to the conclusion that I could give you a child under the right circumstances. I was, and am, way too busy with work to devote the time to raising a family. There aren't enough hours in the day as it is. My plan was to get to know you both, and at the right time - your choice - get you pregnant. And I'd have none of the day-to-day problems of raising a child, but I could reap the benefit of having one."

"Sounds like it was a good plan until I fucked it up," Nollie said.

"You didn't fuck anything up, miss potty-mouth," he said, grinning. "As I told you, I wanted to get to know both of you. After a while, I was like a kid in a candy store on an unlimited expense account. I saw the looks the guys - and some of the girls, too! - gave the three of us when we were out on the town. It made me feel good and it's a hell of an ego boost."

"I noticed that as well," I smiled.

He continued, "Mother Nature played a role, too. We'd be sitting in the truck or the restaurant, and I was positive I could smell you. Both of you, and I could tell the difference between you!"

"You'd better hush or I'll make you prove it," Nollie giggled.

AJ's cheeks got very pink, and he said, "I'm just telling you what happened! Anyway, there was a tiny problem that I didn't know how to handle, and I called Ann. You know, Dr. Lewis?" We nodded and he said," I told her I was willing to do the baby thing, but I was very, very reluctant to become the instrument of your destruction. I didn't want to get in the way of your love for each other, and a lot of relationships have exploded for far less."

Nollie took my hand and held it to her cheek. "No worries on that account, I assure you," she said.

"That's what she said," he replied. "In fact, her exact words were, 'Date them, talk to them, watch them. What they have will amaze you.' "

"And you did that, and then what happened?" I asked. I was anxious to get to the bottom of this!

"I started to like you more, but there were a few tests along the way, " he said. "I took you out to that old farm I bought, and told you what I dreamt of. Then I took you ice-fishing. I watched you with the kids in Pediatrics and the ones on my floor. I watched you interact when you thought no one was looking, and I had a nice sit-down with your mother and Ann a week ago."

"What did they say?" I asked.

"Emily's most blunt comment was that I'd be acceptable as a son-in-law," he replied. "You two have to remember that I haven't dated much, and for me to have a relationship with a woman is like a politician telling the truth - it just isn't done. But I took you places I've never shared with anyone else, ever. I've shared my dreams with you, and you didn't laugh at me. It means a lot to me to be taken seriously, because of my age."

"How old are you?" I asked. Nollie was listening with rapt attention.

"Twenty-six," he said. "They stared at me a lot when I was younger. I thought everybody could do quadratic equations in their head. I didn't realize how different I was until I got to high school."

"That must have been fun," Nollie said.

"I left as soon as I could," he said, "and I've never looked back. I missed some socialization though, and I'm confused."

"About what?" Nollie asked.

He raised his hand and held his thumb and forefinger about a coin's thickness apart, and said, "I'm that close to telling one of you that I love you. I'm afraid that if I only tell one of you, the other will be angry. And I can't choose between you; I just can't!" He put his head in his hands and looked at the blanket.

I heard Nollie's jaw hit the blanket with a soft thump. I stared at him in disbelief. If he was sincere, this would be his lucky day. I whispered something in Nollie's ear, and she nodded very enthusiastically at me with a huge grin on her face.

We walked on our knees to where he sat, and moved so he was between us. We each took an arm, and pulled him down on the blanket. With our heads close to his ears, we said, "Who says you have to choose?" And we said it in perfect harmony, too!

Nollie was the first to move to his side and kiss him. I felt a pang of jealousy for a moment, then just sat and watched. She moved his hand to her breast and I heard her moan. After five minutes or so she quickly stood and said, "Your turn."

Nollie and I took turns kissing him and about a half-hour later, I noticed her turn was taking longer.

"Hey, don't hog the lips!" I teased. We'd both been playing with the hair on his chest, and his erection was standing proud. It was pointed at his chin and the foreskin had partially retracted. His cock had a nice rounded end, with a tiny - to me, anyway - slit, located dead center. I had no idea what Nollie was going to do with it once she saw it, but my imagination was working overtime.

She pulled away slowly from his mouth, and smiled at him. I knew he'd been the recipient of a really nice kiss, Nollie's specialty. She glanced at his groin and her eyes got big, then she smiled wider.

She grasped his cock about halfway down and asked, "What have we here?" She stroked it a few times, and AJ groaned. A drop of almost-clear fluid issued from the slit and he groaned again. She threw her leg over his body and sat up, trapping his erection neatly between her legs. I saw the tip of it poking out of her pubic hair, and I giggled.

She bent forward to kiss him again; after the kiss he said, "We can't! We'll get caught!"

"No we won't," Nollie assured him, "because Sarah is going to keep watch for us. Aren't you, Sarah?"

"Yes!" I cried. I patted his cheek, gave him a kiss of my own and stood. There was no one coming; even people who knew about the place rarely came here. I positioned myself where I could watch the trail and still be close to them. He tried to persuade her to stop, but she got that determined look of hers on her face and glared at him. He relented and closed his eyes. I saw her grab his cock and position it at her entrance, then she slowly sat down. She had to wiggle and grunt a bit, but a minute later he was fully inside.

I could imagine his feelings. Nollie was wet and very horny. The liquid sounds of his cock thrusting inside her were exciting to hear. And she'd said she loved him; he in turn was a hair's breadth away from loving her, or us, if it worked out that way. There was nothing better than sharing your body with someone you loved. I remembered our first time; it was magic. And he was young and inexperienced. He might be twenty-six by the calendar, but emotionally he was about sixteen. If she'd met him in high school, the baby would be a five-year-old by now.

He was on his back, gazing up at her in wonder. She was riding him slowly and deeply, wiggling her butt when she bottomed out. He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands. I held one of her hands and kissed her occasionally as I watched them make love. Kitty was extremely wet and I fiddled with my clit.

She said, "AJ!" and he opened his eyes. "Touch me! Play with my boobs! Please!" she said huskily, and his hands obeyed. The tempo gradually rose, and with it their cries and moans of pleasure.

Right at the end, she was crouched over him kissing him as her hips bounced up and down in a blur. His arms were around her with his hands on her ass, accompanying its movements. Her knees were almost to his armpits and I could hear their bellies slapping together. He had tried to hold back in order to make it last, but he'd failed. He arched his back and pushed upward as hard as he could, and his butt lifted off the blanket a few inches. I saw five or six more rapid thrusts and then three slower ones, where she pounded his cock as hard as she could. With the last one, she remained impaled on his cock as deep as it could go.

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