What a Way to Find Out
by Alexand Morgan
Copyright© 2005 by Alexand Morgan
Fiction Story: A man's discovery of his wife's extra marital affair as he examines himself.
Tags: Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Cheating
I looked down at my dick and a scream ripped out of my throat. The head of MY DICK was covered with red bumps which as soon as I noticed them started to itch like hell. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks my wife was fucking around on me. My first action was to go to the doctor instantly to find out what the fuck she had given me.
I ran and jumped into my car and raced to the doctor's office. My family doctor Dr. Jacobs was in and he graciously slipped me in between appointments. After a thorough exam and a blood test he diagnosed me with a minor S.T.D. He sat me down and explained that it would take about a week to go away with treatment and that my wife was probably not showing any symptoms as yet and to get her to come in. I thanked him and told him I would pass back at the end of the week for a follow up and to receive the results of my blood test.
I left his office in a foul mood thinking of ways to kill my wife without spending a day in the slammer but nothing came to me. As I parked the car I remembered the conversation I had had with my wife where I told her my beliefs in terms of marriage and fidelity. It was the first night of our honeymoon and I sat her down in the bridal suite and I said to her, "Joan I love you and I want you to know that I take my vows very seriously and know that from this day forward I swear my loyalty, my love, my body and my life to you. I promise you that you will never have to worry about me being faithful to you because I would never place your life at risk by going around with any other woman. I place my life in your hands by choosing to have unprotected sex with you my beautiful wife and I promise you should I ever be so foolish to fuck any other woman I will let you know right away and give you the choice of whether you wish to stay with me or go on with your life without me. I make this promise to you now and forever." Her eyes filled up with tears as she told me that she too would uphold the same promise to me.
My eyes filled with tears of anger as I remembered this night over 6 years ago. What had happened to us that she had sought excitement outside of our marriage? I thought about it briefly but nothing came to mind. We were happy or so I had thought but apparently it was only I who felt this happiness. Joan had been nothing but loving and affectionate towards me in recent months but this was a normal thing in our marriage. Where who and how did she manage to fuck around on me? These questions I had to have answered or I would never be able to have a nights rest. It was noon now as I glanced at my watch and I realised that it would be five hours before my DARLING wife was due home.
At 5.15pm my wife strolled through the door and tried to kiss me but after a hasty series of coughs she understood why I pulled away explaining that I thought I was coming down with cold or maybe the flue as I mentioned to her that my throat was also sore. She sympathised with me and went on about her day at the office about how much fun the people there were to work with. She looked at me carefully and said "Oh by the way the girls are going out after work on Friday for drinks so I will be coming home late afterwards." I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and asked her "Is it going to be an all girl affair or are there going to be guys there as well." She said after a little pause "Maybe one or two guys from work as well but that's it."
I looked at her and thought to myself "Is this the first time she has said something like this or is this the first time I am questioned her reasons in my mind." I said nothing to her about the rash though but decide d to wait until the week was up before saying anything to confront her. As to her "Outing" well that dog is already dead so it makes no difference trying to stop her now. Amazingly I really did not feel the need to go out and beat up any guy or guys over her infidelity. I figured that it could not have happened unless she wanted it to and so the blame fell at her. I did not need anymore proof than the confession from her mouth so I left the problem to be dealt with after my doctor's visit.
I spent the rest of the week home organising some job applications and mailing them out. I had lost my last job when my boss had jumped on my fist several times after he had taken credit for my hard work and slammed door on my hand as I had entered the regional manager's office to explain what he had done. He spent the week in the hospital but my hand had only needed a few stitches for the cuts I received from his teeth. The regional manager had apologised for what had happened but told me that since my boss was his son-in-law he would have to let me go but promised me a substantial cheque and a glowing reference. I took the cheque and walked out of my workplace of ten years without even a goodbye to him or a thank you. He got his son-in-law's teeth rearranged free of charge so that was enough as far as I was concerned.
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