Making Popcorn With The Gordon Sisters - Cover

Making Popcorn With The Gordon Sisters

Copyright© 2005 by Openbook

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is the twenty second story in the Caddymaster saga. Jackie's new young neighbors can't wait to experience the same kind of New England hospitality that Jackie's dad gave to their mother, who is also the aunt of their cousin, Clara.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   First   Oral Sex  

The next day, Sunday, Ray and Clara were caught screwing in Clara and Trudie's bedroom by Clara's aunt. Clara had complained of having another one of her headaches, and the Gordon's had gone off to church leaving her home by herself. Ray had been waiting for them to drive off, and then had snuck over to the Gordon's house just like he and Clara had planned it. The Gordon's were some kind of Protestants or something, and had to bring their own bibles to church. LaVerne had forgotten her bible, and they'd all doubled back in order to retrieve it. I guess Ray and Clara weren't being as quiet as they should have been, and didn't hear LaVerne coming through the front door. I was out in our kitchen when all the ruckus started. There was yelling and cursing and then I could hear Ray yelling and Clara screeching real loud. My parents and Annie heard it as well. All of us recognized Ray's voice, and it sounded like he was either in pain or seriously frightened. My father and I both got to the front door at the same time, but I was able to squeeze by him first and make it outside before him. By the time we had turned the corner of our house, we could see Clyde Gordon dragging Ray by his hair, down off of his porch. Ray was yelling and I got there first and punched Mr. Gordon in the stomach, yelling at him to let my brother go. He grabbed for me, letting go of Ray's hair, but, by then my father had caught up to us, and Mr. Gordon got himself a real ass whipping. It didn't take long, and it wasn't pretty, in a matter of seconds my father was stomping on the head of a very unconscious man. I don't think I'd seen my father acting quite so vicious before. He was yelling at Mr. Gordon while he kicked him, and flecks of spittle were flying out of his mouth. My mother and Annie were finally able to get him to quit kicking the man, but not before my father had imparted a lot of damage to his face, chest and to his ribs.

My father was arrested this time, and Mr. Gordon spent three weeks in the hospital. a military lawyer managed to get my father released from jail, but they had him confined on the Sub base until they were certain that Mr. Gordon was going to pull through. Mr. Bennett was doing all that he could, but the severity of Mr. Gordon's injuries were enough to keep it from just being swept under the rug. My mother went down and filed a complaint against Mr. Gordon for assault against both Ray and I, she was acting on Mr. Bennett's advice. The police department sent over a couple of investigators, and they asked everybody who had seen anything to give their statements about what they had seen or heard, and any background information that they had about our family and the Gordon's. Of course it came out about my father's fling with LaVerne, and about Mr. Gordon's having threatened to kill my father. The big bombshell came when Clara told the cops that Mr. Gordon had repeatedly molested her and Shannon since they were about ten and eleven. She claimed that LaVerne knew about it too, but hadn't done anything about it. LaVerne was arrested then, and the three girls put into some type of shelter or orphanage. Three days later, LaVerne was back home and the next day all three girls were brought back to live there too. Whatever charges there had been against her were dropped when Clyde admitted that he'd done the molesting, and then admitted threatening his wife, telling her he'd fix her if she tried to do anything about it. Clyde, after admitting to molesting both girls for four years, was given a suspended jail sentence, and ordered to seek psychiatric counseling. When he was released from the hospital, and before he pled guilty, he was allowed to live back at home with his wife and the girls. My parents agreed to drop their charges of assault against him in return for him agreeing to forget the beating my father had given him. My father still faced the charges, but when he pled not guilty and his lawyer told the judge that my father would claim to have been justified because he had acted in defense of his home and family, the charges were bargained down to simple misdemeanor assault, and he was fined one hundred dollars and released from his base arrest.

While this was all going on, Ray and I were attending school normally, and when the girls got back home they went back to school also. Trudie started keeping herself cleaner after that, although she was never what anyone would call fastidious. Ray got his heart broken when Clara found another boy at school that she liked better, and broke off with him to start going out with this other boy. He and Shannon still went out into the woods on occasion, but during the winters in Connecticut you had to be really horny to pull out your dick when it was ten degrees or less outside. I went out in the woods with Shannon every once in awhile as well, but I made sure that Ray didn't know about it. Trudie and I never really made it past the teasing stage, and this in spite of the fact that I went out in the woods with her at least fifty times while they lived there. She really seemed fascinated by my dick, but other than feeling her breasts, kissing her, and once or twice feeling her pussy through her pants, I never could get anywhere with her. On a couple occasions she almost gave me a blow job, but she was just never quite able to get over her aversion to doing that. She did put a few kisses on it, and that was pretty friendly of her considering it wasn't anything that she enjoyed. I flirted a lot with Clara, but we never did go out into the woods again. Ray and Clara had another brief rekindling of passion when she was in the ninth grade and he was in the eighth, but that was more just for sex than it was a real relationship.

About six months after the big ruckus, LaVerne called me over to her porch one day and asked me if I'd help her get some boxes down from the shelf above her closet. I don't know where everyone else was, but we were alone in the house. When I reached both of my arms up to grab the boxes she'd pointed to, she reached around to the front of me and gave my dick a little squeeze. She told me that she'd been wondering for a long time if I took after my daddy in some ways. I just stayed where I was, with my hands outstretched and holding on to those boxes. It ended up with the two of us having hurried sex on her bed. I was too nervous about being caught to think much about what I was doing, or to try to make a good impression. I was done before she got started, but it wasn't even as pleasant for me as jacking off would have been. I guess I didn't feel like the danger of being caught was worthwhile. When I was done, and fixing my pants back up, she made a sour face and said: "I guess not." For some reason, her saying that pleased me. I'd always wanted to be as different from my father as I could be. It wasn't two weeks later when I saw Ray coming out of the Gordon house too. Apparently he was more like my father in her eyes, because she and he had repeat engagements for the whole rest of the time that they lived there.

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