The Anderson Chronicles - Cover

The Anderson Chronicles

Copyright© 2005 by Erotica Author

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - This is the autobiography of Calvin Coolidge Anderson. My life spanned some of the most important periods of the nation's history. I committed great good and great evil. I hope my life can become an example or a lesson to those who try to do either.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Historical   Cheating   Cuckold   Sister   InLaws   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Size   BBW  

June 20, 1943,

Ellie sat three pews in front of us at church, and I couldn't help but to stare at her thinking about Friday night. She caught me looking and smiled. The minister's voice droned in the back of my mind as I considered my life as a father. Thinking of being sixteen with a wife and a job made my returned smile a forced one. She told me yesterday at the park that she should know in a couple of days. Her sister, Vicki, was next to her on the pew. I didn't usually see her in church. Ellie said she went because her mother said she had to, but Vicki went because she thought her sins had piled high enough to seek some forgiveness.

On the other side of mom, Jane and Gloria sat in their finest maternity outfits. They offered me a cordial hello, but I knew there was a chill in the air. The after effects of my experiment in mating a pair of females still carried on into church. I tried to warm them up, but my blazing smile couldn't penetrate their frigid exteriors. I was pretty sure that if I could get them apart I could warm them up for another round of fun with me. I could put off a trio for a while, because I knew Ellie and Holly wouldn't freeze up on me. Passing up a challenge for a sure thing would trouble me, but I was learning that you have to pick the right time and place for any groundbreaking efforts.

After the service the two come up to me to chat. Ellie and I made some small talk. Vicki seemed distracted and moved off to the side to give us some privacy. After a few minutes, Vicki rejoined us, but she didn't join in the conversation. As I said good bye, Vicki put something in my pocket. It was a piece of paper. I excused myself to my mother and went to the men's room. I pulled out the small white scrap. "One block north of your house. Two pm." What as this? She wanted to meet me away from Ellie? Would Ellie think this was disloyal? If it were would I go? I knew I would go. I was too curious to not show up. When the time came I simply picked up my baseball glove, and told mom I was headed for the park.

She was a few minutes late when she pulled over to the curb. I got in and we drove off. She offered me a Pall Mall, and I took it. I punched the cigarette lighter on the dash. She flashed me a smile, "Hi, hon. I bet you're wondering what I'm doing picking you up on a Sunday afternoon?"

"Yeah, I am. Ellie might be pissed about meeting you like this?" I had enough trouble without pissing off a possibly pregnant girlfriend.

"Don't worry about her. I'm not telling her, and I doubt you will either." Vicky tapped her cigarette into a half-full ashtray.

The lighter popped out, and I lit my cigarette. I saw Vicki was driving to the edge of town toward orchard country. She didn't say anything else until we got beyond the houses to the factory district, and I wondered which company I would be working for soon. We didn't talk. I could see she had something on her mind, and I was thinking too much about being a father.

She turned onto an old road and drove about a hundred yards into a grove of trees and stopped. She turned to me and said, "Here's the deal, Cal. I work for a bar downtown."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I thought you worked for Sal?" Remembering the party where I picked up a hundred bucks for having a bigger dick than a gangster.

"No, Cal. The woman who owns the bar runs girls out the back."

"Runs girls?" She often spoke a different language.

"They get paid to go out and have sex with men, Calvin." I could she was hesitant to admit this.

"Kind of like you and the gangsters?"

"Yeah, except rather than having one party an evening I have several." She nervously flicked her cigarette in the ashtray.

"I knew you were a prostitute." She flinched a little at my accurate assessment of her.

"The problem is that with the war on there's a shortage of men to hire the girls. I'm not making much money and the bar owner isn't either. She's threatened to fire a few of us."

"What would you do then?" I knew she was working to pay for the house her husband bought when he held a high-paying factory job.

"I would lose the house and have to move in with Mom and Ellie." She stabbed out the cigarette. "I like my independence, Cal."

"So, how does this make you drive me out into the country?" She wasn't getting to the point.

"I brought an idea to Hazel; she owns the bar, on how we could stop losing money while the war is on."

This puzzled me. "I thought everyone was making money on the war. I mean everyone has a job."

"Business right now is shit. All the young men are off to war!" She lit a fresh cigarette. She gave me a quirky grin. "There's just not enough men around to pay for sex right now."

"I suppose. I never thought of it that way." I was still uncertain were this was heading.

"She and I were talking the other day about what to do, and I said, instead of sending young women out to men with jobs, why not send young men out to the women who have the jobs now and no men."

"I thought you said, the young men were off to war." Now, I was more confused than ever.

"Young men with money are off to war. Young men with dicks are still around." She leaned back against the door and draped her legs over my lap and went on. "She thought I was nuts, but I sold her on the idea.—it's a money-maker."

"I don't know, it sounds reasonable." I really didn't think it did. It didn't sound like the way nature worked.

"I think so too, but she didn't know any man we could send out." She said with a look of triumph. "I thought of you." Her heel rubbed my crotch.

I held her foot still. "Me?"

"Yes, you." She stabbed her smoke at me.

"You want me to fuck women for money?" Dawn had finally broken.

"You would make a fortune!"

"Yeah? Like how much?" Stuffing a hundred-dollar bill in a Boy's Life magazine was an act I would like to repeat, so I was interested.

"A couple of hundred a week." She said casually.

"No, shit!" That was about six times what Mom made.

"Yeah! Maybe not at first, but we're sure you can work up to it."

"Tell me how it'll work." Two hundred a week was a fortune at that time.

Vicki's heels dug into my crotch. "The old lady takes the calls. When she gets one for you she gives you an address and a bag of food. You deliver the food, collect for your services, fuck the lady, and bring back the money. You get half and the old lady gets half."

I thought about this. It was illegal, but then I was a minor, and knew I couldn't get into too much trouble. "If I say yes, what happens?" I take the last drag on my cigarette and toss it out the car window.

"We drive downtown, and you meet Hazel."

"Let's go, what the hell?" Why is it that life decisions are made so quickly when you're young?

"Great." Vicki flicked her smoke out the window, pulled her feet off my hard on, and started the car.

Vicki drove us downtown and parked behind a bar named The Second Hand. "Come on, Cal." She used a key to open a ratty door that said "Keep Out."

It was dark inside; the place was closed, as it was Sunday. The first office on the right had a light in it. Vicki pointed, and I walked in first.

A woman, about sixty, looked up; she had gray hair and was close to a hundred pounds overweight. She wore a man's chambray shirt over a pair of huge tits and a cheap gingham dress. She sat behind the desk and looked me over.

"Hazel, this is Calvin. The stud I told you about." Vicki introduced us.

"How old are you? You look pretty young." Suspicion was a permanent tone to her voice. Her dark eyes took a long tour of my body.

Vicki added, "Hazel, he's eighteen."

She snorted. "Yeah, and I'm the fucking Easter Bunny." She picked up a pack of Lucky Strikes. She offered me one, and saw that I knew how to light it and smoke it.

She poked her cigarette at me. "Did Vicki explain the deal?"

"Yes ma'am." Mom said to always be polite.

"Okay, let me see it." She waved her smoke at me.

"What?" She had lost me with her short order.

"What else, your cock. I can't sell it with out seeing it."

I glanced over at Vicki, who nodded at me. I unzipped my pants and pushed them and my underwear down. It was limp, but still impressive.

"Shit, Vicki, you weren't kidding. He is fucking hung all right. Pump it up for me." She stood up and moved to the front of her desk. She eased back and her ass spread out over the edge of the desk.

Again, I looked to Vicki; she shrugged her shoulders, and made a pumping motion with her hand. I took my dick in my hand and started pumping. Nothing happened for a bit, and then Hazel said to Vicki, "Give him some inspiration."

Vicki laughed and moved to Hazel's side. She unbuttoned the top of her dress and took off her bra. Vicki had a nice pair, and that got me going. In a minute I was up to full length. Hazel stared at it and said, "I'm raising the prices right now." She picked up a ruler off her desk and held it next to my cock. She held my cock while she did it. She took her time getting a correct measure. She oohed at Vicki, "Eleven and a quarter inches. I'm definitely raising the prices. Jesus, kid, you've got the biggest dick I've ever seen in 47 years of fucking."

She let me go. "Okay kid, you've got a big dick, can you use it?"

"Yeah, I think so." My confidence, while not total, was high.

"I want to see." She sat back more on her desk.

"What do you mean?" Use it on whom?

"Fuck Vicki!" She gave me a harsh laugh.

Vicki, without hesitation, pushed down her skirt and panties and was quickly naked. I was beginning to smell a setup. She pulled a rubber from a box on Hazel's desk "Over here Calvin, on the couch." She rolled it down my cock, and I moved over her. Vicki reached down and pulled me inside her wet pussy.

I calmly started fucking her. After ten minutes Vicky was screaming out her orgasm. I turned her over to do her doggie style. Five minutes later she came again. Her hair wet and plastered to her forehead. I wasn't done yet. I lay on the floor, and she sat down on me. In eight minutes her third orgasm hit. After this we went back to man on top, and I came in about ten minutes filling the rubber while Vicki screamed and moaned. Hazel insisted on seeing the amount in the rubber before she stripped it off and pitched it into her trashcan.

"I'm definitely raising the fees. This boy's a hot number. Kid, can you come by Tuesday night and start? Remember it's going to be slow at first." She grinned a gap-toothed smile.

"Sure, Hazel, I'll be here."

"Kid, you're going to make some serious money." Hazel took my dick in her hand and held it up. "This is going to make you a star."

Vicki drove me back home. Now that I was in the business with her, she chattered about some of the tricks she turned.

I finally had to ask. "Does Ellie know what you do?"

She looked sad over this. "No one does in my family. My father wondered how I could afford a car and a house working at a bar, but I just tell him I work a lot and don't spend money on anything else."

"I'll have to lie to my mother about this."

"Oh, Cal, it's not that hard. If you give them a little of what you make, you'll convince them you're doing well." She offered me another smoke, "You'll even be able to buy your own cigarettes. "

We stopped a block away from my house, and I kissed her goodbye. I think she would have fucked me again if I had asked, but I needed some rest. This had been the longest most exciting weekend of my life. I now had a job.

June 21st, 1943, Monday

Mom's bustling in the kitchen woke me early in the morning. I thought about going back to sleep, but decided to go to the kitchen and talk to Mom about Amos her backseat lover at the Armory dances.

As I picked through my jeans I heard her dialing the telephone. The she said in a voice I could barely hear. "Amos!" I pressed my ear to my door. "We're getting off a couple of hours early today for equipment modifications."

I listen intently, tempted to open the door a crack to hear better.

"Yes, the usual place."

The usual place? Where could that be?

Mom giggled, "Yeah, it is my turn this time." Her turn? Guessing the meaning of her reply made me queasy.

"See you then. Bye!" She hung up.

I sat back down on my bed and pondered my mother's affair with Amos Hardy. The more I thought about it the angrier I become. He was taking advantage of her. In my youth, the parallels of Amos's behavior with mine were not clear to me. My anger at his use of my mother didn't recognize that the opposite might be true.

After sorting through my jeans I found a pair that didn't look as if I had ploughed a field in them. I opened by Boy's Life and took out two dollars. I biked downtown looking for the Rexall Drug store. Mom had sent me on many errands here and I knew the store well. Amos Hardy owned the store and was the sole pharmacist.

At ten am, when the small bell on a spring, announced my entry, the store was empty. Amos stood behind the drug counter counting pills on a small tray. This wife, Jennifer, was behind the cash register counting the aspirin bottles on a shelf.

At the bell she turned to me, "Cal! How's Helen?"

Jennifer was in a bright mood. "She's fine."

The tall, thin woman wrote down a number in a large book. "What can I do for you, Cal?"

"I was just looking for a Popsicle. It's getting pretty hot outside." I walked up to the small freezer by the store entrance.

She leaned on the counter. "We've got grape, orange and cherry, today. Sold out of lime, though."

I pulled out a cold Popsicle. "Grape's fine." As I walked to the counter I noticed Mrs. Hardy looking at me. Normally, grown ups don't look at kids. They notice us and deal with us, but the look Mrs. Hardy gave me was the look I got from Hazel at the bar, a look of appraisal, the look a woman gave a man, not a boy.

When I laid the Popsicle on the counter, she asked, "What are you doing this summer?"

I laid a dollar on the counter. "I just got a job delivering food."

She picked up the bill, her face brightened, "Oh, where is that Cal?"

"At The Second Hand."

Mrs. Hardy's eyes went cold and she repeated the name, "The Second Hand?" Her face flushed. "The bar on the edge of town?"

I tried to keep up a smile. "Yeah, I'm delivering food for them."

She pulled coins from the cash register appearing to not even count them. "I... uh... thought they only hired girls for deliveries."

I took the coins, without counting them, and said, "Yeah, they usually do, but they decided to give me a chance."

She shut the cash drawer. Her eyes gave me another long look down my body. "You're getting to be a man, Cal. You've grown so much since I last saw you."

"Thanks, Mrs. Hardy." I met her look with one of my own, beginning at her head and slowly walking down her thin figure.

She picked up my Popsicle and slowly unwrapped it. "You know, Cal, when we're alone like this you can call me, Jennifer." Peeling away the wrapper slowly she returned my stare. "Here you go, Cal, all ready to eat."

I took it and gave it a lick. "Thanks,... Jennifer."

She smiled back at me. I smiled back at her. The silence grew until Amos Hardy walked by with a small white bag in his hand. He saluted her with it. "Making a deliver to Mrs. Henry." He rang the bell as he left.

Jennifer's smile inverted. Cal saw her cold look as it followed Amos across the street. She snapped her book shut. "Delivery to Mrs. Henry, my ass!"

She caught my startled look at her crude language. Blushing she whispered, "Forgive me, Cal, like The Second Hand, we don't always deliver what is in the bag."

A reply here looked dangerous, I thought. I wasn't suspecting Jennifer to know anything about The Second Hand bar. I raised my Popsicle to her and said, "See you later!"

She looked at me again, I was feeling like a doily at a County Fair; she nodded, "Yeah, Cal, see you later!" I left behind my strange encounter with Jennifer Hardy and dashed out the door.

Amos was still in sight. He was a block down and on foot. The delivery couldn't be far. I jumped on my bike and slowly followed him. He went down one more block and turned right. I sped up and stopped on the corner. Amos turned in the middle of the block up a sidewalk. From the corner, I could see him knock on a door. Rather than hand over the bag, Amos entered the small white home. I finished the Popsicle and still no Amos. Jennifer's remark about the delivery being about more than the bag made me curious. I rode down the block on the opposite side of the street and parked my bike behind a large elm tree. I looked in the pack on my bike and pulled out a hardball. The house sat on a small lot with a sidewalk running along the house from the front to the back. Aiming about halfway down the house, I lofted the ball and watched it bounce in the grass and roll to the back fence.

I checked the traffic and crossed the street. I could see the corner room nearest mine as a living room. As I went down the side of the house for the ball, I saw that a window at the rear of the house was open. I stopped short and listened.

"Oh, Amos, I've missed this." A woman's voice moaned.

"Me too, Alice! You're such a passionate woman!" I recognized Amos Hardy's voice.

I couldn't believe the old man was screwing someone other than my mom. The sounds of passion drew me close to the window. Through the screen, I could see Alice Henry on her back with Amos on top thrusting into her. I ducked under the window and ran to the back fence to get my ball. On my way by I could her Alice Henry encourage Amos "to spend in me."

Making my escape back to my bicycle my anger grew with every step. I raced for home until it occurred to me what I needed to do.

I walked into the Rexall a few minutes later. Jennifer stood at the cash register talking with an elderly woman. I went to the cooler and pulled out another grape Popsicle. My tee shirt was soaked with perspiration from the ride and my discovery. Jennifer caught my eye and smiled at me while her customer babbled about constipation. I peeled the frozen bar and licked it along its length. She smiled at me and asked how long since the woman's last bowel movement. People at that time confused a pharmacist with a doctor. Found a spot to stand that put the elderly woman between Jennifer and me. Jennifer and I exchanged looks over the woman's head. I licked my popsicle as they discussed her digestive needs. I kept up licking the popsicle until Jennifer sold her some mineral oil and the lady left the store.

Jennifer stepped from behind the counter and walked over to me. "So what brings you back over here so soon? It can't be another popsicle."

"No. I need to talk to you about something personal." My serious tone surprised her.

Her guard went back up. Her eyes had seen trouble before. "What about?"

"Your husband and my mother." I quietly said.

Her expression didn't change. Her eyes closed a moment. "Helen Anderson and my husband?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Damn." A soft word that slipped from her lips.

I felt bad continuing but I knew I had to give her all the bad news at once. "When I left here earlier, I followed Mr. Hardy. He made a delivery at Alice Henry's house."

She closed her eyes again.

"I waited across the street for a few minutes, and then I crossed the street and sneaked down the side of her house. They were in her bedroom..."

Jennifer held up her hand. "That's enough."

I could see her tremble as she brought me up short.

She swallowed and took my arm. "Cal, he's been this way since I married him twenty-seven years ago. He's a weak man, Cal. He thinks he needs to prove his manhood by bedding every woman he can."

I took a stern look at her. "He's got to stop with my mom. I don't want her hurt."

"Cal, I can't say anything to him. I tried at first and he would tell me he'd stop, but he never did. I got tired of him lying to me, so I just stopped asking about it. You will have to do it. He will stop if you tell him you know."

"I'm not sure I can do that. What if he gets angry?" I had never confronted an adult about an adult problem before today.

"He won't. He's got so many women that losing one won't bother him." I could see a tear starting down her cheek. "Tell him to leave her alone and he will."

"You don't seem very angry."

She smiled through a tear. "Oh, Cal. I've long ago learned that revenge is better than anger."

"Revenge?" I wasn't sure what she meant by this.

"Revenge. Doing the same thing to him that he does to me."

I was shocked. "You mean you... with men?"

She nodded. "Yes, I do. He doesn't know I do this, so it's a very poor form of revenge, but it does make me feel better."

When I realized what she was telling me, I thought about offering my services, but Jennifer was more than three times my age. I had no idea how to make my offer. We were in a Rexall Drug store on Main Street. Did I expect she would throw herself at me and drag me into the back? Not likely. I saw Amos Hardy approaching the store from a block away. "I have to go, Jennifer."

She nodded and said, "The popsicle's on me. You go see Amos and fix your problem."

I clamped the empty popsicle stick between my lips and left the store to stop Amos Hardy. Crossing the street quickly I caught him at the corner. He knew me and said, "Morning, Cal!" in a cheery voice.

"Mr. Hardy, I have to talk to you about a problem I have."

"You need some medicine, boy?" He looked concerned.

"No, Mr. Hardy, I need for you to stay away from my mother."

His eyes went cold and glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. "You know about that?"

"Yeah, I do. She's my mom, Mr. Hardy."

"You know how it is, Cal. A man's gotta sow his oats."

I was taller than him by a few inches and moved into his face. "Mr. Hardy, sow them somewhere else."

He took my aggressive stance as a threat. He raised his hands between us. "Okay, boy. I'll stay away from your mother." He even looked afraid of me.

I wasn't expecting such a rapid retreat. I never believed I looked that threatening, but Mr. Hardy's quick retreat made me think whatever I had was threatening.

"Good." I moved toward him a slight amount and he retreated. "I'm going to be watching, Mr. Hardy."

"That's okay, kid. Your mother's nothing to me." His little eyes tried to stab me.

"Thanks, Mr. Hardy. Just stay away from her."

He backed up. "Uh, Cal, I have to get back to the pharmacy."

I moved aside. "See ya, Mr. Hardy."

He said nothing to me as he crossed the street and entered the shop where revenge was brewing.

June 22nd, 1943, Tuesday

My mother was thrilled when I told her I had gotten a job as a delivery boy. Money was welcome in any home and my mother felt that having a job was almost more important that going to school. She also seemed down. I hoped the reason was that Amos Hardy stood her up for their after work liaison. I knew she would get over it.

Hazel told me to be at the bar between six and nine pm. She knew hold old I really was and said that was fine for now. I worked out of the same area as the girls. Hazel didn't have room to keep me separate. She put me at a table near the back corner. The room had a makeup table and two couches. I pulled out my journal and started writing. After an hour a young black woman came in a set her bag on the make up table. She saw me sitting in the corner and walked over.

"You the kid, that Hazel hired to do the ladies?"

I nodded.

She stuck out her hand and said, "I'm Alfie. You don't look like much for pleasing old white women. How old are you?"


She cackled, "Yeah, and I'm the fucking Queen of England."

I stood and bowed, "I'm pleased to meet you, Your Highness."

She howled over this, "You one smart white boy."

"And you're a very pretty Negro girl."

She stopped and looked at me again. "Why would Hazel hire you? What's so special about you?"

I thought a second and unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock.

"Shit, boy, that's some meat you got there. You know who to use it?"

I gave her a soft knowing smile.

She stopped and gave me a soft look, "Honey, I think that you just might." Her hand wrapped around my cock and it began to grow in her hand. Hazel waltzed through that moment and laughed, "Alfie, he's on duty. If you want a sample you gotta pay for it."

Alfie let me go. "What you getting for pretty boy here?"


"Fifty! You only charge twenty for me!" Alfie was pissed.

"Alfie, look at that boy's dick. If your pussy were as tight as his cock was big, I'd charge fifty for you. If I charged fifty for your black ass you'd never get off of your chair."

"Shit, it ain't fair." She let me go, and I zipped up.

"Remember, Alfie, no freebies, he ain't got no pussy you can just use over and over. He's got to save himself for the customers."

Hazel left us. Shortly after that Vicki came in. Vicki and Alfie sat on the other side of the room talking about something and giggling. I thought they must be talking about me. Hazel came in and sent out Alfie. Vicki came over and sat down.

"How, you doing?"

"It's kind of boring."

"It can be at times if it's slow."

"You got a smoke?"

"Yeah, here." We lit up.

"I'm a little nervous too. What do I say to a stranger?"

"Don't show any nervousness. Just act confident. Be ready to take over and remember you're being paid to be there and the woman wants it badly."

"Okay, I just hope to get the first one over."

Hazel walked in with a man in his fifties. "You got a call, kid. Jack's going to run you over on the delivery; he'll wait outside for you. Good luck Cal."

"Let's go kid."

We walked outside to a beat up pickup truck. "The delivery is over on the east side, where all the rich people live."

Jack wasn't big on talk. I tried, but just got grunted answers back. We stopped in front of a large two-story home. A long driveway led up to a brick two-car garage. "Go up to the side door kid. Don't forget to get paid. Fifty bucks."

He parked on the street. "Don't forget the food, kid." I took that bag and peeked inside—a bologna sandwich. Fifty bucks. I walked up to the steps and pressed the doorbell.

A woman who looked older than my mother answered. She was wearing a well-tailored dress. "Your delivery, ma'am."

She smiled, "Hi, Cal."

"Jennifer!" I handed her the bag. "This is yours?"

A smile spread over her face. "Yes, Cal. That's mine." She pulled on my shirt front. "And I believe you are too."

I set the bag on the kitchen counter and took off my coat.

She hung it in the front hall closet. "Surprised to see me?"

I followed her into the living room. "Yeah, do you know why I'm here?"

She giggled, I thought she might have been drinking. "Yes, Cal I know why you're here. You're here for my revenge."

"How did you know? I mean, that I was available."

"Cal, my dear, Amos has been getting food deliveries for years from Hazel. When you said you were making food deliveries it wasn't much to put the two together."

"But I could have been making real food deliveries."

Jennifer laughed merrily. "Honey, Hazel's food is simply awful. No one would really order it to eat."

I realized that she was going to be my first customer, so I asked, "Where should we start?" My confidence with women made its appearance.

Her eyes widened. "You get right to the point don't you?"

I moved close to her and whispered, "We've only got an hour, if we take too long you might only get fucked once."

She shivered. Her nipples popped up through her dress. "I want a bath first. Follow me."

Jennifer was thin without much of a figure with narrow hips. I watched her sway as she led me to the back of the house. "In here." She pointed into an open door.

Her bedroom was luxurious. Ornate wall hangings, a wider bed than I had ever seen, and a dressing table with a hundred bottles on the top. She went ahead into the bathroom that was larger than my room at home. Jennifer turned on the water and added a blue liquid from a small glass bottle she got from a small shelf over the tub.

She turned her back to me, "Unzip me!"

I pulled down the zipper slowly. She turned her head to see my reaction. "What do you think, Cal?"

I moved behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "Very nice!" I kissed her neck. Her hands moved over my arms. She put her hand behind my head to bring me closer. The kisses began to relax her. "Is this what you want, Jennifer?"

She nodded. I finished unzipping her dress revealing her back's pale skin crossed by the white band of her bra. My lips returned to her neck. I slowly lowered the dress to the floor. I pulled her close to me so she could feel my swollen erection on her girdle, the strange garment that always shadowed the mystery of a woman.

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