Duchess in Torment
Copyright© 2005 by 6beast
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A Duchess is captured and used in an old abandon castle until she learns she deserved the torment she so desperately craves and falls in love with her found Master
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Fiction Cheating BDSM Rough Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex
The Duchess was riding her horse along the Knights Walls, as she did every day.
It was a very desolated place and what attracted her to this place. She enjoyed it's peacefulness. Her place to be alone. She still recalled the argument she had with the Duke the night before. He didn't seem to have any time for her any more. There were always more important matters that came before she did. It was more and more apparent she came last in his life.Giving her everything she needed, except what she wanted most, "His Love". She and the Duke had not made love or could she recall the last time he had touched her. Had it been months or years? She couldn't remember the last time he showed her any kind of affection. She wondered if he even still loved her. Thinking about it was only fruitless. Riding her horse was the only thing that helped her forget her anger and frustrations. She had ridden all morning reaching the old castle. It was an eerie place. Rumors of it being hunted were well spread among the locals. Some- thing drew her to this place today. She had only ridden into the Knights Walls this far once to see it's mysterious castle. Never venturing inside it's outer walls. This place did frighten the Duchess, but something drew her inside, passed the castles walls. Inside it looked like there had been a great battle fought hundreds of years ago. Large stones were scattered all about and most of the buildings were burned. It didn't seem like any one had been among the ruins in many years. Trotting her horse into the large yard, she found the remains of an old spring well that still poured water into a fountain. The Duchess dismounted and tied her horse by the well to allow the animal to drink. She walked exploring among the remains with out a clue of where she was going. Walking past several buildings, until she found herself in front of the royal building. It's large doors laying on the ground, covered with dust. They had been force apart. Weary she stepped inside. It was hard to see. The place gave her the creeps. She imagine a ghost inhabiting the castle, but she didn't stop. She entered the large hall stepping quietly through, until she found herself in the throne room. She slowly moved across the room, trying not to make any sound. When she reached the throne chair a movement in the shadows frighten the Duchess. She didn't scream, but in a panic twisted around and started moving backwards. Away from the shadow that frighten her, and ran into something. She quickly turned and was grabbed by a tall figure. She screamed in horror. It was a man with a badly burn disfigured face. The Duchess turn to get away from him, but his arms were around her waist holding her tightly. The man was to strong for her to fight off. In a panic she was kicking and screaming. Doing all she could to escape from him. Nothing she did helped. He tighten his grip around her waist. Holding her so tightly she couldn't breath. She had to stop screaming to gasp for air. It was to much for the Duchess and passed out.
Groggy the Duchess awoke unaware of where she was or what had happen. She felt so cold. Suddenly her memory returned of what had happen. "That horrible man!"
In a panic, she tried to stand to escape this place, but she realized she had been tied down and undressed. She began screaming for help and struggling to pull free of the restraints. She had been tied down by her wrist and ankles on what looked like two slabs of wood to make a table in a large X. She was spread open exposing all of her sex to whom ever tied her. After what seemed like hours to the Duchess. She laid it tears, to weak to struggle any more. "What is going to happen to me? "She asked herself "Who is doing this?" She cried fearing the worst until she was to exhausted to cry any more. She was so cold. She was sure she was going to freeze to death. "Was I left here to die?" She shivered.
She was afraid to die. She slowly looked around, the room was lit faintly by a single candle. She couldn't tell where she was. It was to dark and there were no windows to allow light into the room." I must be in the dun... " A movement in the shadows made the Duchess lose her thought. The large" figure moved towards her. She remembered she was undressed and tried to cover herself up, forgetting about the restraints. The large shadow laughed at her with an eerie tone. "What do you want with me?" She asked frighten. She couldn't see his face. It was hidden in the dark. She begged him to let her go, offering him money, anything for him not to hurt her, and let her go. The man said nothing to her. He turned away and began lighting more candles. He moved all around her, lighting the room, never allowing her to see his face or speaking a word to her When he was done, the room was well lit. The Duchess nakedness was very visible for his eyes. His silence tortured her, as she pleaded with him Until finally he faced her. The Duchess looked away in fright. He was to horribly disfigured, it frighten her. "You don't want to look at me you Bitch! ", The man grabbed a hand full of her hair in rage. Shouting in her face. "Whore! You think you're so fucking beautiful!", He said as he pulled back to stare at her nakedness with half a grin. The Duchess closed her eyes tightly, afraid and not wanting to see what he was going to do to her. "Please don't hurt me." Shaking with fear she begged him, but he never replied to her pleads of mercy. Like an animal he only stared at her, until he reached for one of her breast. Her eyes snapped open, Please don't... Don't! Let me go, Please. She pleaded with him, as he continued squeezing her breast, clawing at her tender flesh. Then lowered his lips near her ear. She turned away. As he whispered to her, "You're going to be my whore.", as he dug his fingernails hard into her breast. "No! God no, not that...", She tearfully replied, never turning to face him. The man began to slowly slide his hand down her skin, across her stomach. His hand was rough that it scratched her tender flesh like a rake. She begged with him to stop, but he wouldn't hear her cries. He was going to have his way with her and she was helpless to stop him. Touching her, he moved around the table until he was standing between her thighs. She didn't want to see what he was doing. Tears ran from her eyes with shame and horror. The man was merciless, as he tormented the Duchess, making her wait for the torture he had planed for her. He ran his hands down her thigh and back to her hips. When he touched her inner thigh, the Duchess curved her body trying to pull away from his touch. He laughed at her foolish attempts. It was useless, as she was well bound to the table. Then it angered him and he slapped hard against her inner thighs. Forcing her to keep still and making the Duchess cry out in pain. "You fucking Bitch! You still want to play games with me! When I'm through with you, you'll beg me to take you any way I want whore! " The Duchess couldn't believe her ears, what he was saying to her. "Never you ugly Bastard!", she found the courage to yell at him. "You can rape me or beat me, but I'll never give myself to you!" He just laughed at her, he didn't believe her. Then lowered his eyes and gave her an evil stare, that made her shiver with fear. He turned and moved away to a group of lit candles. Picking one up, and returned to her side, with an evil grin on his face. "What are you going to do?"
Asked a terrified Duchess. He didn't reply. She looked at the candle as it melt- ed and hot wax ran down on his hand. She looked at him. He never made a sight as the hot wax burned into his flesh. He moved his hand above her breast and made her wait. She looked at him and he turn, staring into her eyes. She quickly turn away. Then she felt it. "Aaaaggghhh!...", The burn of the hot wax on her tender flesh. He had poured it over her sensitive nipple and made the Duchess arched her back in reaction. He moved the candle and poured wax on her other nipple as well. "Aaaaggghhh!!!..." It sent a shiver across her spin. Her mind was in horror. Her body filled with excitement, giving into the horrible pleasured at his hands. She wanted him to stop, but her body wanted more. "Please... Mmmm...", She was afraid what she would say. He stopped and placed the candle down on the table. He grinned at her, knowing what he was doing to her. He moved his hands up to her breast taking her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, pinching them.
Twisting the soft wax off her tips. The Duchess felt a new shiver going through her body. "God no... What is happening?..." She asked herself. She began to feel nauseous. Her body betrayed her. Her nipples harden with excitement and her clit began to throb. "God no!..." She still begged him. "Don't do this to me... Please don't..." He knew what he was doing to her. Her eyes became glace when he put his hand on her sex. "Aaaaggghhh!!!...", She was very wet and excited. He rubbed his fingers across her labium to touch her clit. "MmmAaaaggghhh!!!..." It made her arch her body as she filled with ecstasy, exploding with a powerful orgasm The Duchess lost the battle with in her, as her body surrendered to the excitement he raised out of her. She didn't want him to touch her, but her body yearn for the pleasure. His touch was to much for her body to not crave. It needed a man that could conquer her. "Mmmm... , Put your fingers inside me... , Please...", Did those words come out of her lips. Her mind said no, but her body spoke for her now. She was so dazed her mind was spinning. She must of said it. He sank two fingers deep inside her womb. It sent a powerful jolt through her "Oh... God!!...
Aaaaggghhh!!!... Yes!" She quickly exploded again. He moved his fingers in and out of her hungry cunt. It was making her mad with pleasure. He sank a third finger inside of her sex. The Duchess couldn't stop herself and erupted with a new orgasm. "Aaaaggghhh!!!... , Yes... More!" It had been so long for the Duchess she didn't want it to end. She had fallen into the web of sin and swam with the current of pleasure. He kept ramming his fingers into her sex, letting her melt all over them. Then with out warning he pulled out his fingers. She turn to see why he had stopped, when she was so close to a new explosion. "Why did he stop?
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