Birthday Present - Cover

Birthday Present

Copyright© 2005 by NicholasG

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A wife solves that age old birthday present problem.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Cheating   Swinging   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Slow  

Showering together was always fun, if not the fastest way of getting clean. John had been right he was starting to get hard again but I wanted him to save his strength for the afternoon so he had to be content with some kissing and cuddling. Once he was showered and dressed I sent him downstairs while I finished getting ready, I wasn't dressing up but I did have a particular outfit I wanted to wear for him today. The same simple blouse and skirt I had been wearing the night I met Theresa, the outfit I was wearing in the picture, the outfit he would watch Theresa taking off me on the DVD later. I did make one slight alteration though, I had been out and bought myself a pair of tie sided panties like Theresa's if things went as I hoped I wanted to try re-enacting the film with John this afternoon. I took the gift wrapped DVD from its hiding place and headed downstairs. John was in the kitchen so I put the parcel on top of the TV where he would find it as soon as we got home from the pub. He had found a black bin liner big enough to hide the picture and with it safely tucked under his arm led me out to the car.

We parked at the pub and John led the way in, I was carrying the parcel and looked around for our friends.

"Over here Jayne."

I turned towards Carol's voice and saw her, Gemma and Sue sitting at a table near the back of the bar. I walked over and joined them with John close behind.

"Anyone need a drink?" he asked.

"Tim's at the bar now with Dave," said Gemma.

John went over to tell Tim what he and I were drinking and to give him a hand with the drinks. I sat down next to Sue and tucked my package down by the side of the chair. Sue shot a quick glance at it and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I leant closer and whispered,


The four of us chatted lightly about the previous evening. Carol grinned at me,

"That was a really clever trick you pulled last night Jayne, Dave was very um attentive shall we say when we got home."

Sue chuckled,

"We didn't even get home!" she put a hand to her back and pretended to look injured, "I'd forgotten how uncomfortable the back seat of a car is."

The four of us were still giggling when the boys came back with the drinks.

"Is Roger coming down later?" I asked Sue.

"I'm not sure he was late leaving for work this morning so he might not make it."

I spotted the blush and whispered in her ear,

"Seconds for breakfast?"

She looked at me, winked and mouthed,


Carol leant forward and put a hand on John's knee,

"So did you try on all your new panties John?"

That got all of us chuckling and we all laughed even harder when John replied,

"Not yet but if you want a fashion show I'm sure it can be arranged."

He took a drink of his beer then continued,

"This seems to be the year for unusual birthday presents."

He looked across at me and blew me a kiss,

"Unusual but very, very nice."

"Oh what did Jayne get you then?" asked Dave.

John looked at me,

"Should I show them darling?"

"Yes, if you want to."

He stood up and came round to me, leaning down he whispered,

"I want to let the whole world see just how lovely and sexy my beautiful wife is."

I pulled his head down kissed him and whispered,

"Not the whole world, well not yet anyway."

I had a nervous fluttering in my tummy, mixed feelings of embarrassment and excitement. I wondered just what our friends reaction would be and at the same time I had a little surge of arousal knowing what they were about to see. John picked up the package and returned to his seat across the table. He began sliding the cover away, David, who was sitting beside John glanced down and I saw his eyes widen in surprise and his jaw drop. He darted a glance at me and then back to the picture, Tim stood up and moved around behind John and Dave, his eyebrows climbed in surprise and he too shot a look at me. The three boys were silent for about thirty seconds and I could feel myself getting tense wondering what they would say.

"Well, what is it, cat got your tongues?" asked Carol.

John grinned and passed her the picture, she took it and turned it round, Gemma and Sue leant in close to her and the three of them looked down.

"Jayne!" Carol shrieked, "That's you."

"I know," I said giggling.

"But... but... how?... when?... why?"

"I'll tell you later," I said, "right now I want some lunch."

We ordered some food and got another round of drinks, the girls were full of questions but I said I wasn't going to say another word until we had eaten. Carol seemed impatient but I just grinned at her and shook my head every time she tried to press me for information. Our food arrived and I was spared any further interrogation for a while as we all tucked in. All too soon we finished eating and almost immediately Carol caught Dave's eye and moved her head slightly towards the vacant pool table. I saw him nod slightly then he clapped a hand on each of the other men's shoulders.

"Come on guys, let's play some pool. I think the girls want to talk privately for a while."

John glanced at me and I nodded so he stood up and the three of them headed off already discussing who would play first.

"Right," said Carol, "we want to know all about this."

I took a sip of my drink, took a deep breath and launched into my 'official' version of the story. Carol was full of questions, giggling and shrieking with delight as I told them of how difficult John was to buy for, then finding the magazine article and then the advert in the photographers window. Gemma seemed strangely withdrawn at first but after a while she was full of questions too, although hers mainly seemed more concerned with how John had reacted. Sue was her usual quiet self but I knew that she would be absorbing every word, analysing it in her thoughtful way, I rather suspected she might realise I wasn't being totally truthful. Every so often I felt her cool gaze focussing on me and a couple of times she had a half smile on her lips as I told my story. Carol loved the picture, she announced that she was definitely going to have one done of her for Dave and asked me for the name of the photographer. I stalled for a bit and said I would let her know during the week. I was looking at Sue at that moment and I saw her give a satisfied little nod as if I had just confirmed her suspicions.

Tim came back across and said there was a table free by the pool table so we all moved across the bar, as we did so Sue walked past me and whispered,

"It's a beautiful picture Jayne, someday you will have to tell me the real story."

I grinned wryly to myself, I should have known I wouldn't fool Sue. She was the most observant person I had ever met and in all the years I had known her I don't think I had once managed to fool her about anything. She couldn't know what it was I was avoiding telling them but she knew there was something.

We carried on chatting while the boys got involved in a long series of games of pool, for once John seemed to be winning more games than he lost and the other two were kidding him about having been practicing. Gemma seemed strangely withdrawn and after a while she and Sue drifted off into their own conversation. Carol was still full of questions and I was kept busy inventing details of the photo shoot. It wasn't that I had any feelings of shame or regret about Theresa, or that I didn't trust Carol but I wanted John to be the first to hear the full story.

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